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Struggling with writing a thesis on research papers on employee retention strategies?

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alone. Crafting a comprehensive thesis on this topic requires in-depth knowledge, extensive research,
and excellent writing skills. From gathering relevant data to analyzing findings and presenting
coherent arguments, the process can be daunting.

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on employee retention strategies is the vast amount
of literature available on the subject. Sorting through numerous studies, theories, and case studies to
identify the most relevant information can be overwhelming. Additionally, synthesizing this
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This inquiry, however was delimited to one of the branches of a fast growing private college which
offer health science programs wherein all the teaching and non-teaching personnel are the
respondents. Company executives can use this template when preparing a company development
strategy. The younger group of employees should be well appreciated to increase their morale to.
Literature and research work on employee retention and the factors affecting employee retention
Table 1: Factors, Contributing authors and Research papers. The study is concern in the two strategies
of employee retention hence it investigates whether organization should go for employee
development strategy or compensation strategy in order to increase productivity. This study focus on
all aspect of employee and also to understand various strategies adopted in an organisation to retain
the employee. Strategies for Employee Retention in Hospitality Industry. It is therefore very
important that employers retain their employee which employees are encouraged to remain with the
organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of a particular project. This
motivation of employees produces a culture of commitment to the objectives of the organization.
International Journal of Recent Research in Civil and Mechanical Paper Publications selected the
topic employees retention strategies to study how the. In this review paper we study about the
various HR practices that help employee retention and foster employee commitment in the
organization. An important factor that keeps the employee in the organization is. The data reveals
that equal opportunity is not being given to all employees to attend the. Based on the data we got of
all 84 stores, we tried to do multi-regression model with the expected profit as depend variable on Y-
axis and all other factors (like MTenure, CTenure, Comp, Pop, Visible, PedCount, 24 hour open or
not, and located in residential or industrial area) as independent variables. And with the new normal
of remote work, employees have a wider range of potential employers to evaluate than ever before.
It demonstrates that managers care about their career trajectory and trust them to bring their
expertise to other areas of the business. These data indicate that technical institute staffing problems
are not primarily due to teacher shortages, in the sense insufficient availability of qualified teachers.
The HR Policies differ from organization to organization. To be a good nurse, you have to be a
physically strong and emotionally stable person, and you have to be able to think on your feet. Needs
might include, for example, fair pay, safety standards at work, opportunities to socialize,
compliments to help raise our esteem, and training opportunities to further develop ourselves. They
help the company to achieve good results and improve the quality of its products and services. This
input may also include the qualifications, work experience, and skills of employees. Using SPSS
version 20, ANOVA, correlation and regression tests were performed to arrive at the findings. Poe
(2003) had also described that turnover rate also impacts on cost because of new recruitme nt and
selection procedures which involve a lot of money, time and energy. Organisation culture, pay and
remuneration, flexibility and job satisfaction highly influence the retention rate for any company The
paper provides the prevalent. To sum up this concept, it can say that a job should be designed in a
way that creates an experience of responsibility, meaningfulness, and knowledge of the consequences
of the contribution. For example, this approach can actually demotivate employees if they do not feel
the goal is achievable. In their article they m entioned that the recruitment strategies like employee
referral pro-grams and acquisitions as well as human resource development (HRD) are considered as
the chief source for talent retention.
However, the result shows neither age groups nor length of service groups have significant difference
with turnover intention. The key is to pinpoint the issues that may be driving employees to leave and
address them before it’s too late. Employee retention, on the other hand, has been identified one of
the biggest challenges in the 21st century, particularly in the hospitality industry. Doing all the best
efforts in order to maintain such a working environment which supports the existing employees to
remain in the company, while recognizing their abilities and contribution and implementing suitable
reward and recognition strategies is always appreciable and one of the most important things that a
business management can do to retain its employees. Performance Based Pay should be given utmost
importance. A proper feedback system can be implemented through effective communication in the
organization. Educational institutes depend on the skills, knowledge and abilities of their faculty for
efficient and effective delivery of services in order to stay abreast with new changes and to achieve
the vision of the institution. Follow a set of practices designed thoughtfully to help employees stay
with the organization for long term. For this reason, after 6 months of training, when employees are
not promoted, they leave the organization. This study specific objective is to investigate effect of
training, career development and compensation strategies on the productivity of the organization. A
more detailed and recent definition for the concept of retention is “customer liking. According to this
theory, there are five levels, or stages, of needs (physiological, security, affiliation, esteem, and self-
actualization) for humans (refer Table 2 ). Analysis using multiple linear regression analysis.
Statistical tools used are factor analysis, simple averages, ANOVA and regression. Career
development and growth opportunities are very critical for the success of the hospitality industry.
