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Kanchanpur, Nepal

A Project Report on
“Tourism Management System”

Submitted to:
Department of Science and Technology
Siddhanath Science Campus
Mahendranagar 18 Katan, Kanchanpur, Nepal
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Bachelor Degree in Information and Technology

Submitted by:
Bhawana Bhatt (T.U. Roll. No BIT 132/076)
Khagendra Singh Saud (T.U. Roll. No BIT 141/076)
Shilpa Bhatt (T.U. Roll. No BIT 150/076)
March, 2024
Kanchanpur, Nepal


The project work report entitled "TOURISM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" Submitted by

Science Campus, Mahendranagar is prepared under my supervision as per the procedure and
format requirements laid by the Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University as
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the ward of the degree of Bachelor Information
Technology (BIT) therefore, recommend the project work report for evaluation.

Mr. Upendra Raj Joshi
Siddhanth science campus
Mahendranagar 18 Katan, Kanchanpur, Nepal

Kanchanpur, Nepal


This is to certify that this project prepared by Bhawana Bhatt, Khagendra Singh Saud, and
Shilpa Bhatt entitled “Tourism Management System” in partial fulfillment of requirements for
the Bachelor Degree in Information and Technology has been well studied. In our opinion it is
satisfactory in the scope and quality as a project for required degree. Therefore, we recommend
this project for final approval and acceptance.

…………………………. ………………………….
(Supervisor) (HOD)
Mr. Keshav Datt Bhatt Mr. Upendra Raj Joshi
Siddhanath science campus Siddhanath science campus

…………………………. ………………………….
(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)


The Tourism Management Project named ‘PahiloPaila’ is an informative website that provides
information about Farwest Nepal. The aim of this project is to provide a better guide for those
interested in learning more about Sudur Paschim. This framework is a Web-based program that
anyone with access to the internet can use. It assists users in finding various locations in Sudur
Paschim as well as providing comprehensive information about each area. The project has a user
login function where user can register. After getting into the website, they can book the package
and manage their packages. The project has admin function to create package, manage package
(Create, Update), and manage users, inquiries, issues, booking, pages, password, and dashboard.
The main motto of Travel with Us is to help tourist who wants to visit Far western development
region in every Tourism Year as well as in regular basis.

Keywords: Nepal Tourism Guide, Visual Studio Code, MySQL, Apache Server, Item Based
Collaborative Filtering

Table of Contents
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................. iii
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. vi
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement ..........................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives .........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Scope and Limitations .....................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Scope ..........................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Limitations ..................................................................................................................3
1.5 Development Methodology ..............................................................................................4
1.6 Report Organization ........................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND AND LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................6
2.1 Background Study ...........................................................................................................6
2.2 Literature Review ............................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS .........................................................................................8
3.1. System Analysis ...............................................................................................................8
I. Functional Requirement ................................................................................................8
II. Non-Functional Requirements ................................................................................. 10
3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis ..................................................................................................... 11
i. Technical Feasibility ................................................................................................... 11
ii. Economic Feasibility................................................................................................... 12
iii. Operational Feasibility ............................................................................................ 12
iv. Schedule Feasibility................................................................................................. 13
3.1.3 Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 14 Data Modeling Using ER Diagram ......................................................................... 14 Process Modeling Using DFD ............................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 4 SYSTEM DESIGN .......................................................................................... 19
4.1 Design ............................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.1 Database Design ........................................................................................................ 19

4.1.2 Data Tables ............................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 5 IMPLMENTATION AND TESTING ............................................................. 21
5.1 Implementation .............................................................................................................. 21
5.1.1 Tools Used ................................................................................................................ 21
5.1.1 .1 Programming Tools: .............................................................................................. 21
5.1.1 .2 Database Tools: ..................................................................................................... 22
5.1.2 Implementation details of modules ............................................................................ 22
5.2 Testing ............................................................................................................................ 23
5.2.1 Test Cases for Unit Testing ....................................................................................... 23
5.2.2 Test Cases for System Testing ................................................................................... 24
5.3 Result Analysis ............................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE COMMENDATION ................................... 26
6.1 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 26
6.2. Future Recommendation .............................................................................................. 26
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 27
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 28


