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Dire Articuno Art @LluisAbadias

The Frozen Phoenix Stats/Lore @Snickelsox
Base Map @DysonLogos
Pokemon is owned by the Pokemon Company
Dire Articuno are avatars of the winter, beasts #DireEmAll No 7
of ice, a chill wind against the heat of life. They
find warmth insufferable and seek to cleanse warmth was left in the Dire Articuno died with
their domains of it. With a harsh intelligence, its original body.
they extinguish any source of heat, living A Life Lost. Dire Articuno make huge nests
beings included, bending it to the will of the made of ice, converting ancient trees or
ice. In their dreams, the sun itself is frozen abandoned towers into fortresses of frost.
over, casting a cooling glow over a planet of Atop this frozen keep, it scans over its land for
endless winters. new targets, recovers in chilled sleep, and
The Dire Articuno is a large blue bird with occasionally lays eggs. These eggs are the last
ice Intermingling with its body. Its long wings vestige of what the Dire Articuno used to be.
begin with soft feathers that gradually Unfortunately, its cold body is unable to care
transition to razor sharp ice blades. A trident for the growing life and the eggs quickly
crest on its skull pulses cold energy, freezing freeze long before life can truly begin. This
many who get too close, instantly. There is an loss only serves to steel their hearts; unwilling
ice harness around its neck, a punishing to let anything else live if the world would
reminder of its servitude to winter and a cold deny it children while forcing immortality
power far beyond this world. It has a thick tail upon it.
that it can shake to create small blizzards
from the snow stored within. A Dire Articuno’s Lair
Solstice Born. Dire Articuno are created
when their lesser forms perish at precisely the
right moment during the longest night of the A Dire Articuno will begin nesting in gigantic
year. The plunge into darkness and cold oaks or upon deserted castle ruins. Its
weakens the boundaries of the Winter Realms, presence causes the land around it to begin to
allowing some things to seep through. Powers freeze and its home will slowly grow into a
from that realm may happen upon the fresh pillar of ice. Atop this it will gather large icicles
body and use it as a vessel for their will. In a and arrange them much the same way a bird
blast of cold flames, a Dire Articuno is born. arranges sticks for its nest. By doing this, its
While not directly possessed by whatever nest becomes a dangerous place of
revived it, it is in possession of a shard of the frictionless surfaces and deadly spears.
Winter Realm’s power. Should it fall again, it The higher the tower goes, the more bodies
can pull upon this energy to rise from its icy and bones can be seen frozen into the walls
corpse, indulging in rebirth’s endless cycle. themselves. Dire Articuno are fond of leaving
Winter Warrior. The Dire Articuno is a tunnels and pathways in their towers. They
creature of ice, uncaring and unflinching. It has will create small traps and guard them with
only the desire to expand its realm, covering Ice Thralls, but this in itself is a trap. They
everything it can see in winter. This act creates know that the only creatures who will
stable places for the Winter Realm to tear challenge the ice phoenix are the strongest in
open reality, stepping through to claim the surrounding lands. Once it has dispatched
another world. It is not unwilling in this task, of these foolish heroes, there is nothing left to
instead it seems to revel in it. Whatever guard the villages and cities it wishes to
plunge into winter.

Lair Actions • The ice within 3 miles begins to imitate
life, growing in shapes that resemble
life. This includes plant life, wild
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the animals, and even civilization; all of
Dire Articuno takes a lair action to cause one these are inanimate, icy statue
of the following effects; it can’t use the same replications.
two effects in a row:
• Ice shards jut out from the walls, floor, If the Dire Articuno is truly killed, the effects
and ceiling in a 60-foot-radius begin to recede naturally.
centered on the Dire Articuno. Each
creature in that range must make a Ice Thralls
Dexterity saving throw (DC 12), taking
10 (3d6) piercing damage on a failed
save or half as much on a successful Ice Thrall are creatures who have been frozen
one. within the walls of the Dire Articuno’s lair.
• The Dire Articuno whips up an intense They are typically humanoid and have bits of
blizzard in a 120-foot area centered on the original body frozen in a shell of ice. They
it. Creatures without True Sight cannot act as mindless guards, attacking anything of
see beyond 10 feet, all movement is warmth if they get too near. While in the Dire
taken as if on difficult terrain, and all Articuno’s lair or within 500 feet of the
non-magical sounds are silenced until creature, they are mentally linked to the bird
initiative count 20 on the following and follow its commands to the best of their
round. This does not inhibit the Dire abilities. They are not very fast or very strong
Articuno. and rely on their defensive ice and sheer
• If standing on its nest, the Dire numbers to overwhelm foes.
Articuno can briefly preen itself,
recovering 14 (4d6) hit points.

Regional Effects

The region containing a Dire Articuno is

warped by its connection to the Winter Realm,
which creates one or more of the following

• The land around a Dire Articuno’s lair

is covered in varying layers of ice.
Everything within 1 mile is frozen solid.
Land up to 2 miles away has several
inches of snow. Land up to 3 miles
away is covered in a persistent light
• Non-magical fires become weak and
draw very little heat within 3 miles of
the Dire Articuno’s lair. The Dire
Articuno can sense the exact locations
of any fire within this range.

1 - Base
3 - Food Chamber

“Bookshelves and tables, still covered in old

“Large animals are frozen into the wall,
arcane materials, are frozen under several
several missing large chunks of their
inches of translucent ice. Many humanoid
bodies. There are humanoids frozen deeper
ice sculptures litter the room and many
in the ice. The cold is biting and heavy.”
more are frozen to the walls.”
Animals. Choose 2d4 CR 1 or less animals
Wizard Junk. Most all the materials here
to attack. They deal an additional 7 (2d6) cold
have been ruined by the ice. There is nothing
damage per attack. There are 2d6+1 Ice Thralls
left more valuable than a common potion.
Treasure. 312 gp scattered, Frost Armor
Guards. The guards are Ice Thralls, reacting
(med +2 armor, resist cold damage, immune
to touch or to surprise. There are 4d6+6 here.
cold effects), 1d6+3 healing potions, Crack
Secret. An Investigation check (DC 20) will
Hammer (+2 hammer, 2x damage to objects).
reveal a hidden doorway by the staircase.
Behind it is a +2 weapon of your choice frozen
in several inches of ice. Melting the ice will 4 - Nest
result in an ambush of 2d6+2 Ice Thralls
“Razor sharp points threaten you
2 - 2nd Story everywhere you look. The beast waits here,
its cold eyes stare at you with frozen fury. “
“The stairway up is iced over and destroyed. Boss. The Dire Articuno will not
A set of doors are covered in this same ice.” immediately attack but can sense dangerous
intent. It will prioritize the warmest target.
Trap. Going up the stairs requires a
Icy. The nest is difficult terrain. PC must
successful Dexterity check (DC 15) or the PC
make a Dexterity saving throw to move (DC 5),
will slide back into ice spikes on the back wall,
falling prone or taking 7 (2d6) piercing
taking 33 (6d10) piercing damage.
damage on a failed save (PC’s Choice).

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