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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bukidnon

2023 NAT

1. When the outgoing President delivers his final State of the Nation Address
(SONA), what communication function is demonstrated?
A. control C. information dissemination
B. emotional expression D. social interaction

2. Yzekiel wants to define the graphic organizer. Which of the following

statements is the BEST definition he can give?
A. A graphic organizer uses shapes.
B. A graphic organizer is a connection of ideas.
C. A graphic organizer is a presentation of ideas.
D. A graphic organizer is a visual graphic representation of ideas.

3. Justin is an 11th -grade student who wants to present the similarities and
differences between an android phone and an apple smartphone using a
graphic organizer. What graphic organizer will he use?
A. cause and effect C. timeline
B. fish bone D. Venn diagram

4. What style of monologue does Robert Browning’s poem Porphyria’s Lover

A. soliloquy monologue C. dramatic monologue
B. comic monologue D. operatic monologue

5. Which of the following is an example of a legend?

A. The Life of Rizal
B. The Flood Story
C.Noli Me Tangere
D.Ang Kuneho at ang Matsing

6. Which of the following epic which talks about a hero Lam-ang, quest for the
heart of Ines Kannoyan and his exploits with his pets – a white rooster and
a dog.
A. Hushed C. Lam-ang
B. Ibalon D. Maragtas

7. Naz is assigned to report on the pre-colonial literature in the Philippines.
Among his statements, which of these is not true about Philippine pre-
Colonial literature?
A. Pre-colonial literature includes chants, proverbs, and song.
B. Pre-colonial includes creative fiction and narratives
C.Pre-colonial literature defects the livelihood, customs, and traditions
of the Filipinos during the Spanish occupation.
D.Pre-colonial literature includes literature that was passed on from
generation to generation through the word of mouth.

8. In the research titled: “Effect of Remedial Program on Academic

Performance among Senior High School Students”, identify which is the
independent and dependent variable.
A. Dependent: Effect of Remedial Program, Independent: Academic
B. Dependent: Academic Performance, Independent: Effect of Remedial
C.Dependent: Senior High School Students, Independent: Effect of
Remedial Program
D.Dependent: Academic Performance, Independent: Senior High

Read the passage and answer the question that follows.

“My mother had hair so dark that it looked like a waterfall of ink. She
always kept it in a braid that fell to her slim waist, and always tied with a
plain black band. The braid of black slung over her shoulder, the plaits
shining like scales.”
-Tin Lochia

9. What pattern of development is used in organizing this paragraph?

A. Definition C. narration
B. Description D. classification

10. It refers to a development pattern that tries to convince readers to adopt

the writer’s point of view on a topic.
A. narration C. exemplification
B. persuasion D. definition

11. Why is it vital for students to follow a pattern of development when

A. They signal how the facts will be presented.
B. They help us sort out information and shape paragraphs or essay

C. They help organize an outline, or depending on the purpose they can
determine the form that a paper will take
D. All of the above

12. What model of communication presents communication as a linear or

one-way process?
A. Intermediary/Gatekeeper Model
B. Schramm’s Communication Model
C.Shannon and Weaver’s Model
D.Transactional Model

Read the excerpt by Edgar Allan Poe and answer the questions below.

The injuries of Fortunato, I had borne as I could but when he ventured

upon insult, I vowed revenge. You who so well know the nature of my soul,
will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat. At length I would
be avenged; this was a point definitely settled, but the very definitiveness
with which it was resolved, precluded the idea of risk. I must only punish, but
punish with impunity. A wrong is undressed when retribution overtakes its
redressers. It is equally underdressed when the avenger fails to make
himself felt as such to him who was done him wrong.

Except from The Cask of Amontillado – Edgar Allan Poe

13. In the short story, the narrator tells the reader that he is going to take
revenge on a character named Fortunato. Which of these statements gives
his main reason?
A. The narrator was offended by Fortunato.
B. The narrator suffered injuries caused by Fortunato .
C.The narrator is drunk with anger towards Fortunato.
D.The narrator has unfinished business with Fortunato.

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follows.
Nestor Vicente Madali “N.V.M.” Gonzales was born on September 8,
1915 in Romblon, Romblon. At the age of five his family moved to Mindoro.
He attended the Mindoro High School from1927 to 1930 and the National
University, but he was not able to obtain a degree. His first essay was
published in the Philippine Graphic. He was also an editor for the Manila
Chronicle and Evening News Magazine.

14. The paragraph is an example of biography. Which of the following

statement best describe the paragraph?
A. A biography is a form of expression.
B. A biography is based on real events.

C.A biography focuses on the real account of the author’s life.
D.A biography is a fictional account of the author’s life.

15. The grade 12 English class is assigned to write a narrative essay. Among
the choices given, which information should be included in their essay?
I. A story that happened in a particular setting
II. A memorable experience
III. Chronologically arranged details
IV. A definition of a sign and symbol



16. You're sitting in a meeting or class and the speaker is dull. What is the
barrier in this situation?
A. emotional C. mental
B. language D. noise

17. The following are strengths of Quantitative Research, EXCEPT one.

A. Findings can be generalized the population.
B. Numerical Data can be used to predict outcome.
C.Subjectivity can be established.
D.Validity and reliability can be established.

18. Rica greets Lito, then they start talking about their plans for the summer
escapade. What type of speech context occurs here?
A. Interpersonal C. mass communication
B. intrapersonal D. public

19. In the poem “The Telephone Conversation “written by Wole Soyinka, the
woman who owns the apartment asks the client who is an African man
about his skin color. What does her question imply?
A. The woman likes the African skin color.
B. The woman is amused of the African skin color.
C.The woman is very careful to men, who will rent her apartment.
D.The woman is concerned of letting the African man rent her
apartment because of his skin color.

Read the following research article and answer the question that

Adolescent pregnancy remains a major contributor to maternal and child

mortality. Complications relating to pregnancy and childbirth are the leading
cause of death for girls aged 15-19 globally. Pregnant girls and adolescents

also face other health risks and complications due to their immature bodies.
Babies born to younger mothers are also at greater risk.
For many adolescents, pregnancy and childbirth are neither planned, nor
wanted. In countries where abortion is prohibited or highly restricted,
adolescents typically resort to unsafe abortion, putting their health and lives
at risk. Some 3.9 million unsafe abortions occur each year to girls aged 15-
19 in developing regions.
Adolescent pregnancy can also have negative social and economic
effects on girls, their families and communities. Unmarried pregnant
adolescents may face stigma or rejection by parents and peers as well as
threats of violence. Girls who become pregnant before age 18 are also more
likely to experience violence within a marriage or partnership. (WHO. 2020)

20. Which of the following research title is the most suitable for the research
article above?
A. Effects of Teenage Pregnancy
B. Factors affecting Teenage Pregnancy
C.What is the average Number of Teenage Pregnancy in the
D.None of the above.

