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Code: TT/P.

Issue: 01
Effective from: 07/01/2019


Exam duration: 120 minutes (Excluding reading time/distributing and collecting exam
Opened book( available for hardcopy only)
Student full name:…………….……..………..…………………..; Student ID:.……………………Seat No.:….……

Question 1. (2.0 marks)

We have an air shipment with the details as follows:
 Routing: Saigon, Vietnam (SGN) to Boston, MA, USA (BOS)
 Commodity: Foodstuffs Dimensional Weight: (50 cm x 55 cm x 75 cm)/ 6000 = 34.38 kg
Compare Weights:
 Q’ty: 1 box/ G.W: 25 K / Dim: 50x55x75 cm Dimensional Weight: 34.38 kg > Gross Weight: 25 kg
 Applicable rates: GCR N Usd 12.36 1. Chargeable weight: dimensional weight 34.38 —> 34.5kg
(round up)
GCR 45K Usd 9.30 GCR N: 12.36 x 34.5 = 426.42 usd
 Surcharges: FSC: Usd 0.10/K GCR 45K: 9.3 x 45 = 418.5 usd
—> Applicable rate: GCR 45K (cheaper)
ISC: Usd 0.05/K
2. Total charge:
AWB: Usd 2/set Freight * chargable weight + Surcharges x real weight
AMS: Isd 25/set = 418.5 + 2 + 25 + 25 * (0.1 + 0.05) =. 49.25 usd

a. Explain which chargeable weight can be apply for the above-mentioned consignment to
achieve the lower transportation charge? (1.0 point)
b. Calculate the total charge paying for the IATA agent? (1.0 point)
Question 2. (3.0 marks)
Refer to the attached invoice No: 23112008 dated Nov 23,2013
a. Calculate charges that the buyer has to pay the forwarding company (in USD) for
cargo release? The details as follows: (1.0 M)
- Quantity: 6 Pkgs/ 100 Kgs/ 0.5 Cbm
- Ocean freight Pusan-HCMC: Usd 15.00/Cbm (Min 2 Cbm)
- Port charges in Pusan: CFS charge Usd 10.00/ Cbm (Min 1 Cbm), THC: Usd 8.00/
- Port charges in Cát Lái port : CFS charge: Usd 5.00/ Cbm (Min 1 Cbm), THC: Usd
10.00/ Cbm (Min 1 Cbm)
b. Determine the customs value of the goods? (1.0 M)
c. After delivering the goods on date 26 Nov, the seller obtained the on-board Bill of
Lading from the shipping company. The next day, the buyer received a phone call
from the shipping agent saying that all the goods had been damaged because of the
big fire burning out in the sea. Could the buyer ask the seller for refunding all the
payment? Explain briefly? (1.0 M)
In this scenario, if the goods were damaged due to a fire burning out at sea, it would typically fall under a force majeure event.
Force majeure refers to unforeseeable circumstances that prevent someone from fulfilling a contract. In such cases, neither Page 1 / 5
party would typically be held liable for damages or non-performance. Therefore, the buyer may not be able to ask the seller for
refunding all the payment, unless there are specific contractual clauses or insurance provisions that cover such incidents.
However, the buyer may negotiate with the seller for a partial refund or compensation based on the terms of the contract and the
circumstances surrounding the event.
Code: TT/P.KT&KĐCL/11/BM01V
Issue: 01
Effective from: 07/01/2019

Ko khiếu nại dc do FWD ko cam kết dc 1 ngày đi và 1 ngày đến cụ thể → Thông báo delay cho chủ hàng asap để owner có giải
pháp ứng phó → “Hành trình có thể thay đổi mà ko báo trước" → người mua vẫn phải thanh toán 7k usd (thù lao dịch vụ)
d. The importer purchased the new merchandise with the intent of marketing it to his
customers during an exhibition he organized between 10/12 and 15/12. The arrival
date was set to 6/12, four days before the exhibition’s opening date. The actual
arrival date of the cargo was 13/12, so the exhibition was held without displaying
these merchandises. The importer claimed the forwarding company caused him
tremendous losses in lost potential customers as the samples did not arrive in
HCMC in time. Could the forwarder claim for the service charges against the
importer for an unpaid debt? (1.0 M)
Question 3. (4.0marks)
Supply capacity at 7-Evelen
Prior to 1991, 7-Eleven was one of the top remarkable integrated convenience stores. Being
vertically integrated, the company controlled most of the activities in the supply chain. In 7-
Eleven's case, the company has its own distribution system that delivers gasoline to each store,
produced its own candy and ice, and required its managers to handle store maintenance, debit card
processing, store payments, and even in-store IT systems. For a period, 7-eleven even owned
cows that supply diary products sold in its stores. It is very difficult for 7-eleven to even own the
dairy cows and manage costs for such a diverse set of functions.
At the time, 7-Eleven had a very successful story from its Japanese branch yet based on a
completely different integration model. Instead of using the company's vertically integrated
model, stores in Japan have a partnership with suppliers to perform many of the day-to-day tasks.
Vendors specialize in a particular area helped 7-Eleven increase quality, improve service while
reduce costs. The Japanese model involves outsourcing what is possible without risk of loosing
key information to competitors. A general rule of thumb is that, if there is a partner who can
provide a more efficient task than that is done by 7-Eleven itself, that capability should be
outsourced. In the US, companies have even outsourced activities such as human resources,
finance, information technology, logistics, distribution, product development and packaging, 7-
Eleven still maintains control of vital information and performs all tasks such as purchasing,
pricing, positioning, promotion of petrol and ready-to-eat food.
1- Please explain the reasons for outsourcing and analyze benefits for 7-Eleven business
model in above case (3.0 points);
2- In reference to the Fisher framework of supply chains, which product category do 7-
Eleven products fall into: functional or innovative? Explain in detailed (1.0 points)

