Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper

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The functions of insulin mainly include the metabolism of the body fuels which are carbohydrates,
proteins and lipids. The complications associated with the disease are due to the macrovascular
changes that mainly occur in the large as well as the medium vessels of the muscles in the human
body. Methods Design, Setting, and Participants: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a
tertiary care hospital among patients attending medicine department. An unhealthy diet which is low
in fiber and high in fat promotes the causation of diabetes. It affects the central nervous system, the
peripheral nervous system, cardiovascular system, renal system as well as the vision of the patients.
Similar findings were reported in a research that was carried out in northern England. Distinguish
between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by comparing and contrasting their definitions, bodily effects,
warning signs, target groups, and current treatments in a table. But due to deficiency of insulin in the
body, the above process was not regulated, and the patient's glucose level rose above the normal, and
there was a buildup of ketone bodies turning the blood acidic hence the low pH. MATERIALS AND
METHODS Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were recorded in type 2 diabetic patients and normal
healthy controls, 72 males in each group, aged 35-55 years using Medspiror (computerized
spirometer). The article also discusses the disparities in diabetes prevention and care, and the need for
community-level interventions. This equates to an active and proactive process being conducted on a
daily basis, on a lifelong duration and involvement of shifting and shared responsibility of diabetes
care tasks, and decision-making between the child and parent (Schilling et al. Encouraging kids to go
outside and play with friends instead of playing video games and sitting in front of the tv every day.
She has become severely depressed and s leeps an average of 14-16 hours a day. This lack of proper
metabolism of glucose leads to high levels of glucose in the blood. On the other hand, in developing
countries, the low socioeconomic groups are basically the labor class who work manually and are
involved in physical work. This diet comprised of higher amounts of “red meat, processed meat,
French fries, high-fat dairy products, refined grains, and sweets and desserts.” The study was
conducted over a 12 year period and it was analyzed that a lower chance of the development of
diabetes type 2 was associated with a “prudent” diet. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Regarding diet, type I is affected by
early life diet whereby its less common in breastfed children who ate solid food later in life, type II,
on the other hand, is influenced by foods high in sugars and low in fiber which often leads to obesity
(American Diabetes Association, 27). The condition of type 2 in a long term can eventually results in
high quantity of sugar circulating into the blood streams. The elevated blood sugar level can lead to
the circulatory disorders or an immune system disorder. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test is also
performed for the group of patients who are suspected of having diabetes but the diagnosis cannot
be confirmed on the basis of the blood glucose levels (Colledge et al 2010).Diabetes Type 2 and
Nutrition Nutritional factors have been associated with the causation of diabetes type 2. Regional
Office For The Western Pacific. (2007). Noncommunicable disease and poverty: The need for pro-
poor strategies. S.l.: Who Regional Office For T. Million people with diabetes in the u.s. 41 million
people with pre-diabetes. This is one of the very common signs of type 2 diabetes. Materials and
Methods: In the current descriptive-analytical study, 20 patients with type 2 diabetes were compared
with 20 matched healthy subjects. Genetics are also considered to raise the risk of diabetes type 2
and it is seen that a person is at a high risk of suffering from diabetes if he has a first degree relative
suffering from the condition. A study that was conducted by Rob Van Dam and his colleagues in the
year 2002 explained the link between nutritional choices and diabetes type 2. Hormones are
important chemical substances that maintain and regulate the activities of the human body. A
reduction in the intake of carbohydrates, sweets, and animal products, in general, is also one of the
treatment plans. The management of Type 2 Diabetes can be very critical if the person is obese. Two
types of nutritional choices were identified and used.
This secretion results in the hyperplasia of the beta cells. The prevalence of the condition is higher in
Hispanic, African American and Native American groups. Furthermore, the beta cells also start
decreasing owing to the inability to compensate for the high levels of insulin due to the resistance
offered by the organs. Its persistence is known to be as high as 12 percent in the cities of the Indian
subcontinent (Colledge et al 2010).Causes Type 2 Diabetes is classified as the most common form of
diabetes. Insulin is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. Glycated hemoglobin is also tested and
this test serves to provide for the average level of glucose for the last two months. New York:
McGraw-Hill Medical.World Health Organization. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.Hales, D. R. (2006).