21. Which of the following is a good thesis statement?

A. Reading can develop a child’s analytical mind.
B. The internet has improved the lives of many.
C.High levels of alcohol consumption are bad for you.
D.Americans should add exercise to their daily morning routine because
it’s not only keep their bodies at a healthy weight, but also reduces
the risk of high blood pressure

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

“What do you think about banning smoking? The whole country is divided
on this issue. Some people believe that there should be no limitations placed
on smoking. Others have different opinions. Tobacco should be outlawed
because smoking endangers everyone’s health, pollutes the environment,
and drains us of valuable energy.”

22. Where in the paragraph should the thesis statement be stated?

A. beginning C. last
B. middle D. whole paragraph

Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

Piranha are omnivorous, freshwater fish, which are mostly known for their
raw of sharp, triangular teeth in both jaws. Piranha’s teeth come together in
a scissor-like bite and are used for puncture and tearing. Baby piranha are
small about the size of a thumbnail. The many species of piranha vary in
color, though most are either and silvery with an orange underbelly and the
throat almost black.

23. What is the paragraph all about?

A. The paragraph is all about fish.
B. The paragraph is about the color of piranha.
C.The paragraph is all about the description of Piranha.
D.The paragraph is all about the piranha’s sharp teeth.

24.What pattern of development is used in organizing the above paragraph?

A. comparison and contrast C. description
B. definition D. narration

25. What type of speech style is appropriate when consulting a doctor for an
A. casual C. frozen
B. consultative D. intimate

26. Which of the following research questions could be answered by using

quantitative research methods?
A. How has the Covid-19 affected the reading comprehension level of
Grade 12 students?
B. What are the factors affecting low -level reading comprehension
C.What mode of learning is preferred by Senior High School students?
D.None of the above

27. Which of the following statements about outlining is correct?

A. It allows you to pick relevant information from sources early on.
B. It gives writers a steady foundation and groundwork when beginning
the writing process
C. It helps construct and organize ideas in a sequential manner and
thoughtful flow.
D. All of the above

Read the following excerpt and answer the question below.

The sun is in our eyes, for it was dipping into then bright sea. The sky was
wide and deep and very blur above us: but along the saw-tooth rim of the
Katayaghan hills to the southwest framed huge masses of clouds. Before us

the fields swam in the golden haze through which floated big purple and red
and yellow bubbles when I looked at the sinking sun.

28. How does the author describe the setting?

A. The author describes a local rural setting with images that are familiar
to the Filipinos.
B. The author uses symbols found in nature to create an interesting
juxtaposition with the Philippine hills and forest.
C.The author uses the vibrant native landscape an appropriate
metaphor for his affection and love for motherland.
D.The author creates an unsettling and mysterious atmosphere by
setting the scenes at dusk.

Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

A Haiku
by Basho

A snowy morning --
By myself,
Chewing on dried salmon

29. What tone do the details of the poem convey?

A. excitement C. loneliness
B. happiness D. sorrow

30. Which of the following best describes a well – written text?

A. The information is arranged logically.
B. The paragraph is coherent and clear.
C.It constitutes proper paraphrasing.
D.The writer is equipped with the fundamental properties of grammar.

For question no. 31 refer to the illustration below.

Research Title: Effects of Learning by Doing

Strategy to Student Engagement

Conceptual Paradigm:

31. In the conceptual framework given above, what do you think is considered
as the mediating variable?
A. Learning style C. Both A and B
B. Multiple intelligences D. None of the above

32. “Are you the only person in this house?" your mother asks as you sit in
the living room watching television at full blast. What does her declaration
A. You are going to change the channel.
B. You're going to turn off the TV.
C.You'll turn down the television's volume.
D.You will invite everyone in the home to watch television with you.

33. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the importance of
Quantitative Research?
A. It helps educators identify ways to improve learning.
B. It helps improve crop production using safe organic fertilizers.
C.It helps pharmaceutical companies explore safe and effective
D.It helps understand victims of domestic violence perception of

For question no.34-35 please refer to the following passage.

In our small town, Papa's soda shop was the most popular place for high
school students to meet. Unlike his brother, our military-minded, sullen
principal, Papa was always relaxed, kind, interested, always ready to add
extra whipped cream and cherries to our sodas. He was tolerant of the
noisy, boisterous students who came to his shop after school. Everyone I
knew in town, except our principal, loved Papa.

34. In the passage, how does the writer describe the two men?
A. compares Papa's place to others in the town
B. Suggests that Papa was hypocritical.
C.Explains why two brothers were different.
D.contrasting the personality of the two men

35. What is the basis for the writer’s observations towards the character?
A. A gossip
B. scholarly research
C.first-hand experience
D.opinions of the writers

36. The essence of this academic paper is to explain what the study is all
about, and why it is important and the methods that will be used in
conducting the study.
A. concept paper C. position paper
B. survey paper D. report paper

37. What are the ways in explaining a concept?

A. formal, informal and extended definition
B. definition, explication and clarification
C.introduction, body and conclusion
D.All of the above

For number 38, read the poem and answer the question that follows.

Because I could not stop for Death

-Emily Dickinson

Because I could not stop to Death

He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And immortality

38. What figure of speech is used in the stanza?

A. hyperbole C. simile
B. metaphor D. personification

39. Complete the following analogy

Romeo and Juliet: William Shakespeare:
_______________: Jose Rizal
A. Book of Heroes
B. National Hero
C.The legend
D.Noli Me Tangere

40. If you want to assess the statistical relationship between Motivation and
Academic Performance of Grade 12 students in Practical Research
subject, what quantitative research design will you use?
A. cohort C. experimental
B. correlation D. None of the above

41. The flow or growth of interaction is directed and controlled by this form of
communicative strategy.
A. nomination C. topic control

B. restriction D. turn-taking

42. Which statement contains a proclamation by the speaker?

A. Please do not linger.
B. I apologize for what I've done.
C.Beginning today, I shall assist the family in earning a living.
D.You have been appointed as our province's new Chief of Police.

