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Identifying and satisfying customers

Objective: Hi! Welcome to this video. Today you will learn about different types of customers with
their own characteristics in order to better understand their needs. Let’s start.

Introduction: There are many types of customers with their own different characteristics as well.
Some of them, more difficult to deal with and some of them, easier to get along with.

A customer is a human, and a human, is someone with feelings, different ways of thinking,
different ideas, different needs, etc. When we talk about service we talk about satisfying the
customer’s needs in different ways.

Why different ways? Well… as all the customers have different needs, the options and ways to
satisfy those needs will change from customer to customer.

Once we have learned how to classify the customers, we can identify their needs, their
personalities and then we will be able to adapt our service to the customers in order to create a
successful customer service experience.

Types of customers: We must learn how to classify these customers and learn how to work with
all of them. Don’t worry we will take enough time to explain in a simple way, how to do that.

Do you know how to identify a customer on the first 10/20 seconds of your call? There is an easier
way to classify them using 4 colors, these colors will help us to:

1. Identify what kind of customer we have.

2. Take decisions about how to work with them.
3. Improve your customer service

Today we will learn the characteristics of every so you can work together and classify every type
of customer.

Red customers:

Unsatisfied: Customers who already received the service but their expectations were not satisfied.

Find the reason why they are not satisfied and then, give them a solution.

Anxious/Impatient: They want to satisfy their needs or get a resolution as soon as possible.

Efficient resolutions and quick answers are the key with these customers.

How to deal with their objections?

 We can ask them direct question about their problems/needs.

 Focus on solutions that go straight to the point.

Blue customers:

Distrustful: They need a lot of information to trust in a product/service.

Give them examples, review information with them, ask what their doubts are and answer all their

Indecisive: They have difficulties choosing between options, brief and direct explanations will help.

Being patient will help a lot since these customer don´t have the ability to make decisions quickly.

How to deal with their objections?

• Avoid pushing them too much.

• Remind them the benefits and advantages of our service.

Green customers:

Mercenary: Their priority is the money; they try to find lower prices without putting attention to
the service quality and other characteristics.

Try to highlight how much money they will save if choosing our product.

Know it all: This customer wants to talk all the time showing their knowledge about some topic
and they hardly change their minds.

Listen to them actively; they want to be heard all the time. Fighting with them will not work,
focuse in finding the best and efficient resolution.

How to deal with their objections?

 Silence doesn’t mean acceptation, we must try to find the real root of their issues.
 Do not rush a closing.
 Do not expect an enthusiastic answer all the time.

Yellow customers:

Loyal: These customers already received the service and they are very satisfied with it.

We must take care of them since they spread good reviews and give good references about us
with their close friends and relatives.

Nice customers: They are easy to please, you just have to be polite with them and they are open
to hear about what you are saying.

Taking care of these customers is important because they can become loyal customers.

How to deal with their objections?

 We need to find their most important objections or the hidden ones.

 Do not expect direct objections since they avoid telling the truth in order to not hurt your

Now let’s practice:

1. Try to classify every type of customer in all your calls and share with your trainer how you
2. Role-play with you partners: Find out the best way to provide a great customer service.


 Red customers: Focus on solutions that go straight to the point.

 Blue customers: Remind them the benefits and advantages of our service.
 Green customers: Silence doesn’t mean acceptance, we must try to find the real root of
their issues.
 Yellow customers: Do not expect direct objections since they avoid telling the truth in
order to not hurt your feelings.

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