An invitation to health. The apparently big world is shrinking into a global village as democracy
spreads, western civilizations encroach on other civilizations. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Glucose
builds up in the blood, overflows into the urine. Association of PFTs with HbA1c and duration of
illness in diabetic patients was analyzed by applying Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Sulfonylureas
promote increased production of insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas. The side effects of
immune-suppressive drugs can be very severe and even worse than the disease. The high levels of
glucose in the blood promote the continuous secretion of insulin by the pancreas in the initial phase
of diabetes. From the survey, it is being measured that about 90% of the population is suffering with
diabetes type 2 mellitus and it is more prone to the adult age populations. Va Thong Lien Nhi Tren
B?nh Nhan Gian Do?n Tinh M?ch Ch. These factors are: Family history of diabetics, i.e if. This
condition results owing to the loss of action of insulin on the organs of the human body that is due to
resistance to insulin action. Healthy eating is also required which means eating foods high in fiber
like whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. This has a direct effect on not only children
today but also future children because we know that type 2 diabetes can be genetic. Furthermore, the
World Health Organization put forward the fact that by the year 2030, the number would rise to as
high as 366 million across the globe. Children diagnosed with diabetes faces challenges regarding
treatment, due to their rapid growth and organ maturation, the family's expectation on the child's
abilities as well as adolescents pose a challenge in the management of the disease. In 2014, the
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated that diabetes resulted in 4.9 million deaths. The
World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that diabetes resulted in 1.5 million deaths in 2012,
making it the 8th leading cause of death. (Wikipedia). Similarly, for gestational diabetes, if one
develops gestational diabetes when they are pregnant, they are at risk of developing the type 2
diabetes. But in another article there is prevalence that management is highly effective to reduce the
prevalence of getting cases of diabetes. When an individual is overweight, they are at risk of
contracting the type 2 diabetes which may be involved in the distribution of fats which render a
more essay on type 2 diabetes threat if the fats storage is in the abdomen. It is important to help in
the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Since the pancreas releases a very limited amount of insulin (in
some cases none at all) the glucose which is not assimilated is diverted to the bloodstream to be
excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. Her mother is 65 and has been unable to drive a car for
the past 8 years.
Some of these risks may include family history, environmental factors, and the presence of damaging
immune system cell autoantibodies, dietary factors and geography. This is up from 5,300 children
and adolescences in 2010 and 2011. If you do not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then
go for a native or higher resolution. They are increased weight (obesity), genetics, inactivity, fat
distribution (excess fat in the abdomen), age (above 45 years), race (African Americans, Asian
Americans, and Latinos among other natives), pregnancy, and prediabetes (higher than normal blood
sugar level). This Metabolic disorder causes the body to lose its main source of fuel considering that
the blood contains large amounts of glucose (since diabetic people are usually obese people or people
who have large contents of glucose in their bodies). The functioning of the kidneys is also affected
and uncontrolled diabetes is considered to be a major cause of severe renal disease in the developed
countries (Kumar et al 2005). The levels of glucose in the blood become high in comparison to the
normal range. The researcher of this essay focuses on the analysis of the effectiveness of bariatric
surgery in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients. The exact origin of type one diabetes is not known and
no known way to prevent the disease from occurring. Type II is in adulthood caused by diet, regular
high intake of dietary sugars leads to receptor cells resistance to insulin hence unable to remove
glucose from circulation (American Diabetes Association, 23) What is the difference between type 1
and type 2 diabetes. Sample is in your inbox There is a way to avoid editing or writing from scratch.
Million people with diabetes in the u.s. 41 million people with pre-diabetes. These risk factors may
not evidently cause type 2 diabetes but increase the chances of getting the diseases. Parents should
also bring children to the local parks and community centers to help with physical activity. Increased
urination and increased thirst go hand in hand. However, schools should set aside 30 minutes for
physical activity daily. According to the research, people belonging to the higher socioeconomic
groups had double the risk of having diabetes in comparison to the lower socioeconomic groups. Oral
Glucose Tolerance Test is also performed for the group of patients who are suspected of having
diabetes but the diagnosis cannot be confirmed on the basis of the blood glucose levels (Colledge et
al 2010).Diabetes Type 2 and Nutrition Nutritional factors have been associated with the causation of
diabetes type 2. The role of insulin is to lower and control blood sugar levels so they do not get too
high. This essay focuses on the analysis of a disease, that is called diabetes, that is described as
condition that can no longer be ignored today, as its prevalence has dramatically increase over the
past two decades and is expected to continue rising, particularly in developing countries. Diets
higher in dietary fiber and limiting high sugar and high fat foods with help with a healthy diet. The
toxins that built up i n her body before doctors realized that her kidney had failed left her cognitive
abilities permanently diminished. Different researches have explained the association between
diabetes and socioeconomic status of the people in different parts of the world. A study called The
Framingham Heart Study indicated that patients with Type 2 diabetes have a “2- to 3-fold increase
in heart disease”. Tests Diagnostic tests for diabetes type 2 include urine as well as blood tests.
