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Learning Area English Grade Level 9

W5 Quarter 3 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Determining the Relevance and Truthfulness of Ideas Presented in the Material
Viewed (Part 3)
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC 7: Determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas in the material
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Determining the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas in the material viewed
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Day 1 In today’s society, we are often bombarded with a lot of information. Most of
(30 mins.) these are helpful, but there are some which may seem to be misleading or
even utterly false. You should take into consideration the correct ways of
analyzing or interpreting ideas presented in any material, either viewed or
read. So, what are the considerations you need to remember and

A fact should be based on observation or research and it is not debatable

since the information is true.

Example: COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered


An opinion is actually your assumption or personal view and it is debatable

because an opinion is not always true.

Example: For me, COVID-19 is enough to make anyone paranoid when in

public places.

 Facts and opinions help us determine how true a statement is. Thus, in any
kind of article, facts and opinions can be used in developing the paragraph
to add details on the main point.

Another way of understanding an article is through identifying its main idea

and important details about it. It shows the relationship of the ideas to the
theme or main point of an article.

Main idea is the most important thought about the topic. The topic is the
person, place, thing, or idea being written about.

Supporting details can be defined as additional information that explain,

define, or prove an idea.

Example: Lenny is an excellent student. She is intelligent. She is responsible.

Lenny always does her homework, and she is never late for class. As
a result of her hard work, Lenny is one of the best students in school.

“Lenny is an excellent student.” is the main idea of the paragraph.

 The main idea may be stated or implied. When the main idea of a
paragraph is stated, it is most often found in the first sentence of the
paragraph. However, the main idea may be found in any sentence of
the paragraph. When the main idea is implied, you need to read the
paragraph and explain the main idea in your own words.
 The supporting details are in bold. There are THREE points supporting
the main idea.

 If there is a strong relationship between your main point and details, then
facts and opinions injected are relevant in developing the paragraph.
B. Development Day 1- 2 Let’s read the article.
(90 mins.) COVID-19 situation in PH
by Jake J. Maderazo
As government speeds up vaccination of 1.7 million medical front liners
nationwide, it is necessary to inform everyone on how our country’s COVID-
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
19 situation compares worldwide in terms of cases and deaths per 1-million

I think we are doing great, despite negative/alarmist news, according to

the latest info website. We are number 129 out of 219
countries worldwide with only 5,376 total cases per our 1-million population.
In ASEAN, we are third to Singapore which leads with 10,207 cases per
million while Malaysia is second with 9,601 cases per million. Indonesia is
close fourth with 5,008 cases per million with Sri Lanka fifth at 3,991 per

Rich and medically advanced countries such as USA is at number 8

(89,359), Spain at number 19 (67,334), Switzerland at number 23 (64,648),
UK at number 25 (61,919), and France at number 27 (59,723).

In terms of deaths per million, we are at number 118 out of 219 countries
with only 113 deaths per 1-million population. Indonesia leads ASEAN with
135 deaths while Malaysia has 36 deaths, Sri Lanka with 23 deaths, and
Singapore at 5 deaths per 1 million.

United Kingdom is at number 6 worldwide (1,827 deaths), Italy is number

8 (1,652 deaths), USA at number 11 (1,618 deaths), Spain at number 15
(1,521), and Mexico at number 16 (1,468 deaths per million).

These numbers speak the truth that since the pandemic outbreak last
year, and whether there was a surge or spike happening, our country is still
in a far better situation than others in this planet.

Learning Task 1
Put a check mark (✓) if the statement is a fact and a cross mark (✗) if it is not.
/ ______1.
/ In terms of deaths per million, we are at number 118 out of 219
countries with only 113 deaths per 1-million population.
x I think we are doing great, despite negative/alarmist news.
x Our country is still in a far better situation than others in this planet.
/ According to the latest info website, we are
number 129 out of 219 countries worldwide with only 5,376 total cases
per our 1-million population.
/ Malaysia has 36 deaths, Sri Lanka with 23 deaths, and Singapore at 5
deaths per 1 million.

Learning Task 2
Look closely at the expressions written on the leaves. Consider which are useful
in giving opinion. Copy them in your paper.

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
C. Engagement Day 3-4 Learning Task 3
(90 mins) Read the excerpt below from an inspirational speech delivered by a
successful person to students on the topic: “Knowledge is wisdom and wisdom
is wealth.” Then, answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct

(1) I think that you probably never met a know-it-all who really knows it all.
(2) One person can’t know or notice everything. (3) Sometimes, it takes
another person to help you improve your knowledge of yourself and the
world. (4) Equally, you also put your best foot forward for others to attain
knowledge. (5) I believe that the most important thing is sharing ideas with
others--as enriched knowledge. (6) Remember to keep an open mind in
the process. (7) Think about what others know and say before you help by
putting across what you know. (8) This shows that their knowledge is as
important to you as your own. (9) This is, exactly, shared wisdom. (10)
Eventually, it grows, develops, and bears fruits like that of a tree. (11) Hence,
knowledge gives wealth.

______1. Which sentence best expresses the main point of the speaker?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 9 D. 11
______2. Which sentence best supports the main point?
A. 5 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
______3. What is the most important thing according to the speaker?
A. Improving your knowledge of yourself
B. Knowing everything
C. Sharing ideas with others
D. Sharing wealth
______4. Which sentence is more of a statement of fact rather than an
A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 7
______5. What expression signals opinion?
A. equally C. eventually D. I believe D. the fact that


Learning Task 4
Look for reading materials you have at home. Choose an article to read. Fill in
the graphic organizers with the main idea, supporting details, facts, and
opinions you found in the article you have chosen.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
D. Assimilation Day 4
(5 mins.)
A fact is something An opinion is what a
that can be proven to person believes or thinks
be true. about something.

Something that really Your assumption or personal

happens view

Not debatable since the Debatable because opinion

information is true is not always true

Using facts and opinions in developing your main point or idea

establishes strong support.

V. ASSESSMENT Day 4 A. Write FACT if the statement is based on truth or reality, and OPINION if it is
(15 mins.) based on personal belief, understanding, thought, or feeling.
_____ 1. The announcer believes that knowledge is the beginning of wisdom.
_____ 2. Knowledge can come from different sources.
_____ 3. The tree of life grows and bears fruits of wisdom.
_____ 4. As far as I’m concerned, knowledge is power.
_____ 5. What I’d like to say is that knowledge is our wealth.

B. Read carefully the selection, then answer the questions that follow.
(1) Everybody needs an activity that makes him feel like a kid again. (2) You
can see the enthusiasm in the eyes of a runner who crossed the finish line,
accompanied by the cheers of the crowd. (3) You can see it in the eyes of
a hunter who impatiently awaits the opening day and dreams of that
record hunt. (4) You can see it in the eyes of a homemaker making rugs – a
pastime she has enjoyed for decades. (5) Maybe you hear a sparkle in the
voice of a long distance runner. (6) Perhaps there’s just a murmur of pride
in the comments of a woman who made her favorite bread for a bake sale.
(7) Everybody has a special gift. (8) Those who take advantage of it have
a constant source of joy.

______ 1. What line in the passage signifies a fact?

A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6
______ 2. What part of the passage can you find the main idea?
A. first C. last sentence
B. middle D. not stated
VI. REFLECTION Day 4 Directions: Reflect on what you learned on this lesson on determining
(10 mins.) relevance and truthfulness of ideas by completing the prompts
1. I understand that ______________________________________________________.
2. I realized that _________________________________________________________.
3. I need to learn more about ____________________________________________.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Ofelia T. Jastiva – SDO TAYABAS CITY Josephine V. Cabulong

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