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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque



A Research Project Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement for the Subject

Grade 12 STEM – Aristotle

Master Teacher I
3 I’s Research Adviser
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque
March 2024

Chapter 1


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the Background

of the Study, The Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study, and Scope and

Delimitation of the Study.

Introduction and Background of the Study

In the modern world of rapid change, waste management has indeed emerged as a crucial

concern. The increase in waste generation due to population growth and urbanization has led to

serious environmental and health hazards. However, waste management in public spaces such as

schools can be challenging due to the high volume of waste generated daily. As a result, littering

is a common problem on school campuses. To address this issue, an innovative and sustainable

solution is needed, such as implementing smart trash bins.

According to Smith et al., (2020) smart trash bins with coin reward systems represent a

cutting-edge solution in waste management, seamlessly blending technology and sustainability.

These innovative receptacles are equipped with sensors and artificial intelligence, allowing them

to detect and categorize the type of waste deposited. The integration of a coin reward system

adds a novel incentive for users to responsibly dispose of their waste, fostering a culture of

environmental consciousness. As users deposit recyclables or properly segregate their trash, they

are rewarded with virtual coins that can be redeemed for various incentives, creating a tangible
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

connection between environmentally friendly behavior and personal gain. Moreover, the coin

reward system acts as a positive reinforcement mechanism, encouraging users to actively

participate in sustainable waste practices while contributing to the overall well-being of the

community (Jones & Brown, 2021).

The convergence of smart technology and waste management in the form of coin-

rewarding trash bins represents a paradigm shift in nurturing environmental responsibility by

incentivizing proper waste disposal practices, these innovative bins not only contribute to cleaner

and greener communities but also demonstrate the potential of technology to drive positive

behavior change. In addition to their environmental benefits, smart trash bins with coin reward

systems align with the ongoing digital transformation in cities. As the challenges of waste

management continue to grapple, the adoption of smart trash bins with coin reward systems

emerges as a forward-thinking solution with far-reaching implications for sustainable

development (Brown, 2022).

Waste generation has increased massively around the world in recent decades, and there

are no signs of it slowing down. With such immense volumes of waste arising, the need to

provide adequate waste treatment and disposal services has become ever more important. The

fusion of smart technology and incentive-based approaches in waste management presents an

exciting avenue for research and development. This gives opportunity for the propopents to

conduct this study. It aims to construct a Smart Trash Bin with Coin Reward System.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to construct a Smart Trash Bin with Coin Reward System.

1. What are the user’s perception regarding the functionality and effectiveness of Smart

Trash Bin with Coin Incentives?

2. What are the user’s experience regarding the functionality and effectiveness of Smart

Trash Bin with Coin Incentives?

3. How does integration of technology in waste management, specifically coin reward

system align with the user’s values and sustainable living?

4. Is there a significant difference between the user’s perception and experience to the

Smart Trash Bin with Coin Reward System?

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study was chosen to focus only on testing the effectiveness and

feasibility of Smart Trash Bin with Coin Reward System. The research will be conducted at

Marinduque National High School (MNHS) in Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque and will primarily

target students and school personnel as respondents. This will involve implementing Smart Trash

Bin with Coin Reward System to encourage proper waste disposal behavior. The study will not
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

extend to broader community settings outside the school campus, and the scope will be limited to

the detection and incentivization of metallic waste materials only.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will provide the sufficient evidence to prove the effectiveness of

Smart Trash Bin with Coin Reward System and will be of great benefit to the following:

Students. This study will hold significant importance for students. It will promote a safer

and more efficient waste management system by specifically targeting metal waste materials.

Students will benefit from this system as it will help them develop a better understanding of the

importance of proper disposal of metal waste and its impact on the environment. By

incentivizing the correct disposal of metal waste through the coin reward system, students will be

encouraged to actively participate in waste management practices, fostering a sense of

responsibility and environmental consciousness. This study will also provide an opportunity for

students to learn about technology integration and innovation as they engage with a smart trash

bin that will detect specific waste materials.

