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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on iPhone technology? You're not alone.

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Additionally, the project of iPhone was initiated through the direction of Apple CEO Steve Jobs to
Apple engineers to appear into touch-screens technology. While the sensor turns set to stay toward 8-
megapixels, OIS could help decrease shake and enhance photography, especially in low light (Judge
para4). Other ways of approaching the matter include making a distinction between data (raw,
context free), information (interpreted data, data with meaning) and knowledge (information plus
understanding, able to inspire action). In essence, the company has embraced currency with market
trends and consumer tastes and preferences as an identity (Hadjicharalambous 24). The value
addition to communication to the life of an individual era through the smart phone can be gauged
from its increasing popular use in these difficult times of continued economic recession. This is the
new way of technology that can be applied to all users and it is more efficient than the previous
parking systems. For instance, the implementation of biometric systems will enable individuals to log
in to their accounts after the computer systems authenticates the login attempt using specific personal
attributes. The first company to make computers namely Apple has been an innovator in applied
technology too. An improvement to the iPhone 5 wasreleased by thename of iPhone 5S.Ithad an A7
64-bit dual processor and an upgraded camera with two LED flashes. It will also look at the extent
to which Blackberry is likely to remain in leading position, or whether iphone’s use of knowledge
management and innovation mean that this brand is likely to overtake as leader. Since then iPhone
has revolutionized the Smartphone market and redefined the concept of. Boston, MA: Course
Technology. Patel, L. (2010). THE RISE OF SOCIAL MEDIA. The extent of information for such
monitoring is such that a Smart phone can be adapted to take a partial x-ray of a bone for a specialist
sitting anywhere to view the same and arrive at the initial and initiate the required relief for the
patient till reaching a health care institution for the follow up requirements. To investigate these
drivers, five research questions were posed focusing on the age, education and gender background of
airline travelers and airline travelers’ concerns about mobile ticketing. Siri is basically your voice-
controlled personal assistant. Samsung produces Galaxy phones for all the three levels.While
Google’s Nexus and Apple’s iPhone are both targeted to the high end marketdue to their price.The
iPhone successis built around an extremely efficient massmarketingcampaignmachine that
mostlymakes Apple stand out as a brand.(Wiens and Corcoran) Under Steve Jobs stewardship, the
Apple brandgainednewcustomerseverydaywhilemaintaining a hugefollowing by loyalones. Literary
References Arthur, C. 2011. How the smart phone is killing the PC. Although the first iPhone didn’t
have the advancements of today’s iPhones, it was still a huge step in the modern direction. By
joining the two into one picture, youd hypothetically have the capacity to take fantastic photographs
in low-light (Johnson para7). As a result of competition, there was an introduction of the Macintosh
(128k) compact and Macintosh External Disk Drive. DiMarzio, J. (2010). Android: A Programmer’s
Guide. Blackberry Is in the mobile phone industry since almost 10 years. It has a. What makes the
phone ’smart’ is its ability to manage and transmit data in addition to voice calls” (MYCE, 2009).
Use of the Smart phone is growing at a phenomenal rate for personal and work related tasks. As the
customer preference trend is inclined on surety, prior to visitations, that their expectations will be
met, they demand to touch all the aspects of the destination before making their journey. Their
websites contain a wealth of useful information including annual reports on financial status. It is
argued that these restrictions limits the creative and innovative abilities of software developers. The
main concern of respondents who did not widely use electronic commerce was about credit card
security and to a slightly lesser extent respondents were concerned about exposing personal
information. Marketing miX Product: The product has following features 4 inch large screen. The
best path, as found by Viterbi search, is shown as a line connecting the selected units. In experience,
Anthony Hsiao and Nick Adams had a hard time figuring out exactly how the US 20 mile trip would
During this period of 6 months approximately 11,000 articles were written. Theycome preloaded
with a variety of applications e.g. a chronometer that can be customizable to a stopwatch;(Wiens and
Corcoran) a solarcycleface that showsactualsunsetandsunrisetimes, andalsopresentchangingarcs
depending on theseason among others. It had a sleek and stylish design which helped it differentiate
its product from the various other products available in the European market. These supply a number
of reports looking at market areas, for example the mobile phone market, and include a wealth of
useful statistics about phone ownership by brand, for example (Keynote 2010). It started with a
teaser ad campaign which did not mention the brand name. However, as pointed out above, there
seems to be a relative lack of literature which looks at all aspects of the research study. Palenchar, J.