Order from one of our vetted writers instead Order a paper now Free essays can be submitted by
anyone, so we do not vouch for their quality Want a quality guarantee. Thus, the risk of diabetes is
different in the developed and the developing nations according to the classification of
socioeconomic status (Feinglos et al 2008).TreatmentManaging Your Blood Sugar, Diet and Weight
Control The living patterns as well as the diet of an individual have an influence on the occurrence of
diabetes. This was also seen in a study in Scotland where it was seen that 60 percent of the people
from the lower socioeconomic groups had a susceptibility of having diabetes (Feinglos et al 2008).
This secretion results in the hyperplasia of the beta cells. Furthermore, 54,000 people lose their lives
every year in the United States owing to the pathologies that result due to the development of
And, this number of estimations is quite expected to be increasing in the coming years. The
information of the respiratory system was collected using a chronograph. Type 2 diabetes is in
contrast acquired during the latter stages of an individuals life probably due to an unhealthy
lifestyle. Type I usually starts in childhood and is due to the destruction of the beta cells of the
pancreas by the body's autoimmune system hence no insulin is produced, or production is
insufficient. Furthermore, disruption in the continuity of supply to the distal areas of the limbs can
cause extremity gangrene in the diabetic patients. Microvascular disease tends to alter the structure
and functioning of capillaries that supply organs. This section suffers from an extensive occurrence
of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. This was not true for the “western” diet and this form of diet was
linked with a greater risk for the development of diabetes type 2 (van et al 2002). New England
Journal of Medicine, 18 If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it
published on the thesishelpers. Eventually, diabetes complications may be disabling or even life-
threatening. Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, discussed in the paper accounts the larger proportion of
diabetic cases (90-95%) and is exemplified by insulin resistance. Social factors associated with type 2
diabetes include family history, age, and ethnic background, essay on type 2 diabetes. If you are
using mobile phone, you could also use menu drawer from browser. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. In
2014, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimated that diabetes resulted in 4.9 million
deaths. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that diabetes resulted in 1.5 million deaths
in 2012, making it the 8th leading cause of death. (Wikipedia). These represent the sorts of comments
being made about Homeopathy. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. These
include the intake of carbohydrate from healthy food sources which include fruits, vegetables, and
unrefined grains as well as milk that is not high in fat. All the work should be used in accordance
with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Diabetes has been labeled to be the most common
cause of blindness in the West as well. Hormones are important chemical substances that maintain
and regulate the activities of the human body. Download Free PDF View PDF A COMPARATIVE
Scholar Science Journals Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of dynamic
lung functions in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Scholars can use them for free to gain
inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The vision of the person may also
be affected and the patient may complain of blurring. The impaired insulin secretion in type- 2
diabetes is due to beta-cell dysfunction (DeFronzo, p. The paper will further explain the association
of the condition with socio-economic status, nutrition and the health of the individual (Colledge et
al 2010). Sudden alterations in weight may also be seen with some patients reporting reduction in
their weight while others may present with increased weight. The condition of type 2 in a long term
can eventually results in high quantity of sugar circulating into the blood streams. The elevated blood
sugar level can lead to the circulatory disorders or an immune system disorder. This is accompanied
with a reduction in the secretion of insulin from the pancreas.
