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major direct causes are identifiable especially those of a particular

intentional or non-intentional human ethnic group or nation
Disaster actions. The damage caused by disaster
Subdivided into three categories: cannot be measured. It also differs with the
- A sudden calamitous occurrence kind of geographical location, climate, earth’s
that causes great tragedy that causes 1. Technological/industrial
disasters - Unregulated specific characteristics, and level of
great harm, injury, destruction and vulnerability. These determining factors affect
devastation to life and property. industrialization and inadequate
safety standards increase the generally the psychological, socio – economic,
- Two elements are affected life and political, and ethnical state of the affected
property risk for industrial disasters.
- Can cause minor, major, total
destruction or worse death EXAMPLE: leaks of hazardous
- “serious disruption of the functioning materials; accidental explosions;
of a community or a society involving bridge or road collapses, or Risk and Disaster Risk
widespread human, material, vehicle collisions; Power cuts
economic or environmental losses and Risk has various connotations within
impacts, which exceeds the ability of 2. Terrorism/Violence - the different disciplines.
the affected community to cope using threat of terrorism: nuclear, -risk is defined as “the combination of the
its own resources.” biological, and chemical agents probability of an event and its negative
used to develop weapons of consequences” (UNISDR, 2009).
Result of the combination of: -It is usually associated with the degree to
mass destruction.
which humans cannot cope
- exposure to a hazard, conditions of
vulnerability present, insufficient capacity EXAMPLE: bombs or explosions;
release of chemical materials; The term disaster risk refers to the
or measures to reduce or cope.
release of biological agents; potential disaster losses, in lives, health status,
Impacts includes: release of radioactive agents; livelihoods, assets, and services
multiple or massive shootings;
- Loss of life, injury, disease and other mutinies Disaster risk is the product of the
negative effects on human physical, possible damage caused by a hazard due to the
mental and social wellbeing, damage vulnerability within a community
3. Complex humanitarian It can also be determined by the presence of
to properties, assets, services, social
emergencies - humanitarian three variables:
and economic disruptions and
emergency resulting from an -hazards (natural or anthropogenic)
environmental degradation.
international or civil war. -vulnerability to a hazard
Classification of Disasters: In such situations, large -coping capacity linked to the reduction,
numbers of people are displaced mitigation, and resilience to the vulnerability of
from their homes due to the a community.
Disasters can be divided into 2 large
lack of personal safety and the
disruption of basic
A. Natural Disasters – a infrastructure, or communities II.
natural phenomenon is caused by are left stranded and isolated in RISK FACTORS
natural forces. They can be classified their own homes unable to
as rapid onset disasters and those access assistance.
with progressive onset. These events, Disaster risk as defined in the first
usually sudden, can have tremendous EXAMPLE: conflicts or wars and module, has three important elements such as:
effects. Genocide the deliberate killing of
B. Man-made - Disasters a large group of people,
caused by man are those in which
1. Exposure - the “elements at ⚫ Age - age range of 40-60 are more 4. Poverty and Inequality - Poverty is
risk from a natural or man-made hazard event stressed, but children exhibit more a cause and consequence of disaster risk,
(Quebral, 2016). stress after disasters. particularly extensive risk associated with
drought. People in poverty often live in hazard-
2. 2. Hazard-a potentially
⚫ Economic status of country -
exposed areas and lack access to insurance
severe mental problems are more and social protection. Disasters can cause loss
dangerous physical occurrence, phenomenon
prevalent in developing countries of life, injury, damage, livelihoods,
or human activity that may result in loss of
like the Philippines. Furthermore, displacement, poor health, and food insecurity.
life or injury, property damage, social and
natural disasters tend to have more Research shows that the poor generally suffer
economic disruption, or environmental
adverse effects in developing the worst from disasters.
countries than do man-caused
disasters in developed countries.
