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Meet Salma
Grade: 11th
Household: Lives with dad
Gender: Female
Interests: Art and nature
GPA: 2.9
Strengths: Loyal friend,
Ethnicity: Latina
responsible, driven, creative
Language at Home:

Potential Protective Potential Barriers

Supportive family Financial Considerations
Identifies being from a First-Generation college
hardworking culture student
Father has a positive Lives with Single father
perception of education Negative self-perception
Goal-driven A-G eligibility
Strong friendships

Theoretical Framework
Broffenbrenner’s Egological Framework
Considers the impact of different environmental systems on a
student’s development and how they might influence career
choices when used in career counseling.
Theory of Circumscription and Compromise
Considers how students navigate their career choices based on self-
efficacy and societal expectations within four stages.

Holland Codes 16 Personalities
Classifies students into six Classifies students into six
personalities based on their personality archetypes based on
interests. their interests.
Salma’s result: Realistic, Artistic, Salma’s result: Adventurer
Takeaways: Although the results don’t exactly align with her career goals,
the assessment results gave discussion points about Salma’s personality,
values, and how she sees herself in a future career.

Key Elements in Sessions

Getting to know the student Education
Strengths & Weaknesses A-G Requirements
Protective Factors & Barriers 4-year vs. Community College
Goals and Aspirations Financial Aid
Self-Perception Options to Change Path
Transcript Review Research
Assessments Pathway for Paleontology
Holland Codes Options in CA for Paleontology
16 Personalities College program/website search
Parent Phone Call Meeting Higher Ed. Team
Goal Formation

Junior Year: Pass all classes with a C or higher, retake D grade and 2 F
grades (in progress).
Fall Senior Year: Apply to at least one 4-year University
Current 4-year Plan: UC Riverside
Current Community College Plan: Santa Ana College
Spring Senior Year: Financial Aid application (early spring) and meeting with
dad and Higher Ed Coordinator about the financial aid package
Use Resources: If she has questions or new ideas about her future, she now
has tools and resources to use.

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