Table 1: Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................. 13

Table 2: Admin Database Table ................................................................................................ 19
Table 3: Permission Database Table .......................................................................................... 19
Table 4: Booking Database Table .............................................................................................. 20
Table 5: User Database Table .................................................................................................... 20
Table 6: Package Database Table .............................................................................................. 20
Table 7: Test case for login Module .......................................................................................... 24
Table 8: Test case for booking module ...................................................................................... 25


Figure 1.5: Agile Methodology ...................................................................................................4

Figure 3.1: User Use Case Diagram.............................................................................................9
Figure 3.2: Admin User Case Diagram ........................................................................................9
Figure 3.4: E-R Diagram ........................................................................................................... 15
Figure 3.5: Level Zero DFD ...................................................................................................... 16
Figure 3.6: Level one DFD ........................................................................................................ 17
Figure 3.7: Level Two DFD ...................................................................................................... 18
Figure A1: Home Page .............................................................................................................. 28
Figure A2: Admin Login Page .................................................................................................. 29
Figure A3: Admin Dashboard ................................................................................................... 29
Figure A4: User Sign In Form ................................................................................................... 29
Figure A5: User Sign Up Form ................................................................................................. 29


CASE : Computer Aided Software Engineering

CSS : Cascading Style Sheet
DFD : Data Flow Diagram
ER : Entity Relationship
HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language
ICT : Information and Communication Technology
PHP : Hypertext Preprocessor
RAM : Random Access Memory
SDLC : Software Development Life Cycle
UML : Unified Modeling Language
XAMPP : Cross-Platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl


1.1 Introduction

The tourism Management system is a web-based application. It is a dynamic and responsive

website for tourism. Tourism involves the activities of people travelling and staying in a place
away from their home environment for leisure, business or other purposes. The tourism
Management System allows the user of the system access all the tour related information such as
events, places etc. PahiloPaila is developed for native as well as foreign people so that they could
obtain various details about SudurPaschim locations. We include all of the detailed information
about the different positions in SudurPaschim in this website. People may come to our site and see
the various locations and receive the details they need. The tourism industry is a crucial driver of
economic growth, contributing significantly to local and global economies [1]. However, the
industry faces challenges in terms of operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and resource
optimization. To address these issues, we propose the implementation of a comprehensive Tourism
Management System [2]. In this introduction, we will explore the fundamental reasons for
implementing a Tourism Management System, the key objectives it aims to achieve, and the broad
scope of its features and benefits.

1.2 Problem Statement
In the study of tourism management system, it was found that the systems primarily prioritize the
promotion of the country's tourism sector as a whole. However, there was a lack of information
available regarding the Far Western regions. Despite this, we have identified several appealing
tourist destinations within this region that may cater to a variety of visitor preferences. To address
this information gap, "PahiloPaila" was developed web application. This platform offers clear and
concise descriptions, related images, and video content to simplify the exploration of these
locations. Furthermore, travelers can use the application to reserve, modify, and provide feedback
on their trips, and local promoters can also add their tourist attractions to the system. The
application has been developed using visual studio code as IDE, php as main programming
language, HTML, CSS and JavaScript as front-end tool, PHP and MySQL as database.