(2010). Survey: Age Affects Cellphone Preferences. Growth Strategies Today a close analysis of the
company publications advertise of their intensive growth in the market with the surging employees
over 170 000 worldwide and the always increasing sales, as compared to 2009 and 2010, the
company had an increase in sales of roughly 9%, indicated in their websites and links. Studies of
mobile commerce suggest that there is general consumer interest in the services it provides: purchases
on web s ites, electronic receipts and tickets, routine bank service, peer-to-peer payments, etc. We
will write a custom essay on your topic a custom Research Paper on Comparing the Prices of iPhone
808 writers online Learn More However, to be specific, analysis of the marketing mix shall provide
evaluated and enough details about the market and subsequent determination of the type of
marketing strategy to go for, having closely put into consideration the performance analysis and
strategic constraints (Kelly 1). Surpri singly, the eff ect of des ign aesthetics w as no t signif icant i n
a ll of the groups. Apple may make the phone a little thicker, when the phone is released, have a
littler camera module (Mayne para4). The other main features of the Android are an accelerated 3-D
graphics engine, database support and an integrated web browser (DiMarzio, 2010). Given the nature
of the developments we have seen in Smart phones, it is expected that the Smart phone will become
capable of handling almost all aspects of our personal and work related tasks, making it an
indispensable not merely now, nut in the future too (Patel, 2010). In March 2015, the Apple
announcedfinancialresultsfor its fiscal 2015 secondquarterended March 28, 2015. Unlocking the
Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. With immense opportunity in
the sector, hospitality industry is evolving under a time of unprecedented change the trend is not
meant to change. From the beginning, Apple has always focused on the market of educated people
whether they are professionals or students; every educated mobile phone user is the potential
customer for Apple. As the customer preference trend is inclined on surety, prior to visitations, that
their expectations will be met, they demand to touch all the aspects of the destination before making
their journey. The iphone is no longer a good that falls under the category of luxury goods because
this very fact that its demand is growing day by day, shows that the people are easily able to afford
the same and want to purchase it at the price that it has launched at. Gr eater degree o f Smar tpho
ne o wner sh ip among young adults The survey has found that the highe st inci dence of Smar tphon
e ownership i s a m ong yo ung adults. However, the utilization of a lesser in size device that can
access the internet, and the expectation of the technology platforms utilised by travellers from
around the world. However, the development of iPhone as well as its characteristic and applications
developed and released on January 9, 2007; Apple CEO Steve Jobs declared their latest product that
was the iPhone. Features that Make the Smartphone Indispensable in the Modern Era Mobility
Marty Cooper’s germ of an idea of mobile communication in 1970 that was realized through the
traditional cell phone laid the ground for an explosion in mobile communications through
developments in this field, which was a vision for the future (Economist, 2009). Truth be told, at a
reported 6mm thick, the iPhone 6 might shave 1.6mm compared to iPhone 5. It is estimated that
search for iPhone resulted in 69 million hits on Google search engine. PU and perceived ease of use
positively determine attitude toward using Smartphone (. The product itself was innovative enough
to create excitement. Rather than the harsh edges like that of iPhone 5C, (Martin para1) this time
iPhone is going for the curvier edges like that of iPhone Nano giving it a sleek, smoother look
(Charlton para1). It might bode well if Apple was to utilize this sensor within the iPhone 6, albeit,
provided for its a greater phone, with more room inside for segments, it could increase the number of
pixels. (Johnson para4). Apple might likewise be going in a totally distinctive heading, especially if
another patent is to be utilized.
