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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Research Essay Paper on Diabetes

Crafting a research essay paper on diabetes is no easy feat. It involves extensive research, critical
analysis, and effective writing skills. For many students, tackling such a complex and important topic
can be overwhelming. From gathering reliable sources to organizing thoughts cohesively, the process
demands meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter.

One of the primary challenges students face when writing a thesis on diabetes is the vast amount of
information available. Diabetes is a multifaceted condition with various types, causes, treatments,
and implications. Sorting through this wealth of information to pinpoint relevant data and credible
sources can be daunting.

Moreover, synthesizing this information into a coherent and persuasive argument requires not only
knowledge but also critical thinking skills. Students must analyze research findings, identify patterns,
and draw meaningful conclusions to support their thesis statement effectively.

Additionally, the technical aspects of academic writing, such as adhering to citation styles and
formatting guidelines, add another layer of complexity to the process. Ensuring proper citations and
references while maintaining a logical flow of ideas can be challenging, especially for those new to
academic writing or unfamiliar with the specific requirements of their institution.

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In conclusion, writing a research essay paper on diabetes is a challenging task that requires
dedication, expertise, and attention to detail. For students struggling to navigate this complex
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Other clinical manifestations that align with type 1 diabetes are those of diabetic ketoacidosis, which
is an acute complication of type 1. Two questions immediately come to mind with this sort of
analysis concerning the varying genetic susceptibility of dif- ferent “ethnic groups”. The cause of
diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity
and lack of exercise appear to play roles. How does exercise help prevent the progression of chronic
hyperglycemia in. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English Letter Writing
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Education Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. Those bearing the heterozygous
phenotype produce a blend of normal red blood cells and “sickled” cells—abnormal red blood cells
that acquire their distinct shape from a deform- ity in the ? -globin chains of hemoglobin. Frank
Livingstone was the first to attribute this stark shift in preference to the signifi- cant changes in
human density and population size created by the implementation of agriculture. Among them is an
array of single nu- cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—single base pair substitutions created along the
coding sequence. As an adaptive mechanism, HapA is still being selected for in certain agricultural
environments despite its positive association with type 2 risk because of the advantages in energy
storage and metabolism of higher BMI. H. (2016). In search of the ideal resistance training program
to improve glycemic. Concerning the world di stribution, the paper clings to the idea that the recent
rise in diabetes incidence mirrors the equally prominent rise in “westernized lifestyles” among new
and old populations (Zimmet, 1982). Somewhere along the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone, you
find a young man suffering from polyuria, blurred vision, fatigue, and other discrete symptoms of
type 2 diabetes. Often within the litera- ture, type 2 diabetes is treated as a static and isolated
condition, and studies on its behalf have been plagued by these ambiguous claims along with
narrow-focused, absolutist parameters that obsess with obesity and insulin secretion. Regular
physical activity is also found to be effective in. When glucose is produced in huge amounts, a
condition called glucose toxicity occurs in which the beta cells are vitiated. People are generally
diagnosed with Type 1 as a child or young adult. Regiospecific trends concerning the selection of its
molecular variants, their dependency on environ- mental and behavioral changes, and their relative
associations with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have become well documented. We’ll occasionally send you
promo and account related email. Provide your email for sample delivery Send me this sample Your
email is invalid. Their attention to regiospecificity brings a new, important perspective to
understanding these risk factors, be- cause any discussion of selective pressures or human evolution
cannot exist without intense consideration for the environments in which populations exist. In the
same way that the practice of agriculture has created significant selective pressures that have
increased th e frequency of the HgbS allele despite the devastating effects of the recessive
homozygous genotype, agriculture has created an energy abundant environ- ment where a molecular
variant of TCF7L2 (HapA), despite its positive association with BMI and type 2 diabetes, can thrive
because of its advantages in energy metabolism. By the 1960s the development of urine strips helped
diagnose diabetes and improve management of blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes was found to be
controlled by providing medications. Figure 1: Exercise reduces risk of chronic hyperglycemia.