43. A group researchers want to use the best probability sampling procedure
that would help them in saving their time and resources. They also want to
provide equal opportunity to select respondents from Grade 12 STEM
students. What sampling procedure should they choose?
A. cluster sampling
B. simple random sampling
C.stratified random sampling
D.systematic sampling

44. Zacharee writes a book review for her reading class. What information
will she include in the beginning of her book review?
A. the thesis statements
B. the summary of the content
C.the author’s biographical information
D.the book’s bibliographical information

45. Which aspects of a speech should be avoided?

A. The use of basic and short words.
B. To make your point, use metaphors and other figures of speech.
C.Make your speech appear very sophisticated by using jargon,
acronyms, or technical phrases.
D.Consider your audience when selecting words, jokes, and non verbal
indications for your speech.

46. Except for one, the following should be considered while dealing with
persons from other cultures. What exactly is it?
A. Always be courteous.
B. Be aware of other people's religious beliefs.
C.To refer to a large bunch, use "he" and "man."
D.Avoid making broad generalizations about a certain group.

For question no.47 refer to the illustration below.

47. In the study conducted by Sumaong J.2020, the data shows the
responses of students from Balbalayang National High School to the
question “Do you have a reliable internet connection?” In the study
conducted about the Implementation of Modular Distance Learning in the
Philippine Secondary Public Schools. What do these data signify?
A. 27% of BNHS students do not have a reliable internet connection
B. 27% of BNHS students have a reliable internet connection
C.40 % of BNHS students have a reliable internet connection
D.None of the above

For question no. 48, refer to the graph below

48. Which two months had approximately the same amount of candy sold?
A. September and February
B. October and March
C.November and March
D.September and December

49. Ysmael wants to define an application letter. Among the choices below
which is the best definition he can give?
A. It is a type of letter to address any wrong doing or offense.
B. It is a personal letter that is typically used to apply for a job.
C.It is a letter written to publicize and ultimately sell a product or a
service to the consumers.
D.It is a letter written from one company to another.

50. Research findings in the Philippines shows that the great number of
activities in each module is one of the main problems that emerged in the
implementation of Modular Distance Learning. As a Senior High student,
what recommendation can you give to solve the said problem?
A. Teachers should reduce activities from the modules.
B. Teachers should provide more examples for each subject.
C.Teachers should conduct home visitation once a week.
D.All of the above

51. Andrea had a quarrel with her boyfriend Anton. Her classmates noticed
that she is not interested in the discussions in the class and seemed to
have a lonely and unmotivated facial expression. Based on these non-
verbal cues from Andrea, what type of Noise is she experiencing?
A. Physical Noise C. Psychological Noise
B. Semantic Noise D. Physiological Noise

52. Jason is a student from G11 Newton. He admired a cute girl from Grade
11 Erasmus. After weeks of thinking how to reach her out, he finally took
the courage of sending her a private message in Messenger. In his
message, he introduced himself and told her that he cannot sleep soundly
in the previous days because of constantly thinking of her. Unfortunately,
the girl only had his message "Seen 8:45 PM". Jason received no reply at
all. What model of communication does the situation exhibit?
A. A Linear Model C. Interactive Model
B. Transactional Model D. Intergalactic Model

53. BNSHI School Principal Ma'am Ybañez announced during the flag
ceremony that there will be no class on Friday. Later in the afternoon, she
issued a memorandum by classroom and had it posted on the
announcement boards. What dimension of communication was being
exhibited in these situations?
A. Intentional - Unintentional Communication
B. Oral- Written Communication
C.Verbal - Non-Verbal Communication
D.Formal - Informal Communication

54. Diego is done from his basketball training. He went to his classroom tired
and sweaty. As he removed his shoes, some of his classmates covered
their nose. One of his classmates uttered "What's that smell?" What
dimension of communication was being exhibited in these situations?
A. A Intentional - Unintentional Communication
B. Oral Written Communication
C.Verbal - Non-Verbal Communication
D.Formal - Informal Communication

55. One of the qualities of a good and competent communicator is being

CLEAR and CORRECT. While introducing the next speaker, you
mistakenly pronounced his name. How would you correct the given
A. I will promise myself not to commit the same mistake again.
B. I will say sorry to the speaker and give him a hug and a tap in the
C.I will leave it there because what happened already happened.
D.I will take responsibility and acknowledge once again the correct
name of the speaker right away.

56. Age is one of the factors in Intercultural Communication. It denotes that

people with the same age can easily adapt to themselves while
communicating because of having the same fields of experience. However,
people in different age gaps find it hard to connect with each other thus
creates a
A. Generation Gap C. Age Gap
B. Mental Gap D. Physical Gap

57. Frozen Speech Style is having a quality that is static, ritualistic, and may
even be archaic and symbolic. This speech style do not easily change.
Which among the following is an example of Frozen Speech Style?
A. Panatang Makabayan
B. a commencement speech
C.The President's SONA
D.Opening remarks

58. Which of the following situations pertains to a public communication?

A. You provided comfort to your friend.
B. You regret of what you have done.
C.You deliver a graduation speech to your batch.
D.You are a student journalist articulating your stand.

59. Dyadic Communication could be in the following forms, except;

A. Writing Letters C. telephone Conversation

B. Journal Entry D. Online Chatting

60. Which of the following statements is the speaker making a commitment?

A. "I checked her Facebook profile yesterday!"
B. "I'm in love and I'm happy!"
C."I promise to love you for better or for worse."
D.“I think following my suggestions will get us high grade”

61. Sermons of the priests, State of the Nation Address of the President,
Formal Speeches or pronouncements by judges are examples of?
A. Intimate C. Formal
B. casual D. Frozen

62. The following are strategies for improving intrapersonal communication,

A. be aware of your thoughts, both positive and negative
B. choose the better and positive thoughts
C.rely on the negative thoughts to come up with ideas and solutions to
D.take action by consciously engaging in positive thoughts

63. Which of the following is NOT acceptable in business writing?

A. Due to the bad weather, classes at all levels have been put off.
B. Due to the inclement weather, classes at all levels have been
C.Classes at all levels are suspended today, January 3, 2018, because
of the typhoon.
D.Classes at all levels are suspended today, March 3, 2018, due to the
extreme weather condition.