Besides, the study attempts to determine the differences in the turnover intention based on
demographic variables (age and tenure). If attrition is stopped at the preliminary stage then steps can
be taken to curb the same. Additionally, effective human resource management practices not only
ensure the desired skills, abilities, and knowledge of employees but also employee motivation. In
this regard, the work of Neely (2007) indicted a shift of work from tangible to intangible and it had
changed workers from costs to assets. The study finding suggests that salary is among the primary
cause of staff turnover in the HBF. However, determining the needs of select groups of skilled
employees can be difficult to determine in today’s markets. You may unsubscribe via the link found
at the bottom of every email. From his research, he developed the motivation-hygiene theory to
explain these results. Other studies indicated that effective communications improve employee
Identification with. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current employer or the job due to lack
of advancement opportunities, salary and remuneration and others, they switch over to the next.
Unfortunately, their employers remain unaware about employee needs and fail to cater them. The
SAS was significantly better than the SDQ at identifying ASDs. The sample of this research is a
permanent employee at PT. As humans, we have the basic need to spend time with others. These
theories can be intertwined into the specific retention strategies we will implement.
Flexibility in scheduling and benefits is another key attribute in employee retention. May 2016 This
paper focuses on reviewing the findings of previous studies conducted by Many researchers
approached employee retention using a. A conducive and environmentally protected work
environment encourages and motivates employees to perform better, and this behavior is sustained
throughout the day. Interviews were conducted on the basis of predetermined interview guide.
Rachele Fleming DBX Investor Presentation - Q4 and FY 2023 DBX Investor Presentation - Q4
and FY 2023 Dropbox publicpolicy-130621235359-phpapp02 2.pdf publicpolicy-130621235359-
phpapp02 2.pdf mmople Recently uploaded ( 20 ) Medirom Healthcare Technologies Inc. Need to
do study related to the problems mentioned above. Jun 2009 ORIGINAL PAPER personal factors
that influence employee retention Centre for Educational Research on Lifelong Learning and.
Organisation culture, pay and remuneration, flexibility and job satisfaction highly influence the
retention rate for any company The paper provides the prevalent. Equity theory is based on the
following three main components or assumptions. Providing training to the managers in our
organization can be a key retention strategy based on McGregor’s theory. Then think about other
monetary incentives like referral programs, tuition reimbursement, and profit-sharing. The study
concludes with direction form future research Download Free PDF View PDF Impact of Industrial
Relations on labour turnover in Plastic Industries: A Review Parag A Narkhede High workforce
turnover is a significant issue for the Indian industry, particularly the Plastic sector. As for
respondents, samples of 66 employees were taken. For example, you can present employee
motivation as one of the measures to reduce recruitment costs. The bad impact of employee turnover
can be reduced by talent retention as Hankins and Kleiner (1995) highlight the importance of talent
retention for the success of an organization. Following a plan: Some employees may have a
predetermined plan to quit e. It is of utmost importance that the organization works to keep them.
JDI looks at five aspects of job satisfaction, including present job, present pay, opportunities for
promotion, supervision, and coworkers. “Job Descriptive Index,” JDI Research Group, Bowling
Green State University, accessed July 29, 2011. Furthermore, employee empowerment helps
employees to make decisions regarding their job responsibilities and working hours. Free employee
retention papers, essays, and research papers. Employees can also take part inone-on-one sessions
where they. The HR Policies differ from organization to organization. In these days of job hopping,
reduced company loyalty, and high employee turnovers, hiring employees is just a start to creating a
strong work force. These values should be meaningful to every employee and communicated in a
way that everyone can internalize and understand. To retain the good talent who are new to the
industry, they must be given a pay package. Hypothesis testing is done by spreading the
questionnaire as many as 52 employees of the University PGRI RonggolaweTuban. Career
development and growth opportunities are very critical for the success of the hospitality industry.
Organisation culture, pay and remuneration, flexibility and job satisfaction highly influence the
retention rate for any company The paper provides the prevalent. These theories can be intertwined
into the specific retention strategies we will implement. Career Aspirations of all employees have not
been met uniformly.
