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Name: Joanna Mae Blanco BSED Mathematics 1

Introduction to Globalization

 The video will introduce the concept of globalization and explore its definition and
 The lecture will cover various conceptions and philosophies of globalization.

What is Contemporary Globalization?

 Contemporary globalization refers to the modern world and the process of integration
across social, cultural, and economic aspects.
o It involves increasing interaction and connectivity between people, countries, and
 It also entails the free movement of goods, services, and people across the world,
facilitated by technological advancements.

Defining Globalization

 Globalization is a complex and evolving phenomenon, with no universal definition.

o Different scholars and experts have attempted to define it based on various
aspects such as economic integration, social relations, and technological
 It is an active process involving the intensification of interactions among people,
regardless of geographical or cultural boundaries.

Globalization Dynamics

 Globalization is a dynamic process that has evolved over centuries, particularly in the
fields of economics, technology, and social interactions.
o The process has been identified as a key aspect of trade, transactions, and
investment, as well as the movement of people across borders.
 It has been used to define and analyze various academic, economic, and social dynamics.

Historical Context

 The Age of Discovery, the 19th Century, and the 20th Century have all played significant
roles in shaping the dynamics of globalization.
o The video refers to historical figures and events that have contributed to the
globalized nature of the modern world.
 The concept of globalization has been used to define and analyze various academic,
economic, and social dynamics.

 The transcript discusses the historical context and the dynamics of globalization,
emphasizing its evolving and multifaceted nature.
o It indicates that globalization encompasses various aspects such as economics,
technology, and social interactions.
 The concept of globalization has been used to define and analyze various academic,
economic, and social dynamics.

Globalization Categories

 Globalizing Economy
o It involves various units in different parts of the world
o Ownership and conglomerate mix
 Cultural Globalization
o Impacts art, music, and traditions
o Influences the production of mass and niche items

Impact of Globalization

 Technological Advancements
o Significant changes in communication and information systems
o Influence on economic and political stability in different countries
 Market Expansion
o Access to products and services not available in domestic markets
o Importing and exporting goods and services

Role of Institutions in Globalization

 Marketing and Sales

o Support for global operations
o Research, development, and engineering
 Organizational Adaptation
o Transition from national to global operations
o Maximizing the benefits of globalization through strategic choices

Global Market Trends

 The speaker discusses the impact of global market trends on various industries and small
o Emphasizes the importance of understanding the choice between the domestic
market and the global market.
o Mentions the need to consider competition and the effect of time on industries and
small businesses.
Economic Disparities

 Discusses disparities between rich and poor countries.

o Mentions the challenges faced by both rich and poor countries.
o Highlights the impact on small businesses in China and the need to combat these

Business Strategy

 Touches on the need to develop a business strategy that considers global market trends
and economic disparities.
o Emphasizes the importance of understanding the competition and making
informed decisions about market choices.

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