1.3 Objectives
After reviewing the problem statements, the objectives of developing the PahiloPaila web
application have been identified. The purposes of the application are listed and follows:
 To increase exposure to various tourism places within the Far Westen region
 To manage details of Tour Booking
 To allow managers to add new places to the system
 To allow tourists to view and book new places
 To allow managers to approve the packages booked by us

These objectives were established to address the limitations observed in the current tourism
management systems and to provide a more comprehensive and convenient platform for tourists
and local organizations alike.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

1.4.1 Scope
The main motto of this project is to capture the first footprint of travelers to their very first time in
our local place as the name of project suggest ‘PahiloPaila’ . The development of the system will
facilitate travelers with gathering information about the different local places to broaden their
knowledge, make a plan for enjoying vacation, feel free to online booking the trip, and at any time
if they don’t want to go can cancel their plan also postpone them. On the other hand, the
administrative body making use of the system will have access to maintaining the travelers' profiles
content management, and responding to the travelers' feedback to increase efficiency and trust.
The system is also aimed to approximate the fulfillment of the customers' flexibility by
encouraging the promoters to introduce and promote possible tourist places.

1.4.2 Limitations
In the ‘PahiloPaila’ Tourism Management project, there are several limitations that should be taken
into consideration. These limitations include:

 Reliance on technology: The ‘PahiloPaila’ system relies heavily on technology, which can
be vulnerable to technical failures, cyber-attacks, or other issues. As a result, system
downtime lost data, and potential security breaches are possible.
 Cost: The implementation of the PahiloPaila system is expected to be experience due to
the need for technology infrastructure, software development, and training costs.
 Dependence on Internet connectivity: In Nepal, poor internet connectivity can be a
significant limitation for the "PahiloPaila" system, as it requires a reliable internet
connection to function properly.
 Difficulty in adoption: Implementing a new tourism management system such as
"PahiloPaila" can be a significant change for an organization, and may be require extensive
training and support for vendors and users to fully utilize the system. This can be a barrier
to adoption for some organizations.
 Health Services: This system lacks coordination with the medical sectors for immediate
health services in case of emergencies.

1.5 Development Methodology
This project follows the professional agile project execution methodology to develop a tourism
management system entitled "PahiloPaila". Agile is an iterative approach to project management
and software development that helps us to deliver products effectively. Instead of being
overwhelmed by the whole system in a single take, we develop a single module in an effective
way. Requirements, plans and results are evaluated continuously by our team so that we have a
chance to respond to our changes beforehand.

Requirements Development

Agile Software Development

Deployment Testing


Figure 1.5: Agile Methodology

1.6 Report Organization

The report on ‘PahiloPaila’ a web application for tourism management is based on six chapters.
Each chapter follows the constructive building of our project.

Chapter 1 provides the general knowledge of projects and gives an overview idea of our project.
It anticipates and combines the main points to be described in the later chapters flowingly that can
help other chapters.

Chapter 2 usually contains the theoretical literature review. It gives the insight to distinguish the
possible hypothesis, strategies, and shortfalls in the current research.

Chapter 3 studies the system such that information can be analyzed, modeled and developed. It
also gives enough information to a replica of the project study. It addresses the problems from
Chapter 1 and explains the objects of each experiment and provides information.

Chapter 4 similarly this chapter contain high-level UML diagrams to give an insight into the
system design and to enhance the features in a pictorialized form.

Chapter 5 contains system testing; its execution of a program or system with the intent of finding
errors. It also includes the examination of code as well as the execution that code in various
environments and conditions.

Chapter 6 describes the significance of the "PahiloPaila" system. Moreover, discusses the future
recommendation applicable to enhance the project.


2.1 Background Study

Far western Nepal has great potential for tourism development, with its natural beauty and cultural
attractions. However, the region faces challenges such as limited infrastructure and marketing
hindering its tourism management system is crucial to enhance operations and visitor experiences.
Existing research is limited, but studies emphasize the benefits of such systems. This report aims
to assess the current state, and emphasize the benefits of such systems. This report aims to assess
the current state, and effectiveness, and propose recommendations for a tourism management
system in Far western Nepal, promoting sustainable practices and economic development. The
findings will be valuable for stakeholders, fostering collaboration and improving the regions
competitiveness in the tourism industry.