64. During a group planning session on waste segregation, barangay officials

started arguing and talking all at the same time. Hence, they did not arrive
at clear plans. What communication strategy did they fail to employ?
A. Turn-taking C. Topic control
B. Termination D. Topic shifting

65. Ms. Thalle will deliver a lecture on the importance of recycling to a group
o farmers and fisher folks. She has decided to revise the presentation
which she delivered to senior high school students in the city. Which of the
following explains her decision?
A. Context and audience affect message
B. Message changes depending on topic
C.Delivery depends on work environment
D.Speaker roles and responsibilities change

66. Anton is preparing a persuasive speech on the need to save local lakes
and rivers. Which topic should he expand to present a convincing speech?
A. Types of water pollutants
B. Map of local lakes and rivers
C.Effects of polluted water sources
D.List of environmental organizations

67. A student writes a follow-up letter to her letter of request. What will be an
appropriate beginning?
A. It's pretty wonderful how you responded promptly to my letter.
B. I truly appreciate the attention you gave my letter through mail
C.May I appeal for a reconsideration of my request for your help?
D.May the Lord find you in good health when you open this letter.

68. Ms. Merry is a youth environmentalist. She was invited to deliver an

informal talk during a Barangay Assembly on proper waste disposal in the
community. Which of the following statements in her talk do you think is the
LEAST relevant?
A. "Minimize the use of plastic products".
B. "Keep the streetlights well maintained".
C."Follow the dictum: Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce".
D."Segregate the wastes: Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable".

69. Which of Ms. Merry's statements reflects an effective use of alliteration for
retention of her intended message?
A. "Minimize the use of plastic products".
B. "Keep the streetlights well-maintained".
C. "Follow the dictum; Reuse, Recycle, and Reduce”.
D. "Segregate the wastes: Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable".

For items 70-71, read the passage below and answer the questions that
"More than twenty years ago, the world united to condemn and
mobilize against the use of children in armed conflict. Since then,
thousands of children have been released as a result of Action Plans
mandated by the UN Security Council and other actions aimed at
ending and preventing recruitment and use of children by armed
forces and groups. However, serious challenges for the protection of
children affected by armed conflict remain."
(taken from "Children and Armed Conflict",

70. What problem is discussed in the given passage?

A. Condemnation against child abuse

B. Action plans of UN Security Council
C.Release of children in armed conflict
D.Lack of child protection in armed conflict

71. Based on the selection, whose responsibility is child protection?

A. UN Security Council
B. People all over the world
C.UN Action Plans Committee
D.Armed forces and groups in conflict

72. Which work of Dr. Jose P. Rizal may have a close relation with the
revolution which he condemned?
A. Noli Me Tangere
B. El Filibusterismo
C.To the Women of Malolos
D.The Philippines a Century Hence

73. Which of the following communication activities best demonstrates the

transactional model of communication?
A. Writing a letter C. Delivering a sales pitch
B. Listening to a lecture D. Conversing with a friend

74. You would like to negotiate the deadline set by your manager. Which of
the following would most likely help you succeed in asking for an extension
of the deadline?
A. Ask her questions about the project.
B. Persuade her relentlessly to change her mind.
C.Lobby for an improved quality given an extended deadline.
D.Maintain eye contact with her all throughout the negotiation.

75. A customer was very disappointed with the product she bought from your
company. Since you are the customer service representative, you have to
talk to the customer. Which of the following would be best to pacify the
A. Offer her the solution to her problem right away.
B. Defend the quality of your product to the customer.
C.Listen to her concern first and sympathize with the customer.
D.Ask her to talk to the manager to address her concern immediately.

76. The topic sentence of a paragraph says, "Good landscaping helps keep a
house cool". What would happen if a house landscaped has no grass and
plants around it?
A. It would look empty. C. It would make one feel sad.
B. It would be hot and warm. D. It would be fresh and breezy.

77. Which sentence uses the most appropriate signal words?
A. Although Miguelito wanted to join the varsity, he fell off the stairs, and
his parents did not allow him.
B. Miguelito's parents did not allow him to join the varsity team of the
college; moreover, he fell off the stairs.
C.Miguelito wanted to join the varsity team of the college. His parents
did not allow him; on the contrary, he fell off the stairs.
D.Miguelito wanted to join the varsity team of the college; however, his
parents did not allow him to join because he fell off the stairs.

78. Which of the following is the formal way of saying, "Wanna hang out with
A. Want to join us?
B. Do you like to join us?
C.Want to hang out with us?
D.Would you like to spend time with us?

79. Which of the following should be given important consideration when

taking down notes for an unprepared speech?
A. Points which are logically sequenced
B. Points which include important details
C.Points which are grammatically correct
D.Points which are expressed in parallel forms

80. If you were to arrange the following statements into a conversation which
would be the best sequence?
1. "Well, it depends on how you take it."
2. "Have you heard the news?"
3. "Teacher Dina is extending the deadline but she is adding more
guide questions to answer."
4. "Is it good or bad?"
A. 1-2-3-4 C. 3-4-2-1
B. 2-4-1-3 D. 4-2-1-3

81. You were asked to speak to a Barangay about the benefits of having an
urban garden and the means to start up their own. Which of the following
statements do you find most informative for your audience who are
unfamiliar with the topic?
A. Urban gardening is the future of sustainable food production. It is a
fast- growing trend in many cities.
B. My mother is happy that she does not have to buy herbs (ginger,
onion, tomato) anymore for her cooking.

C.Urban gardening is easy to maintain and it does not require a big
space to build. All you will need are small pots and some seeds.
D.The United States boasts of the popularity of urban gardens in such
cities as Austin, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and New York City.

82. You are asked to talk about blogging as a hobby. With what kind of
audience will this statement below work?
"As you are all probably aware, most bloggers struggle with how to
publish new content consistently. A committed blogger should not just
publish 'whenever you like it' but write and share on a predictable and
fixed schedule."
A. Expert audience C. Neutral audience
B. Hostile audience D. Uninformed audience

83. During your talk, you realize that your audience does not have the
patience to sit through a long lecture. They seem to be more interested in
knowing what they would get out of it and what would be most beneficial for
them. What should you consider in writing your speech?
A. Be brief and focus on the essential information only.
B. Provide a thorough background of the topic and give them new ideas.
C.Explain why your talk is important and what you expect them to do
D.Begin by having them raise questions and answering their questions
in your talk.

84. When you are sick but you do not want to get confined in the hospital, you
can be discharged though it is against the doctor's advice. However, you
will need to sign a form saying "Home Against Medical Advice" (HAMAD).
Who is most likely to do HAMAD?
A. A nurse C. A patient
B. A doctor D. A surgeon

85. A paraphrase, a précis, and a summary are three writing tasks done for
specific purposes. Which of the following correctly describes each of the
writing tasks?
A. A paraphrase translates the original text into your own words; a
précis shortens the text to its most basic idea; and a summary
expands the original text.
B. A paraphrase interprets the original in full into your own words; a
précis reduces the paraphrase to its barest essential; and a summary
expands the main points of the précisé.
C.A paraphrase expresses the original text into your own idiom; a précis
turns into a brief statement the longer text; and a summary reduces
the paraphrase into a shorter statement.

