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Struggling with writing your thesis on juvenile delinquency? You're not alone.

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The most important stakeholders in the juvenile delinquency are the juveniles themselves. In this
context, rehabilitation refers to the reformation of a juvenile delinquent into a law abiding person.
Benda, Brent B. (2001). “Factors that Discriminate Between Recidivists, Parole Violators. Download
Free PDF View PDF Juvenile Delinquency in India: Incidences and Forecasting IOSR Journals
Juvenile in conflict with law is a matter of grave concern as this age group people belong to the most
productive period of life. From the lawful viewpoint, each of the individuals who are not secured is
not lawbreakers, but rather from the mental perspective, all such wrongdoers are likewise hoodlums.
Surprisingly, in most African countries, a worker can be fired on claims of being gay. This has
happened after they came to a consensus and appreciated that there is diversity in the way we are
created (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 1989). During this time, children over the
age of five were treated either as small adults or property. Different juvenile systems are using
different strategies in combating delinquency. They instead suggest that efforts be expended in
ensuring more effective implementation of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2000. To
understand the extent to which the current acceptance of juvenile delinquency might affect the
future of the nation, it is necessary to understand the factors that contribute to these alarming
numbers. The punishment should be made a big deterrent in order to inject the feeling of fear in the
mind of the criminals. Throughout the following 50 years, the courts have evolved to a significantly
different form from the rest of the system. In addition, protocols and standards of practice in place
ensure the proper handling of juvenile delinquency cases transferred to the criminal justice system by
considering the distinct psychosocial characteristics of juveniles. Many people use the term juvenile
delinquency to include anything a young person does that is against society approval, legal or illegal.
In all racial categories, young men have been found to be more likely to commit offensive behaviour
as compared to their female counterparts. At the same time, teachers, staff and the school
administration should be in the front line in the war against discrimination to LGBT group (Herek,
1984). As a result, parents must be aware that as they raise their children, they will get exposed to
evil sometimes which is even inborn; therefore early intervention is necessary to prevent later onset
of even more severe delinquency. Violent property offenders had the highest number of risk factors
Recidivism of juveniles was looked at differently due to the low amount of recidivism there is in
individuals who commit these crimes. Changes in the family institution in the society today are
influencing how minors grow. In addition, the department of Human and Health services in the
United States informed the state through a letter on its effort to achieve equity towards the LGBT
community. They found that the economic and occupational structure of the larger society was more
influential in the rise of delinquent behavior than was the social life of the local community. Shaw
further found that areas of concentrated crime maintained their high rates over a long period, even
when the composition of the population changed markedly. In children lack of efficient monitoring
will lead to development of antisocial behaviors, thus delinquency develops in children when the
parents and guardians capability to monitor the children is not sufficient. House parents, typically a
man and his wife, constituted the staff in these cottages. First, divestiture would allow the juvenile
court more time and resources to deal with juvenile delinquents— especially violent and chronic
delinquents. Due to the social structure, the poor people and the destitute increased and the
immigration to colonies became a trend. Some may feel excluded, and they can be motivated to join
juvenile delinquent groups to satisfy their needs. While most countries are accepting and creating
laws to protect gay people, Louisiana is moving in the opposite direction. Thus, multiple handicaps
within the family are associated with a higher probability of juvenile delinquency than are single
handicaps (Loeber and Stouthamer-Loeber 1986).