However, women with gestational Diabetes stand a risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes later on in
their lives. He named this condition diabainein later translated into the English term diabetes. Hu
conclude that diet and lifestyle modification is a highly effective method to prevent type 2 diabetes
and thus healthy habits should be implemented early on in life. These software tools, under the
“PHAS T” package, are capable of comparing across cell lines to in order to indicate directional
selection when allelic frequencies are changing at rates that cannot be accounted for by genetic drift
alone. Hopefully, the said cure would be found soon to relieve the millions suffering worldwide.
Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, protein, and carbohydrates for energy.
It takes glucose from the blood and provides it to all the body cells and this is how it is turned into
energy. Two major problems are caused by the disorder: the cells may become starved for energy, as
the energy is not processed in a proper manner. After a meal, blood glucose will increase, and skeletal
muscle is responsible for. Embed Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few
clicks. The number of overweight people is projected to increase from 1.3 billion in 2005 to nearly 2
billion by 2030. Type 2 diabetes mellitus has become one of the fastest-growing epidemics. With the
improvement of insulin sensitivity, symptoms of type 2. Adipose tissue, also known as fat, can be
divided into truncal region or peripheral. Now add the hyperlink to this free e-book in each of the
chapters of ones own e-book. If the family identifies that the patient’s breath smells like alcohol, but
they have not drank anything, they should call 911. Ketones may build up in the blood and urine of
patients with type 1 diabetes or late in the course of type 2 diabetes (ketoacidosis). Type I is thought
to be triggered by the bodies autoimmune system while type two is related to aging and inactive
lifestyle as well as diet and obesity. In this article, we dive deeply into and explore a case example
of a specific genetic and micro-regional dimen- sion of type 2 diabetes, emphasizing the
environment’s role in governing pleiotropic trade-offs in West Africa and East Asia. For example,
every 1 hour per day spent walking was associated with a 34% reduction in risk. While agriculture as
a common denominator makes this an easy comparison, direct s imilarities in this meta-analysis are
not as important as the underlying principles they imply. Inadequately regulated diabetes can be the
source of dangerous deterioration in an older individual and is manifested by functional disability,
muscle impairment, loss of weight, and fatigue. We must be sensitive and aware of the persistence of
the mosaic of evolutionary forces and gene flow between hu- man populations that these “macro
ethnic groups” cannot en- capsulate. Secondly, for what is the term “genetic predisposi- tion”
actually being used in descriptions such as these. Insulin aids the cells in our body, to take up glucose
and use it produce energy. Thus, the patient has to undergo multiple Diabetes Type 2 1. Digital Sales
Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Diabetes and Drug
Treatments Essay Paper.docx Diabetes and Drug Treatments Essay Paper.docx Idf course module 1
introduction to diabetes Idf course module 1 introduction to diabetes Diabetes 2 Diabetes 2 A Study
On Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Study On Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Diabetes Research Paper 1. There is an expected increase in the future cases of diabetes
around the world and concomitantly the complications associated with diabetes. Diabetes can result
in blurred vision, retinopathy, nerve problems, dry skin, and kidney issues. The insulin hormone is the
hormone which facilitates the conversion of Glucose to a form which allows for assimilation by the
human cells. One particular letter to Nature: Genetics, “Refining the impact of TCF7L2 gene vari-
ants on type 2 diabetes and adaptive evolution”, further defines the risk association between
TCF7L2 and diabetes among a selected sample of West Africans by hypothesizing its connec- tion to
a particular variant, HapB T2D —a molecular variant pro- duced by homozygosity for rs7903146.
These software tools, under the “PHAS T” package, are capable of comparing across cell lines to in
order to indicate directional selection when allelic frequencies are changing at rates that cannot be
accounted for by genetic drift alone. Together, these two foci in research have combined to create a
mindset that ignores many of the subtitles within th e condition and its ties to other facets of life and
history. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Diabetes itself is
caused by factors that are quite harmful to the body, and when these factors along with diabetes
together are present, the person suffering definitely runs the risk of being affected by other diseases.