D. A paraphrase restates the original text in full; a précis makes a very
short summary of the main points of the text; and a summary turns
the original text into a brief statement of its main points.

86. In writing a review, the reviewer has this to say: "So now I know better
when it comes to musicals (and bands and art installations and indie films).
I'll never again shell out big bucks for a performance I haven't researched
with professional critics as opposed to just professionals. And friends of
professionals." [Source:
and-review- bad-books/]
What statement gives the best interpretation of the reviewer's
A. The reviewer does not like musicals and indie films.
B. The show was good even if the ticket was expensive.
C.The feedback of friends was thorough and well-researched.
D.The professional review is a good guide for going to a show.

87. Study the advertisement below, then, answer the question that follows.
"Be fab, not drab! Fresh and natural new look for every teen this summer!
Capture the vibrant youthful glow of summer with watermelon red lipstick,
melon shade foundation, and fruity shades eye shadow for only P599. Grab
these hot limited edition items now!"
Which of the following sets of words implies the target audience of this
A. Fab, drab, natural C. Summer, fruity, hot
B. New, vibrant, glow D. Teen, youthful, vibrant

88. A student says, "Ma'am, could you please look at my survey questions?
I'm not sure if I wrote them correctly?" What style of communication did the
student use?
A. Casual style C. Intimate style
B. Frozen style D. Consultative style

89. As a candidate for a position in the student government, you are to deliver
a campaign speech. Which speeches style should you use?
A. Casual C. Frozen
B. Formal D. Intimate

90. Your teacher sat with you and your friends during lunch. It was an
interesting conversation, but you wanted to end it because you have other
things to do. Which of the following communication strategies would you
A. Topic control C. Topic restriction
B. Topic shifting D. Topic termination

For items 91-92, read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
"Meaningful long-term alleviation of hunger is rooted in the alleviation
of poverty, as poverty leads to hunger. World hunger is a terrible
symptom of world poverty. If efforts are only directed at providing food,
or improving food production or distribution, then the structural root
causes that create hunger, poverty and dependency would still
remain." (Taken from "World Hunger and Poverty", in

91. What general idea is associated with producing, distributing, and

providing food?
A. Hunger C. World symptom
B. Poverty D. Structural causes

92. Which of the following sentences from the passage shows cause and
A. Poverty leads to hunger.
B. The world depends on food.
C.World hunger is a terrible symptom.
D.Poverty and dependence would still remain.

93. Read the paragraph below.

The students of Ms. Dela Cruz, a speech teacher, complained to the
principal about the teacher's habit of embarrassing students in class by
speaking to them using foul language whenever they mispronounced
sounds during their drills. After being summoned by the principal, Ms. Dela
Cruz showed positive changes in her dealings with her students. Source:
Other than the change in behavior, what should the teacher do to address
the observed communication barrier in class?
A. Understand the needs of her students.
B. Pre-assess student's pronunciation skills.
C.Seek the advice of others before communicating.
D.Take adequate care of her language when she speaks.

94. If you want to differentiate between two concepts or objects, what graphic
organizer is best to use?
A. List C. Bubble chart
B. Topic outline D. Venn diagram

95. Shandy was ecstatic while sharing to Jeric about what happened to her
day. Suddenly, Jeric interrupted her by saying, "Did you find my phone?"

Shandy replied, "Yeah, right", and then she turned her back and walked
away. How were the ideas arranged in the given scenario?
A. Enumeration C. Problem-solution
B. Chronological D. Cause and effect

96. Global warming is a phenomenon caused by man or nature. It is

worsened by human activities like deforestation and denudation resulting to
soil erosion, flood, landslide and mudslide. Based on the passage, how can
human beings help to minimize global warming?
A. A Tree planting projects
B. Use of social media for advocacy
C.Advertisement and mass campaign
D.Proper waste disposal and management

97. Sa ginagawang pananaliksik ng inyong pangkat, sinabi ng inyong guro na

suriin ang inyong paksang napili upang matiyak na maisasakatuparan ito
bilang isang ganap na pananaliksik na may ambag sa lipunan. Paano
ninyo ito susuriin?
A. Susuriin ang paksa kung ito ay kawili-wili.
B. Susuriin ang paksa kung ito ay napapanahon.
C.Susuriin ang paksa kung ito ay may solusyon sa suliranin.
D.Susuriin ang paksa kung kayang tapusin sa tiyak na panahon.

98. "Baka hindi ako makarating sa kaarawan mo." Ano ang layunin ng
nagsasali sa kanyang pahayag?
A. Humihingi siya ng paumanhin sa kaibigan.
B. Sigurado siya na dadalo sa karawan ng kaibigan.
C.Hindi siya sigurado na dadalo sa kaarawan ng kaibigan.
D.Nag-aalala siya na hindi makadadalo sa kaarawan ng kaibigan.

99. Habang ikaw ay nagtatalumpati sa harap ng madla, nakalimutan mo ang

susunod mong sasabihin. Upang ipakita na ikaw ay may kakayahang
estratehiko, ano ang marapat mong gawin?
A. Ililihis nang kaunti ang paksa.
B. Hihinto muna sandali at mag-iisip.
C.Tatapusin agad ang pagtatalumpati.
D.Mabilis na aangkupan ng salita kaugnay pa rin ng paksa.

