PR1 Thematic Analysis

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Thematic Analysis:

Thematic Analysis:
Interview #1

Motivation and Financial Support:

- The interviewee started retailing clothes approximately one month ago to generate pocket
money and support their family's finances.
- The decision to sell clothes was primarily driven by the need to help the family during a period of
delayed salary.

Perseverance and Advice:

- The interviewee advises other students interested in selling clothes to persevere despite initial
doubts about finding customers.
- They emphasize the importance of persistence and continuing the business despite initial

Marketing Strategy:

- The preferred marketing strategy for the interviewee is posting clothes for sale on Facebook.
- They believe that online platforms, particularly Facebook, are effective for reaching potential

Customer Relationship and Loyalty:

- The interviewee believes that maintaining good communication and being pleasant in
conversations with customers is key to building and retaining their loyalty.
- They also mention that setting the right price for the clothes contributes to maintaining good
relationships with customers.

Business Scope and Selling Platform:

- The interviewee exclusively sells their own clothes.

- Their selling activities are primarily conducted online through Facebook, with no experience in
traditional in-person sales or other online platforms like Shopee.

Pricing and Clothing Range:

- The price range for the clothes sold by the interviewee is approximately 35 to 100 pesos.
- The clothes they sell include various types such as pants, shirts, and others.

Overall, this thematic analysis highlights the interviewee's motivation to support their family's finances
through retailing clothes. They emphasize perseverance and advise other students to continue their
business efforts. The interviewee primarily relies on online platforms, particularly Facebook, for
marketing and customer engagement. They focus on maintaining good relationships with customers
through effective communication and setting appropriate prices. The interviewee's business scope is
limited to their own clothes, and they have not explored other selling platforms besides Facebook.

1. Duration and Financial Motivation:

- Retailing Duration: 1 month
- Financial support: Pocket money and buying projects
- Helping family financially
2. Advice for Students:
- Perseverance in selling clothes
3. Marketing Strategy:
- Online marketing: Posting on Facebook
- Ensuring clothing sales
4. Maintaining Customer Relationships:
- Right pricing
- Being nice in conversation
- Good communication
5. Selling Method and Platforms:
- The selling started this year (February)
- Online selling
- Exclusively using Facebook
- No experience with traditional or Shopee selling
6. Clothing Details and Price Range:
- Selling own clothes
Clothing types: Pants, shirts, etc.
- Price range: Approximately 35-100
7. Effective Marketing:
- Online marketing effectiveness

Thematic Analysis:

Interview #2

Experience and Duration:

- The interviewee has been retailing clothes for less than a year, specifically around 4 months.
- The interviewee mentions that they are a student in Grade 9.

Financial Impact:

- The interviewee states that retailing clothes help their finances as a student, although it provides
only a little support.
- The interviewee indicates that their store, which sells wholesale clothes, is more helpful
financially compared to other options like thrifting or online platforms.

Selling Strategies and Advice:

- The interviewee advises other students to focus on selling clothes online because it has better
sales. They mention that online platforms allow customers to see and purchase "class A" clothes,
which are considered more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
- The interviewee suggests that non-class A clothes are cheaper but may be perceived as old-
fashioned or outdated.

Marketing Strategies:

- The interviewee believes that face-to-face interactions are more effective in marketing clothes.
They mention that seeing the clothes in person helps customers determine size, appearance,
and texture.
- The interviewee explains that starting with online promotion allows customers to have a preview
before visiting the store in person.

Customer Relations:

The interviewee emphasizes the importance of good communication and being nice to
customers to maintain a good relationship.
- The interviewee recommends recommending clothes that suit customers' preferences and
- The interviewee confirms having multiple customers and implies that maintaining a positive
relationship with them is essential.