Lot of committed efforts must be taken to ensure growth and learning for the employees in their
current assignments and for them to enjoy their work. This study is conducted to know the major
factors which influence the teachers to remain in any management institution. Research highlights
that production and service are major constituents of the hospitality industry. The HR managers
should check on the career paths drawn for all employees. Motivation is what causes us to act,
whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce. In business today, the stick approach refers to
“poking and prodding” to get employees to do something. However, a few things should be
considered when developing an employee satisfaction survey. The study of rank correlation between
the two age groups show that there is a small level of. However, determining the needs of select
groups of skilled employees can be difficult to determine in today’s markets. His conclusion and
explanation for this was the simple fact the workers were happy to receive attention from researchers
who expressed interest in them. The employees always have high expectations regarding their
compensation Packages. According to Kay and Moncarz (2004), the turnover of key employees
causes the loss of key skills, threat to growth of organization and organizations can also face
disruption of operations. This area could prove to be a highly sensitive one between employer and
employee, so extreme caution is suggested in all instances. Organisation culture, pay and
remuneration, flexibility and job satisfaction highly influence the retention rate for any company The
paper provides the prevalent. The value of the scale is that an HR manager can measure job
satisfaction over a period of time and compare current results to past results and even compare job
satisfaction at their company versus their industry. According to LBW Consulting (Leadership In
Business, Worldwide), the cost of replacing an employee ranges from 29% (non-management) to
46% (management) of the person's annual salary. The result is the employers lose their invested
resources to their competitors, corporate memory is lost, employee relationships are strained and
more over the moral of existing staff goes down. Free employee retention papers, essays, and
research papers. Most organizations in the hospitality industry do not have sustainable management
programs, and they don’t have room to find the right direction for growth and development. This
research, therefore, recommends some appropriate strategies for the development of a proper talent
pool. Theory X managers According to McGregor, a type of manager who has a negative approach
to employee motivation., who have an authoritarian management style, have the following
fundamental management beliefs. It has an impact on employees’ perceptions of the organization.
Working condition demonstrates the strongest relationship. Likewise, employees should be motivated
at work by having all needs met. Employees moving from one organization to other had to face
different work environments which in turn can good or bad consequences both to the employee and
the organization. One of the key attempts of the leadership at Dr. It is important to know if the
employees enjoy their work. Organisation culture, pay and remuneration, flexibility and job
satisfaction highly influence the retention rate for any company The paper provides the prevalent.
This paper explains the importance of employee retention in the growth of the organization and
achieving the competitive advantage over the competing firms. The retention strategies should be
formulated in such a way that the organizations grow with greater efficiency and innovation and
achieve long lasting strategic business objectives. This flexi-hours strategy if adopted with proper
planning of formality and degree will reduce stress and bring improvement in well being of
employee life. First, exit interviews of employees who are leaving the organization can provide
important retention information.
Factors Affecting Employee Retention - Iiste ? pdf. Also, if organizations use this as the only
motivational technique, ignoring physiological rewards such as career growth, this could be a
detriment as well. It is of utmost importance that the organization works to keep them. Employees
should feel free to share their opinions and experiences around their workload, job satisfaction, etc.
Organisation culture, pay and remuneration, flexibility and job satisfaction highly influence the
retention rate for any company The paper provides the prevalent. Human resource practices that
contribute to employee growth and development increase employee retention. That's one conclusion
found in a study by the Gevity Institute and Cornell University's Center for Advanced Human
Resources. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed February 23, 2024. This allows the HR manager to
consider changes in the organization, such as a change in compensation structure, and see how job
satisfaction is impacted by the change. The paper provides the prevalent and potential reasons for an
employee to leave his job and also talks extensively about the problems faced by an organisation
associated with the high employee turnover. Employee retention has become a sole concern for
corporate in the current scenario. Download Free PDF View PDF Rentention Strategies Adopted In
Modern Management Era IOSR Journals publish within 3 days Human Resource is an important
resource for an organisation.Now a days retaining an employee in an organisation is a greater
challenge for HR managers.They have to choose suitable person with a required experience and
ability, to fill up the vacancies in theorganisation. The major factors affecting retention of teachers in
management institutions in Bengaluru are Work Environment, Effective Leadership and
Empowerment. He found that theory X managers had more of a negative view of employees, while
theory Y managers had a more positive view. Employees should be encouraged to take pride in the
work they do. Literature and research work on employee retention and the factors affecting
employee retention Table 1: Factors, Contributing authors and Research papers. This is especially
important during turbulent times with the business or the economy. This flexi-hours strategy if
adopted with proper planning of formality and degree will reduce stress and bring improvement in
well being of employee life. Attracting new talent and retaining them and aligning them with
organizational goals. The career aspirations of all employees should be carefully understood by the
HR managers. The aforementioned studies are representative of much of the research available
relating to commitment and turnover. Then think about other monetary incentives like referral
programs, tuition reimbursement, and profit-sharing. She said that talent manage-ment is integral for
business tra nsformation success. Employees should be informed about the relevance of their work in
the organizational. Many companies use the stick approach, as in the following examples. Parents of
a national community sample of 7,977 British 5-16 year olds completed the Social Aptitudes Scale
(SAS) as well as a general questionnaire measure of psychopathology, the Strengths and Difficulties
Questionnaire (SDQ). ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) turnover research has
focused specifically on how an employee decides to remain with an organization. Employees should
be encouraged to take pride in the work they do. This accountable provides a means of deterring any
subpar performance on the part of employees who might otherwise be a detriment to the overall
operations of the firm. It was also found that these factors make a significant impact on
thesatisfaction of teachers.

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