Mayne states that with a metallic body, Apple will then take a portion of the design from the iPhone
5c, which includes the bended edges, and the similar speaker and mouthpiece in the base of the
handset. This gap of six months between the announcement of the launch and the release date of
iPhone coupled with the mystery due to lack of information created a wide speculation among the
people. The customer here did not have to worry about a very high price. One can read the
attachments through the emails, but one cannot edit them. Apple will be paid back by GT Advanced
Technologies over a five-year period (Martin para2).While the arrangement ought to, in the short-
term, give Apple the materials it requires for existing parts, a long term plan is there, as well (Epstein
para6). The reality is that no one truly knows when the iPhone 6 is turning out (Boxall para4)
Everybody has a speculation, yet it is typically off base. Additionally attempting to anticipate the
screen resolutions, Kuo likewise said that Apple is planning to make the iPhone 6 slimmer as
compared with the other models (Epstein para3). The new iphone is also able to leverage the
unparalleled ecosystem of applications, application developers, companies that cater to components
and services tied to the iphone, the app store and its providers of apps, the music store and the
millions of copyrights belonging to the music industry and content creators, and even business
productivity solutions all tied to the iphone franchise (Canada, 2012; Apple Inc. Apple Inc attempts
to fulfill the social co-operative responsibilities via protecting environment, providing community
services and impose of code of ethical conduct in business. By doing this, the camera can catch more
data and handle better photographs (Lutlow para3). IPhone has the highest market share in
worldwide and in particular Japan and the United States. The Instinct has its own brand of visual
voice mail, and it offers 3G network compatibility, integrated GPS in addition to email support.
Should the searches return too much information, advanced search techniques will be used to restrict
articles to those from the last five years only, or looking at the UK only.Overall, access to data
should be unproblematic, to the extent that the data exists, as the author can use a number of these
business databases and other information sources via the university. Also known as the Undernet,
invisible Web fashion retail management personal statement the hidden Web, it consists of data that
cannot be located with a simple Google search. Message display and retrieval could be at the choice
of the user giving a feel of more customized services. One is improvement in products such as the
quality and features. Engineers using this particular board would have booted into something similar
to a command prompt to test kernel changes. West Patel Nagar, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited. With the Internet becoming the means of information and communication
that is most sought after, the smart phone outdoes the PC and laptop in access and use of the
Internet, through the very essence of mobile access to this so very indispensable source, whether it
be in the sphere of business or personal interaction. The following year, 2015, Apple released the
iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. Tech Radar said in their iPhone 3G review “that buyers would be
“amazed by the function and feel of this handset.” The following year, 2009, Apple came out with
the iPhone 3GS, this time adding the “S” for speed because in that time it was the fastest iPhone yet.
Generally, an increase in population causes an extension shift on the demand curve. Microsoft, for
example, seem likely to partner Nokia, who have recently lost their share of the market in the
developed world. Basing primarily on television and internet advertising apple has been able to
persuade a majority of personal electronics consumers of the need, simplicity and product superiority
in their products (Dooley, 2007). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. The presence of an alphabetic keyboard in the landscape mode would help to hold
the phone in two hands and to use the thumbs to type the matter. Introduction of the Macintosh IIfx
in the 1990’s according to Edson, John, and Ernest Beck (212) created a bigger step in establishing
articulate technology advancement. As indicated by KGI Securities expert, Ming-Chi Kuo, who has
a great track record with this sort of thing, the two sizes if the screen are going to have distinctive
resolutions (Boxall para3). This will be the case particularly for press releases and other data designed
for the media. This notwithstanding, the company has evolved to have 3D motion pictures, the
Bravia Television, PC entertainment, musical enhancement devices, and actively engages in
The number of travelers using the Internet for travel design and to study travel options has increased
from about 12 million travelers in 1997, to 52.2 million in 1999, 59 million in 2000 and to 64 million
in 2002 and 2003. One such sector that is continuing to expand in these troubled fiscal times is the
Smartphone market”. However, it is hoped that the study will allow such primary research to be
carried out more effectively at a later date. The graphic component is wonderful but it restricts our
freedom to change the menu and texting font. The first company to make computers namely Apple
has been an innovator in applied technology too. This gap of six months between the announcement
of the launch and the release date of iPhone coupled with the mystery due to lack of information
created a wide speculation among the people. Global marketing and the internet: Apple is targeting
its entire worldwide consumer with the strategy of regulation in its products throughout the world. It
is still unclear whether the customers will be facing this burden but it is highly unlikely. This is, to
some extent, a disadvantage, however it also means that the planned study will present useful
information which might be useful to see how organizations making smart phones might best
approach the market. Hence simultaneously it could cater to the customers who liked music and
films along with the business class which is more in need of communication and data transfer device.