It has substantial consequences on offenders, victims, and society in general. The pervading notion is
that there is a strong correlation between re-offending to racial classification. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. The punishment should be made a big deterrent in order to inject
the feeling of fear in the mind of the criminals. The researcher states that the role played by learning
in the facilitation of juvenile delinquency is explained in the differential association theory. The social
stigma of being found guilty of acting offensively against society can result in the process of
reformation and reintegration. Surprisingly, in most African countries, a worker can be fired on
claims of being gay. These two variables, along with delinquent behavior itself, form a mutually
reinforcing casual loop that leads toward increasing delinquency involvement over time (Thornberry
1987, 1989; Thornberry et al. 2003) (Table 1). This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. They seek love, companionship and satisfaction just
like the heterosexuals. Reckless and Simon Dinitz’s self-concept studies in Columbus, Ohio. The
background for its introduction was set by the horrific rape of a young student in 2012. Moreover, as
per the Juvenile Justice Act 1986, the most significant age for juvenile deadbeats is 16 years for
young men and 18 years for young ladies. Embracing this now and in the future will change the
difference in crime rates committed by men as compared to those committed by women. In all racial
categories, young men have been found to be more likely to commit offensive behaviour as
compared to their female counterparts. Moreover, they involve a coordinated set of mutually
reinforcing preventive interventions throughout the community. United Nations passed a resolution
in the year 2011 to recognize the rights of the LGBT community. Rational choice theory, an
extension of the deterrence doctrine of the classical school, includes incentives as well as deterrents
and focuses on the calculation of payoffs and costs before delinquent and criminal acts are
committed (Cornish and Clarke 1986; Akers 1990). They instead suggest that efforts be expended in
ensuring more effective implementation of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2000. The
juvenile justice had started prior to the formal establishment of juvenile courts. Experts argue that
acceptance and legalization of LGBT youth marriage will help fight promiscuous behaviour among
the partners. This would give the children all the opportunities to indulge in crime without any
restraint. These include crime tools such as handguns as well as crime targets such as motor cars
with incognito locks, easily stolen goods that have high value on them among others. Mostly all
juvenile offences have deeper roots and serious situational factors which are responsible for a child
behaving in a particular way. There are many prevention programs of juvenile delinquency in the
Philippines. Homosexuals’ relationships face the same challenges that straight relationships face the
society. A 2005 study conducted by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice revealed that approximately
218,000 cases involving adolescents were forwarded to the criminal justice system instead of having
it reviewed by the juvenile courts. Be that as it may, prior as indicated by the kids’ Act, it changed
from state to state. For that matter, resolution of issues such as juvenile delinquency can also be
related to the political aspect of the society (Bartollas and Miller, 2008). However, the opponents
argue that the law would defeat the objective of having a separate juvenile justice system, and would
not serve the goal of deterrence.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Indeed, this is reflected in studies of Harms
(2003) and Benda (2001). Finally, the importance of recognizing and preventing juvenile delinquency
is addressed. One is able to appreciate this through socialization with LBGT youth and attending
their events such as PFLAG conventions and pride festivals. Thus, delinquent behavior became an
alternative mode of socialization through which youths who grew up in disorganized communities
were attracted to deviant lifestyles (Finestone 1976). Those who are enrolled in schools but are
performing poorly have a higher affinity to be a juvenile delinquent and a recidivist. Studies show
that these youth are frequently reported to be involved in physical fights. A further development is
that the prosecutor is now taking on increased responsibility in juvenile cases as more and more
states are allowing prosecutors to file cases directly in adult criminal court. Even the TV programmes
and movies nowadays are crime related and have violent content. In such societies, families have
their men having more power than women, and this is also passed on the children of these families.
This is where diversion into community-based services becomes necessary. One observation was that
there was a greater tendency for one race to reoffend when compared to another race. There is entire
genre in literature dealing with sibling rivalry, dealing with infinite instances of juvenile delinquency.
Violent property offenders had the highest number of risk factors Recidivism of juveniles was looked
at differently due to the low amount of recidivism there is in individuals who commit these crimes.
On the other hand, two-parent household may decrease the possibility of delinquency due to the
increased supervision. Therefore, more research has to be done in this area as it is a source of risk to
the community. Rather, they should be sanctioned but not in a manner that would have them mingle
with hardened convicts. Juvenile delinquency is influenced by some of these factors because they
influence the family background which they live in. In such families, the differential controls that
were previously placed on sons and daughters no longer exist. Shoemaker, D.J. and Wolfe, T.W.
(2005). Juvenile Justice: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO. Overall, the perception regarding
fairness of justice, both before and after the offence, was reported to be positive by the respondents.
Another social condition was that the higher status given middle-class women made them interested
in exerting their newfound influence to improve the lives of children (Faust and Brantingham 1974).
For that matter, one of the awareness being promoted in the US is the increase of quality time of
parents with their children. A number of recent surveys have shown that there are profound racial
disparities in the juvenile justice system, and that African-American and Hispanic youth are more
likely to be tried as adults. As the problem continues to thrive, researchers and policymakers are
seeking to understand the most effective method of preventing criminal behavior among young
people. On the contrary, other states which are more tolerant about their juvenile delinquency law
might have a different response to a person who commits the same offense. A male or female kid
between the ages of 15 and 18 who perpetrates wrongdoing even though he is captured or not is a
juvenile reprobate. They thought that children had to be treated, not punished, and the judge was to
be a sort of wise and kind parent. Parents also have a major role to play in ensuring that LGBT youth
have a healthy life. The law enforcement agencies can still achieve much more in combating
delinquency through research and adoption of evidence-based strategies.
