Ifp Midterm Notes

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MODULE 2 LESSON 1 : MOTHER IGNACIA: Our HUMILITY: Pedro Murillo Velarde, the

Model and Inspiration eyewitness biographer of Mother

Ignacia, was most impressed by her
What is living a virtuous life? How do we define
humility. She exhorted her religious
family to the practice of humility in her
In the letter of St. Paul to the Constitutions. But the crowning of her
Philippians, he describes how to live a virtuous own virtue was exemplified when she
life: "My brothers, your thoughts should be voluntarily abdicated her position as
wholly directed to all that is true, all that superior more than ten years before her
deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, death.
admirable, decent, virtuous or worthy of praise"
(4:8).1 HOPE: The virtue of hope lived out by
Mother Ignacia reflects her full trust
A virtue is a habitual and firm and confidence in the God to
disposition to do the good. It allows the person whom she had offered her entire life. In
not only to perform good acts, but to give the this same trust she voluntarily chose a
best of himself. The virtuous person tends life of poverty, to “live by the sweat of
toward the good with all his sensory and her brow” although she still had
spiritual powers; he pursues the good and parents who were materially well-off.
chooses it in concrete actions. (CCC#1803) Her simple and frugal life attracted
 Mother Ignacia’s exemplary life and many to follow her.
virtues are clearly described below:
CHARITY: When Mother Ignacia
FAITH: The virtue of faith implanted in instructed her beatas to “serve God
Ignacia at baptism finds expression in our Lord with all their hearts,” she
her maturing years in her posture of reflected what in her own sense and
seeking and doing the will of the Father. practice were her love for neighbor. Her
“all embracing love in Jesus Christ”
COURAGE: If faith prompted Mother included the less privileged Indians and
Ignacia to seek the Father’s will at all Chinese mestizas as well as Spanish girls
times, this same faith gave her the and ladies in search of spiritual
courage to do it: to overcome all formation and education in her times.
obstacles that stood between her and
the foundation of the religious family Excerpts from the 1726 rules of M.
God had called her to establish. Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, in charity
and ideal community
OBEDIENCE: The life of Mother Ignacia living, II.6- the peacemakers are called
reflected her triple loyalty: to God, to children of God; they are those who live
the Church, and to her fellowmen. In united among themselves with genuine
anticipation of God’s will in her life, she charity, mutually bear with
made herself constantly disposed to shortcomings, and strive to correct each
accept his Will at all times, in all places, other with meekness, not in order to
and under all circumstances. avenge the offense but to avoid that of
Broadened Concept: Drawing from her inner strength and
resources which are themselves
In a papal decree dated July 6, 2007, gifts of God, she followed Christ’s
Pope Benedict XVI accepted the example of service to others.
findings of the prefect of the
Congregation for the Causes of Saints “Mother Ignacia’s vision and example
and declared that the Servant of God are still relevant today.
Ignacia, foundress of the Religious of
the Blessed Virgin Mary, Strange are the ways of God! As we
-is found to possess to a heroic degree retrieve the story of this lowly India, we
the THEOLOGICAL virtues of Faith, Hope begin to realize that in her lowliness
and Charity toward God and neighbor, and humility is found her greatest
as well as the CARDINAL virtues of treasure. Her hidden and humble
Prudence, Justice, Temperance and service was prophetic. It was not a timid
Fortitude. and passive acceptance of trials and



LESSON 2: OTHER IGNACIA’S COMMITMENT TO This is the missionary in Mother Ignacia.

THE LIFE & MISSION OF THE CHURCH And this missionary spirit of Mother
Ignacia is greatly influenced by her
great devotion to the Blessed Mother
 What is commitment in the context of Mary in her radical commitment to do
mission? the will of God that impels her to
humble and courageous, creative and
“Mission” can only be termed as generous service to the Church
such if there is the presence of the especially the poor.
one who sends, the one who is sent
and that there is a task to be

“Mother Ignacia’s perseverance must

have been rooted in the joyful and
loving sharing of the cross of Jesus
Christ. she became creative and 1. What is a missionary?
courageous. M. Ignacia proved that the
-A missionary is someone devoted to
limits of her situations are no obstacles
advancing a specific religious belief or
to doing the will of God. Precisely in
ideology. They undertake a range of
that limited context, she proved the
activities like evangelism, preaching,
power of the gospel.
teaching, offering humanitarian aid,
and founding religious communities in
regions where the faith is new or facing
 Mother Ignacia perceived work as a way
2. Who are called to be a committed
to glorify God, viewing it as an avenue
for individuals to express their
-Committed missionaries are individuals creativity, which she believed was
who are deeply compelled by their bestowed by God, thus seeing work as a
religious or spiritual beliefs to dedicate participation in God's creative process.
themselves to spreading their faith.
They undergo specialized training to  Mother Ignacia understood that by
effectively communicate across cultures being mindful of the divine purpose in
and address the diverse needs of their work, individuals glorify God
communities, regardless of their through their actions, while also
backgrounds or professions. recognizing that work fosters
connections with others, leading to her
apostolic engagements, such as
3. Which among the works and involvement of teaching needlework, which
Mother Ignacia in the Church resounds with empowered women and fostered
your experience? Why? relationships.
-Mother Ignacia del Espiritu Santo, a
Filipina religious sister, established the  Mother Ignacia viewed her work not
Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) to only as a means of supporting herself
focus on education and social services. but also as an avenue to mentor and
Her emphasis on aiding the instill Christian virtues in young girls,
marginalized and impoverished, along using her livelihood as an opportunity
with her leadership and dedication to for educating them in the Christian
her religious vocation, serves as an faith.
inspiration for those seeking to make
meaningful contributions to their  Mother Ignacia perceived the presence
communities and uphold values of of God in both her moments of prayer
social justice and compassion. and in the challenges of her daily work,
recognizing divine presence even in the
struggle to lead a purposeful life.
The Value of Work

 Mother Ignacia stressed that work SOCIAL INTEGRATION: Cultural Differences

should uphold human dignity and be
dedicated to God, cautioning against
seeking human approval over divine Mother Ignacia's recognition of the value of
honor, as Jesus teaches in the Gospel. work represented a pivotal moment for women
in the Philippine Church, leading to the
 Mother Ignacia's perspective on work development of an indigenous religious life that
was imbued with trust and confidence encompassed both India and Spanish women.
in God's abundant mercy and
providence, emphasizing a deeper
spiritual understanding of labor.
As “Cognitive Tribalism”, To counteract
cognitive tribalism and promote unity amidst
diversity, I aim to cultivate an environment of
understanding, empathy, and appreciation for
differing viewpoints, fostering a celebration of
the unique richness each individual contributes
to our collective experience.

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