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Assignment 1.

A pulley of radius 0.9 m is used to lift a bucket from the well. If it took 3.6 rotations for the
pulley to take water out of the well, how deep is water in the well?
Radius of pulley
Number of rotations, N = 3.6
Depth of well, S =?
As the relation between linear and angular displacement is given by;

To find the angular displacement , we know that in one complete rotation, the angular
displacement is , so in 3.6 rotations, the angular displacement is given by;

Putting the values in equation (1), we get;

So, the depth of the well is 20 m.

Assignment 1.2: Wall Width:

A physicist calculated the wall width of half brick thickness (the brick is laid in a flat position,
lengthwise called stretcher position), as (13.6 ± 0.1) cm. And one brick thickness (the brick is
placed in flat position, lengthwise orthogonal to wall, called header position), as (23.6 ± 0.1) cm.
Calculate the difference in width of walls with uncertainty in it.
Half brick thickness, d1 ± Δd1 = (13.6 ± 0.1) cm
One brick thickness, d2 ± Δd2 = (23.6 ± 0.1) cm
Difference in width of the walls, ‘d’ =?
To find the difference in the width of walls, we would subtract the thickness of the half brick
wall from the thickness of the one brick wall; however, we will add its fractional uncertainties

By putting the values, we get;

Or Ans

Assignment 1.3: Resistance:

The voltage ‘V (V ± ΔV)’ is measured as 7.3 V ± 0.1 V and current ‘I (I ± ΔI)’ is measured as 2.73 A
± 0.05 A. Calculate the resistance ‘R’ by using Ohm’s Law as R = V/I.
Voltage V, (V ± ΔV) = 7.3 V ± 0.1 V
Current I, (I ± ΔI) = 2.73 A ± 0.05 A
Resistance, R =?
As we know from Ohm’s law that resistance is the ratio of voltage and current, i.e.

In division, the percentage uncertainties are calculated and then added in the final result.
The percentage uncertainties of V and I are calculated as,

In quotient, the percentage uncertainties are added. Now putting the values in equation (1), we


Assignment 1.4: Volume of Sphere:

The radius of sphere ‘r’ is measured with vernier calipers as (r ± Δr) = (2.25 ± 0.01) cm. Calculate
the volume of sphere.
Radius of sphere r, (r ± Δr) = (2.25 ± 0.01) cm
Volume of sphere ‘V’ = (V± ΔV) =?
The volume of the sphere is given by the equation;

As this equation contains a power term, therefore percentage uncertainty in radius is calculated
and then multiplied with the power.

Percentage uncertainty in time,

So, the percentage uncertainty in height ‘V’ will be equal to
Now putting the values in equation (1), we get;


Assignment 1.5: Significant Figures Calculation:

Calculate the answers to the appropriate number of significant figures.
(a) 0.31×0.1
0.31×0.1 = 0.031 = 0.03 (round to one significant figure)
(b) 658.0 + 23.5478 + 1345.29
658.0 + 23.5478 + 1345.29 = 2026.8378 = 2026.8
(c) 8×7
8×7 = 56 = 60 = 6×101 (rounded off to one significant figure)
(d) 0.9935×10.48×13.4
0.9935×10.48×13.4 = 139.519192 = 140
(Rounded off to three significant figures)


(Written in the form of two significant figures)


(Rounded off to two sig fig)

Assignment 1.6: Equations of Motion:

Show that the equations (a) (b) are dimensionally correct.

Dimensions on the left-hand side (L.H.S) of the equation is,
Whereas the dimensions on the right-hand side (R.H.S) of the equation is,

From equation (1) and (2), it is clear that the dimensions of L.H.S and R.H.S are equal; therefore,
the equation is dimensionally correct.

Dimensions on the left-hand side (L.H.S) of the equation is,

Whereas the dimensions on the right-hand side (R.H.S) of the equation is,

From equation (3) and (4), it is clear that the dimensions of L.H.S and R.H.S are equal; therefore,
the equation is dimensionally correct.

Assignment 1.7: Formula For Time Period:

Find an expression for the time period ‘T’ of a simple pendulum. The time period ‘T’ may
depend upon (i) mass ‘m’ of the bob of the pendulum, (ii) length ‘l’ of pendulum, (iii)
acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ at the place where the pendulum is suspended.
Dimension of mass ‘m’ = [M1]
Dimension of length ‘l’ = [L1]
Dimension of gravitational acceleration ‘g’ = [L1T-2]
Possible formula for time period of simple pendulum ‘T’ =?
Let the time period of simple pendulum depends upon mass ‘m’, length ‘l’, and gravitational
acceleration ‘g’ by the following equation;
Where k is the constant of proportionality, now putting appropriate dimensions;

Comparing the power of similar physical quantities;

For M;

For T;

For L;

Putting values of a, b and c in equation 1, we get;

Dimension analysis does not give information about the value of constant;
however, from experiment we know that this constant is 2π. Thus
An airplane is moving at 120 m/s at an angle of 10 o with x-axis, through a 30 m/s cross wind,
blowing at angle of 260 with x-axis. Determine the resultant velocity of the airplane.
Let the scale be;
10 m/s = 1 cm, then
120 m/s = 12 cm, θ = 10o with x-axis
30 m/s = 3 cm, θ = 260o with x-axis
Now join the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector to get the resultant R. By
measuring the length of vector (with scale), we get (2×10 = 20 m/s). And by using protector,
the angle calculated to be, θ = 106o with x-axis.

Assignment 2.2: VECTOR ADDITION

Two forces making an angle θ1 = 30o with positive x-axis and Force
making an angle θ2 = 150o with positive x-axis, act at a point,
calculate the resultant force .
Force F1 = 20 N, angle θ1 = 30o
Force F2 = 30 N, angle θ2 = 150o
Resultant Force =?
By rectangular components method;


By addition of vectors by rectangular components, we get;
Now from the given data we can easily determine the rectangular components of each vector as
shown in the Figure.
For vector F1

For vector F2

Putting values from Eq. (4) and Eq. (6) in Eq. (2), we get;
And by putting values from Eq. (5) and Eq. (7) in Eq. (3), we get;

Now putting the values from Eq. (8) and Eq. (9) in Eq. (1), we get the value of FR as;

Now to determine the angle, we use;

As FRx is negative and FRy is positive, therefore the resultant force lies in the 2nd quadrant where
, therefore;


Assignment 2.3: RESULTANT VECTOR

Two Forces of 20 N and 10 N are making an angle 120 o with each other. Find a single pull that
would (a) replace the given forces system (b) balance the given force system.
Force |⃗F 1| = F1 = 20 N,
Force |⃗F 2| = F2 = 10 N,
Resultant ⃗ F R =?
Balancing Force ⃗ F B=?
Let force ⃗ F 1 is along x-axis, i.e. θ1 = 0o and force ⃗
is making an angle 120 with the x-axis as shown in
the figure.
Now resolving the forces into x and y components.
For force ⃗ F1
F 1| = F and θ1 = 0o, therefore
F1x = F1Cosθ1 = 20 N Cos0o = 20 N since Cos0o = 1
And F1y = F1Sinθ1 = 20 N Sin0 = 0 because Sin0o = 0
For force ⃗ F2
F 2| = F and θ2 = 120o, therefore
F2x = F2Cosθ2 = 10 N Cos120o = 10 N × (-0.5) = -5 N
And F2y = F2Sinθ2 = 10 N Sin120o = 10 N × 0.866 = 8.66 N
By addition of vectors by rectangular components;
By addition of vectors by rectangular components the resultant force FR is;

Putting the values from Eq. (1) and Eq. (2) in Eq. (3), we get;

Now to determine the angle, we use;

As FRx and FRy are both positive therefore the resultant force lies in the 1st quadrant where
, therefore;


Now to balance the given forces, a force of 17.32 N is required to act in the opposite direction,

i.e. FB = FR =17.32 N with an angle, θR = 30o + 180o = 210o


Show that
As we know that;
And , Therefore;

Assignment 2.5: BREAKING TENSION

A uniform plank of weight 200 N
and length 6 m is supported by a
rope as shown in the figure. If the
breaking tension in the rope is 400
N. How far can a boy of weight
400 N walk towards the support?
Weight of Man

Weight of Plank
Tension in Rope
Center of gravity of board
Distance of rope
Distance of Man
Let the axis of rotation be point ‘A’, then the torque produced by bolt is , the
torque produced by weight of board is and the torque produced by tension in the
rope is .
By second condition of equilibrium;

The sign convention is adopted, hence;

Putting values, we get;

Assignment 3.1:
The velocity time graph shows the motion of car in a straight line. By reading the scale carefully,
(a) The acceleration of the car between segment A and B, B and C, C and D and E, from the
slope of the graph. Also
(b) Calculate the car’s average acceleration for the complete journey.
(a) The acceleration from point A to B can be calculated by measuring the slope as;

The acceleration from point B to C by measuring the slope

The acceleration from point C to D by measuring the slope

Similarly the acceleration from point D to E can be calculated as;

(b) The average acceleration can be calculated by measuring the slope from point A to E as;

The average acceleration is thus .