Maintenance Workers. The study will significantly benefit maintenance workers

involved in waste management. By specifically detecting metal waste materials, this system will

streamline the waste collection process, saving time and effort for maintenance workers. It will

allow them to focus on collecting and managing metal waste efficiently, reducing the risk of

injuries or accidents that may occur due to mishandling of metal waste. Moreover, this study will
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

improve the working conditions and effectiveness of maintenance workers in handling metal

waste materials.

Teachers. This study will offer a valuable tool for teaching students about waste

management and environmental conservation. Teachers will be able to incorporate this system

into their lessons to educate students about the harmful effects of improper disposal of metal

waste and the importance of recycling. The coin reward system will serve as a practical incentive

for students to actively engage in waste management practices and will reinforce the lessons

taught in the classroom. Additionally, teachers will be able to use the data collected by the smart

trash bin to facilitate discussions and activities related to waste reduction, recycling, and the

impact of metal waste on the environment.

Principal. The study will offer several significant benefits for the principal. It will

showcase the school's commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible waste

management practices. By implementing a system that specifically targets metal waste materials,

the school will demonstrate its dedication to reducing the environmental impact of metal waste

and promoting recycling. This study will also contribute to a cleaner and safer school

environment, enhancing the reputation of the school as an environmentally conscious institution.

The data collected from the smart trash bin will provide valuable insights for the principal to

make informed decisions regarding waste management strategies and resource allocation.

Future Researchers. The study will hold significance for future researchers in the field

of waste management and technology integration. It will serve as a case study and will provide

valuable insights into the effectiveness and impact of a system that specifically targets metal
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

waste materials. The findings of this study can also contribute to the body of knowledge

regarding behavior change and incentivized waste management practices. Overall, this study will

provide a foundation for future research and innovation in the field of waste management.

Chapter 2
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Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

This chapter of the paper presents the Review of Related Literature associated and

utilized for a deeper understanding of the study, the Conceptual Framework, and the Definition

of Terms.

Solid Waste Management

One of the most significant issues that developing countries face is the improper disposal

of solid waste generated by human development and survival activities. People in the community

tend to have a critical awareness and attitude. Waste management has recently become an issue

in developing countries where official and informal community environmental education

awareness initiatives have been infrequently implemented. Solid waste is a growing global issue.

According to Khan et al (2020)., waste management is one of the most pressing issues facing our

daily lives and the natural environment. The traditional technique of waste management falls

short in some places, such as rubbish overflows, which cause environmental damage and

unsanitary living conditions.

According to the World Bank (2020), about 2.01 billion tons of municipal solid waste is

produced annually and 33% of these wastes are disposed of improperly and eco-unfriendly while

about 20% is recycled and composted. It was estimated that global solid waste generated will

increase up to 70% by 2050 (Industry Dive, 2020). In the Philippines, an estimated amount of

35,580 tons of garbage per day is generated (Castillo & Otoma, 2013) or about 14.66 million

tons annually in 2014 (Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR, 2018). It has
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

increased up to 16.6 million tons based on the 2018 data making the Philippines the “third-

largest generator of solid waste per year among Southeast Asian countries” (Romero, 2020).

According to Sampulna, J. (2022), solid waste management is a major issue in the

Philippines due to poor waste segregation at the local level. Strict enforcement of waste

management laws by local government units (LGUs) is crucial. The Department of Environment

and Natural Resources (DENR) has closed all open dumpsites and requires LGUs to establish

sanitary landfills. However, there is still a lack of understanding about waste segregation among

households. It is important to properly separate biodegradable, recyclable, residual, household

hazardous, and household healthcare wastes. The public is encouraged to use color-coded bins or

labels. The DENR offers the Basura Buster app to help young people learn about waste


Singson, A. (2022) published a journal on solid waste management in the Philippines as a

way to reduce the negative impact of climate change. The study highlights the importance of

waste segregation, which helps with recycling and prevents all garbage from being disposed of

together. Proper waste segregation and disposal are crucial for protecting the environment, as

improper disposal can lead to pollution and contamination of land, water, and air.

In the article by Daroy, P. (2019), the importance of waste segregation in reducing

environmental pollution and improving community well-being is emphasized. By educating

residents about the importance of separating waste into categories such as recyclables, organic

waste, and non-recyclables, the article aims to promote effective waste management and

encourage sustainable practices. The positive impact of these waste segregation schemes on the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

BASECO community is highlighted, including a cleaner environment, reduced health risks, and

the potential for generating income through recycling initiatives.