Changes in the family institution in the society today are influencing how minors grow. However,
this is criticized by many since many 16 and 17 year old individuals who committed an offense is
referred to the adult court system rather than juvenile courts. These forms of examination have
generally agreed on the following findings: Academic Writing, Editing, Proofreading, And Problem
Solving Services. LGBT youth risk of contracting HIV AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases
Studies have shown that gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual youth have high infection rates when
it comes to HIV AIDS and other STIs. The consequences of dropping out of school have also been
investigated (Jarjoura 1993). In addition, protocols and standards of practice in place ensure the
proper handling of juvenile delinquency cases transferred to the criminal justice system by
considering the distinct psychosocial characteristics of juveniles. The Haryana state was on the ninth
position in the crime committed by the juveniles. Rationalizations that an individual may give to
justify his or her action are part of the learned behaviors that result ultimately to the criminal
behaviours. However, these programs also aim at reducing risk factors such as aggression and
violence and increase protective factors such as positive school attendance, commitment to school,
ability to discuss problems with teachers and parents, and positive social orientation (Greenwood,
2008). What are the methods of the juvenile justice system. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
Prevention Act was modified in 1977, 1980, 1984, 1988, and as recently as 2002. She suggested that
there is a need for a feminist model of delinquency, because a patriarchal context has shaped the
explanations and handling of female delinquents and status offenders. A curriculum that incorporates
sexuality and gender differences with a bias in LGBT should be introduced (Caitlin, 2009). What is
“of central importance is the process by which shared meanings, behavioral expectations, and
reflected appraisals are built up in interaction and applied to behavior” (p. 1580). The conflict
perspective views social control as an outcome of the differential distribution of economic and
political power in society; thus, laws are seen as creation by the powerful for their own benefit
(Shichor 1980). The emerging social sciences assured reformers that their problems with delinquents
could be solved through positivism. This will reduce poverty and create a stronger social fabric that
will be able to take care of the young. Moreover, as per the Juvenile Justice Act 1986, the most
significant age for juvenile deadbeats is 16 years for young men and 18 years for young ladies. This
thesis is expected to make a contribution to the selection of successful interventions and the
development of collaborative partnerships in the juvenile justice system, drug treatment programs,
and other agencies as they attempt to break the cycle of drugs and crime afflicting U. Typically, in a
one-to-one relationship with a therapist, youths in trouble were encouraged to talk about past
conflicts that caused them to express emotional problems through aggressive or antisocial behavior. It
is unique in that it treats parent and child together, and uses live coaching. However, Akers (2000)
argues that blaming the commission of another offense in relationships with other people who may
prove to be delinquent is not entirely correct because the individual could have developed a
psychological notion to re-offend again to get revenge to the system that placed him in custody.
Cohen’s (1955) thesis in his book Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang was that lower-class
youths are actually protesting against the goals of middle-class culture, but they experience status
frustration, or strain, because they are unable to attain these goals. This has a negative impact on the
teenagers especially at the early stages of development (Garnets, 1990). Depressed adolescents may
express their frustrations through behaving aggressively and breaking the rules in their home
environment. Others argue that what these people have does not qualify to be called a relationship.
With more women relying on themselves for finances to run their families either on their own or in
partnerships with their husbands, there have been substantial changes in the rules and controls which
are placed on sons and daughters in the families. The term juvenile delinquency refers to the socially
disapproved behaviour because in this stage a lot of physiological and psychological changes happen
in the body of the individuals living in the society. Cohen’s theory of delinquent subcultures, and
Richard A. Delinquency became a tradition in certain neighborhoods through the process of cultural
transmission, where criminal values are passed from one generation to the next. Eileen Leonard
(1995), for example, questioned whether anomie, differential association, labeling, and Marist
theories can be used to explain the crime patterns of women.