100. Inaatasan kayo ng inyong guro na magsagawa ng isang pananaliksik.

Ano ang unang hakbang na inyong gagawin sa pagbuo nito?
A. Mangalap ng datos
B. Magsagawa ng obserbasyon
C.Pumili ng mahusay na paksa
D.Unawain nang masusi ang paksa

101. Ang mga tao sa buong mundo ay nagkakaindtindihan at
nakakapagpahayag ng saloobin sa kabila ng iba’t ibang kultura. Alin sa
sumusunod ang ginagamit ng tao upang makipagkomukasyon sa iba?
A. Simbolo C. Wika
B. b. Salita D. Pangungusap

102. Alin sa sumusunod ang hindi kahulugan ng wika?

A. sisitema ng tunog o sagisag na ginagamit ng tao sa komunikasyon
B. hadlang sa pakikipag- ugnayan sa kanyang kapwa tao
C.masistemang balangkas ng mga sinasalitang tunog
D.isang lakas at makataong pamamaraan ng paghahatid ng mga
kaisipan, damdamin,at hangarin

103. Si Ana ay tubong Mindanao ngunit marunong siyang magsalita ng Ingles

at Cebuano. Masasabi ba nating si Ana ay Monolingguwal?
A. Oo C. lahat ay tama
B. Hindi D. walang tamang sagot

104. Kompletohin ang katangian ng taong bilingguwal sa pamamagitan ng

pagpili sa mga sumusunod na katangian.
A. Ang taong bilingguwal ay may kakayahang gumamit ng dalawang
wika nang may kaalaman
B. Ang taong bilingguwal ay may kakaya hang gumamit ng dalawang
wika nang may kahusayan
C.Ang taong bilingguwal ay may kakayahang gumamit ng dalawang
wika nang may kasipagan
D.Ang taong bilingguwal ay may kakayahang gumamit ng dalawang
wika nang may kababawan

105. Si Kuya Kim Atienza ay isa sa mga sikat na weather forcaster na kilala
ng mga tagapanood sa kanyang linyang, “Ang buhay ay weather- weather
A. Etnolek C. Sosyolek
B. Dayalek D. Idyolek

106. Napadaan si Manoy sa isang tindahan ng marinig niya ang usapan ng

mga kabataan. Ang mga salitang, mobile legend, player, at gems ay ilan
lamang sa mga salitang narinig niya at dahil dito nalaman niya na sila pala
ay online players. Ang mga salitang nabanggit ay tumutukoy sa
A. Coño C. Sosyolek
B. Jejemon D. Register

107. Si Dan at ang kanyang mga kaklase ay pumunta sa isang sikat na
Museum. Habang sila ay nasa loob, pinagsabihan muna sila ng kanilang
guro kung ano ang dapat and hindi dapat gawin sa loob ng museum. Ano
ang gamit ng wika sa ibinigay na sitwasyon?
A. Instrumental C. Imahinatibo
B. Heuristik D. Regulatori

108. Suriin sa sumusunod na sitwasyon kung alin ang nagpapakita ng

paggamit ng wikang interaksiyonal sa lipunan.
A. “Walang pasok bukas” C. “Oy, kamusta ka na?”
B. “Subrang sakit” D. “Walang kukuha ng litrato”

109. Ano ang kinakatawan ng acronym na KWF na siyang pangunahing

ahensiya ng pamahalaan na binuo upang magsagawa ng mga
pananaliksik, paglilinang, pagpapalaganap, at pagpapaunlad ng Filipino at
iba pang wika sa bansa. Piliin ang tamang sagot.
A. Kawanihan ng Wikang Filipino
B. Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino
C.Kaukulang Wikang Filipino
D.Kongregasyong ng Wikang Filipino

110. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi nagpapakita ng modernisasyon ng

komunikasyon sa mga makabagong Pilipino?
A. Paggamit ng internet
B. Paggamit ng cellphone
C.Paggamit ng Facebook
D.Pagpapadala ng sulat

111. Sa konseptong ito ng wika, iba-iba ang gamit, layunin at gumagamit.

A. Heterogenous C. Barayti
B. Homogenous D. Register

112. Alin sa sumusunod ang nagsasaad ng impluwensya ng teknolohiya sa

A. Pinadadali nito ang paghahatid ng berbal na mensahe sa
pamamagitan ng midya.
B. Nakakuha ng mga kuro kurong impormasyon
C.Nakahahanap ng kaibigan
D.Pampalipas oras

113. Binibigyang pansin ng hakbang ito sa pananaliksik ang pagsasatama ng

isinulat ng nilalaman at gayundin ang baybay, bantas at wastong gamit ng
salita. Ano ang tawag dito?
A. Pagwawasto at pagrebisa

B. Pinal na balangkas
C.Paglalahad ng layunin
D.Pagsulat ng Pinal na Pananaliksik

114. Anong bahagi ng sanaysay ang inilalahad ang mga kuro-kuro o opinion
sa isang mahalagang isyu o paksa sa lipunan?
A. Gitna C. Panimula
B. Wakas D. Ilalim

115. Kung ikaw ay ipapasulat ng isang sanaysay tungkol sa kasalukuyang

isyu sa kalagayang Kultural at panlipunan ng Pilipinas, ano ang dapat
mong isaalang alang bago mo isulat ang iyong paksa?
A. a.humingi ng tulong sa kaklase at siya ang ipasulat
B. magsaliksik sa internet at copy paste ito
C.gamitin ang wastong gabay sa pananliksik mula sa pagtukoy sa
D.magpapotokapi sa sa sanaysay ng katabi

116. Isang uri ng babasahing di-piksyon na naglalayong magbigay ng

impormasyon o magpaliwanag nang malinaw at walang pagkiling tungkol
sa iba’t ibang paksa.
A. Tekstong Impormatibo
B. Tekstong Kababalaghan
C.Tekstong di-impormatibo
D.Tekstong Kapanipaniwala

117. Bilang mag-aaral, paano mo maipapahag ang mga impormasyong

inilahad sa tekstong binasa?
A. Ipakalat gamit ang social media
B. Paglalahad sa totoong pangyayari
C.Pag-uulat ng impormasyon
D.Lahat na nabanggit

118. Maraming pag-aaklas ang naganap sa ating bansa laban sa

mananakop. Iba’t iba rin ang dahilan sa mga pag-aaklas na ito. Gustong
malaman ni Carol ang istorya sa likod ng pinakahabang pag-aaklas sa
kasaysayan ng Pilipinas - Ang Pag- aaklas ni Dagohoy sa Bohol. Anong
uri ng tekstong impormatibo nabibilang ang binabasa ng tauhan sa
A. Paglalahad ng Totoong Pangyayari/Pangkasaysayan
B. Pag-uulat Pang-impormasyon

119. Kung sakaling ikaw o isa sa mga kapamilya o malapit na kaibigan mo
ang magiging biktima ng cyberbullying, ano-ano ang gagawin mo o ninyo
upang mapigilan ang ganitong uri ng pang-aabuso at mapanagot ang
taong gumagawa nito?
A. Ilihim para hindi mapahiya.
B. E report sa pulisya at patawan ng kaukulang kaso ang nagpasimuno
C.Sugurin at awayin ang nambibiktima.
D.Hayaan at baliwalain ang cyberbullying para iwas problema.

