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Grade & Section: Grade 8

Date: March 20, 2024

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate understanding of principles in the prevention

and control of communicable diseases for the attainment of individual wellness.
Performance Standards: The learners consistently demonstrate personal responsibility and
healthful practices in the prevention and control of communicable diseases.

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson learners will be able to:

a. Explain the Chain of Infection
b. Participate during activity.
c. Recognize how to break the Chain of Infection.

II. Subject Matter:

Sub-Topic: Chain of Infection
Reference: Physical Education and Health Learner’s Material
Values: Discipline
Materials: Laptop/ PowerPoint Presentation/

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Heavenly father, we thank you for today.

A. Preparatory activities Thank you for ways in which you provide
for us all. Help us focus our hearts and
1. Prayer
minds on what we are about to learn.
“President of the class, kindly lead the Inspire us by your holy spirit as we listen to
opening prayer, _______.” the lesson. Guide us by your eternal light
as we discover more about the world
around us. We ask this in the name of our
lord. Amen.
2. Greetings
“Good morning and Mabuhay Ma’am Tin!”
“Good morning and Mabuhay!
Grade 8!”
3. Checking of Attendance (Savina will report the attendance of the
“Secretary of the class, please report to class.)
me who is absentees today?”
(The teacher will check the attendance)
4. Classroom Management
“Before we start, please make sure to go (The learners will arrange the chairs and
back to your proper places, pick-up all the pick all the pieces of paper)
pieces of papers and arrange your chairs

1. These are organisms that causes
disease or also known as disease
: Pathogens
causing organisms.
2. One-celled organisms that rank among
: Bacteria
the most widespread of living things.
3. It is an abnormal condition of the body.
4. It simple organisms that cannot make : Disease
their own food.
5. single – celled organisms that are : Fungi
larger than bacteria and have a more
complex cellular structure. : Protozoa
B. Motivation


Activity 1
You will be grouped into 6. The groups will be
given the fact sheet about the chain of infection.
Carefully read each numbered entry and choose
from the word pool the appropriate term being
described in the chain.”
1. A volunteer from each group will read
aloud the definitions and then will present
the write word of the first in the link chain,
2. Another member of the group will explain
his/her own words then meaning of the
3. The other groups will do the same until
the link is discussed.

Word pool

Mode of Transmission Portal of Entry

Portal of Exit Reservoir Pathogen

Susceptible Host

______ it is an organism with ability to cause

______ it is a place within micro-organisms can
thrive and reproduce (thrive in human beings,
animals and inanimate objects such as water, : RESERVOIR
table tops and doorknobs.)

______it provides a way for micro-organism to

leave the reservoir (through nose or mouth)
_____ it is the method by which organism move
from one host to another.
_____ it is an opening allowing the micro- : MODE OF TRANSMISSION
organism enter the host.

_____ it is a person who cannot resists a micro – : PORTAL OF ENTRY

organism invading the body.


“Based on your activity”
1. What are examples of Reservoir?
2. Why do we need to be clean in our
3. How can you describe a person who
cannot resist micro-organisms?
“Thank you, Excellent!”

“Okay class, before we proceed on our group
activity, let’s see how much you have learned.”

1. What are the six links in the Chain of


2. What are some examples of portals of

entry and portals of exit in the chain of

Everybody! let’s do this on your next activity.

Criteria for grading

G. Assessment
Directions: Read carefully. Choose the best answer.
Erasure means wrong!

1. It is an invasion of microorganisms into the body that are capable of producing

a disease.
a. Infection
b. Pathogen
c. Portal of Entry
2. It is an organism with the ability to cause disease.
a. Pathogen
b. Infection
c. Portal of Entry
3. It is an opening allowing the microorganism enter the host.
a. Portal of Entry
b. Portal of Exit
c. Pathogen
4. It is providing a way for a microorganism to leave the reservoir.
(through the nose, mouth, and body feces.)
a. Portal of Entry
b. Portal of Exit
c. Pathogen

5. There are _____ links in the chain of infection.

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B

Who got 5,4,3,2, 1..?

IV. Assignment
Read the Stages of Infection

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