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Procedia Computer Science 217 (2023) 765–773

4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing

A human-centered conceptual model for integrating Augmented

Reality and Dynamic Digital Models to reduce occupational risks in
industrial contexts
Luca Gualtieriaa*, Andrea Revoltiaa, Patrick Dallasegaaa
Faculty of
of Science
Science and
and Technology,
Technology, Free
Free University
University of
of Bozen-Bolzano,
Bozen-Bolzano, Piazza
Piazza Università
Università 5,
5, Bolzano
Bolzano 39100,
39100, Italy


The article proposes

The article proposes aa human-centered
human-centered conceptual
conceptual model
model to to integrate
integrate Augmented
Augmented Reality
Reality (AR)
(AR) and and Dynamic
Dynamic Digital
Digital Models
(DDM) to
(DDM) to improve
improve training
training and
and reduce
reduce occupational
occupational risks
risks in
in industrial
industrial contexts.
contexts. A
A general
general model
model integrating
integrating DDM
DDM and and AR
AR to
support immersive
support immersive training
training and
and customized
customized andand real-time
real-time risk
risk management
management is is missing
missing in
in the
the literature.
literature. The
The proposed
proposed conceptual
model was
model was preliminarily
preliminarily validated
validated with
with company
company experts
experts inin aa laboratory
laboratory environment.
environment. According
According to to the
the expert’s
expert’s feedback,
feedback, the
system can
system can improve
improve thethe efficacy
efficacy of
of training
training by
by means
means ofof an
an immersive
immersive environment
environment where
where users
users can
can better
better perceive
perceive hazards
hazards and
safety-critical situations.
safety-critical situations. Considering
Considering the
the capability
capability of
of the
the conceptual
conceptual model
model to
to support
support real-time
real-time and
and customized
customized risk
risk management,
the participating
the participating experts
experts argue
argue that
that the
the technology
technology seems
seems not
not toto be
be ready
ready yet,
yet, even
even if
if it
it is
is very
very interesting
interesting and
and it
it would
would be
be very
useful in practice to mitigate occupational risks. Future research activities will consist of the development of a prototypical
useful in practice to mitigate occupational risks. Future research activities will consist of the development of a prototypical system system
based on
based on the
the presented
presented conceptual
conceptual model
model by
by considering
considering specific
specific user
user requirements
requirements and
and experts’
experts’ feedback.
© 2022
© 2022 The
Publishedby by
Elsevier B.V. B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2022
This is anThe Authors.
open access Published
article under by
CC BY-NC-NDB.V. This is an
license open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of
of the
the scientific
scientific committee
committee of
of the
the 4th
4th International
International Conference
Conference on
on Industry
Industry 4.0
4.0 and
and Smart
Keywords: Augmented
Keywords: Augmented reality;
reality; AR;
AR; safety;
safety; training;
training; risk
risk management;

1. Introduction

Focusing on
Focusing on the
the industrial
industrial context,
context, occupational
occupational safety
safety (OS)
(OS) is
is crucial
crucial to
to guarantee
guarantee the
the safeguard
safeguard of
of people
people in
different working
different environments. Thus,
working environments. Thus, the
the training
training of
of workers
workers is
is fundamental.
fundamental. Usually,
Usually, training
training is
is delivered
delivered with
conventional tools
conventional tools like
like presentations,
presentations, paper-based manuals, checklists,
paper-based manuals, checklists, etc.

* Corresponding
Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
E-mail address:

1877-0509 ©© 2022
2022 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published byby ELSEVIER
B.V. This
This is
is an
an open
open access
access article
article under
under the
the CC
BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of
of the
the scientific
scientific committee
committee of
of the
the 4th
4th International
International Conference
Conference on
on Industry
Industry 4.0
4.0 and
and Smart
Smart Manufacturing

1877-0509 © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart
766 Luca Gualtieri et al. / Procedia Computer Science 217 (2023) 765–773
2 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