A proton moving with a speed of 1.0×10 7 m s-1 passes through a 0.020 cm thick sheet of paper
and emerges with a speed of 2.0×106 m s-1. Assuming uniform deceleration, find retardation and
time taken to pass through the paper.
Initial velocity of proton, vi = 1.0×107 m s-1
Final velocity of proton, vf = 2.0×106 m s-1
Thickness of sheet, s = 0.020 cm = 0.00020 m
Time taken, t =?
To calculate the acceleration, 3rd equation of motion is used;

Putting the values, we get;

Now to calculate the time taken by the proton in passing through the sheet, 1 st equation of motion
is used;

Putting the values, we get,


Suppose that the mass of the spacecraft ‘ ’ is 11000 kg and that the mass of the astronaut
‘ ’ is 92 kg. In addition, assume that the astronaut pushes with a force of F = +36 N (along x-
axis) on the spacecraft. Find the accelerations of the spacecraft and the astronaut.
Mass of spacecraft
Mass of Astronaut
Spacecraft’s acceleration
Astronaut’s acceleration
As there is no other opposing force exists in space, therefore the action force exerted by the
Astronaut on Spacecraft is +36 N (along x-axis), so the acceleration produced in Spacecraft by
Newton’s second law of motion will be;

Or therefore
The reaction force exerted by Spacecraft on Astronaut will be equal and opposite (i.e. - 36 N
(along + x-axis, or 36 N (along – x-axis).
The acceleration produced in Astronaut by Newton’s second law of motion will be;

Or therefore

Assignment 3.4 FIRE EMERGENCY

A girl of mass 48.0 kg is rescued from a building fire by leaping into a firefighters’ net. The
window from which she leapt was 12.0 m above the net. She lands in the net so that she is
brought to a complete stop in 0.45 s. During this interval (a) What is his change in momentum?
(b) What is the impulse on the net due to the girl? (c) What is the average force on the net due to
the girl?
Mass of girl,
Height of window from net,
Time of impact,
Change in momentum of girl,
Impulse on net due to girl,
Average force on net,
(a) To calculate the momentum of the girl just before hitting the net, we use the relation;

Since initial velocity of the girl is zero, as she starts from rest. To find the final velocity just
before hitting the net, we use third equation of motion, i.e.

Putting values

Now putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

Now this momentum will act as an initial momentum of the girl just before hitting the net, i.e.

When the girl hit the net and come to rest, the final momentum will become zero, i.e.

Therefore the change in momentum of the girl will be;

The negative sign shows that the change in momentum is directed upward, thus;

(b) Now to calculate the impulse on the net by the girl, we know that;
(Since gravity cannot be ignored in impulse)
Putting values, we get;

(c) To calculate average force on the net, we use the relation;

Putting values, we get;



On a highway a car of mass 1500 kg is stopped at traffic signal. A pickup of mass 2000 kg
comes up from behind and hits the stopped car. Assuming the collision is elastic, the pickup
stops with collision and push the car ahead onto the highway at 10.0 m/s. How fast was the
pickup going just before the collision?
Mass of car,
Mass of pickup,
Velocity of car before collision,
Velocity of car after collision,
Velocity of pickup after collision,
Velocity of pickup before collision,
For head-on elastic collision, we have;

Putting values, we get;

Multiplying both sides with , we get;


Assignment 3.6 (CRICKET BALL FOR A SIX)

At Arbab Niaz Cricket Stadium Peshawar a batsman hits the shot at initial velocity of 28 m/s. If
the boundary is 72 m from the batsman, will the ball cross the boundary for a six? If the angle
with the horizontal is (a) 30o (b) 45o and (c) 70o. (Ignore air resistance)
Initial velocity, ‘vo’ = 25.0 m/s
Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ = 9.8 m/s2
Distance of boundary from batsman, S = 72 m
(a) Range at 30o angle, R30o =?
(b) Range at 45o angle, R45o =?
(c) Range at 70o angle, R70o =?
The Horizontal Range R for projectile is mathematically written as;

(a) For θ = 30o

No, it will not cross the boundary.
(b) For θ = 40o
Yes, it will cross the boundary.
(c) For θ = 70o

No, it will not cross the boundary.


1. An object is falling freely under gravity. How much distance will it travel in 2 nd and 3rd second
of journey?
Initial velocity
Acceleration due to gravity
Distance travelled in 2nd second
Distance travelled in 3rd second
To calculate the distance travelled while initial velocity, acceleration, and time is given, we use
2nd equation of motion, i.e.

To calculate the distance covered in one second, we put t = 1 in Eq. (1)

Now to calculate the total distance travelled in 2 seconds, we put t =2 in Eq. (1)

So the distance travelled in 2nd second is;

Now to calculate the total distance travelled in 3 seconds, we put t = 3 in Eq. (1)
So the distance travelled in 3rd second is;

2. A helicopter is ascending vertically at a speed of 19.6 m s -1.

When it is at a height of 156.8 m above the ground, a stone is
dropped. How long does the stone take to reach the ground?
Initial velocity of helicopter and stone = vi = 19.6 m/s
Initial height = h1 = 156.8 m
Time taken by stone to hit the ground = T =?
Let the stone takes time t1 in the upward direction (due to upward
motion of the helicopter) to reach the highest point for which the final velocity is zero, i.e. v f = 0
m s-1.
Using 1st equation of motion, we get;

Putting values in Eq. (1), we get;

Let the stone covered a height h2 in upward motion. Now using 3rd equation of motion, we get;

Putting values in Eq. (2), we get;

Since total distance covered by stone in downward direction is;

Putting values, we get;

Now to find the time of stone to reach the ground is, we use 2nd equation of motion;
Putting values in Eq. (3), we get;


So the total time taken by the stone in reaching the ground can be calculated as;
Total time = time taken in upward motion + time taken in downward motion
Thus, T = t1 + t2 = 2 s + 6 s = 8 s
Therefore, T=8s
3. A car moving at 20.0 m/s (72.0 km/h) crashes into a tree. Find the magnitude of the average
force acting on a passenger of mass 70 kg in each of the following cases. (a) The passenger is not
wearing a seat belt. He is brought to rest by a collision with the windshield and dashboard that
lasts 2.0 ms. (b) The car is equipped with a passenger-side air bag. The force due to the air bag
acts for 45 ms, bringing the passenger to rest.
Initial velocity of car,
Final velocity of car after crash,
Mass of the passenger,
Time of impact without air bag,
Time of impact with air bag,
(a) Average force acting on the passenger without air bags,
(b) Average force acting on the passenger with air bags,
Since change in momentum of passenger can be calculated as;

Putting values, we get;

According to the Newton’s second law of motion in term of momentum, we have;

(a) For calculating the average force acting on the passenger without air bags, put
in equation (1).


The negative sign shows that the force is acting on the passenger.
Thus the magnitude of the force acting on the passenger is equal

(b) For calculating the average force acting on the passenger with
air bags, put in equation (1).


The negative sign shows that the force is acting on the passenger. Thus the magnitude of the
force acting on the passenger is equal to;

4. A 0.4 kg ball traveling with the speed of 15 m s-1 strikes a rigid wall and rebounds elastically.
If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.045 s, what is (a) the momentum imparted to the wall
and (b) the average force exerted on the wall?
Initial speed of the ball,
Final speed of the ball after rebound,
Mass of the ball,
Time of contact,
(a) Momentum imparted to the wall,
(b) Average force exerted on the wall,
(a) Momentum imparted to the wall is equal to the change in momentum of the ball but with
opposite sign, i.e.


(b) The average force exerted on the wall can be calculated by using the equation;
Putting the values, we get;

5. One ball of mass 0.600 kg traveling 9.00 m/s to the right collides head on elastically with a
second ball of mass 0.300 kg traveling 8.00 m/s to the left. After the collision, what are their
velocities after collision?
Mass of one ball,
Mass of second ball,
Velocity of one ball before collision,
Velocity of second ball before collision,
Velocity of one ball after collision,
Velocity of second ball after collision,
As we know from the elastic collision in one dimension, the velocity of one body after collision
is given by;

Putting values, we get;

Negative sign shows that the first ball moves to the

left side with velocity 2.3 m s-1 after collision.
Now to find the velocity of the second ball after
collision, we use;

Putting values, we get;

Positive sign shows that the second ball moves to the right side with velocity 14.67 m s -1 after

6. In a wedding a bullet is fired in air at a speed of 500 m/s making an angle of 60 o with
horizontal from an AK 47 rifle. (a) How high will the bullet rise? (b) What time would it take to
reach ground? (c) How far would it go? (Ignore air resistance)
Angle ‘θ’ = 60o
Initial velocity, ‘Vo’ = 500 m/s
Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ = 9.8 m/s2
(a) Maximum height ‘H’ =?
(b) Time of flight ‘T’ =?
(c) Horizontal range ‘R’ =?
(a) The maximum height H for projectile is mathematically written as;

Putting values, we get;


(b) Time of flight for projectile is mathematically given as;

Putting values, we get;


(c) The Horizontal Range R for projectile is mathematically written as;

Putting values, we get;


7. The catapult hurls a stone of mass 32.0 g with a velocity of 50.0 m/s at a 30.0° angle of
elevation. (a) What is the maximum height reached by the stone? (b) What is its range? (c) How
long has the stone been in the air when it returns to its original height?
Angle ‘θ’ = 30o
Initial velocity, ‘Vo’ = 50.0 m/s
Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ = 9.8 m/s2
(a) Maximum height ‘H’ =?
(b) Horizontal range ‘R’ =?
(c) Time of flight ‘T’ =?
(a) The maximum height H for projectile is mathematically written as;

Putting values, we get;

(b) The Horizontal Range R for projectile is mathematically written as;

Putting values, we get;

(c) Time of flight for projectile is mathematically given as;

Putting values, we get;

Assignment 4.1 (POWER OF AIRPLANE)
What is the power of an airplane of mass 3000 kg if when on the runway it is capable of reaching
a speed of 80 m s-1 from rest in 4.0 s?
Mass of airplane
Initial speed
Final speed
Time taken
According to Newton’s second law, the force applied is equal to the rate of change of
momentum, i.e.