120. Paano mo mahikayat ang mga mambabasa o tagapakinig tungkol sa

isyung nasa ibaba.“Kahalagahan ng Pag-aaral o Edukasyon Tungo sa
Pag-unlad ng Bansa.”
A. Malaki ang impluwensya sa teknolohiya ngayon, kaya pweding
gumamit ng social media para hikayat ang kabataan na pahalagahan
ang pag-aaral sa pamamagitan ng pagpapakita ng mga videos at
mga babasahin kung ano ang mangyayari sa hinaharap kung sila ay
nakapagtapos ng pag-aaral.
B. Pagalitan ang mga kabataan para madisiplina.
C.Hikayatin ang mga kabataan e enjoy lang buhay habang bata pa.
D.Isulong ang batas na maparusahan ang mga kabataang ayaw mag-

121. Talino ang puhunan ng tao para sa kanyang pakikipagsapalaran sa

buhay na kailangang mahasa para sa kanyang sariling kabutihan at
A. Silohismo C. Lohikal
B. Pasaklaw D. Pabuod

Para sa bilang 122

Lumabas sa imbestigasyon ng Commision of Human Rights (CHR) ng
Negros Occidental na ang isang mag-aaral, na nasa Baitang-8 na si Eric
Hain Demafeliz ng Bago City, ay nagpatiwakal dahil sa Cyberbullying.
Sa pagbisita ng imbestigador ng CHR-Negros Occidental na si G.Vincent
Parra, napag-alaman nitong inakusahan si Demafeliz ng pagnanakaw ng
Computer Tablet ng kanyang kaklase. Ipinakita ng gurong-tagapayo ang
larawang kinuha mula sa isang social media site kung saan may mga
mensahe ng pag-akusa kay Demafeliz.

- Halaw mula sa

122. Ano ang mabisang paraan ng pagpapahayag sa reaksyong papel
tungkol sa isyung nabasa sa taas?

A. Sa tingin ko, hindi sapat na dahilan na paratangan si Demafeliz ng
mga estudyanteng mga mensahing hindi kanais-nais na nagdulot
ngkanyang pagkitil sa buhay.
B. Sa pagbisita ng imbestigador ng CHR-Negros Occidental na si
G.Vincent Parra,napag-alaman nitong inakusahan si Demafeliz ng
pagnanakaw ng Computer Tablet ng kanyang kaklase.
C. Lumabas sa imbestigasyon ng Commision of Human Rights (CHR)
ng Negros Occidental na ang isang mag-aaral, na nasa Baitang-8
na si Eric Hain Demafeliz ng Bago City, ay nagpatiwakal dahil sa
D. napag-alaman nitong inakusahan si Demafeliz ng pagnanakaw ng
Computer Tablet ng kanyang kaklase

123. Aling pahayag ang naglalahad ng katangian ng tekstong naratibo?

A. Sumusuporta sa isang punto o nagpapahayag ng pangunahing ideya.
B. Nagtataglay ng mga tiyak na detalye ng mga obserbasyon sa tao,
lugar o pangyayari.
C.Sinaliksik at pinag-aralan ang mga impormasyong inilalahad.
D.Nagtataglay ng personal na karanasan ng mga sangkot na tauhan.

124. Uri ng teksto naglalahad ng serye o mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang

gawain upang matamo ang mga inaasahan.
A. Exspiremental C. Deskriptibo
B. Prosidyural D. Argumentibo

125. Uri ng tekstong prosidyural na nagbibigay ng panuto sa mga

mambabasa kung paano magluto.
A. Paraan ng pagluluto C. Kagamitan
B. Panuto D. Resulta

126. Sa tauhang ito ng tekstong naratibo, umiikot ang pangyayari ng kwento.

A. Pangunahin Tauhan C. Kasamang Tauhan
B. Katunggaling Tauhan D. Ang May-akda

127. Tukuyin kung anong propaganda device ang ginamit sa patalastas na

A. Card Tracking C. Transfer
B. Band Wagon D.Use

Mga Tip upang Maiwasan ang Identity Pagnanakaw

 Manood ng mga shoulder-surfers. Kapag nagpapasok ng
numero ng PIN o numero ng credit card sa isang makina ng
ATM, sa booth ng telepono, o kahit na sa isang computer sa
trabaho, alamin kung sino ang nasa malapit at tiyaking walang

sinumang nagpuputol sa iyong balikat upang gumawa ng tala ng
mga key ikaw ay pagpindot.
 Mangailangan ng verification ng larawan ID. Sa halip na
mag-sign sa likod ng iyong mga credit card, maaari mong isulat
ang "Tingnan ang ID ng Larawan".
 Ihagis ang lahat. Huwag magtapon ng mga resibo ng credit
card o anumang mapagkukunan ng impormasyon sa iyong
mga accounts.
 Nangangailangan ng 2- factor authentication sa mga
pinansiyal at social media account. Magdagdag ng dagdag
na layer ng seguridad sa iyong mga personal na online na
account na regular mong nag-sign in gamit ang isang email
address / username at password.

128. Batay sa prosidyural na nabasa sa taas, paano ito makakatulong sa iyo?

A. Maiwasan ang pag ka hack ng iyong mga accounts.
B. Masisira ang iyong imaheng pinapangalagaan.
C.Magagamit ng kahit sino ang iyong pagkatao.
D.Marami kang makikilalang personalidad.

129. Sino ang dapat maka alam ng procedyural na ito?

A. Mga matatanda C. Party goers
B. Mga kabataan D. Lahat ng tao

130. Kung ikaw ang tatanungin, ano ang maidaragdag mo na tip sa tekstong
A. Ibahagi sa iyong mga kaibigan ang password ng iyong mga accounts.
B. Gawing pribado ang settings ng iyong mga accounts.
C.Huwag maki alam sa kapaligiran. Magfocus lamang sa ibang bagay.
D.E post sa social media ang lahat ng galaw para IN ka.