However, these traditional tools can be ineffective in properly and realistically representing hazards, as well as to
teach the operators the correct procedure and behavior to maintain in such situations [1]. On the other hand, OS of
workers is also ensured by properly implementing the process of risk management*. Even if Industry 4.0 is providing
different solutions able to improve the working conditions of the operators, few substantial improvements have been
made from a risk management point of view. It is still a “static” process in which the measures for risk prevention and
mitigation are designed and applied asynchronously with respect to the dynamics of the factory’s processes and
environments. Different kinds of Dynamic and Digital Models (DDMs) (like Digital Model (DM), Digital Shadow
(DS), and Digital Twin (DT) [3]) can provide many opportunities to improve OS and risk management in the industry
[4]. Furthermore, the use of emerging technologies can improve the efficacy of risk management through the
integration into existing systems and the receipt of related OS-relevant data [5].
In that regard, the authors believe that emerging visualization technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) have
great potential in OS to improve conventional training methods, as well as in supporting real-time risk management.
AR enriches the real environment with additional digital information creating a new form of a context-aware interface
[6]. From the training point of view, AR can represent and safely simulate situations that are very close to the real
ones by allowing a better understanding of the hazards and how to implement related appropriate mitigation
procedures [6]. In addition, from the risk management perspective, the integration of AR with DDMs to provide the
operators with real-time and customized information in a human-centered way can improve the effectiveness of
managing unexpected safety-critical situations.
Considering OS in industrial contexts, in this work a conceptual model for integrating AR and DDMs for training
and supporting risk management is introduced and discussed. As stated in a recent survey [7], such systems can be
considered as enablers of Industry 4.0 in terms of human-machine interaction, and capable to be part of Industry 5.0
philosophy by considering their human-centric approach. The article is organized as follows: chapter one introduces
the topics and main goals of the work. Chapter two summarizes important and recent research in the field of AR and
DDMs in industrial OS, also highlighting related research gaps. Chapter three presents the preliminary requirements
while chapter four describes the conceptual model. Chapter five presents some potential applications and preliminary
pilot tests of the model in a laboratory environment. Finally, Chapter six provides the analysis of the results and

2. Literature Review

AR has been mainly applied in the industrial environment to support maintenance [8][9], logistics [10], model-
based design [11], and training of complex assembly tasks [12]. Some recent works also report using AR in OS. In
[13], AR is used to reduce the error rate of operators that can cause injuries at work, e.g. through interactive checklists.
The system focuses on secure handling and complete performing of maintenance procedures in the correct order. In
[1], researchers propose the usage of AR and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies to train professional skills in industrial
maintenance and safety. They explore how AR and VR can support students in the definition of appropriate risk
mitigation actions. In [14], the authors describe a laboratory test of AR smart glasses to reduce the risk as one of the
key factors for sustainable manufacturing. They outline the opportunity to use AR for (i) mechanical risk prevention
in situations of overloaded storing, (ii) the prevention of overheating for electrical equipment, and (iii) the support for
emergency management (e.g. fires, explosions, etc.). In [15], the researchers investigate the usefulness and feasibility
of Mixed Reality (MR) technology to capture the risk-taking behavior of operators, identify at-risk operators, and
propose injury-prevention actions. They studied participants’ physiological/psychophysical responses, and
reactionary behaviors by manipulating the level of required safety intervention. In this direction, in [16] the authors
present a prototypical AR maintenance and safety system for steel industry workers. Specifically, the system provides
relevant information for personnel in hazardous locations of the manufacturing plant by coding them into various
types of colored overlays to show specific locations and related hazards’ severity. Furthermore, considering a broader

In OSH, risk management is a formal process for identifying hazards, evaluating, and analyzing risks associated with those hazards, then taking
action to eliminate the hazards or minimize the risks that can't be eliminated [2].
Luca Gualtieri et al. / Procedia Computer Science 217 (2023) 765–773 767
Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000 3

view, AR and MR have been recently used for training and supporting also in other sectors such construction
[17][18][19], and as healthcare [20].
Considering the role of DDMs in OS, in [21] the authors discuss the applications of DTs to improve industrial
safety at hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas industry. The paper investigates conceptually how DTs can
be used to forecast emergencies by simulating e.g. ignition and toxic emission scenarios. In [22], the authors propose
a novel system that integrates MR and DT with deep learning to improve safety in human-robot collaboration.
Specifically, the approach consists of a safety distance calculation method based on the robot's DT and the human
skeleton to guarantee the minimum safe distance in real-time to the human operator. Similarly, in [23] the authors
propose a system framework that uses the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and DT, as well as unsupervised deep
learning technologies, for OS real-time monitoring. By means of a case study consisting of an air cargo cold storage
warehouse, they demonstrate the potential of the system.
According to the state of the art, many AR training solutions in OS consist of digital objects that are overlayed to
the physical environment with often a static and not real-time information representation, as well as interaction.
Furthermore, several AR solutions are not supported by wearable devices (like smart glasses), making the use less
immersive and therefore effective from an educational point of view. Furthermore, “in-hand” solutions (e.g. tablet
based) prevent hands-free conditions and a quick information update in case of safety-critical events (a condition that
has to be avoided both in case of training and risk management). Summing up, to the best of our knowledge, a general
model for integrating DDM and AR to support training and real-time risk management is missing. In this direction,
the paper aims to answer the following Research Question (RQ):
RQ: “How can Augmented Reality and Dynamic Digital Models be integrated and used to improve Occupational
Safety in industrial contexts from the training as well as risk management perspective?”.