Since the motion and force of airplane are parallel, therefore;



How fast would the moon need to travel in order to escape the gravitational pull of Earth, if
Earth has a mass of 5.98 ×1024 kg and the distance from Earth to the moon is 3.84 ×108 m?
Mass of earth = Me = 5.98 ×1024 kg
Distance from earth to moon = r = 3.84 ×108 m = 384 ×106 m
Radius of earth = Re = 6.4 × 106 m
Escape velocity = Vesc =?


Putting values, we get;

Assignment 4.3 (FRICTION)
Consider a person on a sled sliding down a 100 m long hill on a 30° incline. The mass is 20 kg,
and the person has a velocity of 2 m s -1 down the hill when they're at the top. (a) How fast is the
person traveling at the bottom of the hill? (b) If, the velocity at the bottom of the hill is 10 m s -1,
because of friction. How much work is done by friction?
Height of hill = h = 100 m
Angle of inclination = θ = 30o
Mass = m = 20 kg
Velocity at the top of hill = vi = 2 m s-1
(a) Velocity of the person at the bottom = vf = v =?
(b) If v = 10 m s-1, then work done by friction, Wf =?
(a) According to the law of conservation of energy, potential energy at the top of the hill is equal
to the kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill, i.e.
Gain in K.E at the bottom = Total energy at the top

Putting values, we get;

Therefore velocity of the person at the

bottom of the hill will be 31.4 m s-1.
(b) If frictional force is considered, then total
energy at the top of the hill will be equal to the
gain in K.E plus the work done against frictional
force, i.e.
Gain in K.E + Wf = Total energy at the
top of the hill
Thus Wf = Total energy at the top of the hill –
Gain in K.E

Putting values, we get;

Since the work done by frictional forces is dissipated from the system in the form of heat,
therefore it is denoted by negative sign, i.e.


1. A 70 kg man runs up a long flight of stairs in 4 s. The vertical height of the stair is 4.5 m.
Calculate his power.
Mass of man = m = 70 kg
Time taken = t = 4 s
Vertical height = h = 4.5 m
Power of man = P =?
Since power is the rate of doing work, i.e.

Also the work done by the man is equal to the potential energy stored in the man. Therefore;

Putting the values, we get;

Or Or
Thus power of the man is .

2. A body of mass 2.0 kg is dropped from a rest position 5 m above the ground. What is its
velocity at height of 3.0 m above the ground?
Mass of the body = m = 2.0 kg
Rest position height = h = 5 m
Initial velocity = vi = 0 m s-1
Acceleration = a = g = 9.8 m s-2
Final velocity at height of 3.0 m above the ground = vf = v =?
By using 3rd equation of motion, i.e. we have;

The distance covered by the body up to 3 m height above the ground is 2 m,

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

3. A man pulls a trolley through a distance of 50 m by applying a force of 100 N which makes an
angle of 30o with horizontal. Calculate the work done by the man.
Distance covered = S = 50 m
Force applied = F = 100 N
Angle = θ = 30o
Work done = W =?
As we know that the work done on a body is
given by;

Putting the values, we get;


4. The roller-coaster car starts its journey from a vertical height of 40 m on the first hill and
reaches a vertical height of only 25 m on the second hill, where it slows to a momentary stop. It
travelled a total distance of 400 m. Determine the thermal energy produced and estimate the
average friction force on the car whose mass is 1000 kg.
Height of 1st hill = h1 = 40 m
Height of 2nd hill = h2 = 25 m
Distance travelled = S = 400 m
Mass of car = m = 1000 kg
Thermal energy produced = WT =?
Frictional Force = f =?
As the difference in potential energies at the two hills is actually converted into thermal energy
due to frictional force, therefore;
Thermal energy = Difference in Potential energies

Putting the values, we get;

Now to calculate the friction, we know that;

Putting the values, we get;

Therefore the frictional force is 368 N.

5. A man whose mass is 70 kg walks up to the third floor of a building which is 12 m above the
ground in 20 s. Find his power in watts and hp.
Mass of man = m = 70 kg
Time taken = t = 20 s
Vertical height = h = 12 m
Power of man = P =?
Since power is the rate of doing work, i.e.

Also the work done by the man is equal to the potential energy stored in the man. Therefore;

Putting the values, we get;

As we know that,


Thus the man power in watts is 411.6 watt and in horse power is 0.55 hp.

6. To what height can a 400 W engine lift a 100 kg mass in 3 s?

Power of engine = P = 400 W
Mass = m = 100 kg
Time = t = 3 s
Height = h =?
As power is given by;

Also the work done in lifting a mass is equal to the potential energy stored in the mass.

Putting the values, we get;

7. A ball of mass 100 g is thrown vertically upward at a speed of 25 m s -1. If no energy is lost,
determine the height it would reach. If the ball only rises to 25 m, calculate the work done
against air resistance. Also calculate the force of friction.
Friction = f = 0
Mass = m = 100 g = 0.1 kg
Speed = v = 25 m s-1
Height = h = 25 m
Height = h =?
Work done against air resistance = f h=?
Force of friction = f =?
1. As f = 0 so
Loss in K.E = Gain in P.E

Putting the values, we get;

2. Loss in K.E = Gain in P.E + f h

Putting the values, we get

8. An object of mass 1000 g falls from a height of 30 m on the sand below. If it penetrates 4 cm
into the sand, what opposing force is exerted on it by the sand? Neglect air friction.
Mass of object = m = 1000 g = 1 kg
Height = h = 30 m
Distance through which the object penetrates = S = 4 cm = 0.04 m
Opposing force = f =?
According to the law of conservation of energy, the P.E stored in the body is converted into the
work done on the sand.
Work done on the sand = loss in P.E

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the frictional force exerted by the sand is 7350 N.

9. A body of mass ‘m’ drops from Bridge into water of the river. The bridge is 10 m high from
the water surface.
(a). Find the speed of the body 5 m above the water surface.
(b). Find the speed of the body before it strikes the water.
Height of bridge = h = 10 m
Initial velocity = vi = 0 m s-1
Acceleration = a = g = 9.8 m s-2
(a) Final velocity of the body at height of 5 m from ground = vf =?
(b) Final velocity of the body just above the water = vf =?
By using 3rd equation of motion, we have;

(a) At 5 m height above the ground, the distance covered by body is 5 m, i.e.
s = 10 m – 5 m = 5 m
Putting the values in equation (1), we get;
(b) At just above the water surface, the distance covered by the body is 10 m, i.e.
s = 10 m – 0 m = 10 m
Putting the values in equation (1) again, we get;


10. The engine of a JF-Thunder fighter (made by Pakistan and China) develops a thrust of
3000 N. What horsepower does it has at a velocity of 600 m s-1?

Thrust force = Fth = 3000 N
Velocity = v = 600 m s-1
Power = P =?
As we know that the power can be calculated as;

Putting the values, we get;

As we know that,


Thus in horse power the power of JF-17 thunder is 2413 hp.

11. The mass of the moon is 1/80 of the mass of the earth and corresponding radius is ¼ of the
earth. Calculate the escape velocity on the surface of the moon.

Mass of moon,

Radius of moon,
Escape velocity on the surface of moon = Vesc =?
As we know that the escape velocity on the surface of moon is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Here G = 6.67×10-11 N m2 kg-2, Me = 5.98×1024 kg, and Re = 6.4×106 m, therefore;

Assignment 5.1
A rotating pulley completes 12 rev in 4 s. Determine the average angular velocity in rev/s, rpm,
and in rad/s?
Number of revolution completed = 12
Time taken = t = 4 s
Angular velocity = ω =?
As we know that,

Putting value, we get;

To determine angular velocity in revolution per minute, we know that;

Since we know that;

Now to determine this angular velocity in rad/s, we know that;
1 rev = 2π rad

Assignment 5.2
An airplane dives along a curved path of radius R and velocity . The centripetal acceleration is
10 m s-2. If both the velocity and the radius are doubled, what will be the new acceleration?
Radius = R
Velocity = v
Centripetal acceleration
New acceleration radius and velocity are double,
As we know that centripetal acceleration is given by;

If radius and velocity are doubled, then the new acceleration will be;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the new acceleration will be 20 m s-2.