Insulin is mainly an anabolic hormone and it also promotes the formation of fatty acids and
triglycerides. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
cheating. Also you. This results in an alteration in the normal blood glucose levels as the normal
metabolism of glucose cannot be achieved. Some complications of type 2 diabetes would include:
heart disease (cardiovascular disease), blindness (retinopathy), nerve damage (neuropathy), and
kidney damage (nephropathy). The two most common types of the condition are Type 1 diabetes
and type 2 diabetes. The more common type is type 2, so the current report focuses mainly on this
type. I know now that she must have actually been pre-diabetic. The irresponsiveness of the organs
to insulin is the first event to occur in type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, the beta cells also start
decreasing owing to the inability to compensate for the high levels of insulin due to the resistance
offered by the organs. But in another article there is prevalence that management is highly effective
to reduce the prevalence of getting cases of diabetes. I was scared that becoming diabetic would
happen to me. Epidemiology There has been a global surge in the number of people who suffer from
diabetes. The prevalence of the condition is higher in Hispanic, African American and Native
American groups. We can write a custom paper on any topic you need. Order now. Request Removal
If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the
thesishelpers. Furthermore, higher consumption of trans-fatty acids and increased intake of alcohol
are also factors that raise the risk of having diabetes (Parillo et al 2004). The information of the
respiratory system was collected using a chronograph. These factors are: Family history of diabetics,
i.e if. By the year 2050 it is estimated that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Breathing exercises to strengthen the respiratory muscle may improve the lung function tests. While I
check this out as part of the solution I make it a point eating foods that replenish my body with high
octane fuel can be considered great benefit for to me. If some or all these symptoms are noticed it is
important to receive medical help before permanent or irreversible damage is done. It highlighted the
fact that the lower socioeconomic groups in this region had a 30 percent higher risk of suffering
from diabetes than the people belonging to better social statuses. The impairment in pulmonary
function was found to be more marked with the duration of diabetes and increased levels of
glycosylated hemoglobin. Minorities aged 15-19 is the largest youth group in the United States
affected by type 2 diabetes. The high levels of glucose in the blood promote the continuous secretion
of insulin by the pancreas in the initial phase of diabetes. It increases the conversion of glucose to
glycogen and therefore, maintains the levels of glucose in the blood. The International Diabetes
Federation Atlas put forward a slight variation in the figures. Diabetes raises the risk of kidney
failure, blindness. Owing to the neuropathy, patients may complain of altered sensations on the distal
part of their limbs (Hales 2006).Diabetes and Health Diabetes mellitus is termed as a syndrome as it
alters the functioning of the other organs of the human body and it is the cause of other pathologies
amongst the patients. The usual symptoms to identify whether if an individual is affected or not
would be the Increased thirst and frequent urination, Extreme hunger, Rapid weight loss, Fatigue,
Blurred vision, Slow healing sores or frequent infections, and in some cases Patches of dark velvety
skin in the folds and creases of Subject’s bodies — usually in the armpits and neck.
It is also vital to provide intensive training on the diabetic patient's caregivers. Now add the
hyperlink to this free e-book in each of the chapters of ones own e-book. By the year 2050 it is
estimated that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. These represent the sorts of
comments being made about Homeopathy. The article also discusses the disparities in diabetes
prevention and care, and the need for community-level interventions. This section suffers from an
extensive occurrence of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. In this, there may have been development in
the management of diabetes as well as decrease in the rates of the complications in diabetes and the
mortality as well. There are various reasons of occurrence of the type 2 diabetes among the
population of United Kingdom. More and more children each year are diagnosed as diabetic and
prediabetic and not only does that affect them but will also affect their children when they get older.
It is being increasing in the year 2014 about 8.9% and it is expected to be increasing in the coming
years ( Colantonio, Werner and Brown, 2020 ). But rrnside your embarrassment you forgot to ask a
really essential question What precisely are hemorrhoids. Something to look at is the link between
diabetes and Cardiovascular disease. Another issue affecting mass screening is that it is not done
regularly and therefore it might not succeed in early prevention on its own Herger et al. Diabetes
type 2 is a pathological condition which is referred to as a syndrome owing to the fact that it affects
most of the important systems of the human body. Signs of insulin resistance such as Acanthosis
nigricans can also be a sign of type 2 diabetes. A reduction in the intake of carbohydrates, sweets,
and animal products, in general, is also one of the treatment plans. Creating awareness of the need
for healthy living by maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis
helps reduce the risk factors linked to diabetes. The study provided similar results that showed that
women who belonged to the lower socioeconomic groups had a higher susceptibility of having
diabetes (World Health Organization 2007). Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.Hales, D. R. (2006). An
invitation to health. Its persistence is known to be as high as 12 percent in the cities of the Indian
subcontinent (Colledge et al 2010).Causes Type 2 Diabetes is classified as the most common form of
diabetes. Urine tests for diabetes type 2 include the testing for the presence of glucose, albumin as
well as ketones in the urine sample. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. From the survey, it is found that
Thailand has recently experienced a major elevation in the prevalence of the type 2 mellitus. Also, the
school nurse can promote healthy eating through school lunches. The main difference between the
first and second strain of diabetes is that the first one occurs in the early phases of an individuals
life, while the latter occurs usually in the later stages. And, in the year 2019, it is described about 1.5
million number of deaths had caused and about 48% of all the deaths was only due to the occurrence
of diabetes in the age of below 70 years. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and
more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The two most common types of
the condition are Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Report this Document Download now Save
Save research paper - diabetes For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 97 views
9 pages Research Paper - Diabetes Uploaded by api-281590163 AI-enhanced title and description Jill
andersen was a young teenager when her mom was diagnosed with diabetes. According to the results
of the current study, a proposal for a program to facilitate or prevent lung function impairment for
these patients is suggested.
