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A. Background of Study
Education is an important factor in forming a competent and qualified generation. In the current
digital era, the use of learning media has become increasingly common in the learning process.
Learning media can be video, audio, images, or interactive software specifically designed to
increase student understanding and engagement.

In the scope of education, learning is a form of interaction between the giver of knowledge and
the recipient of knowledge, namely the teacher and students. As degeng in (Faishol, 2018),
states that learning is an effort to educate students. Learning activities are carried out to achieve
certain goals that have been formulated before teaching and learning activities are carried out.
This is in accordance with the opinion of (Astuti et al., 2020) which states that the main goal of
learning is to make students really learn, namely achieving learning goals to learn. Teachers plan
their learning activities systematically by utilizing everything that supports learning activities.
With the hope that students who are taught can master the material taught by the teacher as a
form of improving the quality of life of students.

In the current digital era, the use of technology in learning has become commonplace.
Technology-based learning media, such as Quizizz, has become a popular alternative in
increasing student interaction and involvement in the learning process.
English language learning is often faced with challenges, especially in terms of student
motivation and engagement. The use of interesting and interactive learning media, such as
Quizizz, can be a solution to increase student interest and learning outcomes in English.

One of the subjects that often uses learning media is English. English is an international language
that is important in global communication and everyday life. Therefore, it is important to ensure
that students have a good understanding of English.

However, even though the use of learning media in learning English has become common, there
is still debate regarding the extent of the influence of learning media on student learning
outcomes. Several studies show that the use of learning media can increase students'
motivation, understanding and language skills. However, there is also research that shows that
the use of learning media does not always have a significant impact on student learning
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out more in-depth research to identify the influence of
learning media on student learning outcomes in the context of English learning. This research
will help provide a clearer understanding of the effectiveness of using learning media in
improving student learning outcomes. With a better understanding of the influence of learning
media, educators can develop learning strategies that are more effective and efficient in
improving student learning outcomes in English subjects.

Based on the explanation above, the author is interested in raising the research title "The
B. Formulation of the problem
Based on the basic background above, there is one problem that will be studied in this research.
These problems are as follows:

1. Is there an influence of using the quizizz application learning media on the English
learning outcomes of SMPSN SATAP 16 Sigi students?
C. Research Objectives and Benefits
Based on the problem formulation above, the objectives and benefits to be achieved in this
research are as follows:
1. Research purposes
Based on the problems above, the objectives to be achieved in this research are: To
evaluate the impact of using Quizizz learning media on students' English learning
outcomes. This research aims to find out whether the use of Quizizz learning media can
improve students' understanding and ability in learning English.
2. Benefits of research
The results of this research can provide benefits:
a. Increasing learning effectiveness: This research can provide insight into the
effectiveness of using Quizizz learning media in improving students' English
learning outcomes. If this research shows positive results, then the use of this
learning media can be implemented more widely to increase the effectiveness
of English learning.
b. Increase learning motivation: Using interactive and interesting learning media
such as Quizizz can increase students' learning motivation. By involving
students in fun quiz activities, it is hoped that they will be more motivated to
learn English more actively.
c. Enriching the variety of learning methods: This research can provide
alternative learning methods that are innovative and interesting for English
teachers. By using Quizizz learning media, teachers can enrich the variety of
learning methods that can increase student involvement in the learning
d. Improving students' understanding and abilities: This research can help in
improving students' understanding and abilities in learning English. By using
interactive and adaptive learning media such as Quizizz, it is hoped that
students can be more actively involved in the learning process and improve
their understanding of English material.
A. Literature Review
1. Learning Media
a. Understanding Learning Media
Learning media is anything that is used to channel messages from the sender to the recipient, in
order to stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, interests and attention in the learning process.
Learning media can be in the form of tools (auxiliaries) or objects used for teaching and learning
activities, with the aim of stimulating students to learn. Learning media can also function as a
means of communication, a means of expressing opinions, to help overcome limitations of
space, time and sensory power, as a means of relaxation or entertainment, as a means of social
communication, and also as a means of control or supervision for society. Learning media is a
component of learning resources that contains instructional elements to stimulate students to
learn, so that the effectiveness and goals of learning and learning will be achieved. Learning
media can also be interpreted as anything that can be used as an intermediary to stimulate the
thoughts, feelings, interests and attention of participants. students during the learning process.

Understanding Learning Media according to Rossi and Breidle Reported from the book Teaching
and Learning Strategies (2017) by Saifudin Mahmud and Muhammad Idham "Learning media are
all tools and materials used to achieve educational goals, such as radio, television, newspapers,
magazines and books." Blattner Doris explained that according to him, the definition of learning
media is a very important teaching aid to be used in every learning process. Quoted by Azhar
Arysad in their book, Gerlach and Ely argue that media are events, materials and people that
create conditions that enable students to acquire attitudes, skills or knowledge. Through this,
the school environment, textbooks and teachers are media. In more depth, media in learning
activities is defined as photographic and graphic tools for compiling, processing, capturing verbal
or visual information.