In this direction, the authors believe that the proper use of future AR in OS should not only be limited to the training
of workers but should also focus on supporting real-time risk management by using DDMs. As a consequence, the
AR applications, as well as the use modality (e.g. “tablet supported” vs “wearable glasses”), should be implemented
accordingly. Thus, considering the context of industrial OS, this preliminary work aims to propose a conceptual model
for the development of a DDM-AR, wearable, and human-centered system for workers' training and real-time risk

3. Requirements identification

In the following, the main goals and requirements of the conceptual model and related system are derived and
On the one hand, considering the training role, the main objective is to provide an efficient transfer of knowledge
by using a “learning by doing” approach by allowing a realistic experience [24] in the same work environment where
hazardous situations may occur. Furthermore, it also aims at preventing the counterproductive effects related to
improper use of emerging technologies in safety-critical situations (e.g. see the “Risk Compensation Theory” [25],
wherein researchers evaluate how implemented safety measures decrease individuals’ perception of risk by providing
more risky behaviors) and to mitigate the worker’s underestimation of hazards (e.g. see the “Dunning-Kruger” effect
[26], that occurs when a person's lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own
competence). On the other hand, considering the risk management role, the main objective is to provide customized
and real-time information to properly identify risks and implement related mitigation procedures as quickly as possible
and in a safe way. This can be considered as support in performing the whole process of risk management.
Considering a human-centric approach, the type, amount, form, and content of the information to be used for both
training and risk management should vary in a customized way [13]. Table 1 summarizes the main criteria to be used
for such customization.
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Table 1. Criteria for the customization of the type, amount, form, and content of the information to be used for both training
and risk management according to a human-centric approach.
Industrial sector (e.g. manufacturing, process, etc.);
Type of work activity (e.g. production, maintenance etc.);
Educational level (e.g. undergraduate, graduate, etc.);
Professional training level (less skilled, qualified, etc.);
Experience level (e.g. new recruits, veterans);
Relevant personal data (e.g. gender, age, etc.)
Relevant real-time monitored data (e.g. position in the factory, etc.)

Considering the above-mentioned objectives and the criteria for the implementation of a human-centered approach,
the preliminary system’s requirements needed to implement the conceptual model are summarized and classified in
Table 2 and Table 3. These are identified by considering the requirements that the system should fulfill as (i) an AR-
based and wearable device, (ii) a training tool, and (iii) a solution for supporting real-time risk management by using
a DDM.

Table 2. Preliminary list of classified technical and technological requirements for the development of a DDM-AR,
wearable, and human-centered system for workers' training and real-time risk management support (developed based on
company interviews and literature review ([2], [4], [5], [13], [14]-[20], [27]-[33])).
Technical requirements Technological requirements
Hardware requirements Economically viable;
Robust for industrial applications; Modular in terms of additional systems to be integrated (e.g sensors);
Reliable as an informative and safety device; Multi-purpose in terms of different hazards management (e.g.
mechanical, electrical, etc.);
Able to deal with different environmental operating conditions (e.g.
light, dust, temperature, etc.); Adaptable to different situations and target groups;
Redundant in terms of safety-critical systems (e.g. sensors); Fast and user-friendly in terms of manual set-up;
Easily upgradable; Open source;
Independent in terms of power supplier; Open for modifications and improvements;
Able to ensure long energy autonomy; Interoperable;
Able to keep hands free; Multimodal in terms of simultaneous use of different information
Able to provide high-resolution, stereoscopic, and head-coupled sources (e.g. photos, video, 3D models, text information, sounds,
panoramic views; etc.);
Able to provide a suitable field of view; Able to provide a realistic representation of virtual objects;
Able to provide proper visibility of instructions, in particular to text Adaptable to different personal social features (e.g. language, culture,
drawing styles;
Flexible in terms of customization of information contents and
Able to easily track the environment and recognize key locations and
markers on equipment; explanation;
Able to manage the information according to the nature and extent of
Software requirements Able to provide engaging interactions with virtual objects;
Secure from cyber-attacks; Able to provide quick support for sudden decision-making;
Easily updatable; Able of maintaining people in 'contact' with reality;
Performing in terms of sub-systems data exchange; Autonomous in changing set-up according to user’s needs, wants,
Able to manage dynamic digital objects in the field of view; and use situations;
Able to provide good overlapping between real and digital objects in Able to simplify and make more effective the transfer of knowledge;
the field of view; Able to verify user’s understanding through a built-in feedback and
Able to provide a suitable level of transparency and contrast of the logging system;
virtual objects in the field of view; Supported and integrable with complementary Cloud/IoT/AI-based
Able to allow users to clearly distinguish between real and digital technologies;
objects in the field of view;
Luca Gualtieri et al. / Procedia Computer Science 217 (2023) 765–773 769
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Table 3. Preliminary list of classified physical and cognitive requirements for the development of a DDM-AR, wearable, and
human-centered system for workers' training and real-time risk management support (developed based on company
interviews and literature review ([2], [4], [5], [13], [14]-[20], [27]-[33])).
Physical requirements Cognitive requirements
Light; Well accepted/perceived as a useful tool by operators;
Comfortable; Trustable as an informative and safety device;
Adaptable to different anthropometric features; Able to avoid information overload;
Compatible with glasses; Usable in terms of information input/output;
Hygienic; Intuitive in terms of information representation and management;
Washable; Clear and coherent in terms of information representation and management;
Able to prevent physical overloads during usage; Concise and complete in terms of information representation (e.g. “one look reading”);
Able to avoid excessive cognitive workload for the providing of information (e.g. the
right info, at the right time, in the proper way);
Able to prevent excessive cognitive stress during usage;

