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Poem - Haiku

In Kyoto & The Old Pond

Matsuo Basho


Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), is a well-known Japanese poet. He is better known for haiku, the
very short poem having just three lines with seventeen syllables in the sequence 5-7-5. His
works explore the natural world while reflecting on historical and literary concerns. Basho's
poems have been translated from Japanese to many languages. They influenced several major
poets like Ezra Pound. and the poets of the Beat Generation.

Short Answer
1. What is Basho known for?
Basho is Japan’s most famous haiku poet. He is known for making haiku a revered form of

2. Name two poets influenced by Basho?

The American poets such as Ezra Pound and Jack Kerouac were highly influenced by Basho

3. What does the cuckoo symbolise?

The cuckoo’s song is symbolic of renewal and change. It reflects on the cyclical nature of
life; the passing of a pleasant season and arrival of a harsher one.

4. What is the symbolism of the ancient pond?

The old pond is a symbol of the subconscious mind. It is there in everyone. Like the old
pond, it exists in silence.
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1. What is a haiku?
Haiku is a traditional Japanese poem. It consists of three short unrhyming lines with
17 syllables. The first and last lines consist of five syllables each while the middle line
consists of seven syllables. This makes the simple pattern of the haiku as 5-7-5. Originally,
the haiku form was restricted in subject matter to an objective description of nature. It was
suggestive of one of the seasons, that evokes a definite emotional response. Basho elevated
the haiku to a highly refined and conscious art. There are haikus for humour, to raise social
awareness, to evoke emotions, or to reminisce on the past. Haikus are a microcosm of a larger
idea or feeling.

2. Explain nostalgia as an important theme in "In Kyoto".

Matsuo Basho's "In Kyoto" highlights the theme of longing and nostalgia for a
familiar place; a sense of yearning for something you already have. The poet is physically
present in Kyoto, yet he still longs for it. It suggests that the place holds deep emotional
significance to him. The poet employs the auditory image of the cuckoo's song which often
evokes a sense of nostalgia for home in the minds of travellers who hear it. The cuckoo’s
song is symbolic of renewal and change. It reflects on the cyclical nature of life; the passing
of a pleasant season and arrival of a harsher one.

3. How does Basho break away from tradition in "The Old Pond".
Basho’s haiku, “The Old Pond" opens with the image of an old pond, which
represents the continuity or tradition. The frog jumping into the water disrupts the peace of
the pond. It indicates a break in tradition in its metaphorical sense and also in Basho's
depiction of the frog itself. Conventionally, the frogs and their cries are markers of season in
haiku. However, this poem breaks away from the tradition, as the only noise comes from the
frog is that of jumping in the water. It is the water itself that becomes the source of the sound
that disrupts the quiet.

Q. Comment on Basho's contribution to world poetry.

Haiku, a form of Japanese poetry, has earned universal recognition as one of the most
renowned and widely-used Japanese literary forms. It is known for its simplicity and aesthetic
creativity. A haiku consists of just 17 syllables arranged in three lines, each with a specified
number of syllables, 5-7-5. Though the form began as a form of entertainment, haiku has
undergone a transformative evolution, reaching the zenith of artistic expression and aesthetic
The most prominent name associated with haiku is that of Matsuo Basho. His legacy
remains deeply enshrined in the annals of Japanese literature. Basho is widely regarded as the
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most famous poet of the Edo period in Japan. He is best known for his haiku poetry and is
considered the father of the haiku. A master of the 17-syllable form, he composed numerous
poems that captured the beauty of nature and the world around him.
Basho's work is highly regarded for its depth and simplicity. He often used simple
language to evoke powerful emotions and images, a style that has influenced countless poets
since his time. Many of his poems reflect the philosophy of Zen Buddhism. They emphasize
the importance of living in the present moment and appreciating the beauty of the natural
world. His influence on Japanese literature and culture is immeasurable.
Basho’s poems and prose have been studied and admired for centuries. Basho's work
has been translated into numerous languages. His legacy continues to inspire poets and
writers around the world. His haiku in particular has been a source of inspiration for poets
and writers in many cultures.

Prepared by:
(formerly) Associate Professor of English
Panampilly Memorial Govt. College


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