Delinquency in juveniles is a dynamic, multifaceted problem with numerous potentially causal
factors. The history of juvenile dates back to the 19th century and it remains dynamic to have a clear
understanding and the statistics associated with the vice. United Nations passed a resolution in the
year 2011 to recognize the rights of the LGBT community. From this concept of social
disorganization, there is derived the theory of social disorganization of explaining juvenile
delinquency. The other two vital groups in the fight against LGBT violence and crime are the church
and the government. In short, the mere act of being arrested is taken to be indicative of recidivism.
Included in the said methods are strength-based approach that renews family relationships; family
involvement in the treatment process; and needs-based service planning and delivery as a way to
continuously improve the institution. In addition, they deal with stigma, harassment threat and
violence due to their sexual orientation. It engages teachers and parents in establishing clear rules
against criminal behavior. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 23-29.
The results of these investigations have shown that it is doubtful that any child becomes a delinquent
for any single reason. These are a few behaviors considered as delinquent. Delinquency is a growing
problem all over the world, urgent measures are necessary to combat the growing problem as the
small percentage involved in delinquency cases are at risk of becoming serial criminals later in life.
Human agency refers to the importance given to juveniles who are not only acted upon by social
influence and structural constraints but who make choices and decisions based on the alternatives
that they see before them. Sample research paper on causes and treatments of juvenile crime 2019-
03-06. The specific actions that represent juvenile delinquency vary from country to country. Biblical
principles guide both school and community-based programs. Proverbs 23: 24 says, “The father of
the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who sires a wise son will be glad in him.” The children that
people expect to bring joy, happiness, love, and satisfaction to their parents, teachers, and neighbors
sometimes bring shame, sadness, and disappointments (Color, 2017). That is, the individual is
actually a delinquent before he even enters into a friendly relationship. Reckless and Simon Dinitz’s
self-concept studies in Columbus, Ohio. Strengthening the family in terms of values and
relationships is one of the most important strategies to solve juvenile delinquency. Thorough study of
juvenile penal theory, offenders and homeless juveniles in detention, length of stay, overcrowding,
school facilities, very good discussion of national juvenile detention problems. As a result, the
contemporary juvenile justice system is similar in many ways to criminal courts. It can be considered
that interventions targeting family and personal relationships are the initial steps in fighting juvenile
delinquency and legal measures are the end interventions for the most serious cases of delinquent
actions. Thus, boys have more power and more exposure to outrageous activities than the girls in
those households. Types of bullying as a form of violence on LGBT youth Lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender youth are exposed to violence in several ways. This will give the LGBT community
equal chances in the employment sector. Traditions and conservative culture which draws back
understanding and acceptance of gay marriages needs to be abandoned. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. One should not be surprised to hear older LGBT
claiming that they cannot find a younger partner because they are all taken. In this essay, there are
three important factors that are considered to explain the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency which
include the fast-paced globalization, poor family bonding and extreme case of peer influence. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you.
It is carried out via websites, chat rooms, instant messages, emails and text messages among others.
The specific actions that represent juvenile delinquency vary from country to country. The juvenile
justice system is made up of a number of different agencies and organizations that work together to
ensure that young offenders are rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. This short essay on the
topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. This largely attributes to criminals going scot-free
in high-profile criminal cases, so the fear barrier no longer exists. Victimization of LGBT youth and
psychological adjustment LGBT youth in a school setting are three times likely to experience
violence and harassments as compared to their heterosexual counterparts. This will protect LGBT
youth from discrimination in schools, homes and other social gatherings. Carol Smart (1976) and
Dorie Klein (1995) were two early criminologists to suggest that a feminist criminology should be
formulated because of the neglect of the feminist perspective in classical delinquency theory. Many
people use the term juvenile delinquency to include anything a young person does that is against
society approval, legal or illegal. Thus, delinquent behavior became an alternative mode of
socialization through which youths who grew up in disorganized communities were attracted to
deviant lifestyles (Finestone 1976). Awareness towards HIV and other STIs should be given the first
priority. The major difference among them relates to the academic discipline in which the theorist
was trained. It is the duty of the parents to check how much of education value is there in these
programmes. A number of states do not consider sexual orientation and gender harassment as a hate
crime. The insights that youths gained from this psychotherapy were intended to help them resolve
the conflicts and unconscious needs that drove them to crime. In short, the mere act of being
arrested is taken to be indicative of recidivism. Young adults develop negative feelings as a result of
repeated harassment and a negative response from the society. By doing so, delinquency rates can
experience a dip, while also facilitating the rehabilitation of juveniles who have been led on to the
wrong path. The other two vital groups in the fight against LGBT violence and crime are the church
and the government. Entering into friendly relationships with juvenile delinquents has long been
established as a major factor in committing anti-social and criminal behaviour. Bynum, Jack E. and
William E. Thompson (2005). Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological. They thought that children had
to be treated, not punished, and the judge was to be a sort of wise and kind parent. During early
adolescence, the family is the most influential factor in bonding the youngster to conventional
society and reducing delinquency. The author states that before the introduction of the juvenile
justice system, children committing offenses underwent a similar trial process with adults committing
crimes. In a longitudinal study, Hagan (2001) found that adolescent sexual offenders such as rapist
and child molesters are more likely to re-offend than their non-sex offending counterparts. Young
boys and girls who lack the motivation to do well in school because of various familial and social
factors and become drop outs who are social isolates as soon as they can. The second essay is a short
essay on Juvenile Delinquency of 150-200 words. Merton (1957) examined how deviant behavior is
produced by different social structures. The juvenile court was viewed as another means to achieve
unparalleled age segregation of children (Feld 1999). However, as LGBT youth mature, they get into
long-term relationships just like their straight counter parts.
