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Factual/Nonfictional Aspects:

1. Description of Setting: The text describes the physical setting, including a specific location, the flat
and desolate road, the White River, and the rural farm. These are factual aspects of the narrative.
2. Description of the Dog: The description of the dog as a blue tick hound, its age, physical
appearance, and its interaction with the protagonist and the family members contains factual
3. Actions of the Protagonist: The actions of the protagonist, like pulling over to offer the dog a ride,
calling her children, providing food and water, and observing the dog's behavior, are factual actions.
4. Character Names: The text provides the names of the children, Hunter, Josey, and Briar, which are
factual and contribute to character development.
5. Observations of the Environment: Observations about the boys' excitement, the porch swing,
iced tea, popsicles, and the first star are all factual elements of the story.
Creative Aspects:

1. Emotional Narrative: The emotional connection and attachment the protagonist feels for the dog,
described as love at first sight, are creative elements that evoke emotion.
2. Descriptive Language: The use of descriptive language to paint a picture of the dog, the setting,
and the children's actions involves creative language. Phrases like "big sorrowful eyes, copper
brown and pleading" or "Charlie licks him generously" enhance the narrative.
3. Characterization of the Dog: The creative aspect of portraying the dog as endearing, pitiful, and
slobbery, with a comical appearance, adds to the emotional appeal of the story.
4. Dialogue: The dialogue, especially the interaction between the children and the dog, is a creative
element that brings the characters to life.
5. Personal Reflection: The text provides personal reflection from the protagonist, who decides she
likes the dog more by the minute, which is a subjective and creative element.
6. Imaginative Interpretation: The author imagines the dog's thoughts and feelings, describing how
the dog feels like a heroine's savior, which is a creative interpretation.

Its been 1 year since I experienced of being quarantined during the pandemic and its so hard to go
outside just to do something that is important. In some reasons its helpful to have that kind of thing
because it helps us to not get affected or get a disease like that.

Task 1

1. The text is about the author's reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on human
society and the world. The author personifies the virus, referring to it as "Corona," and discusses its
profound effects on various aspects of human life, such as travel, culture, the economy, and societal
2. The text is written from a first-person perspective, as the author directly addresses "Corona" and
expresses their thoughts and feelings about the pandemic. It is a subjective perspective that reflects
the author's personal views and experiences. If the text were written from a different perspective,
such as a third-person omniscient perspective, it would provide a more objective viewpoint but
may lose the emotional and introspective qualities that the first-person perspective offers.
Factual/Nonfictional Aspects:
3. The COVID-19 pandemic and its global impact are real and factual occurrences.
The author mentions various achievements of human civilization, such as building bridges,
towers, and traveling in space, which are historical and factual events.
The text discusses the importance of harmonious coexistence with the natural ecosystem,
which is a recognized ecological concept.
4 .Creative Aspects:
 Personification of the virus: The author personifies COVID-19 as "Corona" and addresses it
directly, which is a creative literary technique.
 Emotional and philosophical reflections: The author's emotional responses and
philosophical pondering on the pandemic are creative elements that convey a personal
 Metaphorical language: The text uses metaphorical language to describe the impact of the
virus, such as "destroy walls of castes, religions, and languages," which adds a creative

ACTIVITY Directions: Now that you have read the above hacks to improve your creative
writing. get ready to write a short piece that depicts or describes your favorite place in your
town or city of at least three (3) elements of your

My favorite place in my town is the Coffe/tea coffee shop

The first element that draws me in is the rich scent of coffee beans. As I push open the door, the
aromatic embrace of freshly ground coffee greets me.

The second element that makes this place special is the cozy interior. The walls are adorned with
local artwork, and the soft, warm glow of pendant lights casts a comforting ambiance.

The third element that makes this place my favorite is the quiet conversations.


Once upon a time, in a quiet village nestled in the heart of the forest, there lived a
young girl named Elara. She was known throughout the village for her insatiable
curiosity and her enchanting green eyes, which sparkled like emeralds in the dappled
sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy of trees.

Elara had always been drawn to the mysterious depths of the forest. Every morning, as
the first rays of sunlight painted the treetops in gold, she would venture into the woods
with her loyal dog, Whisk. Together, they would explore the secrets that lay hidden
beneath the towering trees.

One crisp autumn morning, as Elara and Whisk wandered deeper into the forest than
ever before, they stumbled upon a peculiar glade. In the center of the clearing stood an
ancient oak tree, its gnarled branches reaching skyward like ancient guardians.
Underneath the tree lay a weathered, leather-bound book.
Elara's heart quickened as she approached the book. It was no ordinary tome; it was
adorned with intricate, gilded patterns and felt as if it held the whispers of centuries
within its pages. She opened the book to find pages filled with elegant, handwritten
script, their ink faded with time.

As she began to read, Elara discovered that this was the diary of a forest guardian, a
guardian who had watched over the woods for generations. The guardian had recorded
tales of the forest's inhabitants, the trees, the animals, and the spirits that dwelled

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