2.2 Literature Review

Numerous researchers have conducted extensive studies on the application of information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in the tourism industry. The use of Computer Reservation
System (CRS) in airlines during the 1950s and the shift to Global Distribution System (GDSs) in
the 1980s, along with the implementation of Hotel Property Management and Hotel CRS Systems,
were among the earliest examples of ICT applications in the tourism industry [1].

Poon (1993) analyzed the strategic role of ICT in reshaping the value chain of the industry and the
process of consumer adaptation to new values, lifestyles, and tourism product that were re-
engineered by new technologies.[2]

Shakner (2012) revisited Poon's work and explored the impact of ICT on different sectors,
including airlines, hotels, tour operators, road and rail transport, management, and other

Bhupati (2016) revealed that current ICT systems need to be updated, upgraded, and integrated
internally and externally to enhance tourism business operations. He further suggested that

integrating ICT in tourism would benefit both service providers and customers, as well as
stakeholders on common platform.[4]

While there have been numerous studies conducted in Nepal on various aspects of tourism, such
as its economics and social impact, Himalayan expeditions, natural life, and biodiversity, and the
role of the government in promoting tourism, there has been limited research on the specific role
of ICT in the tourism industry of Nepal. According To research, regarding the information
availability of tourist destinations majority of the tourist reported that information was not
complete (63%) while (27%) reported of confusing information.


3.1. System Analysis

Analysis means to examine something in an organized and specific manner to know complete
details about it. Requirement’s analysis, also called requirement engineering simply means
complete study, analyzing, and describing system requirements so that requirements that are
genuine and needed can be fulfilled to solve problems. It involves frequent communication with
the stakeholders and end-users of the product to define expectations, resolve conflicts, and
document all the key requirements. System analysis is a team effort that demands a combination
of hardware, software, and human factor engineering expertise as well as skill in dealing with

During requirements analysis, we analyze and validated the requirements, and recorded and
monitored the implementation throughout the project.

There are two types of requirement analysis, they are as follows:

I. Functional Requirement
Functional requirement defines what the system should do. It defines a function of a
system. For the "PahiloPaila" web application the following requirement was gathered for
the intended use of the system.
 User Account: the registered user can directly do the booking of the tour packages,
and if there is a new user, he/she needs to register in order to book the packages.
Users can simply view the information about the different tourist places and
packages offered.
 Creating User Account: When there is a new user then he/should fill up the
registration form containing fields like name, email id, password, and so on.
 Checking Destinations
 Booking Trip

User management

Content management
Booking management

Payment management

Customer support

Figure 2.1: Admin User Case Diagram

Log In

Book Packages

Submit Feedback

Figure 3.3: User Use Case Diagram

II. Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are requirements that do not relate directly to the behavior or
functionality of the solution but rather describe conditions under which a solution must
remain effective or qualities that a solution must have. A non-functional requirement is a
specification that describes the system's operational capabilities and constraints that
enhance its functionality. These may be speed, security, reliability, etc.

Some examples of non-functional requirement

Availability: Availability of the application is the biggest concern, particularly if the

system addresses a business-critical solution. Unplanned downtime of the system can lead
to heavy loss for customers and consequently can ruin the system provider's business. Thus,
this project should consider recovery techniques while designing the strategy.

Reliability: Reliability talks about the requirement of how often the software fails. The
measurement is often expressed in the mean time between failures. We have to specify the
consequences of software failures, how to protect from failure, how to protect from failure,
a strategy for error detection, and a strategy for file correction.

Usability: Usability discusses the requirements about how difficult it will be to learn and
operate the system. Requirements are often expressed in learning time or similar matrices,

Portability: Portability talks about the effort required to move the software to different
target platforms.

Maintainability: Maintainability defines the time required for a solution or its component
to be fixed, changed to increase performance or other qualities, or adapted to a changing
environment. It can be expressed as a probability of repair during some time.

