Prefiks In-: Example of Prefiks Name: Nurotul A'Yuni (103101) Risma Noviyanti (10310184) Kelas: 2-C

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Example of Prefiks Name : Nurotul AYuni Kelas : 2-C (103101) Risma Noviyanti (10310184)

1. Prefiks inExample :
a. Inability : lack of ability to do something. b. Income : money that is earned from doing work or received from

c. Incomplete : not having some parts, or not finished d. incorrect : not correct or not true e. indirect : happening in addition to an intended result, often in a way that

is complicated or not obvious


inaction : failure to do anything which might provide a solution to a problem

g. inactive : doing nothing h. incorrect : not correct or not true i. j.

ineffective : not producing the effects or results that are wanted inefficient : not organized, skilled or able to work satisfactorily

2. prefiks unexample : a. unfair : not organized, skilled or able to work satisfactorily b. unclear : not obvious or easy to see or know c. unhealthy : not good for your health, or not strong and well d. uncomfortable : not feeling comfortable and pleasant, or not making you feel comfortable and pleasant e. unbreakable : impossible to break

f. unconditional : complete and not limited in any way g. uninstall : to remove a computer program from a computer h. uncertain : not knowing what to do or believe, or not able to decide about something i. unequal :

different in size, level, amount, etc.

j. uneasy : describes a situation or condition that makes people slightly worried, often because it may not continue successfully 3. prefiks imexample : a. immoral : not within society's standards of acceptable, honest and moral behaviour; morally wrong b. impure : mixed with other substances and therefore lower in quality c. impatient : easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait d. impassive : describes a person's face when it expresses no emotion, because they seem not to be affected by the situation they are experiencing e. Immemorial LITERARY for a very long time f. Immovable : describes a firm opinion that is impossible to change, or someone with such an opinion g. Impermanent : not lasting forever or not lasting for a long time h. Improbable : not likely to happen or be true i. Impersonal : without human warmth and interest j. Imperceptible : unable to be noticed or felt because of being very slight

4. Prefiks irExample : a. Irrational : not using reason or clear thinking b. Irresistible : impossible to refuse, oppose or avoid because too pleasant, attractive or strong c. Irreligious : having no interest in religion, or generally opposed to religion

d. Irresponsible : not thinking carefully enough or not worrying about what might result from actions taken e. Irrefutable : impossible to prove wrong f. Irrelevant : not related to what is being discussed or considered and therefore of no importance g. Irreproachable : without fault and therefore impossible to criticize h. Irresolute : not able or willing to take decisions or actions i. Irradiate : to treat with light or other types of radiation j. Irremediable : impossible to correct or cure

5. Prefiks disExample : a. Disagree : to not have the same opinion, idea, etc.; to not agree b. Disappear : If people or things disappear, they go somewhere where they cannot be seen or found c. Disconnect : to unfasten something, especially to break the connection between a supply of electricity, gas, water, etc. and a device or piece of equipment d. Discontinue : to stop doing or providing something e. Disapprove : to feel that something or someone is bad, wrong, etc.; to not approve f. Displeased : tidak senang g. Disassociate : to dissociate h. Discomfort : a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or something that causes this i. Discovery : the process of finding information, a place or an object, especially for the first time, or the thing which is found j. Discolour : to (cause something to) change from the original colour and therefore to look unpleasant 6. Prefiks ilExample :

a. Illegitimate : not legal or fair b. Illiberal : limiting freedom of expression, thought, behaviour, etc c. Illicit : illegal or disapproved of by society d. Illogical : not reasonable, wise or practical, usually because directed by the emotions rather than by careful thought e. Illiterate : unable to read and write f. Illegible : (of writing or print) impossible or almost impossible to read because of being very untidy or not clear g. Illegal : gainst the law; not allowed by law h. Illuminate : to light something and make it brighter 7. Prefiks deExample : a. Decaffeinated : escribes coffee or tea from which the caffeine (= a chemical substance) has been removed b. Decentralize : to move the control of an organization or government from a single place to several smaller ones c. Deindustrialization : the process by which a country or area stops having industry as its main source (= cause) of work or income d. Deliberation : onsidering or discussing something e. Decontamination : to remove dangerous substances from something f. Decontrol : to remove official control on something, especially prices and businesses g. Decompress : to return to the original size or air pressure, or to cause something to do this h. Deactivate : to cause something to be no longer active or effective i. Deforestation : the cutting down of trees in a large area; the destruction of forests by people j. Debrief : to question someone in detail about work they have done for you

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