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how did it spread?

Jesus persuaded people with his miracles by exhibiting his almighty power and
authority. These miracles included curing the ill, casting out devils, calming storms, and
even reviving the dead. By performing these astounding deeds, Jesus not only brought
immediate assistance and hope to those in need, but he also validated his message
and status as the Son of God. The miracles served as visible manifestations of his
compassion, strength, and the entrance of God's kingdom, attracting a large number of
followers and instilling curiosity and faith in his teachings.


● Peter
● James
● John
● Andrew
● Philip
● Judas Iscariot
● Judas Thaddeus
● Matthew
● Thomas
● James the son of Alpheus
● Bartholomew
● Simon Zelotes

The spread:

Jesus’ teachings:

Christianity spread primarily through Jesus' teachings, which prompted his disciples to
share his message with others. Many people responded positively to Jesus' emphasis
on love, forgiveness, and salvation. His disciples and early followers traveled
extensively, spreading his teachings verbally and subsequently in writing form, such as
the Gospels. Furthermore, the conversion of powerful persons and the formation of
communities (churches) aided in the spread of Christianity across the Roman Empire
and beyond.

The apostles:

The apostles were 12 of the disciples of Jesus who went on to spread his message and
found the early Christian church. After the crucifixion of Jesus in the 1st century, they
split up and began to proselytize both the message of Jesus and the concept that he
was the son of God. In so doing they expanded the following of this offshoot of Judaism
and set out the early tenets of what Christianity would become.

1.Preaching and Teaching: The disciples traveled widely, preaching and teaching about
Jesus, his teachings, and the importance of his death and resurrection to salvation.

2.Miracles and Healings: The disciples, like Jesus, performed miracles and healings to
demonstrate God's power and verify their message.

3.Establishing Communities: They assisted in the formation of Christian communities

(churches) in a variety of cities and areas, providing new believers with leadership,
guidance, and support.

4.Writing: Some of the disciples, including Matthew, John, and Peter, authored works
that became part of the New Testament, spreading Jesus' teachings and providing
guidance to early Christian communities.

5.Martyrdom: Many of the disciples faced persecution and martyrdom for their faith,
which, ironically, frequently helped spread Christianity by inspiring others with their
fortitude and dedication.

● Gazur, B. (2022, March 28). The apostles: How Jesus’ followers founded Christianity.
● Wikipedia contributors. (2024, March 10). Spread of Christianity. Wikipedia.

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