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis

A feasibility study is one of the essential activities that need to be carried out in the system
engineering process. Its main objective is to test the Technical, Operational, Economical
feasibility for adding new functions and debugging old running systems. All systems are
feasible if they are given unlimited resources and infinite time. There are aspects in the
feasibility study portion:
 Technical feasibility
 Operational feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Schedule feasibility

i. Technical Feasibility
The technical issues usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation include
 Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?
 Does the proposed equipment have the technical capacity to hold the data required
use the new system.
 Will the proposed system provide an adequate response to inquiries, regardless
other number or location of the user?
 Can the system be upgraded if developed?
 Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data

The project is technically feasible. It provides easy access to the user. The database's
purpose is to create, establish and maintain a workflow among various entities to facilitate
all concerned users in their various capacities and roles. Permission to the user would be
guaranteed accuracy, reliability and security.

The primary technical requirements include the availability of windows 2000 or a higher
version of the Operating system installed in the network. The system can also be
developed if new technology is acquiring. Thus, through all the ends technically feasibility
was met.

Hardware Requirement (For implementing this system)


Free Hard Disk Space : 10GB

System Architecture : Any standard x86 or x64 bit

Computer Software Requirements (For Implementing this system)

Browser : Chrome/Firefox/Microsoft Edge or any other Operating

System : Windows 2000 or higher version

Language : PHP for implementing the system

Server : XAMPP Server

ii. Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility determines whether the required software is capable of generating financial
gains for an organization. Financial benefits must be equal to or exceed the costs.

The system is economically feasible. It does not require any additional hardware or software. In
that, the development cost of creating the system is evaluated against the ultimate benefits derived
from the new systems. Financial benefits must equal or exceed the cost.

iii. Operational Feasibility

An operational feasibility aspect of the project is to be taken as an important part of the

implementation. It determines whether the organization is satisfied with the alternative

solutions proposed by the software development team. Operational feasibility aspects of
the projects include the following issues:
 Is there sufficient support for the management from the users?
 Will the system be used and worked properly if it is being developed and
 Will there be any resistance from the user to determine the possible application

iv. Schedule Feasibility

Schedule feasibility is the degree to which a deadline for a strategy, plan, project, or
process realistic and achievable. It give an estimate of how much time the project will take.
This assessment is critical to the success of the project especially if it involves a building
that is already occupied. After all, a project which is not completed by the deadline is said
to be a failure.
It is the most popular way of showing project activities against time. A project schedule is
shown in the following chart.

Mangshir Poush Magh

Research & Gathering
Testing and Refining

Table 1: Gantt Chart

3.1.3 Analysis Data Modeling Using ER Diagram
An Entity-relationship model (ER model) describes the help of a diagram, which is known as an
Entity Relationship Diagram. An ER model is a designer blueprint of a database that can later be
implemented as a database.

The ER diagram of "PahiloPaila" is depicted in the figure below.

Contact Password Update-date Package-id Email

Name Id DateForm

1 N
Users Does Book

Updation date 1

Ubid 1


Manag Permission
e to




Admin Type




Figure 3.4: E-R Diagram

15 Process Modeling Using DFD

A data flow diagram is a traditional visual representation of the information flows within a system.
A clear and neat DFD can depict the right amount of system requirements graphically .

Zero Level DFD

0.0 Login

Users Response Response Admin


Figure 3.5: Level Zero DFD

Level One DFD

Admin Login D Admin

Manage D Booking


Manage D Packages


Manage Users D Users


User Login D User


Booking D Packages


Profile Update D Account


View History D Packages

Figure 3.5: Level one DFD

Second Level DFD

Admin D Admin


View Booking D Booking


Verify Booking D Packages

Cancel D Packages

Figure 3.6: Level Two DFD


4.1 Design
4.1.1 Database Design
In order to access the data properly and extract the most out of it, it is essential to model the data
correctly. The modeling of the ‘PahiloPaila’ tourism management system is shown below.

4.1.2 Data Tables

Tables are database objects that contain all the data in the database. In tables, data is logically
organized in a row and column format similar to a spreadsheet. Each row represents a unique
record, and each column represents a field in the record.

