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Practicum Literature in ELT

Class : A Morning

Grup members :

1. Fransiska Vitria Lulu Salma (32210123)

2. Okta Fatri Tarisyah (322210042)
3. Widia Viktoria Bilu (322210052)
4. Nazwa Tia Salsabila (322210041)
5. Hermei Karvila (322210065)
6. Dominika Primunia (32210094)
7. Selvia Kornelia (322210017)
8. Nika (32210020)
9. Elvyana (322210018)

Peri’s Story
One day in a Netherland village there lived 8 fairies who had different and unique
characters. First is Tinkerbell, Tinkerbell is a fairy who is smart and kind and likes to help,
with her characteristic of wearing green clothes. Furthermore, Rosetta is a fairy who really
likes beauty and beauty and has a characteristic of wearing pink clothes. So the next fairy,
Vidia, is a fairy who looks evil but she has a good nature with her characteristic of wearing
purple clothes. Fawn, is a fairy who really likes animals with her trademark character of
wearing an orange clothes. Lyria is a fairy who really likes telling stories and is characterized
by wearing white clothes. Silvermist is a very elegant and kind fairy who wears blue clothes.
Periwinkle, she is a fairy who really likes winter. Lastly, there is Clarion, she is a fairy who
has a gentle nature.

Tinkerbell : “Hi Guys.”

All: “Hi... Tinkerbell.”
Tinkerbell : “How are you guys?”.
Silvermist : “Good.”
Rosetta : “Mm I'm not, I can't sleep because there are bugs in my room.”
Fawn : “The weather is so sunny I like it”
Vidia : “Yeah it is.”
Lyria : “Very good.”
Clarion : “I hope there's good news today.”

While walking, Silvermist suddenly heard a faint voice asking for help.
Silvermist : “Guys, stop... Do you guys hear it?”.
Clarion : “Listening to what?”
Rosetta : “Yes, listening to what? I can only hear how beautiful my voice is.”
Periwinkle : “There's nothing Rosetta.”
Lyria : “I didn't hear anything.”
Tinkerbell : “What's wrong Silvermist?”
Fawn : “Yes, Silvermist what are you listening to? we don't hear anything.”
Silvermist : “Listen, it's like I hear someone calling for help.”
Iridessa : “Please, someone help me. Help me (crying).”
Vidia : “I seem to hear her voice.”
Tinkerbell : “It's coming from here, follow me.”

The other fairies also followed Tinkerbell who was heading to the source of the sound.

(Arriving at the location)

Silvermist : ”Here, try drinking this water.” (Silvermist brings water to Iridesa and Iridesa
drinks it)

(Tinkerbell who tries to calm Iridesa who is still breathing heavily)

Tinkerbell : “Take it easy, pretty. Well tell us, what happened to you?”.

Clarion : “Yes, tell us.”

Lyria : “How did you get here in this situation?”.

Iridessa : “I also don't know that it happened so fast, at first I saw a bunch of clouds
accompanied by the wind and I was blown here, oouh my head is dizzy.”

Vidia : “Guys why do you believe she, she's just pretending huhh.”

Rosetta : “Yes, Vidia, she seems like a bad person, I don't like her.”

Clarion : “Yeah, I don't like her either.”

Fawn : “Heh, you guys! You can't talk like that.”

Periwinkle : “Thats right. You can't be like that, no matter what we have to help people who
are in trouble.”
Fawn : “What is your name?”.

Iridessa: “My name is Iridessa.”

Periwinkle : “How about you come with us to the house?”.

Vidia : “Guys, this is a foreigner, don't invite people home carelessly!”.

Rosetta : “Yeah, I don't want to live with dirty people especially strangers.”

Silvermist : “That's it, let's go home Iridesa to clean yourself up.”

Vidia : “That's it, go and bring that dirty fairy.”

Rosetta : “Yeah, I don't want her to be dirty either, I won't be pretty anymore.”

Clarion : “I'll follow you guys.”

After the incident, a conflict arose in this story.

Vidia, Rosetta and Clarion did not want to join their friends, since the emergence of Iridessa,
their friendship became tenuous and there was a split.

Day after day, events like this continued, until one day....

Vidia is walking down the street and reminiscing about her and her friends' past.

Vidia : “Huh! since iridesa, my friendship is not good, I feel that she is a person who brings
discomfort to my life, she is a bad personatt.”
(While walking and daydreaming, Vidia stumbles and sprains her leg, making her unable to
stand on her own)

Vidia : “Aww my leg hurts”

Iridessa : “Vidia, what's wrong with you? What happened to you?”.

(While approaching and holding vidya's leg)

Vidia : “What do you think I'm doing?. Don't touch me, I don't like you!”.

Iridessa : “Vidia, I just want to help you, I don't want to harm you.”

Vidia : “No need.” (while trying to stand up, but vidya couldn't stand up on her own and gave

Iridessa : “Let me help you.”

Vidia : “Alright.” (with a displeased face, Vidia said yes to iridessa's help)

Vidia : “Why are you helping me, didn't I do something bad to you?”. (While walking
towards the house)

Iridessa : “It doesn't matter, I just want to do good because you are also my friend.”

(Arriving Iridessa and Vidia at silvermist's house)

Silvermist : “What's wrong with you guys?”.

Fawn : “Vidia, what's wrong with your leg? Are you hurt?”.

Periwinkle : “Come on, let me help you heal it.”

In another place.
Clarion : “Where the hell is Vidia? I haven't seen you for a while.”

Rosetta : “Yeah, where? It's hot here again, if it's too long my skin can burn.”

Clarion : “Let's go find her”

(Walking to find Vidia)

Clarion : “Or maybe she's at the silvermist's house?”.

Rosetta : “Maybe, let's go see”

(Walking towards Silvermist's house)

Arriving at the Silvermist's house Rosetta and Clarion meet with Lyria.

Clarion : “Lyria, did you see Vidia here?”.

Lyria : “Yes, I saw her being treated by Periwinkle.”

Rosetta : “What's wrong with Vidia? Why is she being treated?”.

Lyria : “I don't know either, let's take a look together.”

(They head towards vidya who is being treated by periwinkle)

Rosetta : “What's wrong with you Vidia?”

Clarion : “Yes, what's wrong with you?”

Vidia : “I fell down earlier.”

Rosetta : “Then who helped you?”.

Clarion : “And how did you get here?”.

Fawn : “Iridessa helped and brought Vidia here.”

Clarion : What?! Vidia, why do you want to be friends with Iridessa?.

Rosetta : “Yeah, don't you hate her so much?”

Vidia : “Already, let me explain. It turns out that we were wrong all this time, Iridesa is a
kind and helpful fairy, she is not like what we think so far. The proof is that she helped me
earlier, when I fell.”

Silvermist : “Now, you realize that Iridessa is not a bad person.”

Periwinkle : “Yes, that's why we shouldn't judge people by their appearance.”

Lyria : “That's right.”

Fawn : “Now that the truth has been revealed, how about we go back to being friends like

All : “Yeah, I totally agree”

Tinkerbell : “Let's be friends like we used to be.”

Iridessa : “Yeah, I'm so happy to be friends with you guys.”

All : “Best friends forever!!!”. (laughing happily)

Finally the fairy's life returned to normal with the addition of one fairy.

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