The continuous rise in garbage amount is brought by increasing population, leveling up

of living standards, and urbanization also leading to problems associated with the excessive

wastes (Senate Economic Planning Office, 2017). Thus, dictating the need for immediate

response addressing the issues on solid waste management.

Smart Segregation Bins Using Internet of Things (IoT)

Effective waste management is a significant concern worldwide due to limited dumping

space, low awareness, and abundant financial resources, according to Aditya et. al. (2022).

Waste segregation is the first step, but many people lack the necessary knowledge to carry it out.

At dump sites, waste is often manually separated, requiring additional labor and money. With the

primary goal of separating waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials, this study

proposes a smart device to sort trash using an IoT-based technique to conquer the improper solid

waste disposal..

Based on the article by Srisabarimani, K., et al (2022), the operation is divided into two

parts: trash segregation and real-time monitoring of the dustbin using IoT. Trash segregation is

carried out with the aid of sensors, including an IR sensor, an ultrasonic sensor, and a capacitive

sensor, to detect the existence of waste, gauge its volume, and determine the presence of plastics.

The segregation process is carried out using components such as an air blower, a microprocessor,

a rotating disk, and a servo motor. Dustbin data is stored on a cloud server system and can be
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

viewed through a Wi-Fi module. Waste collection from the garbage bin is done manually to

avoid interfering with the work of everyday laborers and potentially leading to unemployment.

This concept aims to benefit society by separating waste into plastic and reusable wastes.

According to Rahman, M.W., et al (2022), the integration of deep learning and IoT

technology in waste management offers an efficient solution for waste classification and real-

time data monitoring. The proposed architecture combines a convolutional neural network

(CNN) with IoT technology to enable intelligent sorting of digestible and indigestible waste. A

smart trash bin design incorporating a microcontroller and multiple sensors is introduced, with

IoT connectivity allowing for real-time data control and Bluetooth facilitating short-range data

monitoring through an Android application. The model’s effectiveness is evaluated based on

waste label classification accuracy, sensor data estimation, and the system usability scale (SUS),

achieving a classification accuracy of 95.3125% using the CNN model and receiving a SUS

score of 86%. This adaptable smart system holds potential for real-time waste monitoring in

household activities.

According to Elechi, P., et al. (2022), the ultrasonic sensor plays a vital role in the

automatic waste system by sensing waste objects and providing feedback to the IoT-based

automatic waste controller. The sensor operates using a reflective method, where transmitted

ultrasound interacts with an object and reflects back to the sensor’s receiver. The research

focused on accurately measuring ultrasonic wave time and distance to ensure the system’s

efficiency. The system effectively detects waste objects at a distance of 30 cm, aligning with

predefined design parameters.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

Based on the journal by Malik, M., et al (2022), an architecture for classifying litter into

specific categories using the EfficientNet-B0 model is presented. The EfficientNet-B0 model,

pretrained on ImageNet, offers high accuracy levels ranging from 74% to 84% in top-1 over

ImageNet. The study proposes tuning the model for images specific to different demographic

regions, enabling efficient classification through transfer learning. This allows for the creation of

a customized model optimized for a particular region, demonstrating comparable accuracy to the

larger EfficientNet-B3 model while utilizing significantly fewer parameters. As a result, the

proposed technique achieves a 4X efficiency improvement in terms of FLOPS (floating-point

operations per second), and fine-tuning the model using region-specific litter images enhances

classification performance.

An IoT-based smart dustbin monitoring system for solid waste management in smart

cities is proposed, the system uses dynamic scheduling and routing of trash collectors, moisture

detection for automatic wet and dry waste segregation, and real-time status updates to the cloud.