Assignment 5.3
At what speed (in km/h) is a bank angle of 45 o required for an aeroplane to turn on a radius of 60
Bank angle = θ = 45o
Radius = r = 60 m
Speed = v =?
As we know that the equation of speed for a given radius and angle is;
Putting the values, we get


Assignment 5.5
A cord is wrapped around the rim of a cylinder that has a mass of 10 kg and a radius of30 cm. If
the rope is pulled with a force of 60 N, what is the angular acceleration of the cylinder?
Mass, m = 10 kg
Radius, r = 30 cm = 0.3 m
Force, F = 60 N
Angular acceleration, α =?
From Newton’s 2nd law of motion, we have;

In rotational motion, , Putting in Eq. (1), we get;

Putting the values, we get;

Assignment 5.6
A belt is wrapped around the edge of a pulley that is 40 cm in diameter. The pulley rotates with a
constant angular acceleration of 3.50 rad/s 2. At t = 0, the rotational speed is 2rad/s. What is the
angular displacement and angular velocity of the pulley 2 s later?
Diameter of pulley, D = 40 cm = 0.4 m
Radius of pulley, r = D/2 = 0.4 m/2 = 0.2 m
Angular acceleration, α = 3.50 rad/s2
Initial angular speed, ωi = 2 rad/s
Time, t = 2 s
Angular displacement, θ =?
Final angular velocity, ωf =?
Using 1st equation of motion for rotational dynamics, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

Now to calculate the angular displacement, we use 2nd equation of motion for rotational motion;

Putting the values, we get;

Assignment 5.7:
A DVD disc has a radius of 0.0600 m, and a mass of 0.0200 kg. The moment of inertia of a solid
disc is I = (1/2) MR2, where M is the mass of the disc, and R is the radius. When a DVD in a
certain machine starts playing, it has an angular velocity of 160.0 rad s -1.What is the angular
momentum of this disc?
Radius of disc = R = 0.0600 m
Mass of disc = M = 0.0200 kg
Angular velocity = ω = 160.0 rad s-1
Angular momentum = L =?
As we know that angular momentum is given by;

For a solid disc, , putting in Eq. (1)

Putting the values, we get;


Assignment 5.8
A spring balance is attached to the ceiling of a lift. A man hangs his bag on the spring and the
spring reads 49 N, when the lift is stationary. If the lift moves downward with an acceleration of
5 m/s2, what will be the reading of the spring balance?
Real weight = w = 49 N
Downward acceleration
Apparent weight
In case of the downward accelerated motion, the apparent weight of the bag is given by;

To calculate mass of the bag, we know that;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;


1. If the plate microwave oven has a radius of 0.15 m and rotates at 6.0 rev/min, calculate
the total distance travelled by the fly during a 2.0 min cooking period.
Radius = r = 0.15 m
Angular velocity = ω = 6 rev/min = 6×2π rad/60 s = 6×2×3.14 rad/60 s = 0.63 rad/s
Time taken = t = 2.0 min = 2.0×60 s = 120 sec
Distance travelled by the fly = S =?
From the relationship between linear displacement and angular displacement, we know

Also we know that,

Putting in Eq. (1), we get;

Putting the values in Eq. (2), we get;

2. A circular drum of radius 40 cm is initially rotating at 400 revolution/min. It is brought to

stop after making 50 revolutions. What is the angular acceleration and the stopping time?
Radius of drum = r = 40 cm = 0.4 m
Initial angular velocity = ωi = 400 rev/min = 400×2π rad/60 s = 41.87 rad/s
Final angular velocity = ωf = 0 rad/s
Number of revolution completed = θ = 50 rev = 50×2π rad = 314 rad
Angular acceleration = α =?
Stopping time = t =?
Using 3rd equation of motion for rotational motion, we get;
Putting the values, we get;

The –ve sign shows that the speed is decreasing, i.e. negative acceleration.
To calculate the time, we use 1st equation of motion for angular motion.

Putting the values, we get;

3. A string 1 m long is used to whirl a 100 g stone in a horizontal circle at a speed of 2 m s-1.
Find the tension in the string.
Radius of circle = r = 1 m
Mass of stone = m = 100 g = 0.1 kg
Speed = v = 2 m s-1
Tension in the string = T =?
As we know that tension in the string is equal to centripetal force, i.e.
Putting the values, we get;

4. The moon revolves around the earth in almost a circle of radius 382400 km in 27.3 days.
What is the centripetal acceleration?
Radius of circle = r = 382400 km = 382400×103 m = 382400000 m
Time period = T = 27.3 days = 27.3×24×60×60 s = 2358720 s
Centripetal acceleration = =?
As we know that, centripetal acceleration is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

5. A modern F1 car can accelerate from 0 to 62 mile/h (100 km/h) in 2.50 s. What is the
angular acceleration of its 170 mm-radius wheels?
Initial speed = vi = 0 m/s
Final speed = vf = 62 mile/h = 100 km/h = 100×1000 m/3600 s = 27.8 m/s
Time taken = t = 2.50 s
Radius of wheel = r = 170 mm = 170×10-3 m = 0.17 m
Angular acceleration = α =?
As we know that, angular acceleration is given by;

Since , Therefore;
Initial angular velocity, And

Final angular velocity,

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

6. An electric motor is running at 1800 rev min-1. It comes to rest in 20 s. If the angular
acceleration is uniform, find the number of revolutions it made before stopping.
Initial angular velocity = ωi = 1800 rev/min = 1800 rev/60 s = 30 rev/s
Final angular velocity = ωf = 0 rev/s
Time taken = t = 20 s
Number of revolution completed = θ =?
Using 3rd equation of motion for rotational motion, we get;

To calculate the value of angular acceleration, we use;

Putting the values in Eq. (2), we get;

Now putting all the values in Eq. (1), we get;

7. What is the moment of inertia of a 100 kg sphere whose radius is 50 cm?

Mass of sphere = M = 100 kg
Radius of sphere = R = 50 cm = 0.5 m
Moment of inertia of sphere = I =?
As we know that the moment of inertia of sphere is given by;
Putting the values, we get;

8. A rope is wrapped several times around a cylinder of radius 0.2 m and mass 30 kg. What
is the angular acceleration of the cylinder if the tension in the rope is 40 N and it turns
without friction?
Mass of cylinder = M = 30 kg
Radius of cylinder = R = 0.2 m
Tension in the rope = T = F = 40 N
Angular acceleration = α =?
Since, the torque acting on the body is given by;

Also moment of inertia of cylinder is given by;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

9. What is the kinetic energy of a 5.0 kg solid ball whose diameter is 15 m if it rolls across a
level surface with a speed of 2 m s-1?
Mass of solid ball = M = 5.0 kg
Diameter = D = 15 m
Radius = R = D/2 = 15 m/2 = 7.5 m
Speed = v = 2 m s-1
Kinetic Energy = K.E =?
As the ball is rolling on a level surface, therefore the total kinetic energy of the ball is
equal to the linear kinetic energy plus the rotational kinetic energy, i.e.
Since for solid sphere, &

Putting the values, we get;

10. A cylinder of 50 cm diameter at the tip of an incline 29.4 cm high and 10 m long is
released and rolls the incline. Find its linear and angular speeds at the bottom.
Diameter = D = 50 cm
Radius = R = D/2 = 50 cm/2 = 25 cm = 0.25 m
Height of incline = h = 29.4 cm = 0.294 m
Linear speed = v =?
Angular speed = ω =?
As we know that the velocity of a cylinder at the bottom of an incline is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Now to find the angular speed, we know that;



11. A disc without slipping rolls down a hill of vertical height 1000 cm. If the disc starts from
rest at the top of the hill, what is its magnitude of velocity at the bottom?
Height of the hill = h = 1000 cm = 10 m
Speed at the bottom of the hill = v =?
Here the hill acts as inclined plane, and we know that velocity of a disc at the bottom of
incline plane is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

12. A motor car is travelling at a speed of 30 m s-1. If its wheel has a diameter of 1.5 m, find
its angular speed in rad s-1 and rev s-1.
Speed of car = v = 30 m s-1
Diameter of wheel = D = 1.5 m
Radius of wheel = r = D/2 = 1.5 m/2 = 0.75 m
Angular speed in rad s-1 = ω =?
Angular speed in rev s-1 = ω =?
As we know that linear and angular speed are related by the equation;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus angular speed in rad s-1 is;

To convert this speed into rev s-1, we know that;

A certain globular protein particle has a density of 1246 kg m -3. It falls through water (having
coefficient of viscosity 8.91 × 10-4 Pa s) with a terminal speed of 8.33 × 10 -6 m s-1. Find the
radius of the particle.
Density ‘ρ’ = 1246 kg m-3
Coefficient of viscosity ‘η’ = 8.91 × 10-4 Pa s = 8.91 × 10-4 kg m-1s-1
Terminal velocity ‘vt’ = 8.33 × 10-6 m s-1
Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ = 9.8 m s-2
Radius of the particle ‘r’ =?
As we know that the terminal velocity for spherical body is given by;

Taking square root both sides;

Putting the values, we get;

Assignment 6.2 (HEART BLOOD PUMPING)

The heart pumps blood into the aorta, which has an inner radius of 1.0 cm. The aorta feeds 32
major arteries (each have an inner radius of 0.21 cm). If blood in the aorta travels at a speed of
25 cm/s, at approximately what average speed does it travel in the arteries? Assume that blood
can be treated as an ideal fluid.
Radius of aorta, ‘r1’ = 1.0 cm = 0.01 m
Radius of artery, ‘r2’ = 0.21 cm = 0.0021 m
Number of arteries, ‘n’ = 32
Speed of blood in aorta, ‘v1’ = 25 cm/s = 0.25 m/s
Speed of blood in arteries, ‘v2’ =?
From the equation of continuity, we have;

Here and , therefore equation of continuity can be written as;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the blood flows in the arteries at an average speed of 0.18 m/s.