The Instinct can accomadate cards of size 8 GB, similar to that of iPhone. (Samsung instinct vs apple
iphone comparison, 2008). Smar t phon es may account for just nine percent of the urban m obile
phone m arket but with the prolif e rati on of ap ps, video content on the m ove an d i ncreasing
dependence on social network s by users to. The body of iPhone 5C was made of plastic which
might not be the reasonable choice for iPhone 6 since it’s a high-end smartphone. (Epstein para2)
This product will not be made of plastic instead anodized aluminum is used to provide the wide
range of colors (Epstein para3). All through that time, he was considering on working on tablet
personal computers. Fun is exclusive for games and entertainments, multimedia, camera, etc. The
extent of information for such monitoring is such that a Smart phone can be adapted to take a partial
x-ray of a bone for a specialist sitting anywhere to view the same and arrive at the initial and initiate
the required relief for the patient till reaching a health care institution for the follow up requirements.
Research In Motion (RIM) is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of innovative wireless
solutions for the worldwide mobile communications market. (Reseach In Motion) RIM was founded
in 1984. RIM. In 2012, Apples' marketportion in the U.S.A phonemarketwas 38.1 percent. 296.65
million Phonesweresold globally in 2010. With the Internet becoming the means of information and
communication that is most sought after, the smart phone outdoes the PC and laptop in access and
use of the Internet, through the very essence of mobile access to this so very indispensable source,
whether it be in the sphere of business or personal interaction. Promotion: In promoting iPhone 5,
Apple has focused on offering innovative features and services to gain the customer loyalty. The
simpler color choices in grey and black could impress anyone at first sight in the first look itself. The
new iphone is also able to leverage the unparalleled ecosystem of applications, application
developers, companies that cater to components and services tied to the iphone, the app store and its
providers of apps, the music store and the millions of copyrights belonging to the music industry and
content creators, and even business productivity solutions all tied to the iphone franchise (Canada,
2012; Apple Inc. Mobil Navigation Mobil Social connections; Facebook, Twitter, etc. Internet gave
the biggest platform to fuel the speculation and increased amount of attention. Applications for the
Android can be developed in Java and ported conveniently into the smart phone. Answering the
questionnaire is at the discretion of the user. In the iPhone 5C, iOS 7 was launched allowing for
multitasking in between apps and the control center. Michael Key, the chief executive officer of O2,
the number one mobile operator in the UK, was faced with the situation of evaluating the
effectiveness and viability of their recent decision of entering into an agreement with Apple
regarding marketing the iphone in UK under a revenue-sharing deal (Mitchell, 2009, p. It is quite
clear that companies with little to no competition, such as Microsoft “tend to deliver solid but stodgy
products. The variation in the prices will give another competitive advantage to the Apple products.
On the other hand, the main admonition is the point at which the phone turns out. (Goodwin para7)
On the off chance that its initial one year from now then wed anticipate that the A7 chip will be
utilized as may be; if the discharge date is closer to the end of one year from now, then we could see
a tweaked form, maybe even a quad-center variant (Martin para5). Further, the external
environmental factors of any market shall be the extensive and intensive analysis of the consumer
behaviour, competitor’s strengths and weakness, the market segmentation and target analysis. The
customer is not willing to spend a big amount on a product about which it does not have proper
knowledge. The Internet acts as a frequent source of most of the information. This is because, the
company is well endowed with enough capacity to effectively use the right strategy irrespective of
the market, but with a goal of increasing sales and winning customer loyalty. Scholars can use them
for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The iPhone 6 Plus
has a 5.5-inch display. Both designs still inheriting the fingerprint ID from the iPhone 5S. Overall the
literature review will help clarify research objectives and questions, and present a foundation for the
subsequent analysis and interpretation. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. CTIA
describes a smart phone as “wireless phones with advanced data features and often keyboards. The
minimum time our certified writers need to deliver. High definition camera. iOS 6. Unintentional
damage security. These advancements affected the world in so many ways including the most
important, creating an overall faster and better phone. Powered by CiteTotal, best essay bibliography
generator. All aspects of the marketing of the iPhone 5 have been discussed in the report. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This is 100% legal. You may
not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Apple Inc attempts to fulfill
the social co-operative responsibilities via protecting environment, providing community services and
impose of code of ethical conduct in business. Expand its operation in to those countries that will
give a low-cost production. According to the IPhone Corporation of America (2011) Marketing
strategies vary depending on the kind of situation at hand for each company. In this analysis Apple,
the Smartphone maker of the iPhone, is used as a monopolistic competitor in the market. All through
that time, he was considering on working on tablet personal computers. Theycome preloaded with a
variety of applications e.g. a chronometer that can be customizable to a stopwatch;(Wiens and
Corcoran) a solarcycleface that showsactualsunsetandsunrisetimes, andalsopresentchangingarcs
depending on theseason among others. Software application, databases and websites have to
incorporate systems to encourage choice of service from a larger variety within one domain.