Through the various views of figures that have been given, the media is a learning support tool
so that learning can progress better. Media is also interpreted as the recipient and connector of
messages. The use of media as a tool that connects teachers and students can be called
learning. This also explains that active learning requires media to convey lesson material. Based
on the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning media is a teaching aid to convey
material so that messages are more easily received and make students more motivated and

b. Types of Learning Media

Learning media can be categorized as follows:
1. Audible media, namely media that can only be heard, or media that only has sound
elements, such as radio and sound recordings.
2. Visual media, namely media that can only be seen, does not contain sound elements.
Included in this media are slide films, photos, transparencies, paintings, drawings, and
various forms of printed materials such as graphic media.
3. Audiovisual media, namely a type of media that apart from containing sound elements also
contains image elements that can be seen, such as video recordings, various sizes of film,
sound slides, and so on. The capabilities of this media are considered better and more
interesting, because it contains elements of the first and second types of media

So, learning media can be interpreted as a means of delivering learning messages from teachers
to students.
Quoted by Azhar Arsyad in his book, Levie

c. Learning Media Function

Quoted by Azhar Arsyad in his book, Lentz stated that Lentz stated that in the media there are 4
functions, namely:
a. Attention function, which can direct and attract students' attention to focus more on the
content of the teaching material, namely the meaning contained in the text of the subject
b. Affective function can be seen through students' comfort level when reading or studying texts
that have images.
c. Cognitive function can be seen through research results which state that pictures make it
easier to achieve the goal of remembering and understanding the information in the picture.
d. The compensatory function of learning media can be seen from research findings that visual
media helps students understand, organize and recall the texts they read.

From the views above, it can be concluded that learning media has the function of making it
easier for educators and students to carry out teaching and learning activities, attracting
students' interest in learning and attention and can generate comfort between reality and

d. Benefits of Learning Media

The following are some of the benefits of using learning media in the learning process:
a. Increase students' attention to lesson material.
b. Increase student motivation to learn.
c. Increase learning effectiveness.
d. Helping students broaden their horizons and experiences.
e. Make learning more interactive and support two-way communication between teachers and

e. Learning Media Objectives

Learning media also has various objectives, in this case Sanaky explains the objectives as follows:
1. Facilitate teaching and learning activities in class.
2. Increase student concentration in teaching and learning activities.
3. Maintain the relevance of objectives and lesson material.
4. Make learning more efficient

2. Quiz app
a. Definition of Quiz
Quizizz is a website that teachers can use to carry out formative assessments by
providing quizzes for students of all ages. Quizizz is a learning tool or media that is
believed to be able to motivate students in learning with interesting features. Quiziiz is
an application that can be used to create multiplayer interactive quizzes that can be
accessed via any device such as a computer, smartphone or tablet. Quizizz is a game-
based educational application, which brings multiplayer activities to the classroom and
makes classroom exercises interactive and fun. Quizizz is a response system based game
that is played in class in real time, in Quizizz the order of questions can be randomized
for each student, with Quizizz also being able to provide homework to give students

Suo Yan Mei explained that Quizizz is an e-learning based evaluation media which is
suitable for directly and quickly evaluating the results for teachers in taking action with
students whether enrichment or remedial is needed so they can move on to the next
basic competency.

Through the various views that have been given, the resulting conclusion is that Quizizz
is an educational application based on educational games and can be used as a learning
medium or evaluation medium, thereby attracting the attention of students to increase
their motivation in carrying out learning. Quizizz also has various interesting features
that can be used by teachers to make learning activities easier, including teachers can
create interactive quizzes with 4 choices, one of which is the correct answer and the
teacher can insert an image as a background, as well as setting questions according to
what is desired. If the quiz is available, the teacher can share the code with students so
they can take part and join the quiz and then work on it. Students can take part in the
interactive quiz by opening the Google application, then typing "" then
joining, then entering the "game code" that has been given by the teacher. Questions
are given randomly to reduce cheating efforts from students. Quizizz also provides the
possibility for students to motivate and compete with each other when studying. Quizizz
can provide statistical data on student performance. Teachers can download the results
in Ms.Excel form. The homework feature is also available in Quizizz so that students'
homework can be completed anywhere and at any time but within the time limit that
has been given.

b. Purpose of the Quizizz Application

The aim of the Quizizz application is to increase students' learning motivation in working
on questions or evaluating learning. The Quizizz application functions as a good and fun
learning strategy tool without losing the essence of ongoing learning.
3. Learning outcomes
a. Understanding Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes are a combination of "Results" and "Learning". Results mean things
that are produced (made, made, etc.), through effort. Learning is an effort to gain
intelligence/knowledge. As proof that the individual has learned, that is, the individual's
behavior changes from not understanding and knowing to understanding and knowing.
Learning outcomes are something that can be seen from two angles, namely teachers
and students. From the student's point of view, the learning outcome is a better level of
psychological development than before learning. This level of psychological
development is formed in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas. Then from
the teacher's point of view, the learning outcome is when the lesson material has been
provided. Learn and experience changes in behavior or attitudes, for example from not
understanding and knowing to understanding and knowing. According to Woordworth,
learning outcomes are changes in behavior or attitudes that are a result of the learning
process and are actual abilities that are measured directly.