4. Conceptual model

Considering the context of industrial OS, the preliminary and conceptual model for the development of a DDM-
AR, wearable, and human-centered system for workers' training and real-time risk management is following proposed.
In particular, Fig. 1 summarizes the conceptual model by considering the abovementioned requirements and goals.
The main features are:
• The conceptual model is used for both training and support for real-time risk management;
• The human is the core element of the conceptual model (human-centered approach);
• The AR smart glasses (wearable device) are the interface to be used to allow the operator to receive customized
information about safety-critical events (e.g. a machine failure, a fire, etc.) and to interact with the digital
• The digital model is used to (i) manage the data exchange between the human and the work environments or
cyber-physical production systems, and (ii) to elaborate relevant information to support the operator in training
or risk management according to specific users and situations;
• The type, amount, form, and content of the information are customized according to the criteria explained in
Table 1. Therefore, to implement a human-centric approach, relevant personal data (e.g. professional training
level, position in the factory, etc.) are collected and managed (e.g. by logging and monitoring the operator);
• Safety-critical work environments (e.g. areas at high risk of fire like server rooms) and production systems
(e.g. machines whose malfunctions could lead to a significant mechanical risk) are equipped with sensors to
provide the digital model with relevant data in real-time.

The proposed conceptual model can be considered as an implementation of a DS. In fact, according to the formal
definition, a DS refers to an automated and integrated flow between (the state) of an existing physical object and a
digital object. A change in the state of the physical object leads to a change of state in the digital object, but not vice
versa [3][34]. The use of a DS allows the communication of data from the operator (human data and feedback), work
environment (environmental and emergency-related data), and cyber-physical production systems (machine status and
failure conditions) to a central digital model. Here, they have to be properly combined, elaborated, and managed to
provide customized information to the operator in a human-centric way by using AR-based smart glasses as Graphic
User Interface (GUI). From the human perspective, relevant data can be previously defined into the model by using a
personal log-in system (e.g. kind of working activity to be performed, professional training level, etc.). Further real-
time data (e.g. position in the factory), as well as operator’s feedback, can be collected by using the GUI. Regarding
environmental and production systems data, they can be collected by using dedicated smart sensors (already integrated
into machines and infrastructure, or to be added). A detailed description of the operation of the conceptual model for
both training and risk management is proposed in the next chapter.
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770 Luca Gualtieri et al. / Procedia Computer Science 217 (2023) 765–773

Figure 1. The conceptual model for the implementation of the system.

5. Laboratory pilot tests

To understand if the proposed conceptual model and the related system can provide a benefit to industrial
companies, a preliminary pilot test has been made in the Smart Mini Factory laboratory [35]. Three occupational
health and safety managers and designers of an industrial company were asked to use a simplified version of the
system and to express their feedback. To implement a simplified version of the conceptual model, the Microsoft
HoloLens 2 as Head-Mounted Display (HMD) was used. Two AR scenarios have been created to simulate (i) the
training and, (ii) the real-time support in risk management in an industrial environment.

Scenario 1 - Human-machine interaction (training, see Fig. 2). The operator is trained about the different safety
volumes of an industrial robot operating in a not-collaborative (e.g. at high speed) and collaborative (e.g. at a reduced
speed) way according to the human’s presence [36]. In particular, the way by which the robot system must reduce its
speed to safeguard an operator approaching it is highlighted with different colors. The green volume represents an
area in which the operator is safe even if the robot is operating non-collaboratively. The red one represents the highest
required decrease in terms of the robot’s speed needed to safeguard the operator.