131. Ang pagsulat na ito ay sumasaklaw sa mga sulating inihanda ng isang

mag- aaral kaugnay sa kanyang pag-aaral gaya ng report, reaksyong
papel, konseptong papel, jornal at pamanahong papel.
A. Akademik C. Teknikal
B. Jornalistik D. Referensyal

132. Ang larangang ito ng pagsulat ay sumasaklaw sa paghahanda ng mga

sulating may kinalaman sa komersyo o empleyo.
A. Jornalistik C. Teknikal
B. Akademik D. Referensyal

133. Ito ang mga katangian ng pagsulat ng Teknikal Bokasyunal na sulatin


A. Malinaw C. Maligoy
B. Maunawaan D. Kumpleto

134. Ang mga sumusunod ay gamit ng Teknikal Bokasyunal na sulatin

A. Upang magbigay ng kailangang impormasyon
B. Upang maging batayan sa desisyon ng namamahala
C.Upang magpaliwanag ng mga teknik o paraan sa paggawa
D.Upang magtamo ng mataas na marka sa akademiko

135. Tumutukoy ito sa isang sanaysay batay sa tunay na pangyayari na

isinusulat upang manlibang, magpabatid o makipagtalo.
A. Akademik C. Bokasyunal
B. Lathalain D. Jornalistik

136. Isa itong intelektwal na pagsulat. Ang gawaing ito ay nakakatulong sa

pagpapataas ng kaalaman ng isang indibidwal sa iba’t ibang larangan.
Ayon kay Carmelita Alejo Layunin nitong ipakita ang resulta sa
pagsisiyasat o ng isang ginawang pananaliksik.
A. Malikhain C. Akademiko
B. Teknikal D. Reperensyal

137. Sulating may kinalaman sa isang tiyak na larangang natutuhan sa

akademya o paaralan. Sulatin ito hinggil sa napiling propesyon o bokasyon
ng isang tao. Halimbawa sa guro, pagsulat ng lesson plan, paggawa at
pagsusuri ng kurikulum, para sa doctor o nars – paggawa ng medical
report, narrative report tungkol sa physical examination sa pasyente at iba
A. Malikhain C.Dyornalistik
B. Propesyonal D. Teknikal

138. Ang pagkakaroon ng isang tiyak at maganda na tema ng isusulat ay

isang magandang simula dahil dito iikot ang buong sulatin. Kailangan na
magkaroo ng sapat na kaalaman sa paksang isusulat upang maging
makabuluhan, at wasto ang mga datos na ilalagay sa akda o
komposisyong susulatin.
A. Paksa C.Layunin
B. Wika D.Pamamaraan ng Pagsulat

139. Taglay ng manunulat ang kakayahang mag-analisa upang masuri ang

mga datos na mahalaga o hindi na impormasyon na ilalapat sa pagsulat.
Kailangang makatuwiran ang paghahatol upang makabuo ng malinaw at
mabisang pagpapaliwanag at maging obhetibo sa sulating ilalahad.
A. Paksa C.Layunin

B. Wika D.Kasanayang Pampag-iisip

140. Ang pangunahing layunin nito ay magbigay ng bagong impormasyon o

kabatiran sa mga mambabasa.
A. Naratibo C.Impormatibo
B. Ekspresibo D.Argumentatibo

141. Ang pangunahing pakay ng pagsulat ay maglarawan ng katangian,

anyo, hugis ng mga bagay o pangyayari batay sa mga nakikita, naririnig,
natunghayan, naranasan at nasaksihan.Ito’y maaaring obhitibo at
A. Argumentatibo C.Ekspresibo
B. Naratibo D.Deskriptibo

142. Nililinang dito ang mga kasanayan at natutuhan ang mga kaalamang
kaugnay ng larangang pinagkakadulubhasaan. Kasanayan sa pagbasa,
pakikinig, pagsasalita, panonood, at pagsulat ang napauunlad sa
pagsasagawa ng mga gawain sa larangan. Analisis, panunuring kritikal,
pananaliksik, at eksperimentasyon ang mga isinasagawa rito.
A. opisina C.librari
B. akademiya D.entablado

143. Mahalaga ang tunay at pawang katotohanan na mga impormasyon.

Iwasan ang mga pahayag na batay sa aking pananaw o ayon sa aming
haka-haka o opinyon.
A. Obhetibo C. Maliwanag at Organisado
B. Pormal D. May Paninindigan

144. Ito ay isang kasanayang naglulundo ng kaisipan at damdaming nais

ipahayag ng tao gamit ang pinakaepektibong midyum ng paghahatid ng
mensahe ang wika.
A. Pakikinig C.Pagsasalita
B. Pagbabasa D.Pagsusulat

145. Sa Ingles ay tinatawag na term paper na karaniwang ginagawa sa

kolehiyo. May ilang nasa sekondaryang antas ang maaaring nakaranas na
ring makagawa ng ganitong sulatin. Ginagawa ito para sa
pangangailangang pang-akademiko.
A. Pamanahong papel C.Konseptong papel
B. Tesis D. Artikulo

146. Ito ay sulating may kinalaman sa pananaliksik at pagtuklas ng isang

manunulat. Ginagawa ito ng isang indibidwal bilang pangangailangan sa

kursong pinag-aaralan o propesiyonal na kwalipikasyon. Ito ay ginagamit
na bahagi ng kursong Batsilyer at Masterado.
A. Posisyong Papel C.Konseptong papel
B. Tesis D. Artikulo

147. Maaaring lamanin ng personal na sanaysay ang mga kalakasan at

kahinaan ng manunulat.Alin sa mga salita sa pangungusap ang
nagpapahayag ng MALI?
A. a.Personal na sanaysay
B. c. Kahinaan ng manunulat
C.b.Kalakasan ng manunulat
D.d.Maaaring lamaning personal na sanaysay

148. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pangungusap ang TAMA na may

kaugnayan sa sanaysay?
A. Parehong may introduksyon, katawan at wakas ang replektibong
sanaysay at lakbay sanaysay?
B. Ang replektibong sanaysay ay personal na sanaysay na tungkol sa
mga nararamdaman, kaugnay ng mga nakikita o naoobserbahan ng
C.Ang lakbay-sanaysay ay mapanuri o kritikal na uri ng sanaysay na
tungkol sa mga naiisip ng manunulat kaugnay sa kanyang nakikita o
D.Seryoso at personal ang paksa ng pormal na sanaysay

149. Tukuyin kung anong bahagi ng replektibong sanaysay ang mga

sumusunod na pangungusap o talata. Hindi ba’t problema rin ang kawalan
ng problema? Sapagkat nakakapag-isip ang isang tao ng
mapagkakaabalahan niya nang hindi nakakapagnilay ng mga kalalabasan
ng piniling aksyon. Napansin kong pinipili at nangyayari ito sa mga taong
maraming biyayang natatanggap at hindi nagamit nang wasto.
A. panimula C. konklusyon
B. katawan D. lagom

150. Inilalahad ang mga paliwanag sa mga natamong aral at mga

A. wakas C. konklusyon
B. katawan D. bionote



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