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Title: Gender Discrimination in the Workplace Research Paper PDF

Gender discrimination in the workplace is a persistent issue that affects individuals across various
industries and professions. Addressing this complex problem requires thorough research, analysis,
and critical thinking. Crafting a research paper on gender discrimination demands attention to detail,
extensive literature review, and adherence to academic standards. However, the task can be daunting
and overwhelming for many students and researchers.

Writing a thesis on gender discrimination in the workplace involves navigating through a myriad of
sources, theories, and methodologies. From identifying relevant research questions to collecting and
analyzing data, each step requires precision and expertise. Additionally, synthesizing findings and
presenting them coherently in a structured paper poses its own set of challenges.

One of the major hurdles in writing a thesis on this topic is the sensitivity and complexity
surrounding gender issues. It requires a nuanced understanding of sociocultural dynamics, legal
frameworks, and organizational practices. Moreover, researchers often encounter difficulties in
accessing reliable data and literature, especially in areas where gender discrimination is underreported
or concealed.

Amidst these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable academic writing services can provide
invaluable support. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional guidance and expertise to students
and researchers tackling the intricate subject of gender discrimination in the workplace. Our team of
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Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis on gender discrimination in the workplace deter you
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take a step towards contributing to the discourse on gender equality and workplace fairness.
An abstract is not available for this content so a preview has been provided. It has been observed
that for decades, women are confronting discrimination in various fields, such as education,
marriage, etc. Gender imbalances (e.g., in pay) in the workplace (e.g., Moss-Racusin et al., 2012;
Sheltzer and Smith, 2014 ) and gender imbalances in the home (e.g., in domestic labor, childcare;
Bianchi, 2000; Bianchi et al., 2000 ) shape the decisions that couples (when they consist of a woman
and a man) make about how to manage dual careers. Inclusion of women employees leads to diverse
ideas that are implemented towards a common goal thus this boosts company’s returns and the
overall improvement in production. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. Motherhood, labor force behavior, and women's careers: An empirical assessment of
the wage penalty for motherhood in britain, germany, and the united states. The formal structure of
an organization is how an organization arranges itself and it consists of employee hierarchies,
departments, etc. ( Grant, 2010 ). An example of institutional discrimination in the formal structure
of an organization are job ladders, which are typically segregated by gender ( Perry et al., 1994 ).
Such gender-segregated job ladders typically exist within different departments of the organization.
In conclusion, discrimination has been a major problem home and even in governmental structures
especially against women. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the Labour Force
Participation Rate (LFPR) for men is 80.1 percent while women only 54.7 percent. Men are higher
than women in workplace. Furthermore, we have argued that organizational decision makers’ levels
of hostile and benevolent sexism are critical factors leading to personal discrimination in HR-related
decision-making and enactment, albeit in different forms. We now turn to an integration of these two
phenomena. However, there is nothing specifically to protect us when it comes to our appearance.
For instance, when men or women are discriminated at the workplace, their colleagues. Whereas HR
policy can reflect institutional discrimination, HR-related decision-making and enactment can reflect
personal discrimination by organizational decision makers. Study explores the various cases women
face in their daily lives in health care, social relationships and decision making in context of gender
discrimination. According to Emma Watson, education is a fundamental right, which should not be
restricted to a certain gender, every human being, male or female has a right to education. Part: A
Avoiding Discrimination at the workplace Before going into the discussion regarding how to avoid
discrimination at the workplace, let us get a better understanding of what workplace discrimination
actual is. He further stated that “What determines whether an individual should be allowed to
compete in the women’s events is mainly psychosocial (appearance and behavior) and secondary
sexual characteristics (muscles and body)” (Turnbull, 1988, 63). Thus, like all forms of social
cognition, HR-related decision-making is open to personal biases. Tip 5: Take the Trouble to
Proofread Your Paper Try to manage your time so that you could have at least half a day free to
check your paper inside out. In addition, this model derives from research that has been conducted
primarily in sectors dominated by men. For example, in audit studies, which involve sending
ostensibly real applications for job openings while varying the gender of the applicant, female
applicants are less likely to be interviewed or called back, compared with male applicants (e.g.,
McIntyre et al., 1980; Firth, 1982 ). Men’s career choice, working experience and hours worked are
the few reasons why they get paid more than women. Women have to face a series of physical and
verbal abuses every single day on their way to and from their institution and workplace. A Journal of
Social Sciences study revealed that women are more likely than men to be interrupted during
interviews due to follow-up questions. However, the result of the psychological examination was
quite questionable. In this essay, the discussion will be based on gender discrimination as a human
rights concern and discuss reasons on how it impacts and affects daily teaching and learning and