Question 4. (1.0 mark) Given the situation that your internship company is a client of a service
company and your internship company has been faced with the poor service provision, please fill
in the blanks of the following draft Letter of complaint.
Dear [Name],

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Code: TT/P.KT&KĐCL/11/BM01V
Issue: 01
Effective from: 07/01/2019

Referring to our order for seafood products, we shall be glad to

know____________(1)_____________. These kinds of goods were promised within a week, and
we are already put to considerable inconvenience with the long delay.

Please ___________(2)_____________. Or else, we shall have to be able to cancel the order, as

we___________(3)_____________. This is simply not the first time we have had to complain of
delay of deliveries of goods ordered.

We need to really insist upon greater promptitude in regard to deliveries. Otherwise we will likely
be compelled to________(4)_________.
(1) the status of our order for seafood products (This clarifies what information you need)
Warm Regards, (2) investigate this matter urgently and advise us of a revised delivery date. (This specifies your desired action)

(3) cannot continue to operate without this critical shipment. (This emphasizes the consequences of the delay)
Procurement Executive (4) seek alternative suppliers in the future. (This warns of potential future actions)

---THE END---
The exam invigilator does not explain further

Note: Total mark is 10

Reasons for Outsourcing and Benefits for 7-Eleven (3.0 points)
7-Eleven's decision to switch from a vertically integrated model to a partnership model in Japan yielded several benefits:

Increased Efficiency and Reduced Costs: By outsourcing tasks like distribution, candy and ice production, and in-store maintenance, 7-Eleven could leverage
the expertise of specialized vendors. These vendors likely have economies of scale and more efficient processes, leading to lower costs for 7-Eleven.
Improved Quality and Service: Vendors specializing in specific areas like IT systems or food preparation can focus on continuous improvement within their
domain. This focus can lead to higher quality products and better service for 7-Eleven customers.
Focus on Core Business: By outsourcing non-essential tasks, 7-Eleven's management could free up time and resources to focus on core competencies like
product selection, pricing, and marketing. This allows them to better serve their customers and stay competitive.
Reduced Risk: The Japanese model avoids outsourcing critical functions that could compromise sensitive information or give competitors an edge. 7-Eleven
maintains control over vital areas like purchasing, pricing, and promotion, ensuring they maintain a strategic advantage.
7-Eleven Products in the Fisher Supply Chain Framework (1.0 point)
According to the Fisher Supply Chain Framework, 7-Eleven products fall primarily into the functional category.

The Fisher framework categorizes products based on their demand predictability and product margins. Functional products are characterized by:

High Demand Predictability: Convenience store items like snacks, drinks, and basic necessities have consistent demand with little fluctuation.
Low Margins: These products are typically priced competitively, resulting in lower profit margins for 7-Eleven.
Therefore, focusing on efficient supply chains and cost reduction aligns well with the functional product category. By outsourcing and leveraging vendor
expertise, 7-Eleven can optimize their supply chain for these products.

However, there might be a small innovative component for certain 7-Eleven products:

Ready-to-eat food: Some ready-to-eat meals offered by 7-Eleven may have a more innovative element, requiring a balance between efficiency and
responsiveness to changing customer preferences.
Overall, the majority of 7-Eleven products fall within the functional category, with a potential sub-segment leaning slightly towards innovative based on specific
food offerings. Page 3 / 5
Code: TT/P.KT&KĐCL/11/BM01V
Issue: 01
Effective from: 07/01/2019

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Issue: 01
Effective from: 07/01/2019

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