1. Experience and Duration:

- Retailing Duration: Less than a year (4 months)
- Student status: Grade 9
2. Financial Impact:
- Clothes retailing as financial support: little help
- Wholesale stores as more helpful than thrifting or online platforms
3. Selling Strategies and Advice:
- Focus on online selling
- Class A clothes are preferred for better sales and aesthetics
Non-class A clothes are cheaper but may be seen as old-fashioned
4. Marketing Strategies:
- Face-to-face interactions for effective marketing
- Benefits of in-person viewing: Size, appearance, texture
- Online promotion as a preview before a personal visit
- Customer Relations:
5. Importance of good communication
- Being nice and recommending suitable clothes
- Multiple customers and maintaining relationships
Interview #3:

Thematic Analysis:

1. Retailing Duration and Financial Impact:

- The interviewee started retailing clothes in 2022, primarily to reduce dependence on parents for
- The earnings from selling clothes were used for personal expenses and purchasing materials for
school activities.
2. Advice for Students and Selling Platforms:
- The interviewee advises students interested in selling clothes to think it through and avoid
rushing into it.
- Online selling, specifically through Facebook, is recommended.
3. Clothing Types and Sourcing:
- The interviewee sells a mix of preloved and brand-new clothes, including tops, t-shirts, and
- Brand-new items are obtained through wholesale purchases online, while preloved items are
sourced both online and through personal contacts.
4. Marketing Strategies and Effectiveness:
- The interviewee prefers quick consumption of items to avoid prolonging the selling process.
- Emphasizing quality in product photos and descriptions is seen as important.
- Online marketing is considered more effective and results in faster sales compared to traditional
face-to-face methods.
5. Maintaining Customer Relationships:
- Maintaining good communication, being polite, and ensuring customer satisfaction is key to
building loyal customer relationships.
- Accepting customer feedback and addressing concerns are important aspects of maintaining
customer trust.
6. Future Plans and Reasons for Stopping:
- The interviewee has temporarily stopped selling due to school commitments but plans to
resume during vacation or when there is more time available.
- The intention to pursue selling in the future indicates a positive outlook and potential long-term
engagement in the business.


1. Retailing Duration:
- Started in 2022 (around November)
- Stopped recently (in March)
2. Financial Impact:
- Reduced dependence on parents for financial support
- Used earnings to buy materials for activities during modular learning
3. Advice for Students:
- Encouragement to pursue selling clothes but with careful consideration and avoiding hasty
- Online selling is preferred
4. Selling Platforms and Clothing Types:
- Selling primarily through Facebook
- Clothes sold include tops, t-shirts, preloved items, and brand-new items
- Brand new clothes obtained through wholesale purchases online
- Preloved items sourced both online and from physical stores
5. Quantity of Purchased Items:
- Typically acquire 20 pieces of clothing from sellers at a time
6. Marketing Strategies and Effectiveness:
- Quick consumption of items to avoid prolonging the selling process
- Emphasizing quality in product photos and description
- Online marketing is considered more effective and results in faster sales
7. Maintaining Customer Relationships:
- Importance of polite and proper communication
- Ensuring customer satisfaction and avoiding disappointment
- Accepting customer feedback and addressing concerns
8. Future Plans and Reasons for Stopping:
- Stopped due to current school busyness
- Intention to pursue selling again during vacation or when circumstances allow

Interview #4:

Thematic Analysis:

1. Retailing Duration:
- The respondent has been selling clothes for almost 2 years.
2. Financial Impact:
- Retailing clothes helps the respondent's finances as a student.
- It allows them to buy their needs and wants, such as a new phone and desired food items.
3. Advice for Students:
- The respondent encourages students who want to sell clothes to do their best and not give up.
Acknowledges that selling clothes can be challenging but emphasizes that hard work will pay off.
- wishes them good luck with their future business endeavors.
4. Marketing Strategies:
- The respondent emphasizes the importance of selling brand-new products without any damage.
- Maintaining a good image through quality products is seen as a way to ensure better sales.
5. Maintaining Customer Relationships:
- The key to building loyalty is being a kind seller and ensuring customer satisfaction.
6. Highest Income:
- The respondent shares that their highest income from selling clothes was five thousand.
- They mention that their initial investment was small, ranging from 1k to 2k.

1. Retailing Duration:
- 2 years
2. Financial Impact:
- Fulfilling personal needs and wants
- Buying a new phone and desired food items
3. Advice for Students:
- Do your best
- Don't give up
- Hard work pays off
- Good luck in future business endeavors
4. Marketing Strategies:
- Sell brand-new products
- Ensure products have no damage
- Focus on maintaining a good image
- Increase chances of good sales
5. Maintaining Customer Relationships:
- Be a kind seller
- Prioritize customer satisfaction
6. Highest Income:
- Five thousand
- Small initial investment (1k to 2k)
7. Income Duration:
- Monthly income

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