Since smoking and alcoholism are some of the risk factors linked to type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to
educate the patients of the importance of quitting. As far as affected individuals are concerned the
best cure is still prevention, and this could be done by living a healthy lifestyle (eating healthy food
and proper exercise), and by taking necessary medication. Scholars can use them for free to gain
inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. It covers the prevalence, impact,
prevention methods, and management of the disease. This results in the reduction of the secretion of
insulin by the beta cells of the pancreas (Kumar et al 2005).Risk Factors There are many risk factors
associated with the causation of diabetes. Regarding diet, type I is affected by early life diet
whereby its less common in breastfed children who ate solid food later in life, type II, on the other
hand, is influenced by foods high in sugars and low in fiber which often leads to obesity (American
Diabetes Association, 27). The administration of alpha glucosidase inhibitors results in reduced
absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract. Looking at anthropometric measures like skin
fold thickness, waist circumference and BMI help access the risk for insulin resistance. It is
important to identify the risk in obese children as early as possible to prevent progression or even
permanent damage. However, schools should set aside 30 minutes for physical activity daily. There
are more children overweight today than ever before. Essay writing remains one of the most
important writing pieces in an academic setting. Find the history of Rezulin if you want to see how
dangerous these drugs can end up being. This will require the diabetes patient to constantly exercise
to burn off excess weight around the abdomen area and to also reduce weight generally for those
considered obese when a BMI (body mass index) is conducted. If you are using mobile phone, you
could also use menu drawer from browser. Tests Diagnostic tests for diabetes type 2 include urine as
well as blood tests. The cause of type 1 diabetes is not known and it is not preventable with current
knowledge. Also, in recent years the American Diabetes Association and The American Heart
Association have released statements that “diabetes is now considered a coronary artery disease risk
equivalent rather than a risk factor. The resistance of insulin in the organs results in the loss of
movement of glucose into the muscles as well as the adipose tissue. Materials and Methods: In the
current descriptive-analytical study, 20 patients with type 2 diabetes were compared with 20
matched healthy subjects. Type 2 diabetes in children has grown significantly over the past two
decades. Order a paper now Request Removal If you are the original author of this essay and no
longer wish to have it published on the. They do not have access to the western diet owing to the
high cost of this form of diet. It is quite important to manage the blood sugar level as managing this
can help to decrease the body fatigue, the major bladder problems. There is comparison within article
which can allow to delivery information about the prevalence of diabetes that is regarding ensure
about the people among within people with diabetes. The condition of type 2 in a long term can
eventually results in high quantity of sugar circulating into the blood streams. The elevated blood
sugar level can lead to the circulatory disorders or an immune system disorder. Furthermore, higher
consumption of trans-fatty acids and increased intake of alcohol are also factors that raise the risk of
having diabetes (Parillo et al 2004). Children diagnosed with diabetes faces challenges regarding
treatment, due to their rapid growth and organ maturation, the family's expectation on the child's
abilities as well as adolescents pose a challenge in the management of the disease. But due to
deficiency of insulin in the body, the above process was not regulated, and the patient's glucose level
rose above the normal, and there was a buildup of ketone bodies turning the blood acidic hence the
low pH. It highlighted the fact that the lower socioeconomic groups in this region had a 30 percent
higher risk of suffering from diabetes than the people belonging to better social statuses. The
disruption in the capillaries of the eye can result in conditions like glaucoma and cataract.

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