Third Quarter Exam - Mapeh 9

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NAME: __________________________________________ YR. & SEC. _______________ DATE: ______________

I. Read the statements carefully. Choose only the letter of the best answer and write it in the corresponding
number on your answer sheet.

1. A neoclassical architecture that features a rectangular or square plan.

a. classical block b. Palladian c. peristyle d. temple
2. The paintings of romantic period gave emphasis on __________.
a. emotion c. nature
b. everyday life scenes d. religious subjects
3. A dance that is performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments.
a. waltz b. festival c. cha-cha d. tango
4. What specific religious figure does Pintados de Pasi honouring?
a. James the Great c. Sto.Nino
b. Saint Clement d. Virgin Mary
5. A kind of transport which is used when the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted.
a. blanket drag c. seat carry
b. piggy back d. shoulder drag
6. How many first aiders are there in performing “bearer alongside carry”?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
7. What transport will be applied if the first aider and the victim must crawl underneath a low structure?
a. blanket drag c. fireman’s drag
b. fireman’s carry d. pack strap carry
8. The step on drug rehabilitation that means that the drug dependent decides on his/her own o be examined and
a. confinement b. compulsory c. representations d. voluntary
9. These drugs are known as painkillers.
a. depressant b. gateway drugs c. narcotics d. stimulants
10. Which is a break in the continuity of the tissue in the body?
a. fracture c. sprain
b. laceration d. wound
11. Who designed the famous classical block of neoclassical architecture?
a. Antonio Canova b. Charles Garnier c. Henri Labrouste d. Robert Adam
12. What masterpiece shows the portrayal of a revolutionary martyr?
a. Lion of Lucerne b. The Apotheosis of Homer c. The Death of Marat d. Oath of the Horatti
13. Who was the first French master and the leader of the French realistic school of Romantic period?
a. Eugene Delacroix b. Francisco Goya c. Francois Rude d. Jean Theodore Gericault
14. What neoclassical piece mimics the style during the time of Alexander the Great?
a. Neoclassical Architecture c. Neoclassical Painting
b. Neoclassical Art d. Neoclassical Sculpture
15. What do you call the continuous line of columns around a building?
balustrade b. palazzos c. peristyle d. villas
16. What open wound is caused by nails, needles and other pointed objects??
a. avulsion b. incision c. laceration d. puncture
17. Which of the following paintings is NOT an artwork of Francisco Goya?
a. Liberty Leading the People c. The Third of May
b. The Burial of Sardine d. Saturn Devouring His Son
18. How would you describe romanticism?
a. a period in which the artist used dramatic expression on their paintings
b. a period in which the artist used local color on their paintings
c. a movement wherein portrait painting became popular
d. a movement in which the artist of classical period sought to break new ground in the expression of emotion

19. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness components will be developed with this regular
a. cardio vascular endurance c. muscular endurance
b. flexibility d. muscular strength

20. How would you best use the knowledge and skills in carrying and transporting an injured person?
a. I will carry and transport an injured person my lifetime activity.
b. I will share my skills in carrying and transporting an injured person by teaching community folks, young and
c. I will coordinate with community officials in carrying and transporting an injured person.
d. I will conduct seminars and trainings about the ways on how to transport and carry a victim.
21. Which statement is true about the difference between the life of Francois Rude and Jean Theodore Gericault?
a. Francois Rude was best known for his social art; Jean Gericault was known for his energetic masterpieces
b. Francois Rude is a French painter; Jean Gericault is a French sculptor
c. Francois Rude made the Third of May; Jean Gericault made the Insane Woman
d. Francois Rude considered the greatest French romantic painter; Jean Gericault considered the Old Master of
romantic period
22. Which is an objective of first aid?
a. to prolong life c. to end the services of a physician
b. to intensify suffering d. to bridge the gap between the victim and the
23. What do you call the immediate care given to an injured person before the arrival of a physician?
a. cardiopulmonary resuscitation c. first aid
b. chest compression d. intensive care
24. What is the form of cruelty that involves the use of words?
a. extortion b. incest c. stalking d. verbal abuse
25. What do you call the partial or complete displacement of the bones?
a. dislocation b. fracture c. sprain d. strain
26. In what status of injured person is hammock carry can be applied?
a. when there are six first aiders c. when there are three first aiders
b. when there are two first aiders and a chair is available d. when the victim should not be lifted
Study the situations and answer the process questions that follow.
Student A is very relaxed in controlling the bleeding on her classmate’s finger.
Student B is insisting that her conscious sister drink water.
Student C makes use of his clean handkerchief to tie his best friend’s bleeding arm.
Student D speaks annoying words to his cousin who sprained his ankle while playing basketball
27. Who among the students are good first aiders?
a. Students A&B b. Students A&C c. Students B&C d. Students B&D
28. Who among the students are not good first aiders?
a. Students B&D b. Students C&A c. Students C&D d. Students D&B
29. You heard your friend Ricky telling your other friends to shun Aaron because they recently had a fight. What will
you do?
a. Nothing. No harm will happen from it.
b. Nothing. I do not want to get involved.
c. I will convince all my friends to shun Ricky instead because he is a bully.
d. I will confront Ricky and tell him to stop what he is doing because it is bullying.
30. “Paintings of the Romantic period gave more emphasis on emotion.”This line implies….
a. Artists expressed as much feeling and passion as it could be on a canvas.
b. Artists expressed the ideals of order and moderation.
c. Artists looked to Roman styles for inspiration.
d. Artists looked about the human world.
31. “A first aider must undergo proper training.” Is the statement correct? Justify.
a. Yes, because the life of the victim depends on them.
b. Yes, because they need it to be physically fit.
c. No, because they already know the ways on how to transport a victim.
d. No, because its useless.
32. What do you think will happen if we will not apply first aid to a victim?
a. The victim’s life will be saved. c. The victim’s suffering will not be alleviated.
b. The victim’s life will be prolonged. d. The victim’s injury will be prevented.
33. If you are a first aider, how would you have handled a person who gets into an accident?
a. I will ignore the person because I don’t know him.
b. I will call another person to help the victim.
c. I will give money to the victim for his/her medicine.
d. I will apply my knowledge and skills on first aiding.

34. You were asked by your teacher to create a non-traditional sculpture using scrap materials inspired by the
techniques used by the modern famous artists. In this case, which of the following types of sculpture you were
asked to create?
a. Assemblage b. Bas Relief c. Counter relief d. Kinetic Sculpture

35. Which of the following presents the proper way in checking the consciousness of a victim?
a. Asking the victim: “Hey, are you okay?” while harshly shaking the victim’s head.
b. Asking the victim: “Hey, are you okay?” while carefully shaking the victim’s shoulder
c. When there is no response, not even mumbles or groans, the victim is conscious and do not need immediate
medical help.
d. When there is response and mumbles or groans, the victim is conscious an immediate medical help at all.

36. You were in a vacation with your circle of friends when there was an accident near you, there were some victims
that can be treated by first aid. In giving your first aid, which of the following you should consider first?
a. Immediate care must be given regardless of the situation
b. It depends on the type of wounds that the victim has
c. It depends on your skills in first aid and the materials available
d. regardless of the situation, just call emergency hotlines.

III. Think and Create!!!

37-40. Create a diagram showing the types of wounds.

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of Good courage; be not afraid,
neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever you goest”

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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