Sambhav-2023: Answer 1

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Day 38

Question 1. Mauryan empire was one of the greatest empires of ancient India. Assess the significance of
the Mauryan Empire in the history of India and discuss the causes of its decline. (250 words)

Question 2. It is said that the post-Mauryan age was a Dark Age. Critically analyse the statement
regarding the development of the post-Mauryan age.

22 Dec 2022 | GS Paper 1 | Indian Heritage & Culture

Approach / Explaination / Answer

Answer 1

Introduce briefly about the Mauryan Empire of ancient India.

Assess the significance of the Mauryan Empire in the history of India and discuss the causes of its
Conclude suitably.


The Mauryan dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Maurya. He took advantage of the growing weakness
and unpopularity of the Nandas in the last days of their rule. With the help of Chanakya, who is known as
Kautilya, he overthrew the Nandas and established the rule of the Maurya dynasty. The machinations of
Chanakya against Chandragupta's enemies are described in detail in the Mudrarakshasa, a drama written
by Vishakhadatta in the ninth century. Several plays have been based on it in modern times.


The significance of the Mauryan Empire:

Administration: In order to control all spheres of life the state had to maintain a vast
bureaucracy. In no other period of ancient history, we hear of so many officers as in Maurya times.
Important functionaries were called tirthas.
It seems that most functionaries were paid in cash. The highest functionaries were minister
(mantrin), high priest (purohita), commander-in-chief (senapati) and crown- prince
(yuvaraja), who were paid generously.
The administrative mechanism was backed by an elaborate system of espionage. Various
types of spies collected intelligence abut foreign enemies and kept an eye on numerous
Elaborated Geographical kingdom: The Mauryan empire was divided into four provinces, apart
from Magadha with its capital at Pataliputra. During the reign of Ashoka, a fifth province of Kalinga
was incorporated.
Uttarapatha (northwestern India) – capital at Taxila
Dakshinapatha (southern India) – capital at Suvarnagiri
Eastern India – capital at Tosali
Avantiratha – capital at Ujjain
Kalinga – capital at Tasali/Dhauli
Economic Regulations: If we rely on the Arthashastra of Kautilya it would appear that the state
appointed 27 superintendents (adhyakshas) mostly to regulate the economic activities of the state.
The state also provided irrigation facilities and regulated water supply for the benefit of
Mauryan Art: Implies architectural works (in the form of pillars, stupas and palaces)
commissioned by Mauryan rulers for political as well as religious reasons.
Justice/Force: The king was the head of justice – the fountainhead of law and all matters of grave
consequences were decided by him. Kautilya refers to the existence of two types of courts –
Dharmasthiyas (dealing with civil matters) and Kantakasodhanas (dealing with criminal cases).
Ashoka promulgated dharma and appointed officials to inculcate and enforce its essentials
throughout the country.

Causes of decline of Mauryan Empire:

Brahmanical Reaction: As a result of the tolerant policy of Ashoka like prohibited killing of
animals and birds, and derided superfluous rituals performed by women. Eventually, some of the
new kingdoms that arose on the ruins of the Maurya empire, were ruled by the brahmanas. The
Satavahanas, Shungas and the Kanvas were brahmanas.
Financial Crisis: The enormous expenditure on the army, bureaucracy (as Mauryas maintained
the largest army and regiment of officers) and grants to the Buddhist monks by Ashoka created a
financial crisis for the Maurya empire.
In order to meet expenses in the last stage they had to melt the images made of gold.
Oppressive Rule: In the provinces, like in the reign of Bindusara the citizens of Taxila bitterly
complained against the misrule of wicked bureaucrats (dushtamatyas).
Their grievance was redressed by the appointment of Ashoka.
New Knowledge in the Outlying Areas: The regular use of iron tools and weapons in the
peripheral provinces coincided with the decline and fall of the Maurya empire.
Neglect of the North-West Frontier and the Great Wall of China: Missionary activities of
Ashoka at home and abroad, he could not pay attention to the safeguarding of the passage on the
north-western frontier. Consequently, tribes of Central Asia in the third century B.C. like Scythians
were in a state of constant flux.
The Chinese ruler Shih Huang Ti (247-210 B.C.) constructed the Great Wall of China in
about 220 B.C. to shield his empire against the attacks of the Scythians. Such measures
were not taken by Ashoka.


The Maurya empire was finally destroyed by Pushyamitra Shunga in 185 B.C. The Shungas ruled in
Pataliputra and central India and they performed several Vedic sacrifices in order to mark the revival of
the brahmanical way of life. It is said that they persecuted the Buddhists. They were succeeded by the
Kanvas who were also brahmanas.

Answer 2

Introduce briefly about the post Mauryan age.

Discuss why this age is supposed to be a Dark age and also mention the significance of the age.
Conclude suitably


The period from the decline of the Mauryas to the rise of the Guptas (2nd century BCE to 3rd century CE)
is known as the post – Mauryan period. This period witnessed the clash, the rise and fall of a number of
smaller kingdoms. The native dynasties like Shungas, Satavahanas, and the Kanvas ruled in eastern India,
central India and the Deccan region. Foreigners like Indo-Greeks or Bactrians, Sakas, the Parthians and the
Kushanas ruled in north-western India.


The period was marked by elements of change and continuity. The concept of Dark Age was developed by
colonial historians to justify the establishment of colonial British rule in India.

The arguments to support the concept of Dark Age in Post Mauryan Age:

The post Mauryan age was the period of political fragmentation of India. India was invaded by
numerous foreign groups e.g., Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushans etc.
There was absence of highly organized, strong and efficient centralized administration like
Mauryan rulers.
Social rigidity was also of very high order and evils like untouchability and child marriage
commenced during this period.
On the foreign trade, there was growing discontent among Romans about Indian steel and cutlery
because nobles paid very high price.
There was decline of urban towns by middle of 3rd century A.D. due to ban on trade with India
imposed by the Roman Empire in 3rd century A.D. and towns could not support the Artisans and
Merchants who lived there.

But in spite of the fact that north India underwent political fragmentation. The post Mauryan age was
the age of remarkable developments in politico administrative life. Like:

Satvahana kingdom emerged and ruled over extensive territory.

For the first time the state formation took place in Tamil land. The Cholas, Cheras and Pandyas
emerged. The rulers of Chola kingdom invaded Sri Lanka during this period.
Sangam literature provides details about their administrative and political set up.
The Indian culture reached beyond its frontiers. Buddhism reached up to Afghanistan and
central Asia.
Though the period witnessed invasions, the invaders gradually absorbed Indian culture. They ruled
over extensive territories and Indian rule controlled the parts of central Asia for the first time.
In the field of art and architecture also this period saw remarkable progress.
The stupa architecture was developed. Numerous schools of art like Gandhara, Mathura
and Amravati emerged during this period.
The economy was flourished by external trade and could be evidenced by Pliny’s remark that
Romans been drained of its riches by Indian trade.
The economy also saw the increased monetization. The gold coins were issued during this
period on large amount.
Apart from trading in local made goods, Indian were act as a mediator in trade of Chinese
goods with Romans.


Though some negative aspects were witnessed in social life but everything was not negative here as well
because close interaction with outside world resulted in cultural assimilation. This liberal and progressive
assimilatory culture was clearly visible in coastal towns and cities.
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