SD Bhs Inggris 5-2 Midterm Semester Summative Assessment

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No. Absen


Midterm Semester Summative Assessment

A. Cross (×) a, b, c, or d for the correct answer! Setiap Soal
Bernilai 2 poin.
Silanglah (×) huruf a, b, c, atau d untuk jawaban yang tepat!

1. Which of the following is the organ on the feet?

a. The chest.

b. The brain.

c. The ankle.

d. The wrist.

2. These are parts of the face, except the ....

a. cheek

b. chin

c. nose

d. palm

Which information about the picture is correct?

a. The organ is just below the chest.

b. The organ is used for biting food.

c. The organ joins the body to the head.

d. The organ is used for doing press-up.

4. The ... is a part of the body in the hand.

a. thigh

b. eyelash

c. toe

d. elbow

5. I. Lung.

II. Sole.

III. Skin.

IV. Liver.

The internal organs are numbers ....

a. I and II

b. II and III

c. I and IV

d. I and III

6. My uncle always does fifty press-ups every morning. That’s why he has strong

a. knees

b. cheeks

c. ears

d. arms
7. Leni’s got wavy black straight ....

a. fingers

b. lips

c. hair

d. calves

8. Dara : What are you holding?

Oki : Oh, it’s a ruler.

The underlined sentence implies ….

a. the function of ruler

b. the function of hands

c. Dara has hands.

d. information about hands.

9. These are adjectives, except ....

a. nice

b. fresh

c. easy

d. pleasure

10. These are adjectives to describe someone’s appearance, except ....

a. diligent

b. tall

c. skinny

d. beautiful
11. Which of the following words describes someone’s personality?

a. Kind.

b. Tall.

c. Fat.

d. Handsome.

Dialogue for numbers 12 to 16

Tika : What does your mother look like?

Nino : She is beautiful. She’s got an oval face.
Tika : Is she slim?
Nino : Yes, she is.

12. From the dialogue, we can conclude that ...

a. Nino’s mother is short.

b. Tika’s mother’s is thin.

c. Nino’s mother is not fat.

d. Tika’s mother is big.

13. “She is beautiful.”

The phrase implies that ...

a. Nino’s got a thin body.

b. Tika talks about Nino’s body.

c. Nino describes his mother’s build.

d. Tika describes her mother’s build.

14. “Is she slim?”

The bold word refers to ....

a. Nino

b. Nino’s mother

c. Tika

d. Tika’s mother
15. ‘Slim’ describes someone’s ....

a. ear

b. hair

c. nose

d. appearance

16. The italic phrase implies that ...

a. Tika asks Nino about his mother’s physical appearance.

b. Nino tells Tika about her mother’s personality.

c. Nino tells Tika about her mother’s appearance.

d. Tika asks Nino about her mother’s personality.

17. The rain pours … than yesterday.

a. heavier

b. heaviest

c. very heavy

d. more heavy

18. The lemon is ... than the orange.

a. more sour

b. sour

c. most sour

d. sourest

19. Dika won the running race. It means that he ran ... than the other runners.

a. less fast

b. more leisurely

c. more slowly

d. more quickly
20. The tiger’s sound is ... than the rabbit’s.

a. louder

b. lower

c. funnier

d. poorer

Text for numbers 21 to 25

Tara and Tari are sisters. However, they are not similar. Tara is the first born. Tara
is quiet, but Tari is lively. Tara is more diligent than Tari because she studies every
day, but Tari always wants to help the people around.
21. “Tara is the first born.”
It means that ...

a. Tara is younger than Tari.

b. Tara is older than Tari.

c. Tara is as old as Tari.

d. Tara is less old than Tari.

22. “Tara is more diligent than Tari ....”

It means that ...

a. Tari is lazier than Tara.

b. Tara is not as diligent as Tari.

c. Tari is as diligent as Tara.

d. Tara is less diligent than Tari.

23. “... because she studies every day ....”

The bold word refers to ....

a. Tari

b. Tara

c. Tara and Tari

d. the writer
24. We can conclude that Tari is more ... than Tara.

a. diligent

b. quiet

c. arrogant

d. helpful

25. Which information is not true?

a. Tari is younger than Tara.

b. Tara is more quiet than Tari.

c. Tari is less lively than Tara.

d. Tari is less diligent than Tara.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer! Setiap Soal

Bernilai 2 poin.
Isilah titik-titik dengan jawaban yang tepat!

1. The correct order of ‘f – a – l – c’ is ‘ ’.

2. We always wear a cap or a hat on the

3. The finger where people usually wear a ring on is

4. The body part that joins the middle of the human leg is the

5. The English of ‘panjang’ is ‘ ’.

6. The antonym of ‘small’ is ‘ ’.

7. The comparative of ‘wise’ is ‘ ’.

8. The comparative of ‘weak’ is ‘ ’.

9. The comparative of ‘hot’ is ‘ ’.

10. The comparative of ‘wild’ is ‘ ’.

C. Read the text, then answer each question! Setiap Soal

Bernilai 6 poin.
Bacalah teks, kemudian jawablah setiap pertanyaan!

Rosa is a fifth grader at Green Primary School. She is cheerful and friendly.
That’s why she has a lot of friends. She’s got a medium-height body. She is neither
thin nor fat. She’s got an oval face and short black curly hair. Her nose and ears
are small. She’s got small brown eyes. They are pretty cute. Besides, she is a
diligent girl. She always helps her parents do housework.

1. What does the text tell us about?

2. “She’s got a medium-height body.”

What does the sentence mean?

3. “They are pretty cute.”

What does the bold word refer to?

4. “They are pretty cute.”

What does the italic word mean?

5. “Besides, she is a diligent girl.”

What does the sentence describe?


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