Water is flowing smoothly through a closed pipe system. At one point the speed of water is 3 m
s-1, while at another point 3 m higher, the speed is 4 m s -1. At lower point the pressure is 80 kPa.
Find the pressure at the upper point.
Speed of water ‘v1’ = 3 m s-1
Speed of water ‘v2’ = 4 m s-1
Height ‘h1’ = 0 m
Height ‘h2’ = 3 m
Pressure ‘P1’ = 80 kPa = 80×103 N m-2
Density of water ‘ρ’ = 1000 kg m-3
Pressure ‘P2’ =?
According to the Bernoulli’s equation;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the pressure at the upper point is 47.1 kPa.


A tank full of water has a (small) hole near its bottom at a depth of 2.0 m from the top surface,
which is open to air. What is the speed of the stream of water emerging from the hole?
Height of water in tank ‘h’ = 2 m
Acceleration due to gravity ‘g’ = 9.8 m s-2
Speed of stream ‘v’ =?
By Torricelli’s theorem, we have;

Putting the values, we get;


Assignment 6.5 (VENTURI METER)

A venturi meter is measuring the flow of water in a pipe having cross-sectional area of 0.0038
m2, a throat with cross-sectional area of 0.00031 m 2 is connected to it. If the pressure difference
is measured to be 2.4 kPa, what is the speed of the water in the pipe?
Area of wide section, A1 = 0.0038 m2
Area of throat, A2 = 0.00031 m2
Pressure difference, P1 – P2 = 2.4 kPa = 2400 Pa
Density of water, ρ = 1000 kg m-3
Speed of water in the pipe, v1 =?
As we know that the speed of flow of water in a pipe is given by;

Putting the values, we get;


1. Eight equal drops of oil are falling through air with steady velocity of 0.1 m s-1. The
drops recombine to form a single drop, what should be the new terminal velocity?
Terminal velocity of each small droplet = vt = 0.1 m/s
Radius of each small droplet = r
Number of droplet = n = 8
Eight droplets combine and terminal velocity of one big drop

Volume of one small droplet

Volume of n small droplets

When 8 droplets combine to form a big drop, then volume of big drop is;

(Where R is radius of big drop)

Since Volume of one big drop = Volume of 8 small droplets
Therefore Putting values;

Taking cube root of both sides;

Thus radius of big drop is equal to twice of the radius of small droplet.
Now we know that, terminal velocity of a small droplet is given by;

And putting the value of R, we get;

Using Eq. (2), we get

Putting the value,
2. Water travels through a 9.6 cm diameter fire hose with a speed of 1.3 m/s. At the end of
the hose, the water flows out through a nozzle whose diameter is 2.5 cm. (a) what is the
speed of the water coming out of the nozzle? (b) What diameter nozzle is required to give
water speed of 21 m/s?
Diameter of fire hose = D1 = 9.6 cm
Radius of fire hose = r1 = D/2 = 9.6 cm/2 = 4.8 cm
Diameter of nozzle = D2 = 2.5 cm
Radius of nozzle = r2 = D2/2 = 2.5 cm/2 = 1.25 cm
Speed of water in fire hose = v1 = 1.3 m/s
(a) Speed of water through nozzle = v2 =?
(b) If v2 = 21 m/s, then diameter of nozzle = D2 =?
(a) Using the equation of continuity, we have;

Since And Putting in Eq. (1).

Putting the values,

(b) To find D2, again using Eq. (2), i.e.

By taking square root both sides, we get;

Putting the values, we get;

Now we know that,

Thus diameter of the nozzle will be 2.4 cm.

3. A fish tank has dimensions 0.30 m wide by 1.0 m long by 0.60 m high. If the filter should
process all the water in the tank once every 3.0 h, what should the flow speed be in the
3.0 cm diameter input tube for the filter?

Volume of fish tank = V = 0.30 m×1.0 m×0.60 m = 0.18 m3
Time taken = t = 3 h = 3×60×60 s = 10800 s
Diameter = D = 3.0 cm = 0.03 m
Radius = r = D/2 = 0.03 m/2 = 0.015 m
Flow speed = v =?
As we know that, volume flow rate is given by;

Putting the values, we get;


4. A venturi meter is measuring the flow of water; it has a main diameter of 3.5 cm tapering
down to a throat diameter of 1.0 cm. If the pressure difference is measured to be 18 mm-
Hg, what is the speed of the water entering the venturi throat?
Main diameter = D1 = 3.5 cm = 0.035 m
Main radius = r1 = D1/2 = 0.035 m/2 = 0.018 m
Throat diameter = D2 = 1.0 cm = 0.01 m
Throat radius = r2 = D2/2 = 0.01 m/2 = 0.005 m

Area of main section,

Area of throat section,

Area of throat, A2 = 0.00031 m2
Pressure difference, P1 – P2 = 18 mm of Hg = 18×133.32 Pa = 2400 Pa
Density of water, ρ = 1000 kg m-3
Speed of water in the pipe, v1 =?
As we know that the speed of flow of water in a pipe is given by;
Putting the values, we get;

5. A small circular hole 6.00 mm in diameter is cut in the side of a large water tank, 14.0 m
below the water level in the tank. The top of the tank is open to the air. Find (a) the speed
of efflux of the water and (b) the volume discharged per second.
Diameter of hole = D = 6.00 mm = 0.006 m
Radius of hole = r = D/2 = 0.006 m/2 = 0.003 m
Height of water level = h = 14.0 m
(a) Speed of efflux = v =?
(b) Volume discharged per second = ΔV/Δt =?
(a) By Torricelli’s theorem, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

(b) From equation of continuity, the volume flow rate is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the water of volume 0.000469 m3 will emerge out of the tank each second.

6. What is the Aerofoil lift (in newton) due to Bernoulli's principle on a paper plane of wing
area 0.01 m2 if the air passes over the top and bottom surfaces at speeds of 9 m/s and 7
m/s respectively? (Take the density of air as 1.28 kg/m3)
Surface area ‘A’ = 0.01 m2
Speed at top of wing ‘v2 = 9 m s-1
Speed at bottom of wing ‘v2’ = 7 m s-1
Density of air ‘ρ’ = 1.28 kg m-3
Force ‘F’ =?
Using the definition of pressure, we have;

Now from Bernoulli’s equation, we know that;

Putting Eq. (2), in Eq. (1), we get;

Putting values, we get;

There will be an upward force of 0.2 N on paper plane wing.

7. During a windstorm, a 25 m/s wind blows across the flat roof of a small home. Find the
difference in pressure between the air inside the home and the air just above the roof,
assuming the doors and windows of the house are closed. (The density of air is 1.28
Pressure inside the home = P1
Pressure above the roof = P2
Speed of wind inside the home = v1 = 0 m s-1
Speed of wind above the roof = v2 = 25 m s-1
Density of air = ρ = 1.28 kg/m3
Difference in pressure = P1 – P2 =?
By using the Bernoulli’s equation, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the difference in pressure between the air inside the home and the air just above the
roof is 400 Pa.
Assignment 7.1
A 2.0 kg block hung from a vertical spring causes it to stretch by 20.0 cm. If the 2.0 kg block is
replaced by a 0.50 kg mass, and the spring is stretched and released, what are the frequency and
period of the oscillations?
Stretching caused by 2.0 kg block = x = 20.0 cm = 0.2 m
Spring constant = k = F/x = mg/x = 2.0 kg×9.8 m s-2/0.2 m = 98 N m-1
Mass attached = m = 0.50 kg
Frequency = f =?
Time period = T =?
As we know that frequency of a mass attached to a spring is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

To calculate time period, we know that;

Putting the values, we get;


Assignment 7.2
A pendulum extending from the ceiling almost touches the floor and that its period is 12 s. how
tall is the tower.
Time period = T = 12 s
Gravitational acceleration = g = 9.8 m/s2
Height = l =?
As we know that height of the tower is equal to length of the pendulum, and length of the
pendulum can be calculated by using the formula;

Putting the values, we get;

Hence height of the tower is 36 m.

Assignment 7.3
Determine the period and frequency of a car whose mass is 1400 kg and whose shock absorbers
have a spring constant of 6.5×104 N/m after hitting a bump. Assume the shock absorbers are
poor, so the car really oscillates up and down.
Mass of car = m = 1400 kg
Spring constant = k = 6.5×104 N/m
Time period = T =?
Frequency = f =?
As we know that time period of a mass attached to a spring is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

To calculate frequency, we know that;

Putting the values, we get;


Assignment 7.4
An object vibrates with amplitude of 6 cm and a frequency of 0.490 Hz. Starting from maximum
displacement in the positive direction, when will be the first time that its displacement is 2 cm?

Amplitude = xo = 6 cm
Frequency = f = 0.490 Hz
Displacement = x =2 cm
Time = t =?
As it is given that;

Putting the values, we get;


1. A force of 0.4 N is required to displace a body attached to a spring through 0.1 m from its
mean position. Calculate the spring constant of spring.
Force = F = 0.4 N
Extension = x = 0.1 m
Spring constant = k =?
In case of spring, we know that;

Putting the values, we get;


2. A pendulum clock keeps perfect time at a location where the acceleration due to gravity
is exactly 9.8 m s-2. When the clock is moved to a higher altitude, it loses 80.0 s per day.
Find the value of g at this new location.
Loss in time = 80.0 s in 24 hrs = 80.0 s/24 hrs = 3.3 s in 1 hour.
Value of
Since the time period of simple pendulum is given by;
The correct clock has a time period T which will be of 2 s, since we are talking about
pendulum clock.
Thus, no. of oscillations made in 1 hrs = 3600/2 = 1800
But due to loss of 3.3 seconds, total time taken by it will be 3603.3 seconds. This means,
this clock is making 1800 oscillations just in 3603.3 seconds.
Thus, the new time period T' = 3603.3/1800 = 2.00183 s
As this new time period is given by;

Dividing Eq. (1), by Eq. (2), we get;

Squaring both sides;

Putting the values, we get;

3. Calculate the length of a second pendulum having time period 2 s at a place where g =
9.8 m s-2.
Time period of second pendulum = T = 2 s
Gravitational acceleration = g = 9.8 m s-2
Length of second pendulum = L =?
As we know that, time period of pendulum is given by;
Solving the equation for L;

Squaring both side;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

Thus length of the second pendulum is 0.992 m.