In the contemporary setting, we become aware that children and young individuals are now
committing offensive behaviour and crimes that were previously committed only by adults. This
paper seeks to illustrate various aspects associated with juvenile delinquency and measures taken to
lower the prevalence rates. Awareness towards HIV and other STIs should be given the first priority.
The relationship between being uneducated and criminal behaviour is considered by many to be
straightforward but there is an increasing literature stating that crimes with greater effect on the
members of society, such as large-scale fraud, are committed by highly educated individuals. The
importance of human agency and delinquency across the life course, both of which rose in
theoretical importance during the 1990s, are generating considerable excitement in the early years of
the twenty-first century. Gender”. Crime and Delinquency, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 489-506. Juvenile
offenders are not individuals who have a tendency to commit repeated or random acts of serious
violence. Solutions to how Bosket's life of delinquency It is true that Bosket's could have been
avoided and that he was not destined for a life of crime. Throughout the following 50 years, the
courts have evolved to a significantly different form from the rest of the system. Keywords: juvenile
delinquency, youth offender, crime rate, criminal justice system, trial court juvenile delinquency The
number of juvenile delinquents or otherwise known as children in conflict with the law has
significantly increased for the past decade. In nutshell, our educational institutions and family
environment should be peaceful, happy, and prosperous to provide healthy socialization to the
juveniles. It should be noted that 23 states allow for reverse waiver. Although the problems related to
delinquent behaviors can be rooted to the biological risk factors and parental supervision, the
solutions undertaken by the society transcends the boundaries of personal and family life. Reflection
Paper One of the prominent alterations to the juvenile system in recent past has been mixed
sentencing. The school psychologist should be able to educate teachers, school administration as well
as students on LGBT. Reckless and Simon Dinitz’s self-concept studies in Columbus, Ohio. We offer
high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. Juveniles especially females who display depressive
symptoms are at greater risk of developing and or partaking in delinquent behaviors. It does not
mean to say that they should be punished. For that matter, one of the awareness being promoted in
the US is the increase of quality time of parents with their children. Words: 1407 Length: 5 Pages
Document Type: Essay Paper: 10711731 Juvenile Corrections Juvenile delinquency is a common
phenomenon in the globe today. Children and Youth Services Review, 27(3), 227-249. While the
content of what is learned is different, the process for learning any behavior is the same. Family
structure can affect juvenile delinquency in numerous ways. The focus of the study though includes
the actions undertaken to resolve delinquent actions of the juveniles. The students who participated
in the project reported reduced rates of their tendency to consume alcohol (Catalano et al., 1999). In
this case, both school and community-based interventions can be effective in preventing juvenile
delinquency if implemented well in the right settings. Rejection could cause severe physical and
mental effect to the youth in their future lives. This can be attributed to the important role of the
parents and the members of the family in the development of attitudes and behaviors of the child in
addition to the biological make-up inherited through descent. Klein, Stephen P. and Michael N.
Caggiano (1986). The Prevalence, Predictability, and. Aggression at this age puts the child at higher
risk of severe juvenile delinquency and also antisocial behavior in adulthood.

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