Glycemic control is regulated by insulin, and an increase in insulin activity and. Type 2 diabetes was
found to be controlled by providing medications. The illness now affects over 200 million
individuals globally, and diabetes -associated death is anticipated to go up by 50% in the next
decade. Eyes, kidneys and nerves can get damaged and chances of heart stroke are always high.
Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. Here are a couple valuable information
regarding diabetes. Beta-cell dysfunction causes a substantial difference in the amount of insulin that
is secreted. A person suffers from diabetes because his pancreas either fails to secrete a sufficient
amount of insulin or because the body does not utilize the already secreted hormone accordingly.
Limits applied to the search were journals from 2000-2010, peer reviewed, research articles and
English language. After a meal, blood glucose will increase, and skeletal muscle is responsible for.
The apparently big world is shrinking into a global village as democracy spreads, western
civilizations encroach on other civilizations. He or she is seen to have high blood sugar levels or
hyperglycemia. They can also reveal patterns of conservation and decelerated evolution, if changes in
frequency fall below simulations that assume stable equilibrium with respect to those alleles.
Furthermore, another thread of research has emerged out of Iceland and Germany in 2006
concerning the association be- tween rs7903146 and heightened risk of type 2 diabetes and various
forms of colorectal can cer (Grant et al., 2006). These endeavors question the regiospecificity of T2D
by sampling from various populations worldwid e. Hamilton (2017) states, “This requires diabetes
education for both child and family regarding insulin administration, carbohydrate counting, and
maintaining a healthy lifestyle” (p. 1). Children first diagnosed with diabetes may need social support
as this will change their life forever. This notion of higher susceptibility among immigrant South
Asian Indians resonates well with a growing awareness of a varying degree of “genetic
predisposition” for. Diet, exercise, pills and insulin injections can control it. Full Disclaimer. We are
using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. Since mood swings are often a symptom, family
members are often victims of mood and emotional individuals. According to King, Aubert and
Herman 1998, in the year 2000 there were 150 million people with type 2 diabetes worldwide, and
this number is expected to double by 2025. American Diabetes Association. (2009). Diagnosis and
Classification of Diabetes. The nurse will need to educate the patient on the importance of
monitoring their blood glucose and what ranges it should be within. While in type 2 diabetes, our
body is unable to react properly to the insulin produced by the pancreas. Name of Professor Diabetes
Mellitus and the Aging Population Diabetes is an illness that has been identified since the distant
past. A Retrospective Study of Clinical and Biochemical Profile in Geriatric Patien. Since the
pancreas releases a very limited amount of insulin (in some cases none at all) the glucose which is not
assimilated is diverted to the bloodstream to be excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. Give
me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Some of these symptoms are
hyperglycemia, dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and ketones in their urine and blood. Glucose builds
up in the blood, overflows into the urine. The side effects of immune-suppressive drugs can be very
severe and even worse than the disease.
Despite the age and usage of archaic terminology for describing certain popula- tions in Zimmet’s
article, there are many lessons that can be learned from it concerning research fallacies
therein—many of which are still employed today. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery,
although both genetics and environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play
roles. In terms of qualitative research comprising older people with diabetes, there is a paucity of
high quality studies in this area. The three primary types of diabetes are: Diabetes Type 1 and 2, and
during some pregnancies, Gestational diabetes. Some of these symptoms are hyperglycemia,
dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and ketones in their urine and blood. Video Say more by seamlessly
including video within your publication. Recently, experimental treatments with stem cells have
shown some promise. In this condition, the patient needs a steady influx of insulin in regular insulin
injections to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Sample is in your inbox There is a way to avoid
editing or writing from scratch. If your blood sugars are still less than 70 mg dl it is probably time to
get them with regard to an emergency room especially when they are fatigued. Crimson Publishers-
Highlighting Significance of Weight Loss and Malnutrition. Gestational Diabetes occurs only during
pregnancy, and once the baby is born, the condition gets better in the mother’s body. With consistent
physical activity, patients with type 2 diabetes will have a decrease in. Hyperglycemia in Individuals
with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? Genetic predisposition, dietary considerations, and Metformin are all
vital components of your prognosis and treatment. Research Paper on Diabetes Mellitus at
EssayPedia com. Using training, insulin action can be increased, and this can cause. Digital Sales
Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. People are generally
diagnosed with Type 1 as a child or young adult. The ketones will try to escape the body in any way
possible; therefore their breath will smell like alcohol (Taylor, 2018). The causes of diabetes, the
complications that arise from the condition, effective treatment methods for management of the
disease. Diabetes Mellitus is classified into categories, with Type 1, Type 2, and gestational being the
most well known. This newfound control would direct the species’ glo- bal distribution and
evolution, as well as those of the species dependent on them. There is no insulin production, which
insulin is needed enable to cells to use the glucose. Porth (2015) states, “Type 1A diabetes is an
autoimmune disorder that is thought to result from a genetic predisposition (i.e., diabetogenic
genes); an environmental triggering event, such as an infection; and a T-lymphocyte mediated
hypersensitivity reaction against some beta cell antigens” (p. 801). Some research has pointed to
inherited major histocompatibility complex genes on chromosome 6 and an insulin gene on
chromosome 11. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for controlling blood glucose by either.