3. Vulnerability - the condition
determined by physical, social, economic and
5. Poorly planned and Managed
environmental factors or processes, which
Factors which underlie disasters: Urban Development Urbanization in hazard-
increase the susceptibility of a community to
exposed countries presents new opportunities
the impact of hazard (Food and Agriculture
1. Climate Change - Climate change, for resilient investment. Rapid, poorly planned
Organization of the United nation, FAO 2008).
caused by human activities like burning fossil urbanization, especially in poverty-stricken
Reduction of the level of vulnerability fuels and deforestation, can increase disaster areas, can create risk, as population
and exposure is possible by keeping people risk by altering the frequency and intensity of concentrations and economic activities overlap
and property as distant as possible from hazards, affecting vulnerability, and changing with high-risk exposure areas.
hazards. exposure patterns, while also contributing to
natural climate variability.
Risk Factors are processes or
conditions, often development-related, that 2. Environmental Degradation -
influence the level of disaster risk by 6. Weak Governance -Wrong
changes to the environment can influence the
increasing levels of exposure and vulnerability governance zones are investment
frequency and intensity of hazards, as well as
or reducing capacity. environments where public sector actors are
our exposure and vulnerability to these
unable to fulfill their roles in protecting rights
The following are also taken into hazards. It is both a driver and consequence
and providing basic services. Disaster risk is
consideration when risk factors underlying of disasters. Over consumption of natural
disproportionately concentrated in lower-
disaster are involved: resources results in environmental
income countries with weak governance.
degradation, reducing the effectiveness of
Factors affecting survivors' recovery include
⚫ Severity of exposure -who essential ecosystem services, such as the poor functioning, lack of experience, stressors,
experience disaster firsthand which mitigation of floods and landslides. low self-esteem, and lack of control. Other
has the highest risk of developing contributing factors include death, injury, life
future mental problems, followed by 3. Globalized Economic Development
threats, panic, separation, loss of property,
those in contact with the victims - Globalized economic development leads to
and displacement.
and the lowest risk are those most increased polarization between rich and poor,
distant (only through news). but can build resilience through risk-sensitive
strategies like protective infrastructure and III. What is the difference between hazard
⚫ Gender and Family - the female environmental management, reducing hazard and disaster?
exposure in certain regions and cities.
gender suffers more, this worsens
A hazard is a dangerous situation or
when children are present.
event that carries a threat to humans. A
disaster is an event that harms humans and -can be particularly traumatic for young V.
disrupts the operations of society. Hazards can children.
only be considered disasters once it affected Factors affecting vulnerability of one’s
-many children develop post-traumatic community:
humans. If a disaster happened in an
unpopulated area, it is still a hazard. stress disorder (PTSD), a serious
Population density near a hazard
psychological condition resulting from
The Human Effect of Natural and Man- extreme trauma, they can be prone to
-Population differs from population density.
Made Disasters lasting psychological damage and
-Population refers to the number of
emotional distress. individuals inhabiting in a particular space
1. Displaced Populations
Here are some ways on how to plan ahead of
at the same time
-Population density refers to the number
a disaster:
of individuals living in an area in relation
-most immediate effects of natural
1. Check for to the size of an area (In that case, if fire
disasters is population displacement. A broke in that area, there is little space for
hazards at home.
large influx of refugees can disrupt the population to escape quickly and
accessibility of health care and education, 2. Identify safe
as well as food supplies and clean water. place indoors and -The primary consideration is not the
outdoors population size but the population density.
2. Health Risks 3. Educate yourself Capacity and efficiency to reduce
and family Disaster Risk.
members -Community that is less vulnerable has the
Severe flooding can result in stagnant capacity to reduce disaster risk because
4. Have Disaster kits/supplies on hand. -It can provide accessibility and availability
water that allows breeding of waterborne
bacteria and malaria-carrying mosquitoes. 5. Develop an emergency of services and facilities during and after
Without emergency relief from communication plan.
-It has the ability to anticipate, adapt, and
international aid organizations and others, 6. Help your community get ready. respond to possible disaster.
death tolls can rise even after the
immediate danger has passed.
7. Practice the Disaster Preparedness
Cycle VI.