Although it wasn’t much of a problem for its users in the U.S. it was a cause of concern for its other
users worldwide. It is highly suggested that there be an expedient move to market this product
because there is rumored of a new upgrade launching soon. The problem affects the consumer since
the consumer is no longer aware whether the Apple Products are original or copied from Samsung.
The company has also advanced in using Billboards and audio advertisements (Lee 356).
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However, thephonehad a fewproblems with its chargerbut overall itmanaged to
makemassivesales.(iMore). Internet gave the biggest platform to fuel the speculation and increased
amount of attention. The Case Study of EnTrip in this paper gives an intensive detail on how the site
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mobile handsets. Therefore, perfumes and fashion products are likely to experience shifts in demand
to the right; an extension. Marketing strategies accounts for the effective and efficient scanning of
both internal and external environmental factors with respect to the SWOT Analysis results, or to an
external. The minimum time our certified writers need to deliver. Such a powerful Customer loyalty
means that Apple not only recruits new customers, it retains them. Michael Key, the chief executive
officer of O2, the number one mobile operator in the UK, was faced with the situation of evaluating
the effectiveness and viability of their recent decision of entering into an agreement with Apple
regarding marketing the iphone in UK under a revenue-sharing deal (Mitchell, 2009, p. To avoid
such dilemmas it is best to know certain facts about application development. In most cases, the
marketing strategies are designed to enhance a long term plan, with tactical plan releasing enough
particular actions and tasks to be achieved in a particular financial year, and the remains part of the
action plan to be pursued in the outstanding years of the long term plan. EnTrip objective was to
offer its users an opportunity to manage their travel schedules and to plan their whole trip, by the
enhancement of an intuitive map-based interface. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The problem affects the consumer since
the consumer is no longer aware whether the Apple Products are original or copied from Samsung.
The Smartphone is the latest trend in technology which intends to pack as many features as possible
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Because at least some of the information from this study will be collected from sources which are
likely to be biased towards a particular viewpoint, primarily the information from RIM and Apple, it
is particularly important to be aware of the background, and separate out data which can be used
from data which is being used for a promotional end by the organization. Some people tend to seem
depressed, lost and isolated without their mobile phones. Gr eater degree o f Smar tpho ne o wner sh
ip among young adults The survey has found that the highe st inci dence of Smar tphon e ownership
i s a m ong yo ung adults. The information is conflicted so nobody knows the actual launch date
(Johnson para1). The gesture and touch characteristic of the iPhone are. In more detail, in the first
block of the proposed system each app package of interest is automatically installed and run on a
physical- or virtual- device connected to a network where all traffic generated or received by the
device can be captured. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay
example. The 80’s saw a wave of renewed interest in the concept, with an emphasis upon
individualism and psychology. 80’s innovation theorists pointed out that individuals create companies
and drive growth (Sundbo 1998). Evaluate the objectives For a long time most travellers have always
had a big problem getting sufficient information on their destinations, much of the information is
disintegrated in each website. The aesthetic design of the BlackBerry Pearl has an impact on
emotional reaction of males (Parul Nanda, Jeff Bos: 2008). Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Shams, E.
