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1. What are some common broad topics in feature stories?

A) Science fiction, fantasy, action
B) Biographies, autobiographies, fiction
C) Mysteries, horror, romance
D) Profiles, unusual job profiles, investigative stories

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2. In feature stories, what do profiles aim to do?
A) Provide scientific analysis
B) Give cooking recipes
C) Reveal hidden talents and provide insight into complex issues
D) Discuss the latest fashion trends
3. What is the purpose of unusual job profiles in feature stories?
A) Talk about fictional jobs
B) Promote established professions
C) Discuss common jobs like doctors and teachers
D) Provide understanding of unique careers and job titles
4. How do investigative feature stories differ from other types of feature
A) They focus on fairy tales and myths
B) They mainly contain fictional content
C) They uncover hidden truths and reveal important information
D) They discuss everyday lifestyle topics
5. What do feature stories aim to achieve through their narratives?
A) Promote only positive news
B) Entertain without informing
C) Focus solely on personal opinions
D) Provide readers with different perspectives on life and society
6. What do personal narratives in feature stories share?
A) Historical events and facts
B) Scientific discoveries and theories
C) Geographical information about different regions
D) Individual's experiences, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, or challenges
7. What is the primary purpose of 'how-to guides' in feature stories?
A) Offer financial advice
B) Provide fictional stories
C) Analyze political events
D) Educate and inspire readers
8. In feature stories, what do personal narratives offer readers?
A) An intimate look into another person's life
B) Detailed analysis of economic trends
C) Political debates
D) Scientific experiments
9. What topics can be covered by feature stories according to the text?
A) Only fictional stories
B) Only political opinion pieces
C) Personal narratives, tutorials, investigative journalism
D) Only scientific research papers
10. Why are feature stories considered an essential part of a well-
rounded news source?
A) They provide fictional entertainment
B) They focus solely on economic growth statistics
C) They analyze only political figures
D) They offer unique insights into individuals, jobs, issues, and experiences

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