Munoz et al. have linked presence of the marker rs- 12255372 to a reduction in insulin secretion
among non-dia- betic women of African and European descent—a subtle and distinct effect not
attributable to the Wnt pathway. Of course it follows that if the surgery fails the disease would
eventually return. As a whole, Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic condition in which the body either
expresses an intolerance to insulin, or it is unable to produce enough insulin to meet its needs.
Native American Indians throughout the Americas have tended to lose their genetic isolation and
recognizability post-coloni- zation. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is often diagnosed by identifying the
initial stages of. By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy
policy. Since its earliest explanation many of years ago, diabetes has remained a chronic progressive
illness (Rubino et al. The Effect Of Body Composition, Size And Age On The. It is important to
remember that natural selec- tion does not work to create a super organism or to rid an or- ganism of
all impurities. Type II diabetes is thus, associated with certain other diseases which prove to be fatal
in some cases such as heart diseases, neuropathies, retinopathy, kidney diseases, gastroparesis, etc. I
now see that eating belly will have me inside my best. These realizations allow us to reframe diabetes
as a highly delicate and variable human condition, and to place it within a matrix of adaptive
evolution, the environment, human behavior, and human history. These demographic groups were
chosen because of the high incidence rates among them. People are generally diagnosed with Type 1
as a child or young adult. Adipose tissue, also known as fat, can be divided into truncal region or
peripheral. This dynamic and nuanced understanding of one T2D risk factor should be desired in all
other phases of study. High blood glucose may also cause fatigue, blurred vision, abdominal pain,
and headaches. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach.
Soon after, the creation of the single-use syringe for insulin, and the large portable glucose meters to
monitor blood sugar were designed. Insulin is responsible for initiating insulin transduction pathway,
which translocate. Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes research papers examine the condition that
causes the body to no longer produce enough insulin and the cells of the body do not respond to
insulin properly. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. Furthermore, in Africa,
the practice of agriculture also created large collections of still water that facilitated mosquito
breeding. Colberg, S., Albright, A., Blissmer, B., Braun, B., Chasan Taber, L., Fernhall, B.
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes; T2D; Transcription Factor 7-Like 2; TCF7L2; TCF4; West Africa; East
Asia; World Health Prologue As a traveling physician, you are summoned to West Africa. Some
individuals with diabetes mellitus lack quantifiable insulin, whereas others, in spite of sufficient
secretion of insulin, either do not produce it in a way that sustains normal physiological processes, or
have organs unresponsive to its impact (Bertera 33). Helgason et al. (2007) also inquire about the
possible positive selection for HapA, another variant of TCF7L2 occurring within certain West
African, European, and East Asian popula- tions, on the grounds that this va riant is associated with
high BMI and alters concentration of hunger-satiety hormones that positively affect energy
metabolism in more energy-plentiful environments. The hormone that plays the main role in this
conversion is insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Answer: The insulin hormone is produced by
beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Question 3. Can Diabetes cause heart failure.
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factors are: Family history of diabetics, i.e if.

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