Scenario 2 - Fire situation (risk management, see Fig. 3). The operator is informed about the existence of a fire in
a certain area of the factory (e.g a server’s room). He is also gradually supported in properly implementing the correct
risk mitigation procedure as quickly as possible and in a safe way. In particular, the following support is provided to
the human operator: (i) identify the location and status of the electrical panel to switch off (an activity that is often
required in case of fire), (ii) identify the location and the kind of extinguisher to be used (which may depend on the
nature of the fire), and (iii) find the closer and shorter escape path and related emergency exit to be used.

For both the scenarios, the following evaluations have been done:
• Direct observations during the execution of the tests: the behavior of the participants was directly observed by
the researchers during the experiments. The aim was to collect as much feedback as possible by noting
particular behaviors, events, or situations (e.g. errors or participant’s requests);
Luca Gualtieri et al. / Procedia Computer Science 217 (2023) 765–773 771
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• Semi-structured interviews: some oral and informal discussions between the company participants and the
researchers were conducted at the end of the tests. The aim was to collect feedback and further information
about their experience (e.g., particular observations made by participants).

Figure 2. Human-machine interaction scenario for training. Figure 3. Fire situation scenario for real-time risk management.

In the following, the main feedback is summarized:

Training (Scenario1)
According to the participants, AR can improve the efficacy of training in industrial OS. In particular, the
participating experts argue that its use can help learners better perceive hazards and safety-critical situations through
an immersive experience (i.e. by understanding the mechanical risk related to a human-robot collaboration or the
interaction with an automatic machine for the loading/unloading of heavy objects). Participants are also expecting an
improvement in the workers’ ability to properly deal with risky situations, as well as a steepened learning curve
resulting in a shorter time for training. On the other hand, the effort, time, and technical abilities required for the
development of AR digital models can represent a potential problem for companies. Thus, for limiting such an issue,
AR-based training can be integrated with traditional frontal lectures as a complementary tool to better explain some
specific topics and situations.

Risk Management (Scenario2)

According to the participants, real-time risk management is very interesting and useful even if the technology seems
to be not mature for proper implementation yet. They argue that AR devices that are currently available on the market
should be improved both from the hardware and software perspectives. In particular, they report that prolonged use
can provide wearing/seeing fatigue and annoyance. In that regard, the authors and participants believe that future
technology development should consider the requirements provided in Table 2 and Table 3. Furthermore, a dedicated
infrastructure (e.g. sensorized, intelligent and connected areas or machines) should be set up to implement the
proposed conceptual model. According to the participants, this can lead to an increase in the company’s costs for
implementation, as well as the need for advanced competencies for the design. Finally, some of the participants argue
that prolonged use of the system could even lead to new risks for the operators. They may focus too much on the
digital representation and less on the work environment, thus losing the connection with reality and related risks. Also,
in that case, Table 2 and Table 3 can support designers of future AR-based safety systems.

6. Conclusions

This article aims to present a human-centered conceptual model to integrate AR and DDM to improve training and
mitigate occupational risks considering the industrial contexts. Preliminary results have been collected in the Smart
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8 Author name / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000

Mini Factory laboratory [35] by considering the feedback of occupational health and safety managers and designers.
They have been asked to evaluate the idea behind the conceptual model and the effectiveness of AR technology in
safety training and real-time risk management. Two simplified AR scenarios have been created as laboratory pilot
tests to collect feedback from experts in the field. Preliminary results confirmed that the proposed system can be
successfully used in practice, not only for training and risk management but also for supporting the design of safety-
critical systems. Our research group is still working on implementing an extended version of the pilot tests
(considering also advanced features of the model) and further results will be presented in the future. Nevertheless,
some improvements are required to make the related systems usable and safe also for prolonged and everyday usage.
To fill such gaps, future research activities will consist of the development of a prototypical system based on the
presented conceptual model by considering specific user requirements and experts' feedback. In particular, research
should focus on (i) the development of more comfortable wearable devices for AR (hardware), (ii) the development
of a smart and cost-effective infrastructure to support DDM in industrial OS, and (iii) the study of the features of the
GUI, as well as the way the information is communicated to the operator by considering a human-centered perspective.
Furthermore, the possibility to use DT instead of DS for the system implementation should be evaluated.


The research presented in this article was carried out within the research project “Smart Mobile Factory for
Infrastructure Projects (SMF4INFRA)”, which has received funding from the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-
Bozen as a Joint-Project South Tyrol – Switzerland 2021.


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