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1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple.

Hi Lori,

I 1_______________(just/make) that cheesecake from the recipe you 2

_______________ (send) me. I 3 _____________ (want) to try it last week,

but I 4 ________________________ (have) so much work recently that it

was impossible. Anyway, my parents love it and 5 ____________ (make) me

promise to make it again. If you want I can make it for your birthday.

Don’t worry! I 6 _________________________ (not/forget) that it’s next

week I 7 ___________________ (already/buy) your present!

Bye for now,


2. Complete the sentences. Fill in: have / has been or have / has gone.

a. I ____________________________ to Paris twice this year.

b. Jane isn’t here. She ______________________ to the market.

c. They ______________________ to Spain. They will be back in two weeks.

d. Jack _________________________ to Disneyland five times already.

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