(2010). Smartphones Becoming a Necessity. Also known as the Undernet, invisible Web fashion
retail management personal statement the hidden Web, it consists of data that cannot be located with
a simple Google search. The variation in the prices will give another competitive advantage to the
Apple products. The reach of iPhone to customers was limited to these outlets only. This vision for
the future has emerged as the smart phone (Father of the Cell Phone, 2009).
It is said because the iPhone 6 is to a great extent a complimentary item to the iPhone 5S, giving
individuals a decision of screen sizes, the debates I going on in the market place that Apple will be
releasing another model of smartphone shortly (Lutlow para4). In essence, the vertical integration
and diversification reveal of a growth market strategy to popularise the company, as a leader in the
market, hence winning customer confidence (Brun et al. 558). What Makes It Unique. An
interpretivist approach, which holds that social interaction is the basis for knowledge and which
suggests that the researcher has an important influence on what is researched, and hence claims that
objectivity is not possible (O’Donoghue, 2007) was held inappropriate. Forexample on July 22, 2013,
Apple's suppliers saidthatthecompany is testing out largerscreensfortheiPhoneandiPad. Lack of
information aroused curiosity among the viewers. McGrath et al (1996), for example, propose a
model rooted in economic theory which links competitive advantage to a number of factors including
causal understanding, the proficiency of the innovation team, and the emergence and mobilization of
the new technologies. Hence they succeeded in gaining customers genuine curiosity. In order to
optimize the management of all these resources and to cope with the intrinsic hardware limitations,
the Android applications implement a multi-thread process model in which only a single thread. The
information technology trends, global economic condition, sociocultural and political factors that
shall greatly affect the market penetration are analysed in the external environment categorisation.
Also known as the Undernet, invisible Web fashion retail management personal statement the hidden
Web, it consists of data that cannot be located with a simple Google search. However, its front face
measurements give it a thinner feel. With the Internet becoming the means of information and
communication that is most sought after, the smart phone outdoes the PC and laptop in access and
use of the Internet, through the very essence of mobile access to this so very indispensable source,
whether it be in the sphere of business or personal interaction. Depending on any person you ask, the
iphone is considered to be the greatest electronic device to grace their world. Expert Tsahi Levent-
Levi breaks down the seven trends that are influencing how. A good market report in other markets
resulted in an increased demand for iPhone in the emerging market as it supported the credibility of
the product. Most customers are adapting to the change with the technology advancement in the
industry. As indicated by this data, the iPhone 6 will dispatch in 4.7 inch and a phablet-sized 5.7
inch. At that point, it was accounted for that the 4.7 inch iPhone 6 was to be connected by 5.6 inch
iPhone phablet. Better anticipation of demand through better research because it is extremely crucial
to identify and fill the gap of demand and supply. This will give the iPhone users a wide range of
options to select from when one requires an app to solve a particular need(Wiens and Corcoran). The
report tries to present the manner in which Apple iphone 4 has been able to use the marketing
strategies in the service industry and reap maximum benefit. Mintel also produce useful reports,
including a regular update on digital trends (Mintel 2011). The iPhone 6 Plus has a 5.5-inch display.
Both designs still inheriting the fingerprint ID from the iPhone 5S. But a disappointing omission in
such a high-caliber phone is the absence of instant messaging. Text-to-speech synthesis process Using
the symbolic linguistic representation created by the text analysis module, the prosody generation
module predicts values for acoustic features, such as intonation and duration. With immense
opportunity in the sector, hospitality industry is evolving under a time of unprecedented change the
trend is not meant to change. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Expand its
operation in to those countries that will give a low-cost production. Organizer features are identical
to those of the iPhone, which include multimedia messaging, a calendar, a unit converter, a notepad,
a calculator, a stopwatch, and a world clock. As Boslaugh points out, it is vital to ask, for any piece
of information, what the original purpose of collecting it was, what kind of data it represents, how it
was collected and when.If the data is quantitative, for example a database, it is also important to
know if it has been cleaned or recoded. The subsequent smart phone emerged as an innovation of
the cell phone.

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