education in all spheres. When faced with appearance-based discrimination lawsuits regarding their
hiring policies, Hooters has responded by claiming that such appearance requirements are bona fide
job qualifications given their marketing strategy (for reviews, see Schneyer, 1998; Adamitis, 2000 ).
She exhibits masculine facial gestures and body movements. In order to deal with the issue, the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1968 launched a sex-testing initiative “to protect women
against unfair competition” (Woolum, 1998, 52). Therefore, discrimination by organizational decision
makers results in the under-promotion of women.
This suggest that, they are concern about if the labor work is going to be tough, also the chemical
they breath when they are working in the fields. It’s important to be direct, yet broad enough to give
the candidate freedom to demonstrate their hard and soft skills. Thus, third, our model differs from
the work of Gelfand et al. (2007) by considering how dual beliefs about women (i.e., hostile and
benevolent beliefs) can contribute to different forms of gender discrimination in HR practices. An
organization with a strategy to market to more diverse populations can justify that a more diverse
workforce can better serve potential clientele ( Jayne and Dipboye, 2004 ). This improves even a
community as a whole (Rafferty, 2013). As gender inequality is deeply rooted in culture, females are
constantly denied basic education because they are expected by society to uphold roles in society of
staying at home and doing household duties while males are allowed to go to school and even
further their studies to tertiary level. We focus on two forms of sexist attitudes: hostile and
benevolent sexism ( Glick and Fiske, 1996 ). The essay thus highlights various types and forms of
women discrimination at work place due to their gender, empowering of women at workplace, and
how disadvantageous it is to discriminate women at work. sample research
paper on analysis of type function model an. Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of
different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, religion, age, or sex
Webster dictionary. Gender Discrimination in the Workplace - It is not up for. Symptom-based
structured interview has become more and more widespread over the recent decade. Gender
discrimination is therefore the unequal treatment based on their gender and it can take many forms
both at home and in workplaces (Rafferty, 2013). We show evidence that this inefficiency is reduced
in more cooperative households. (JEL D13, D14, J16, L25, L26, O12, O16). Women In The
Workplace Essay College Articles College Essays Educator of the Year. These female workers even
fear that they are at risk of losing their jobs (Equal Rights Advocates, n.d.). Harassment can also
result into gender stereotyping especially where male workers dominate, women might be
undermined due to their nature which might be not good to male their male counterparts for instance
aggressiveness, attires thus they can be portrayed as lacking feminine behaviors. Gender imbalances
(e.g., in pay) in the workplace (e.g., Moss-Racusin et al., 2012; Sheltzer and Smith, 2014 ) and
gender imbalances in the home (e.g., in domestic labor, childcare; Bianchi, 2000; Bianchi et al., 2000
) shape the decisions that couples (when they consist of a woman and a man) make about how to
manage dual careers. And if that search is unproductive, perhaps try contacting her directly. Every
person in society today including men would be joyful if women had equal chances and
opportunities as. Unlawful sex discrimination occurs when an employer treats an applicant or
employee differently and less favorably because of his or her sex or gender1 or because the person is
affiliated with an organization or group that is associated with a particular sex. Work-family conflict
is a type of role conflict that workers experience when the demands (e.g., emotional, cognitive, time)
of their work role interfere with the demands of their family role or vice versa ( Greenhaus and
Beutell, 1985 ). A way to stop gender discrimination is treat women as important as men. Journal of
International Womens Studies, 14(1), 1-23. What skills are most important for a candidate to
succeed in this role, and why. On the other hand, male workers were given such breaks. Diversity
initiatives can operate like affirmative action programs in that organizations track and monitor (a) the
number of qualified candidates from different groups (e.g., women vs. men) in a pool, and (b) the
number of candidates from each group hired or promoted. Thus, if organizational structures,
processes, and practices clearly communicate the importance of gender equality then the
discriminatory behavior of sexist organizational decision makers should be constrained. Hence, the
examiners afterward performed a blood test. More so, evaluators were four times more likely to
question the female’s application, wanting further validation of her accomplishments. By examining
this piece of writing, you will comprehend how to formulate your arguments correctly, how to
structure your paper, and make your writing consistent.
A scenario where women employees are discriminated leads to high turnover employees especially
the women and to find such highly skilled personnel is havoc. Due to this fact, there are a lot of
discrimination cases at workplaces that go unidentified because the victims are always sure that they
will not be given an ear and their problem will never be solved. Families are likely to withdraw their
daughters from school as they approach puberty and other parents would more likely refuse to enrol
them due to problems they might face when they stay longer in school. However, hostile and
benevolent sexism operate in different ways. In other words, an organization’s culture will provide
its members with a collective imaginary for how to behave. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Hutchens, A. (2010). Empowering women through fair trade. Females are mostly
regarded as slower than boys in terms of subjects such as maths and science. However, such an
account does not take into consideration individual differences among organizational decision