4. A body of mass ‘m’, suspended from a spring with force constant k, vibrates with ‘ ’.
When its length is cut into half and the same body is suspended from one of the halves,
the frequency is ‘ ’. Find out .
Mass = m
Frequency of complete spring =
Displacement of complete spring = X1
Frequency of half-spring =
Displacement of half-spring = X2

Frequency of spring mass system is given by;

Thus frequency of complete spring is;

When spring is cut into two equal parts and same mass is suspended with half spring then
frequency of half spring is;

Putting , we get;

Putting the value from Eq. (1) in Eq. (2);

5. A mass at the end of spring describes S.H.M with T = 0.40 s. Find out when the
displacement is 0.04 m.
Time period = T = 0.40 s
Displacement = x = 0.04 m
Acceleration = =?
As we know that the acceleration of a S.H.M is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

6. A block weighing 4.0 kg extends a spring by 0.16 m from its un-stretched position. The
block is removed and a 0.50 kg body is hung from same spring. If the spring is now
stretched and then released, what is its period of vibration?
Stretching caused by 4.0 kg block = x = 0.16 m
Spring constant = k = F/x = mg/x = 4.0 kg×9.8 m s-2/0.16 m = 245 N m-1
Mass attached = m = 0.50 kg
Time period = T =?
As we know that period of a mass attached to a spring is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus period of vibration will be 0.28 s.

7. What should be the length of simple pendulum whole time period is one second? What is
its frequency?
Time period = T = 1 s
Gravitational acceleration = g = 9.8 m s-2
Length of simple pendulum = L =?
Frequency = f =?
As we know that, time period of pendulum is given by;

Solving the equation for L;

Squaring both side;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

Thus length of the second pendulum is 0.25 m.

Also we know that frequency and time period are related by;

Putting the value of T, we get;

8. A spring, whose spring constant is 80.0 N m-1 vertically supports a mass of 1.0 kg, is at
rest position. Find the distance by which the mass must be pulled down, so that on being
released, it may pass the mean position with velocity of one meter per second.
Spring constant = k = 80.0 N m-1
Mass = m = 1.0 kg
Maximum velocity = vmax = 1 m s-1
Amplitude = xo =?
As we know that in spring mass system, the maximum velocity is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

9. A 8000 g body vibrates with amplitude 0.30 m. The restoring force is 60 N and the
displacement is 0.30 m. Find out (i) T (ii) (iii) (iv) K.E (v) P.E when the
displacement is 12 cm.
Mass of body = m = 8000 g = 8 kg
Amplitude = xo = 0.30 m
Restoring force = F = 60 N
Displacement = x = 0.30 m
(i) Time period = T =?
(ii) Acceleration = =?
(iii) Speed = =?
(iv) K.E =?
(v) P.E =? When the displacement, x = 12 cm = 0.12 m
(i) Time period
As we know that time period of spring mass system is given by;

According to Hook’s law, we have;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

(ii) Acceleration ( )
As we know from the general equation of S.H.M, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

(iii) Speed ( )
The speed of the body executing S.H.M is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

(iv) K.E
As we know that kinetic energy is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

(v) P.E
The formula for calculating potential energy is given by;

Putting the values, we get;


10. Find the amplitude, frequency and time period of an object oscillating at the end of a

spring, if the equation for its position at any instant t is given by Find
the displacement of the object after 2.0 s.

Displacement equation =
Time = t = 2 s
Amplitude = xo =?
Frequency = f =?
Displacement = x =?
As it is given that the instantaneous displacement is;

Also the general equation for instantaneous displacement is;

By comparing Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), we get;


Now calculation of displacement at t = 2 s, putting values in Eq. (1).

Assignment 8.1 (SEA WATER)
Compute the speed of sound in sea water, if its density is 1025 kg m -3 and Elastic modulus is
2.1×109 N m-2.
Density of steel = ρ =1025 kg m-3
Elastic modulus = E = 2.1×109 N m-2
Speed of sound = v =?
As we know that speed of sound is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Assignment 8.2
How many beats per second are heard when two tuning forks of 256 Hz and 259 Hz are sounded
Frequency of piano one = f1 = 259 Hz
Frequency of piano two = f2 = 256 Hz
Beat frequency = N =?
As we know that beat frequency is given by;
Putting the values, we get;

Thus 3 beats per second will be heard.

Assignment 8.3
A 40 g string 2 m in length vibrates in three loops. The tension in the string is 270 N. What is the
wavelength and frequency?
Length of string = L = 2 m
Mass of string = M = 40 g = 0.04 kg
Tension in the string = T = 270 N
Number of loops = 3
Wavelength = λ3 =?
Frequency = f3 =?
As we know that, the general formula for wavelengths is given by;
As the string is vibrating in three loops, therefore by putting n = 3, we get;

Now to calculate frequency, we use the general form;

Here n = 3 and , therefore;

Putting the values, we get;


Assignment 8.4
What length of closed pipe will produce a fundamental frequency of 256 Hz at 20 oC?
Fundamental frequency = f1 = 256 Hz
Temperature = t oC = 20
Length of closed pipe = L =?
As we know that in case of closed pipe, the fundamental frequency is given by;

Now to calculate speed (v) at 20 oC, we know that;

Putting the values in Eq. (2), we get;

Assignment 8.5
(a) What frequency is received by a woman watching an oncoming ambulance moving at 110
km/h and emitting a steady 800 Hz sound from its siren? The speed of sound on this day is 345
m/s. (b) What frequency does she receive after the ambulance has passed?
Frequency of sound = f = 800 Hz
Speed of sound = v = 345 m s-1
Speed of sound source = a = 110 km h-1 = 110×1000 m/3600 s = 30.56 m s-1
(a) The apparent frequency when the ambulance approaches =
(b) The apparent frequency when receding the ambulance =
(a) When the sounding source approaches, the stationary listener the apparent frequency heard is;

Putting the values, we get;

(b) When the car is receding, then;

Putting the values, we get;


1. What are the wavelengths of a television station which transmits vision on 500 MHz and
sound on 505 MHz respectively? Take speed of electromagnetic waves as 3×108 m s-1.
Frequency of visual signals = fv = 500 MHz
Frequency of audio signals = fa = 505 MHz
Speed of electromagnetic waves = v = 3×108 m s-1
Wavelength of visual signals = λv =?
Wavelength of audio signals = λa =?
From the relation between speed, frequency and wavelength, we have;

Therefore, wavelength of visual signals is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

And wavelength of visual signals is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

2. A person on the sea shore observes that 48 waves reach the shore in one minute. If the
wavelength of the waves is 10 m, then find the velocity of the waves.
Frequency of sea waves = 48 waves/min = 48 wave/60 s = 0.8 Hz
Wavelength of the wave = λ = 10 m
Velocity of wave = v =?
From the relation between speed, frequency and wavelength, we have;
Putting the values, we get;


3. In a ripple tank 500 waves passes through a certain point in 10 s, if the speed of the wave
is 3.5 m s-1, then find the wavelength of the waves.
Frequency of waves = 500 waves/10 s = 50 wave/s = 50 Hz
Velocity of wave = v = 3.5 m s-1
Wavelength of the wave = λ =?
From the relation between speed, frequency and wavelength, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

4. A string of a guitar 1.3 m long vibrates with 4 nodes, 2 of them at the two ends; find the
wavelength and speed of the wave in the string if it vibrates at 500 Hz.
Length = L = 1.3 m
No of loops = n = 3
Frequency = f3 = 500 Hz
Wavelength = λ3 =?
Speed = v =?
As we know that the general form of wavelength of stationary waves in a string is given

Putting the values, we get;

Now to calculate the speed of the wave in string, we use;
Putting the values, we get;


5. A tension of 400 N causes a 300 g wire of length 1.6 m to vibrate with a frequency of 40
Hz. What is the wavelength of the transverse waves?
Tension = T = 400 N
Mass of wire = M = 300 g = 0.3 kg
Length of wire = L = 1.6 m
Frequency = f = 40 Hz
Wavelength = λ =?
First of all, we have to calculate speed of wave in the string by using the formula;

Putting the values, we get;

Now to calculate the wavelength, we use the formula;

Putting the values, we get;


6. Compare the theoretical speeds of sound in hydrogen (MH = 2.0 g/mol, γH =1.4) with
helium (MHe = 4.0 g/mol, γHe =1.66 & R = 8.334 j k-1 mol-1) at 0 oC.
Atomic mass of Hydrogen = MH = 2.0 g/mol = 0.002 kg/mol
γH =1.4
Atomic mss of Helium = MHe = 4.0 g/mol
γHe =1.66
Gas constant = R = 8.334 j k-1 mol-1
Absolute temperature = T = 0 oC = (0 + 273) k = 273 k

Comparison of speeds =
As we know that the speed of sound in a gas is given by;