Table 2: Admin Database Table

Column Name Data Type Description

ID Int (10) Not Null (Primary key)
Staffid Varchar (255) Default Null
AdminName Varchar (120) Default Null
UserName Varchar (120) Default Null
FirstName Varchar (255) Default Null
LastName Varchar (255) Default Null
MobileNumber Bigint (10) Default Null
Email Varchar (200) Default Null
Status Int (11) Not Null
Photo Varchar (255) Not Null
Password Varchar (255) Default Null

Table 3: Permission Database Table

Column Name Data Type Description

Id Int (11) Not Null
Permission Varchar (255) Not Null
Createuser Varchar (255) Default Null
Deleteuser Varchar (255) Default Null
Createbid Varchar (255) Default Null
Updatebid Varchar (255) Default Null

Table 4: Booking Database Table

Column Name Data Type Description

Bookingid Int (11) Not Null (primary key)
Packageid Int (11) Default Null (foreign key)
UserEmail Varchar (100) Default Null
FromDate Varchar (100) Default Null
ToDate Varchar (100) Default Null
Comment Mediumtext Default Null
RegDate Timestamp Default Null
Status Int (11) Default Null
CancelledBy Varchar (5) Default Null
UpdationDate Timestamp Default Null

Table 5: User Database Table

Column Name Data Type Description

Id Int (11) Not Null
FullName Varchar (100) Default Null
MobileNumber Char (10) Default Null
EmailID Varchar (70) Default Null
Password Varchar (100) Default Null
RegDate Timestamp Default Null
UpdationDate Timestamp Default Null

Table 6: Package Database Table

Column Name Data Type Description
PackageId Int (11) Not Null
PackageName Varchar (200) Default Null
PackageType Varchar (150) Default Null
PackagePrice Int (11) Default Null
PackageFeatures Varchar (255) Default Null
PackageDetails Medium text Default Null
PackageImage Varchar (100) Default Null
CreationDate Timestamp Default Null
updationDate Timestamp Default Null


5.1 Implementation
Software implementation refers to the process of adopting and integrating a software application
into a business workflow.

5.1.1 Tools Used

CASE Tools: Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools provide automated support
development. The goal of introduction of CASE tools is the reduction of the time and cost of
software development and the enhancement of the quality of the system developed. There are
number of CASE tools used in SDLC.

Diagram Tools: These tools are used to represent system components, data and control flow
among various software components and system structure in a graphical form. The project uses
draw as online diagramming tool.

5.1.1 .1 Programming Tools:

Frontend Tools

Frontend development tool helps developers to build attractive website layout and apps with ease.
Those tools help to accelerate the web development process by providing drag and drop elements
and various built-in features to create a more attractive web design layout.

 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
 jQuery
 JavaScript
 Bootstrap 5

Backend Tools

The backend is the portion of website that is not visible to the end user. It's responsible for storing
and organizing data and insulting everything on the client actually works. The backend
communicates with the frontend, sending and receiving information to be displayed as a webpage.


5.1.1 .2 Database Tools:

The Project uses MYSQL as a database tool for communicating with the database. XAMPP server
is used for the connection with the database.

5.1.2 Implementation details of modules

Our system designed in such a way that any user gets logged into in it and can get all the services
which are provided by our system like booking, selecting destination, feedbacks etc. We have
created a simple user interface so that any user can understand easily and might not have any
difficulty in using it.

Administrative Module:

Administrative module is provided for the sake of administrator to manage the site and update the
content at regular intervals, the major operations included in the module are:

 Create and maintain data of user, booking and other system.

 View the traveler's details.
 View the feedback of the users.
 Update the information when it is necessary.

Travelers Module:

This module is meant for travelers, where a user logging into his/her owns account will view this
panel. These major operations included are:

 View the destination places

 Select Places
 Book for a trip
 Provide feedback

5.2 Testing
Software testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a software application with an intent
to find whether the developed software met the specified requirements or not and to identify the
defects to ensure that the product is defect-free in order to produce a quality product.