Howard Kingsley groups learning outcomes into three types: 1) habits and skills, 2)
understanding and knowledge, 3) ideals and attitudes. Kingsley's view shows all learning
outcomes. These learning outcomes will continue to exist within students because they
have become part of students' lives.

Through the opinions of various figures that have been given, learning outcomes can be
interpreted as the final assessment of activities that are carried out repeatedly and
stored for a long time and may even be impossible to lose. This is because learning
outcomes also shape students' personalities who want to achieve good results and
change their thinking patterns and behavior for the better.
b. Types of learning outcomes
Learning outcomes can be seen through the materials contained in the curriculum.
Gagne also gave his views on learning outcomes, namely:
1. motor skills,
2. Attitude
3. Cognitive strategies
4. Intellectual skills
5. Verbal information
The formulation of educational objectives contained in SISDIKNAS refers to Bloom's classification
which is divided into three domains, namely:
1. The cognitive domain is the result of thinking carried out by students and is divided into six
aspects, namely evaluation, synthesis, analysis, application understanding, memory or
2. The affective domain is a change in attitude which is divided into several aspects, namely
internalization, organization, assessment, reaction or answer, and acceptance.
3. The psychomotor domain is the result of acting abilities and skills which have six aspects,
namely interpretative and expressive movements, complex skills, accuracy or harmony,
perceptual abilities, basic movement skills and reflex movements.

c. Factors that Influence Learning Outcomes

Learning is the activity of changing a person's behavior as a result of the individual's
interaction with his environment which is influenced by various factors. Knowing the
factors that influence learning outcomes is very important because it is used to
understand the learning outcomes obtained by students.

According to Slameto, there are two large groups of factors that influence learning
outcomes, namely external and internal:
1. Internal factors are factors that arise from within the student, namely:
 Physical factors include health and body condition.
 Psychological factors include student activity, readiness, maturity, motives,
talents, interests, attention and intelligence in the community environment.
2. External factors are those caused from outside the student in the form of cultural
background, parental understanding, economic conditions, household conditions,
relationships between family members and the way parents educate.
 School factors can include homework, learning methods, building
conditions, lesson standards, school time, learning tools, school discipline,
teacher and student relationships and between students, curriculum and
teaching methods.
 Community factors can be in the form of community life, friends, mass
media, student activities in the community.



A. Type of Research

The method used in this research uses an experimental method with a One-Group Pretest-Posttest
Design, so this design uses a pretest before being given treatment because it can compare with the
situation before being given treatment (Sugiyono, 2011). This type of research uses an experimental
model. According to Nana Syaodaih, the experimental method is the purest research in a quantitative
approach. It is said to be the purest because the experimental method applies quantitative rules and
principles. This method is validating or testing, namely testing the influence of one or more variables on
other variables. 126 The experimental research method is a method that explains cause and effect. The
experimental method not only explains cause and effect, but also explains and predicts the movement
or direction of a variable's tendency in the future.
B. Place and time of research
This research was carried out in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The location
of this research was carried out at SMPSN SATAP 16 Sigi sub-district Kinovaro Sigi regency which
is located at Jalan Sumatra Yuga. Kinovaro District Kab. Sigi.
C. Research Subjects and Objects
The subjects in this research were all class VII students at SMPSN SATAP 16 Sigi. The object of
this research is the influence of Quizizz learning media on student learning outcomes in English
D. Data collection technique
The data collection techniques used in this research were tests, questionnaires and interviews.
Test techniques are used in the form of initial tests and final tests. The initial test aims to
determine students' initial abilities before using Quizizz learning media, while the final test is
carried out to determine students' abilities after using Quizizz media. The questionnaire
technique is used by distributing questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the lesson.
The initial questionnaire aims to determine students' initial motivation in learning before using
Quizizz media, while the final questionnaire is carried out to determine students' learning
outcomes after learning. The interview technique is used as a supporting technique for
questionnaires, to gather information about student learning outcomes.
E. Data analysis
Data analysis can be collected if the entire data has been collected. Data analysis is carried out
to obtain correct and accountable conclusions. Data analysis in this research was used to
determine whether or not there was an influence of using the educational game media Quizizz
on student motivation and learning outcomes. This research is research using quasi-experiment
and with a quantitative approach, so the data analysis uses descriptive statistical analysis.
Descriptive statistical analysis is statistics used to analyze data by describing or illustrating the
data that has been collected as it is without the intention of making general conclusions or

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