makers (e.g., managers, supervisors, or HR personnel) who may vary in the extent to which they
endorse sexist attitudes or stereotypes. When the proportion of candidates from a group successfully
selected varies significantly from their proportion in the qualified pool then action, such as targeted
recruitment efforts, needs to be taken. She passed the three tests, namely, sex chromatin test,
physical examination, and blood tests. Gender discrimination refers to prejudicial beliefs or attitudes
based on a person's gender, while sex discrimination involves prejudicial treatment based on a
person's sex. One of the most appropriate strategies for addressing the same. Today, there is a
spontaneous return to the old religious values after the crash of the Communism. Thus, the more that
a workplace role is inconsistent with the attributes ascribed to women, the more a particular woman
might be seen as lacking “fit” with that role, resulting in decreased performance expectations (
Heilman, 1983; Eagly and Karau, 2002 ). This improves even a community as a whole (Rafferty,
2013). HR is a system of organizational practices aimed at managing employees and ensuring that
they are accomplishing organizational goals ( Wright et al., 1994 ). HR functions include: selection,
performance evaluation, leadership succession, and training. It sets a unique ID to embed videos to
the website. Many of these organizations develop institutional racism which closes the door for
employment for many people of color. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does
not comply with these terms. Please use the Get access link above for information on how to access
this content. How can change occur given a model that is largely recursive in nature. The birth of a
son is considered a blessing and is celebrated while a daughter is burden. Conditions of work are
another way of displaying discrimination to women employees. Another way out of gender
discrimination in the workplace is to. In the present study, 213 employees and supervisors from 31
different private sector organizations complete a survey regarding procedural justice (PJ), job
satisfaction, transparency, promotion systems, and some demographic variables. Others become
victims of harmful practices, including female genital mutilation and dowry-related violence, or are
murdered in the name of honor. In a comprehensive US study using data from 1983 to 2000, after
controlling for human capital factors that could affect wages (e.g., education level, work experience),
the researchers found that women were paid 22% less than men ( U.S. Government Accountability
Office, 2003 ). Women are also of no match to men in terms of advancement. As gender inequality is
deeply rooted in culture, females are constantly denied basic education because they are expected by
society to uphold roles in society of staying at home and doing household duties while males are
allowed to go to school and even further their studies to tertiary level.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
First, we do not lay out the factors that feed into our model, such as government regulations, the
economy, their competitors, and societal culture. We propose that gender discrimination in HR-
related decision-making and the enactment of HR practices stems from gender inequalities in broader
organizational structures, processes, and practices, including HR policy but also leadership, structure,
strategy, culture, and organizational climate. Is your team aware of their personal unconscious bias
and how this affects the recruitment process. Throughout history and till this day, there has been
unequal distribution of power, wealth, and privilege among men and women especially in the work
place. She says that f When a person hears the word prejudice, he or she might think it only refers to
the racial prejudice often found between those with light skin and those with dark skin. The “other”
within workplace gender inequality is the male. Such legislation will also make it illegal to
discriminate. According to Samidha (2008), gender discrimination is deeply rooted in culture and
religion, it is accepted by females and implemented by males as social values, resulting it t. It is a
practice where there is unequal or unfair treatment towards individuals. Women are also of no match
to men in terms of advancement. Although the American society has undergone evolution over the.
For women, some of the most harmful gender inequalities are enacted within human resources (HRs)
practices. She says she has not dated any man and did not experience having any boyfriend. The
result for these two tests is both positive, which confirms Jane Doe’s femininity. I would look at this
in two ways my background does bias me somewhat though. It’s important to be direct, yet broad
enough to give the candidate freedom to demonstrate their hard and soft skills. For the third
question, her answer is definite: it is better to be a male than a female (scored 2). It is important to
note that a discriminated person can feel. Protection of the rights of employees therefore is required
to protect eliminate cases of women discrimination at workplaces. The birth of a son is considered a
blessing and is celebrated while a daughter is burden. Specifically, leaders set culture, set policy, set
strategy, and are role models for socialization. Mallika Srinivasan of Tractor And Farm Equipments
(TAFE), Amrita Patel of National Dairy. Please use the Get access link above for information on how
to access this content. Knowing the fact that racial discrimination has occurred at many multi-
cultured society, my hypothesis is that there have been and still is some racial discrimination
happening in our society. Today, there is a spontaneous return to the old religious values after the
crash of the Communism. Thus, if organizational structures, processes, and practices clearly
communicate the importance of gender equality then the discriminatory behavior of sexist
organizational decision makers should be constrained. Unlike women, men don't really have to worry
about their value of labor depreciating. Educated women add value to the economy of a country as
realized in China for the past ten years. Other than that, women have no equal rights in marriage and
family life.

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