A mobile application assists trash collectors with optimal routes, and municipal corporations can

monitor the waste collection process. The proposed system aims to improve sustainability by

efficiently using technology to address global environmental problems (Karwar, V. H.,2022)

Based on the journal of K, V. S. R. (2022), a unique IoT-based waste management

system is proposed to address garbage segregation and monitoring in Indian cities. The current

system is inefficient, resulting in high transportation and collection expenses, as well as

overflowing waste containers. The proposed technique makes use of a NodeMcu

microcontroller, an ultrasonic sensor to monitor garbage levels, and a moisture sensor to

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

differentiate dry and wet waste, all of which are programmed using the Arduino IDE and the C

programming language. This intelligent garbage monitoring system provides an effective option

for improving waste management and segregation

According to John, J., et al. (2022), an IoT-based smart garbage disposal solution for

smart cities is proposed. The system measures fill levels in bins of any size using off-the-shelf

components, with an Arduino microcontroller communicating with IR, UV, and weight sensors,

as well as a GPS module, to monitor bin status. Data is sent over a cluster network to a master

module linked to the backend through Wi-Fi. An intelligent LSTM algorithm anticipates waste

generation trends and Firebase Cloud Messaging notifies when bins are full. The system also

includes automated bin height calibration, a dynamic web data display, and a distributed real-

time firebase database.

Inappropriate waste disposal is becoming a problem in Sri Lanka due to a lack of

segregation, insufficient collection techniques, and a lack of public support, according to Alwis

et. al. (2022). To address this issue, the researchers propose an Internet of Things (IoT)-based

solid waste management system that tracks trash cans, directs garbage trucks, forecasts the

amount of waste generated, and rewards proper disposal. One of the prototypes is a smart bin

that automatically opens and closes and measures waste levels. Other components include

machine learning prediction models, mobile applications for garbage collectors and the general

public, and web applications for statistical data and reporting. This inexpensive system manages

large amounts of waste using already available resources.

Arduino Based Smart Waste Bin

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Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

The concept of a “smart city” that utilizes IT technologies is evolving, according to

Dasari et al. (2022). Concerns about the health impacts of acidification and ecosystem quality are

growing among the population. To address this, the researchers established electronic waste

segregation using sensors and generated an alarm notification based on the level of waste and

leftovers to prompt the bin to be emptied. The implementation of a waste management system is

essential for smart cities.

The system was developed to detect and separate distinct sorts of waste at the user end

and alert the authorities when the waste bins reach their capacity. Users are given the appropriate

dumping technology to ensure correct disposal into the designated bins, and the system helps

users by guiding in the event that they experience any problems with the bins, direct them to the

nearest one. (Gounder, J. P., et. Al. 2020)

According to Kulkarni, Dr. N., et al. (2020), a smart trash can for use in homes is

suggested to enhance waste management and segregation. The bin makes use of an Arduino

UNO, Arduino Nano, servo motors, and batteries to distinguish between wet and dry garbage.

Trash separation makes waste management easier, safeguards the environment, recognizes the

value of waste economically, and lessens workers’ health issues related to trash separation. In

India, there is no other technology that separates dry and wet wastes in a single household bin at

such a low cost and ease of use. The gathered garbage can be processed right away.

According to Saranya, K. C., et al. (2020), the absence of containers or other disposal

facilities continues to be a problem, and several governments are making a concerted effort to

promote a cleaner nation by assisting in the reduction of pollution and enhancing public
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

sanitation. A crucial and major application for providing cleanliness is the smart trash can,

modeled as an automatic metal and non-metal segregator for a smart bin. The level of the bin is

continuously tracked and uploaded to the cloud for additional analysis using NodeMCU. A novel

mathematical approach has also been used to determine the most effective manner to distribute

the bins in one dimension. The network of trash cans can be used in tourist destinations, parks,

schools, and other public spaces to promote sanitation.

Smart Waste Management system and Smart Waste Bin is an innovative solution for

keeping cities clean. It monitors garbage bins and provides real-time information about the

amount of garbage collected through a desktop application. Ultrasonic sensors are placed under

the bin lids to detect the garbage level, which is then compared to the bin’s depth. The system is

controlled by an Arduino microcontroller and data is transmitted to the server using a Wi-Fi

modem. Each bin has an embedded device that tracks the garbage level and has a unique ID for

easy identification. When the garbage level reaches a certain limit, the device sends the level and

ID to the server. Authorities can access this information remotely and take immediate action to

clean the affected bins. (Bhutada, S., et al. 2019),

According to the study by Rukkumani et al. (2022), a smart waste bin has been developed

for the separation of household garbage. The bin is able to recognize the type of trash, whether it

is degradable, non-degradable, or metallic waste, for an efficient waste management system. The

total amount of municipal garbage generated in metropolitan India is very large, and segregating

this bulk waste is a time-consuming and expensive process. To address this issue, the researchers
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

developed a device called a “Segregating bin” that can separate garbage immediately from the

household, potentially providing an effective way to reduce the burden on a large scale.