Therefore in Helium gas, speed of the sound will be;

Putting the values, we get;

Now in Hydrogen gas, speed of the sound will be;

Putting the values, we get;

Now dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2), we get;

7. The speed of sound in air at 0 oC is 332 m s-1. What will be the speed of sound at 22 oC?
Speed of sound at 0 oC = vo = 332 m s-1
Temperature = t oC = 22 oC
Speed of sound at the given temperature = v =?
As we know that;
Putting the values, we get;

8. Two tuning forks P and Q give 4 beats per second. On loading Q lightly with wax, we get
3 beats per second. What is the frequency of Q before and after loading if the frequency
of P is 512 Hz?
Number of beats before loading = N = 4
Number of beats after loading = =3
Frequency of the tuning fork P = fP = 512 Hz
(a) Frequency of the tuning fork Q before loading
(b) Frequency of the tuning fork Q after loading
As we know that, difference between frequencies of the two waves is called beat
frequency, which is denoted by N, so

(a) To find frequency of tuning fork Q before loading, replace f1 by fQ and f2 by fP, we

(Required frequency of tuning fork ‘Q’ before loading)

(b) Now frequency of the tuning fork Q after loading is;

(Required frequency of tuning fork ‘Q’ after loading)

9. On a sunny day, the speed of sound in the air is 340 m s-1, 2 tuning forks A and B are
sounded simultaneously. The wavelength of the sounds emitted are 1.5 m and 1.68 m
respectively. How many beats will produce per second?
Speed of sound in air = v = 340 m s-1
Wavelength of tuning fork ‘A’ = λA = 1.5 m
Wavelength of tuning fork ‘B’ = λB = 1.68 m
Beat frequency = N =?
As we know that, difference between frequencies of tuning fork A and B is called beat
frequency, so;

Also from the general relation between speed, frequency and wavelength, we have;

Therefore for tuning fork A,

Similarly for tuning fork B,

Put Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) in Eq. (1), we get;

Putting the values,

Approximately 24 beats will be produce per second.

10. A sound source vibrates at 200 Hz and is receding from a stationary observer at 18 m s-1.
If the speed of sound is 331 m s-1, then what frequency does the observer hear?
Frequency of sound = f = 200 Hz
Speed of sound = v = 331 m s-1
Speed of sound source = a = 18 m s-1
The apparent frequency when receding the car =
When the car is receding from a stationary observer, then the apparent frequency is given

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the observer will hear a frequency of 189.68 Hz.

11. Suppose a train that has a 150 Hz horn is moving at 35.0 m s-1 in still air on a day when
the speed of sound is 340 m s-1. (a) What frequencies are observed by a stationary person
at the side of the tracks as the train approached and after it passes? (b) What frequency is
observed by the train’s engineer travelling on the train?
Frequency of sound = f = 150 Hz
Speed of sound = v = 340 m s-1
Speed of sound source = a = 35 m s-1
(a) i. The apparent frequency when the train approaches =
ii. The apparent frequency when receding the train =
(b) Frequency of sound observed by train’s engineer =
(a) i. When the train approaches, the stationary listener the apparent frequency heard is;

Putting the values, we get;

ii. When the train is receding, then;

Putting the values, we get;

(b) Since the train’s engineer is travelling on the train, so the relative velocity of the
engineer and train is zero. Thus there will be no change in frequency and the
engineer will hear a sound of frequency 150 Hz.

12. The first overtone of an open organ pipe has the same frequency as the first overtone of a
closed pipe 3.6 m in length. What is the length of the open organ pipe?
Length of closed pipe = Lc = 3.6 m
First overtone frequency of closed pipe = First overtone frequency of open pipe
Length of open pipe = Lo =?
We know that first overtone frequency for closed pipe is given by;

And first overtone frequency for open pipe is given by;

Since it is given that, first overtone frequency is same for both pipes, therefore comparing
Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), we get;

Putting the values, we get;


13. What length of open pipe will produce a frequency of 1200 Hz as its first overtone on a
day when the speed of sound is 340 m s-1?
Frequency of first overtone = f2 = 1200 Hz
Speed of sound = v = 340 m s-1
Length of pipe = L =?
In case of open pipe, the first overtone is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Assignment 9.1
The 3rd bright fringe in a double slit experiment makes a 2.4 o angle with respect to the central
line. The wavelength of the monochromatic light used is 480 nm. Find the distance d between the
two sources.
Wavelength of light = λ = 480 nm = 480×10-9 m
Order of the 3rd bright fringe = m = 3
Angle = θ = 2.4o
Distance between the two sources = d =?
For mth bright fringe, we know that;

Assignment 9.2
A beam of X-rays of wavelength 0.3 nm is incident on a crystal, and gives a first-order
maximum when the glancing angle is 9.0 degrees. Find the atomic spacing.
Wavelength = λ = 0.3 nm = 0.3×10-9 m
Order of the image = m = 1
Angle = θ = 9.0o
Atomic spacing = d =?
From Bragg’s law, we know that;

Putting the values, we get;


1. In a Young’s double slits experiment, the separation of the slits is 1 mm and red light of
wavelength 620 nm is falling on it. Determine the distance between the central bright
band and the fifth bright fringe on the screen which is 3 m away from the slit.
Wavelength of light = λ = 620 nm = 620×10-9 m
Separation of slits = d = 1 mm = 0.001 m
Distance of slits from the screen = L = 3 m
Order of the fringe = m = 5
Position of the 1st bright fringe = ybright =?
As we know that position of the mth order bright fringe is given by;

For 5th order bright fringe, put m = 5, we get;

Thus the distance between the central bright and the fifth bright fringe is 9.3 mm.

2. Two parallel slits are illuminated by light of two wavelengths, one of which is 5.8×10-7
m. On the screen the fourth dark line of the known wavelength coincides with the fifth
bright line of the light of unknown wavelength. Find the unknown wavelength.
Wavelength of 1st light = λ1 = 5.8×10-7 m
For 4th dark fringe = m = 3
For 5th bright fringe = m = 5
Wavelength of 2nd light = λ2 =?
As we know that position of dark fringe is given by;

(Putting m = 3 for 4th dark fringe)

Also, position of bright fringe is given by;

(Putting m = 5 for 5th bright fringe)

According to the given condition, 4th dark fringe of 1st light of known wavelength
coincides with 5th bright fringe of 2nd light of unknown wavelength, therefore equating
Eq. (1) and Eq. (2), we get;
Putting the value of λ1, we get;


3. When the movable mirror of a Michelson interferometer is moved 0.1 mm. How may
dark fringes pass through the reference point, if light of wavelength 580 nm is used?
Distance moved by movable mirror = P = 0.1 mm = 0.1×10-3 m
Wavelength of light = λ = 580 nm = 580×10-9 m
Number of fringes observed = m =?
As we know that in Michelson interferometer, the relation is;

Putting the values, we get;

4. A soap film has a refractive index of 1.40. How thick must the film be, if it appears black,
when mercury light of wavelength 546.1 nm falls on it normally?
Refractive index = n = 1.40
Wavelength of light = λ = 546.1 nm = 546.1×10-9 m
Thickness of film = t =?
In case of thin film, the condition for destructive interference is given by;
Putting the values for m = 1, we get;

Thus thickness of the film is 195 nm.

5. A diffraction grating has 5000 lines per centimeter. At what angle does the second order
spectrum of the sodium yellow light of wavelength 589 nm occur?
Number of lines per centimeter = 5000 lines
Wavelength = λ = 589 nm = 589×10-9 m
Order of spectrum = m = 2
Grating element = d = 1cm/5000 = 0.01m/5000 = 0.0000020 m = 2×10-6 m
Angle = θ =?
As we know that;

Putting the values, we get;

6. Light is incident normally on a grating which has 250 lines /mm. Find the wavelength of
spectral line for which the deviation in second order is 12o.
Number of lines per mm = 250
Angle θ = 12o
Order of image = m = 2
Grating element = d = 1mm/250 = 0.004 mm
Wavelength = λ =?
As we know that;

Putting the values, we get;


7. In a certain X-rays diffraction experiment, the first order image is observed at an angle of
5o for a crystal plane spacing of 2.8×10-10 m. What is the wavelength of X-rays used?
Angle of diffraction = θ = 5o
Crystal plane spacing = d = 2.8×10-10 m
Order of the image = m = 1
Wavelength = λ =?
According to Bragg’s law, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

8. An X-ray beam of wavelength 0.48×10-10 m is used to get Bragg reflection from a crystal
at an angle of 20o for the first order maximum. What is the possible layer plane spacing
which gives rise to this maximum?
Wavelength of X-rays = λ = 0.48×10-10 m
Angle of diffraction = θ = 20o
Order of the image = m = 1
Crystal plane spacing = d =?
According to Bragg’s law, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

9. The spacing of one set of crystal planes in NaCl (table salt) is d = 0.282 nm. A
monochromatic beam of X-rays produces a Bragg maximum when its glancing angle
with these planes is θ = 7o. Assuming that this is a first order maximum (m = 1), find the
wavelength of the X-rays.
Crystal plane spacing = d = 0.282 nm = 0.282×10-9 m = 2.82×10-10 m
Angle of diffraction = θ = 7o
Order of the image = m = 1
Wavelength = λ =?
According to Bragg’s law, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

