404TP - Rota Rod - No - 7

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Date: EXPERIMENT NO. 7 Page No.

AIM: To study the effect of skeletal muscle relaxants using rota-rod apparatus.
Requirements: Rota rod apparatus, mice, syringe and needle.
Drugs: Diazepam, Chlorpromazine, Pentobarbitone.
Rota rod apparatus consists of a metal axle, with a horizontal wooden or iron rod 2.5 cm in
diameter and 5.3 cm in length. Rod is rotating at variable speed (15-25 r.p.m). Rod is
divided into 4-5 sections with the help of wheels or card board disc. Timer and counter are
at the base of instrument.
1. Mice weighing 20 to 25 g are selected. They are placed on a rod rotating at 20 r.p.m.
More than one mouse can be placed at a time on the rod which is divided into many
2. “Fall of time” is being recorded when the mouse falls the rod for each mouse.
3. Various CNS depressants are injected and after half an hour of injection, the “fall of
time” is recorded.

Study Questions:
1. Classify skeletal muscle relaxant.
2. Explain the principle of this experiment.

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