Physical vulnerability- includes
3. Food Scarcity population density levels, place of a
IV. settlement, the site design, and
materials used for infrastructure and
The aftermath of natural disasters affects Vulnerability is a state of being at risk, defined housing. For example, UP Visayas
the food supplies. It increases the risk of by Republic Act 10121, which states that a buildings were totally destroyed
severe malnutrition or worse. The impacts community, system, or resource is susceptible during the super typhoon Yolanda in
of hunger following an earthquake, to the damaging effects of a hazard. It is 2008 leaving the structure totally
situation-specific, meaning different localities damaged.
typhoon or hurricane can be tremendous,
may be more vulnerable to a hazard due to
causing lifelong damage to children’s their preparedness and resources. To reduce
development. Social vulnerability -happens due to
vulnerability, communities must be resilient
and identify hazards, respond immediately, inability of people, organization, and
societies to prevent severe effects
4. Emotional Aftershocks and be prepared for potential disasters.
from hazards because of the expected
Vulnerability is not limited to earthquakes or
typhoons. behavior in social interactions,
institutions, and system of cultural -It has the longest shoreline in the systems, from the combination of physical
values. world at 32,400 km making it danger, and exposed item vulnerabilities.
vulnerable to storm surges.
-It is still a primary agricultural and Disaster is a serious disruption to the
Level of economic vulnerability is fishing economy. functioning of a community or society
based on the economic status of -With poor institutional which causes widespread human, material,
individuals, communities, and and social capacity to economic or environmental losses that
nations. The poorer the country, the manage, respond, and recover exceed the capacity of the community or
more vulnerable to disasters because from natural hazard events. society concerned to cope with the use of
they lack the funds or budgets to -With high level of poverty their own resources. It results from the
build sturdy structures and put other -Aside from typhoon, it is also at mix of hazards, risk conditions and
engineering measures in place which risk to volcanic eruptions, quakes, inadequate capability or measures.
protect them from being affected by and floods.
disasters. Exposure and vulnerability, on the
VII. other hand, are distinct. A certain
Social and economic vulnerability can Hazard is a harmful condition, substance, community can be exposed but it does not
be combined also known as human behavior or condition that can mean that it is vulnerable. Exposure to
socioeconomic vulnerability. cause loss of life, injury or other health hazard can make a community vulnerable.
effects, harm to property, loss of livelihood But not all communities that are exposed
Environmental vulnerability is and services, social and economic to hazard can be considered vulnerable.
caused by natural resources depletion disruption or damage to the environment. Vulnerability depends on the preparedness
and destruction. Organisms like Any risk which is imminent is threat. and readiness to a hazard of the
humans, animals, and plants are all community. It depends mostly on how
dependent on the environment for they mitigate, respond, and recover. If a
Exposure is the presence of elements at
survival. Human activities like certain community
risk or chance of being harmed from a
deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, natural or man-made hazard event.
and kaingin affect the natural abilities Elements include the individuals,
of the environment to protect itself households or communities, properties, - POPULATION
from any natural hazard due to buildings and structures, agricultural - PHYSICAL ELMENTS
absence of trees which may cause commodities, livelihoods etc. The more a - ESSENTIAL FACILITIES
landslide and flashfloods. Sometimes community is exposed to hazard factors, - SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS
the effects are irreversible. the higher is the disaster risk or higher - TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES
chance disaster occurrence. - ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES
The Philippines has high - LIFE LINES
vulnerability due to the Vulnerability means the characteristics - ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS
following reasons and circumstances of a community,
-It lies in the Pacific typhoon belt system, or asset, that make it susceptible Disaster mitigation measures are those
and we are visited by an average to the damaging effects of a hazard and that eliminate or reduce the impacts and
of 20 typhoons every year. inability of a community to prevent, risks of hazards by means of proactive
-Rugged nature of the landscape mitigate, prepare for and respond to measures taken before an emergency or
makes it vulnerable to landslide, hazardous events. disaster takes place. Mitigation is the
mudflows, and other disasters. action of reducing something's severity,
-It is an archipelagic country with Risk implies the probability of possible seriousness, or painfulness.
many small islands where some adverse effects. This results from the
areas are at below sea level. interaction of social and environmental VIII.