Assignment 1:
An ideal gas absorbs 5.00×103 J of energy while doing 2.00×103 J of work on the environment
during a constant pressure process. (a) Compute the change in the internal energy of the gas. (b)
If the internal energy now drops by 4.50×103 J and 7.50×103 J is expelled from the system, find
the change in volume, assuming a constant pressure process at 1.01×105 Pa.
Heat absorbed = ΔQ = 5.00×103 J
Work done on the environment = ΔW = 2.00×103 J
(a) Change in internal energy = ΔU =?
(b) Change in volume = ΔV =?
If decrease in internal energy = ΔU = −¿4.50×103 J
And heat expelled from the system = ΔQ = −¿7.50×103 J
Pressure = P = 1.01×105 Pa
(a) According to the first law of thermodynamics, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

(b) According to adiabatic process, the first law of thermodynamics is;

Putting the values, we get;


During one cycle, an engine extracts 2.00×10 3 J of energy from a hot reservoir and transfers
1.50×103 J to a cold reservoir. (a) Find the thermal efficiency of the engine. (b) How much work
does this engine do in one cycle? (c) What average power does the engine generate if it goes
through four cycles in 2.50 s?
Heat absorbed from hot reservoir, Q1 = 2.00×103 J
Heat transferred to cold reservoir, Q2 = 1.50×103 J
(a) Thermal efficiency = η =?
(b) Work done in one cycle = ΔW =?
(c) Average power in four cycle = <P> =? (For t = 2.50 s)
(a) As we know that, thermal efficiency of heat engine is given by;

Putting values, we get;

(b) From the definition of efficiency, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the work done by the engine in one cycle is 5.00×102 J.
(c) The average power can be calculated as;



(a) Find the change in entropy of 3.00×102 g of lead when it melts at 327 oC. Lead has a latent
heat of fusion of 2.45×104 J/kg. (b) Suppose the same amount of energy is used to melt part of a
piece of silver, which is already at its melting point of 961 oC. Find the change in the entropy of
the silver.
Mass of lead, m = 3.00×102 g = 0.3×103 g = 0.3 kg
Constant temperature at fusion point of lead, TL = 327 oC = (327+273) K = 600 K
Latent heat of fusion for lead = Hf = 2.45×104 J/kg
Heat absorbed by lead = ΔQ = m Hf = 0.3 kg×2.45×104 J/kg = 7350 J
Constant temperature of fusion point for silver = TS = = 961 oC = (961+273) K = 1234 K
(a) Change in entropy of lead = ΔSL =?
(b) Change in entropy of silver = ΔSS =?
(a) As we know that change in entropy of lead is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

(b) Now the change in entropy of silver is given by;

Putting the values, we get;



1. Water at 20 oC falls from a height of 854 meters. If the whole energy is used in increasing
the temperature, find out the final temperature. Specific heat of water is 4200 J K-1 kg-1.
Initial temperature of water = T1 = 20 oC = (20+273) K = 293 K
Height from which water falls = h = 854 m
Specific heat of water = C = 4200 J K-1 kg-1
Final temperature of water = T2 =?
According to the given condition, the potential energy stored in water at the top is
converted to heat energy at the bottom, therefore;

Putting the values, we get;

On Centigrade scale;

2. 25200 J of heat is supplied to the system while the system does 6000 J of work. Calculate
the change in internal energy of the system.
Heat energy supplied to the system, ΔQ = 25200 J
Work done by the system, ΔW = 6000 J
Increase in internal energy of the system ΔU =?
Using the first law of thermodynamics, we have;

Putting the values, we get;

3. A sample of ideal gas is uniformly heated at constant pressure. If the amount of 180 J of
heat is supplied to the gas, calculate the change in internal energy of the gas and work
done by the gas. Take γ = 1.41
Heat supplied at constant pressure = ΔQP = 180 J
γ =1.41
Change in internal energy = ΔU =?
Work done by system = ΔW =?
We know that, molar specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is;

Now, the constant γ is defined as;

Putting the value in Eq. (2), we get;

(Required Internal Energy)

To calculate the work done, we use 1st law of thermodynamics, i.e.

Putting the values, we get;


4. Find the efficiency of a Carnot’s heat engine working between the steam and ice points?
Temperature of steam = T1 = 100 oC = (100+273) K = 373 K
Temperature of ice = T2 = 0 oC = (0+273) K = 273 K
Efficiency = η =?
As we know that efficiency of Carnot’s heat engine is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

5. A Carnot heat engine absorbs 2000 J of heat from the source of heat engine at 227 oC and
rejects 1200 J of heat during each cycle to sink. Calculate efficiency of engine,
temperature of sink and amount of work done during each cycle.
Heat absorbed from source = Q1 = 2000 J
Heat rejected to sink = Q2 = 1200 J
Temperature of source = T1 = 227 oC = (227+273) K = 500 K
(a) Efficiency = η =?
(b) Temperature of sink = T2 =?
(c) Work done each cycle = W =?
(a) As we know that efficiency of Carnot’s engine is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

(b) To calculate the temperature of sink, we use the equation of efficiency in term of
temperatures, i.e.

Putting the values, we get;

(c) To calculate the work done in each cycle, we use the equation given below;

Putting the values, we get;

Thus the work done by the engine in one cycle is 800 J.

6. What is the least amount of work that must be performed to freeze one gram of water at 0
C by means of a refrigerator? Take the temperature of the surrounding as 37 oC. How
much heat is passed on to the surrounding during this process?
Mass of water = m = 1 g = 0.001 kg
Temperature of surrounding = T1 = 37 oC = (37+273) K = 310 K
Temperature of freezer = T2 = 0 oC = (0+273) K = 273 K
Heat of fusion = Hf = 336000 J kg-1
Heat rejected to surrounding = Q1 =?
Work done = W =?
The amount of heat required to remove from the freezer is;

Since coefficient of performance of cooling is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Also coefficient of performance for heating is;

Putting the values, we get;

Now we know that,

7. Calculate the change in entropy when 10 kg of water is heated from 90 oC to 100 oC?
(Specific heat of water is 4180 J mol-1 K-1.
Mass of water = m = 10 kg
Initial temperature = T1 = 90 oC = (90+273) K = 363 K
Final temperature = T2 = 100 oC = (100+273) K = 373 K
Change in temperature = ΔT = T2 – T1 = 373 K – 363 K = 10 K
Specific heat of water = C = 4180 J kg-1 K-1
Change in entropy = ΔS =?
As we know that the change in entropy is given by;

Since the temperature is changed from T1 to T2, therefore the average temperature is;

Also the heat supplied to water is given by;

Putting the values, we get;

Putting the values from Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) in Eq. (1), we get;


8. A system absorbs 1176 J of heat and at the same time does 352.8 J of external work. Find
the change in internal energy of the system? Find the change in internal energy of the
system when it absorbs 1050 J of heat while 84 J of work is done? What will be the
change in internal energy of the gas if 210 J of heat is removed at constant volume?
(a) Heat supplied = ΔQ = 1176 J
Work done = ΔW = 352.8 J
Change in internal energy = ΔU =?
(b) Heat supplied = ΔQ = 1050 J
Work done = ΔW = 352.8 J
Change in internal energy = ΔU =?
(c) Heat removed at constant volume = ΔQV = −¿210 J
Work done at constant volume = ΔW = P ΔV = P×0 = 0
Change in internal energy = ΔU =?
(a) According to the first law of thermodynamics;
Putting the values, we get;

(b) Again using the formula;
Putting the values, we get;

(c) Again using the formula;
Putting the values, we get;


9. An ideal gas at 20.0 oC and a pressure of 1.50×105 Pa is in a container having a volume of

1.00 L. (a) Determine the number of moles of gas in the container. (b) The gas pushes
against a piston, expanding to twice its original volume, while the pressure falls to
atmospheric pressure. Find the final temperature.
(a) Temperature of the gas = T = 20.0 oC = (20+273) K = 293 K
Pressure of the gas = P = 1.50×105 Pa = 1.50×105 N m-2
Volume of the gas = V = 1.00 L = 0.001 m3
Gas constant = R = 8.314 J mol-1
Number of moles in the container = n =?
(b) Volume of gas= = 2 V = 2×0.001 m3 = 0.002 m3
Pressure of gas = Atmospheric pressure = P = 1.01×105 Pa = 1.01×105 N m-2
Final temperature = T =?
(a) Using the ideal gas equation, i.e.

Putting the values, we get;

(b) Again using the gas equation.

Putting the values, we get;


10. A block of ice at 273 K is put in thermal contact with a container of steam at 373 K,
converting 25.0 g of ice to water at 273 K while condensing some of the steam to water at
373 K. (a) Find the change in entropy of the ice. (b) Find the change in entropy of the
steam. (c) Find the change in entropy of the Universe.
Temperature of ice = T1 = 273 K
Temperature of steam = T2 = 373 K
Mass = m = 25.0 g = 0.025 Kg
Latent heat of fusion = Hf = 336000 J kg-1
(a) Change in entropy of the ice = ΔS1 =?
(b) Change in entropy of the steam = ΔS2 =?
(c) Change in entropy of the universe = ΔS =?
(a) Since the change in entropy is given by;

In case of ice, ΔS = ΔS1, T = T1 = 273 K, and ΔQ can be calculated as;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

(b) In case of steam, ΔS = ΔS2, T = T2 = 373 K, and the amount of heat ΔQ removed is;

Putting the values in Eq. (1), we get;

(c) Now the total entropy of the universe can be calculated as;

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