As cities become more populated, poor waste management has led to the spread of

diseases and increased costs of processing waste, according to Zubair et al. (2022). The initial

stage of source segregation in waste management often fails. To address this, the researchers

proposed a smart waste segregation system at the source that uses image processing, artificial

intelligence (AI), and mechanical sorting. A prototype was developed to demonstrate how the

separation process works in a laboratory setting, with the potential for application in commercial

waste management.

Reward Based Smart Bin with Waste Segregation

Separating waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste is one of the biggest

challenges in countries like India, according to Swankg et al. (2021). Plastic products pose a

serious threat to both humans and the environment and should be properly segregated and

recycled. Non-biodegradable plastic waste blocks the ground’s ability to absorb rainwater,

reducing the groundwater level. When these wastes are burned, carbon monoxide is released into

the air, endangering nearby individuals. This idea aims to motivate people to segregate waste

into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste by offering them reward points, which they can

use for things like EB bills and rations.

Definition of Terms
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

For better understanding in this study, the following terms are operationally defined.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence in machines that are

programmed to think and learn like humans, enabling smart trash bins to detect and categorize

waste materials.

Cloud Server: A remote server that stores and manages data accessed over the internet, used in

smart trash bins to store and analyze data collected from sensors and provide real-time


Coin Reward System: A mechanism integrated into smart trash bins that incentivizes users to

properly dispose of their waste by providing virtual coins as a reward, which can be redeemed

for various incentives.

Data Analysis: The process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover

useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making in waste management


Environmental Consciousness: The awareness and concern for the environment and the impact

of human activities on it, leading to responsible and sustainable behavior.

Internet Connectivity: The ability of devices to connect to the internet, allowing for real-time

data transmission, remote monitoring, and control of smart trash bins.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

Internet of Things (IoT): A network of interconnected devices embedded with sensors, software,

and other technologies that enable them to collect and exchange data, allowing for smarter and

more efficient waste management systems.

Microcontroller: A small computer on a single integrated circuit that contains a processor,

memory, and input/output peripherals, used in smart trash bins to control their functions and

communicate with other devices.

Mobile Application: Software designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and

tablets, used in waste management systems to provide users with information, notifications, and

incentives related to proper waste disposal.

Smart Trash Bins: Waste receptacles equipped with sensors and artificial intelligence that can

detect and categorize the type of waste deposited, allowing for more efficient waste management

and recycling.

Solid Waste: Any discarded material that is not a liquid or a gas, including household waste,

commercial waste, and industrial waste.

Sustainability: The practice of using resources in a way that meets the needs of the present

generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,

particularly in the context of waste management and environmental conservation.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present generation without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, balancing economic

growth, social development, and environmental protection.

Sustainable Waste Management: The practice of managing waste in a way that minimizes its

environmental impact, promotes recycling and resource recovery, and supports the long-term

well-being of communities and the planet.

Ultrasonic Sensor: A sensor that uses sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper

audible limit of human hearing to detect the presence and distance of objects, used in smart trash

bins to measure the level of waste.

User Experience: The overall experience and satisfaction of users when interacting with the

smart trash bins and their coin reward systems, including factors such as convenience, efficiency,

and reliability.

User Perception: The subjective opinions, beliefs, and attitudes of individuals regarding the

functionality and effectiveness of the smart trash bins with coin reward systems

Waste Management: The process of collecting, treating, and disposing of waste materials in a

safe and environmentally responsible manner to minimize their impact on human health and the


Waste Segregation: The process of separating different types of waste materials, such as

biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, for proper disposal and recycling.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Marinduque
District of Boac
Isok 1, Boac, Marinduque

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