Hazards can be categorized in Examples include causes the soil to decrease in density.
different types: fault scarps, surface ruptures, This poses danger for it lead to
Natural hazards - arise from and offsets of natural or unstable structures of buildings due to
natural processes in the human-constructed objects. ground subsidence.
-Secondary effects happen FIRES
Quasi-natural hazards- arise when ground movement
through the interaction of natural results to other types of Earthquakes cause fires. Even moderate
processes and human activities destruction. Examples include ground shaking can break gas and
e.g. pollution or desertification, smog landslides, tsunami, electrical lines, sever fuel lines, and
and fog liquefaction and fire. overturn stoves. To further complicate
things, water pipes rupture, so it would
EARTHQUAKE be impossible to extinguish the fire.
Technological (or man-made)
Seismic vibration is a common triggering
hazards- These arise directly as a
result of human activities. mechanism for landslides. Landslides can have 1.0
particularly devastating effects like floods, Effective recording and interpretation of
e.g. accidental release of chemicals,
toxic and pesticides to floral and blocking of rivers, death, and damage to land ground motion
fauna and natural resources. Landslides can be 2.0
prevented by reinforcing slope material, modifying Constructing seismic hazard maps
the pathway for surface and underwater and by 3.0
Hazards Signs and Symbols putting piles and retaining walls. Developing resistant structures
These signs and symbols with
corresponding meaning below help people TSUNAMI
to be extra cautious, aware and
observant in surroundings. A tsunami is a huge sea wave triggered
by a violent displacement of the ocean
Each picture is designed to become floor. Underwater-earthquakes, volcanic
recognizable to anyone as a signal word eruptions or landslides can cause
like “danger” or “warning”. tsunami. As it approaches a shallow
coastline, its speed decreased, but the
IX. height of the tsunami increases
drastically, bringing so much damage
Earthquake Hazards refer to to nearby communities. Tsunamis can
earthquake agents which have also overwhelm sewage systems,
the potential to cause harm to destroy structures and kill people
a vulnerable targets which can
either be humans, animals or LIQUEFICATION
even your environment.
Earthquake motion can turn loosely
packed, water-saturated soil to liquid—
The effects of an earthquake can be "liquefaction.” Liquefied soil becomes
classified as primary or secondary. less compact and ultimately lose the
ability to support roads, buried pipes,
-Primary effects are and, of course, houses. It is caused by
permanent features an vibration or saturation with water which
earthquake can bring out.
Map interpretation is the process
looking at the map in order for SDC Map Color Earthquake Hazard Potential effects of
us to be guided to a direction
or place where we wanted to go
using the different symbols or Very small probability of
elements of the map. A White experiencing damaging
There are seven important
earthquake effects
components of a map. These Moderate shaking-Felt by
components will help you B Gray Could experience shaking of all, many frightened. Some
interpret a map. moderate intensity heavy furniture moved; a
few instances of fallen
 Compass rose. This will give plaster. Damage slight
you the proper direction. This
is also called it Strong shaking-Damage
“orientation.” negligible in buildings
C Yellow Could experience of good design and
 Title. It tells what the map is strong shaking construction; slight to
about. moderate in well-built
ordinary structures;
 Symbols. These are pictures considerable damage in
instead of symbols.
poorly built structures.
 Legend or Key. It explains the
DO Light Brown Very strong shaking-
meaning of symbols and Could experience very Damage slight in specially
colour. strong shaking (the darker designed structures;
D1 Darker Brown the color,the stronger the considerable damage in
 Colour. It highlights the shaking) ordinary substantial
important information to help
buildings with partial
interpret maps. D2 Darkest Brown
collapse. Damage great in
 Scale. It shows the proportion poorly built structures.
of map to real life. Strongest shaking-Damage
considerable in specially
 Grid Reference. designed structures; frame
These are intersecting E Red Near major active faults structures thrown out of
lines to help locate capable of producing the plumb.
specific places on the
most intense shaking Damage great in
map. In some maps, it
is also called “border.”.
substantial buildings,with
partial collapse.
Buildings shifted off
Shaking intense enough to
completely destroy

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