This stage involves testing the source code to make sure that it produced the expected and desired
results when subjected to a set of predefined conditions. It is subdivided into three major phases,
that is, unit testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. Under unit testing, specific part of
the source code was tested. Emphasis was put on the website database connection to ensure that
information sent by a user from the webpage reaches the system database. System Testing involves
putting the entire system, to test in order to find out whether or not the functional requirements of
the system had been efficiently integrated and satisfied. Finally, user acceptance testing was done;
this was factor for the success of the system performance. The system under consideration is tested
for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the system user that is, the agency
administrator and traveler.

5.2.1 Test Cases for Unit Testing

A unit testing is a way of testing the smallest piece of code that can be logically isolated in a
system. A unit is a single testable part of software system and tested during the development phase
of the application software. The purpose of unit testing is to test the correctness of isolated code.
A unit component is an individual function or code of the application.

Table 7: Test case for login Module

S. N 1
Test Description Check Login functionality
Test Steps Enter valid username and invalid password
Test Data Username:
Expected Result Message showing "invalid details"
Actual Result As expected,
Pass/Fail Fail

S. N 2
Test Description Check Login functionality
Test Steps Enter valid username and invalid password
Test Data Username:
Expected Result User should be redirected to home page
Actual Result As expected,
Pass/Fail Pass

5.2.2 Test Cases for System Testing

System testing is a level of testing that validates the complete and fully integrated software
product. The purpose of a system testing is to evaluate the end -to-end system
specifications. Usually, the software is only one element of a larger computer-based
system. Ultimately, the software is interfaced with other software/hardware systems.
System Testing is actually series of different test whose sole purpose is to exercise the full
computer-based system.

Test Cases for Booking:

Table 8: Test case for booking module

S. N 1
Test Description Check Booking Functionality
Test Steps 1.Login to the system
2. View packages
3. Click on details and fill up the fields
4.Click on Book Button
Test Data From Date:06/06/2024
To Date :09/07/2024
Comment: I love Nepal
Expected Result Message showing "Booked Successfully
Actual Result As expected,
Pass/Fail Pass

5.3 Result Analysis

We have performed number of manual testings of our web application. The application
performs correctly in any given condition. The failure rate is very low, relatively zero to
none. We have done every unit testing correctly.


6.1 Conclusion

Tourism Management System is a solution tool that is designed to maintain and manage
all the detailed information about the tour booking and integrating the system management.
This system is designed to provide service to its users. This system is providing the service
of trip booking, transport management, destination information which makes the process
efficient and effective. From this project we learnt the definition of the tourism
management system and how it fit with other technology. It helps to maintain and manage
all the information regarding travelers.

The project entitled ‘PahiloPaila’ is a tourism management system that is implemented

using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, LARAVEL and MYSQL. This project cover only the
basic feature that are required. ‘PahiloPaila’ Tourism management system can be used by
any traveler agency to maintain and manage information about the tourism easily.
Achieving this manually is difficult as the information is scattered, can redundant and
collecting relevant information may be time consuming. Many of these problems are solved
by this project. This system helps in maintaining the information of the travelers. This can
be easily accessed by administrator can be keeps safe for long period of time without any

6.2. Future Recommendation

As technology is changing day by day, there is always box for improvement. We can add
and update various new features among the existing features/ function of this project. Some
of the features such as language translational for foreign tourist, recommendation system
as well as health service are incorporated in our projects in future, our system will manage
all the information and new features according to the feedback of the users maps regarding


[2] Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management:
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[5] Summerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering (9th ed.). Addison-Wesley
[6] Tondreau, B. (2009). Layout Essentials: 100 Design Principles for Using Grids. Rockport


Figure A1: Home Page

Figure A2: Admin Login Page

Figure A3: Admin Dashboard

Figure A4: User Sign Up Form

Figure A5: User Sign In Form


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