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Nutritious and Healthy Community

Project Proposal
Bachelor of Science in Social Work
1st Year

Group Members:
Bascos, Hannah Marie B.
Calinao, Adriana Jane I.
Evangelista, Loriane C.
Fallaria, Ranell Jeziah M.
Gregorio, Meriel Joy T.
Hachero, Marrianne Shane C.
Remitado, Rizzalyn B.
Rio, Gia Rayema M.
Rosauro, Juliana Marla L.
Victoriano, Baby Rose B.
I. Objectives

Below are the following general purposes of the project "Community Garden" in the
residence of Baranggay Balite:

 To help individuals regarding their nutritional well-being.

 To provide better and easier access to healthy vegetable plants inside their community.
 To promote social activities through the involvement of residents with community

II. Background

Health is wealth and one of the most important things that we should do to take care of
our body is by eating healthy foods such as vegetables. Suddenly, vegetables in the market are
not budget-friendly, unlike before when their cost ranges up to 5 pesos, 10 pesos or 20 pesos.
One of the causes is the inflation rate which affects many individuals for the price hiking of
foods, and many more.
In this time, there is insufficient alternative way the Barangay Balite can save in terms of
vegetables. Even though they have their own community garden, it is not enough because it’s
just small and barely provided for many individuals there. It is also hard if there’s only a few
people and the Barangay officials regarding on planting more seeds and making more
community garden in different Sitio to have their own resources of healthy foods.
That’s why our team decided on this plan and some help for the people in Barangay
Balite, the “community garden”. For this reason, we can get the teamwork and willingness of
them because they can sell what they had plant and make them encourage more to help us in
continuation and addition for what they have started on planting various vegetables. Not just for
selling, yet they can use it when they need it the most. With the coordination of the Barangay
officials, people in that community, and us, CWTS students can make a possible change and
useful way for saving and being healthier people in Barangay Balite.

III. Justification
As part of the requirement of the Calapan City’s government, Barangay Balite has
already participated and initiated the making of Community Garden. The purpose of the said
project is to provide people vegetables whenever they are in need. Furthermore, the garden will
serve as their source of nutritious food where they don’t need to spend money.
Nonetheless, although Barangay Balite already had their Community Garden, the group
noticed that this Community Garden isn,t enough to supply vegetables to each families in
Barangay Balite.
Aside from these, this proposed project will also provide the people of the Barangay with
a lot environmental benefits and livelihood learning opportunities.
IV. Benefits

Our company/group thinks that urban agriculture may improve community members'
health and well-being as well as the environment. Community gardens might lessen the effects of
food deserts in areas with low incomes and give locals easier access to the nutritious food they
need to lead healthy lives.

Some of the issues that urban areas face can be lessened by community gardening. They
can improve a lot of communities by making more nutritious foods available, creating greater
connections between fellow citizens, minimizing environmental risks, killing down on food
miles, and building a more sustainable system.

Community gardens can help reduce negative environmental impacts by promoting

sustainable agriculture, reducing food transportation costs and reducing water runoff. Humans,
plants and animals can all benefit from urban agriculture since it creates habitats and improves
the ecology of the area.

Community gardens:

 Help improve air and soil quality.

 Increase biodiversity of plants and animals
 Reduce “food miles” that are required to transport nutritious food.
 Can replace impervious structures and improve water infiltration.
 Can reduce neighborhood waste through composting
 Positively impact the urban micro-climate

Poor nutrition and obesity are both challenges to low-income neighborhoods. Low
accessibility to nutritious foods can cause health problems to residents located in food deserts.
The addition of gardens to these areas may improve nutrition and increase the consumption of
fruits and vegetables.

Community gardens:

 Increase access to fresh foods

 Improve food security.
 Increase physical activity through garden maintenance activities.
 Improve dietary habits through education.
 Increase fruit and vegetable intake.
 Reduce risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases
 Improve mental health and promote relaxation.
Social ties are important to the wellbeing of people in a community since they can bring
positive health effects and community involvement. Community gardens allow for the creation
of social ties and build a greater feeling of community. These connections help reduce crime,
empower residents and allow residents to feel safe in their neighborhoods.

V. Coverage

The project aims to produce healthy vegetable plants in the residence of Barangay Balite.
In accordance with this, the project is set to be situated at the portion of the aforementioned
Barangay near the hall. This particular part is selected due to its good soil quality which could
help in producing a healthy vegetable plant such as pechay, eggplant, sitaw and so much more.
Relatively, its purpose is to produce good health impact to people of Balite as it aims to provide
plants that are able to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent
some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon
blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check. The project will be held every saturday
starting from 10AM to 1PM for the month of March and April which will be facilitated and
coordinated by the proponents and some of the community staff.

VI. Methodology

After the preparation of the proposal, the group will conduct site viewing and barangay
visitation. To formally present the proposal, the group will proceed to the barangay hall to
present it and give the letter of request for conduction.
Right after the visitation, the group will collect the other materials needed (e.g. dustpan,
stick broom) Since the seeds can be collected for free, the group will only start gathering other
needed materials.
The schedule of NSTP of the group is every Saturday, 4 to7 PM. However, the group
decided to move the schedule from 4 to 7 PM to 10 to 12 NN every Saturday. The group will
start the step-by-step process of planting and fertilizing vegetable plants.

VII. Budget

The group decided to collect Php 80.00 from each members. In total, the expected budget
is Php 800.00. Since the seeds will be provided for free, the group will only be providing the
planting tools.

The table below shows the expenses for the project.

Table 1. Expenses
Seeds Php 0.00
1 Broom Sticks Php 50.00
3 Shovel Php 150.00
3 Trowel Php 150.00
Total: Php 300.00

Table 2. Budget Planning

Php 800.00 Php 350.00 (Materials) Php 450.00

The excess funds will be used for unexpected expenses.

VIII. Schedule

Table 3. Time Table

March 23, 2024 4:00 – 5:30 Planning and Organizing of the Project
March 25, 2024 10:00 – 11:00 Purchasing planting tools

(The Schedule will be updated soon once the class schedule is organized)

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