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______ we listened for the news on the radio over the next few hours, we realized we had been lucky in our house. As
_______ the music they make _____ the life are living is a good example of how to be good persons. Both/and
____________they (play) football tomorrow afternoon. Wil they be playing
_________the conference room next Tuesday morning? Will you be using
________the noise got louder and the windows began to rattle I Wasn“t particulary concerned. Even when ________you
_______the car? Will you have been using.
_______plan effectively your work, you need to know how you are doing in that work. In order to
______had he heard about the movement of the soldiers of William, _____he sent envoys to remind him of his oath. No
sooner/than ______the prohibition law came into effect almost ten thousand whales were killed with illegal weapons. By the time
_____people discover my job for the first time, they always ask me for details of the many adventures they assume i have had.
_____you withstand the offers of your friends, you can succeed to be yourself. So long as
____you get your admittance card, you will be directed to the other department to finish the final procedure. Once
According to timetable the plane ________ in London at 11:30. Arrives
After some thinkink I have made a decision. I _____my MBA in France. Am going to do
All midnight tonight, we _______throught the desert. Will still be driving
As our thinking develops, ______ does our view of what is „very good “ or „excellent“ provision. So
At the start of their marriage, they _______ be very happy-but then it all went wrong. Used to
At University, Michael _______study until late at night. Would
Before getting my driving licence, i _________ride a bicycle everywhere. Would
Before World War I the relations among the Europian countries were very bad ____ all were suspicious about others. And
By the time he comes, we __________ with meal. Will have finished
By the time she meets me, I ________ all of her family business. Will have owned.
Do you know whst to buy your dad his birthday. Yes, I hsve been watch. Im going to buy
Do you need some more paper? I ________some. Will get
Don“t worry! I______ for you at the airport. Will be waiting
Great deal! I ________ it tomorrow. “ll do
Great deal! I _______tomorrow. “ll do
Have you heard the news! BHP Billiton ______Rio Tinto. Is going to buy
He ______ have a terrible illnes when he was a child. Used to
He ______ on a business trip next week. His secretary has already made all the reservations. Is going
He ________ with you. Will probably agree
He ______for 10 minutes only when the plane arrives. Will have been waiting
He has just called to say he got stuck in traffic. He ______late. Is going to be
I ______ her this afternoon for some invoice details. Am going to email
I ______ my dentist next Monday. Am seeing
I ______ you my full support in the meeting I promise. Will give
I ______(study) whole tomorrow. Will be studying
I _______ an accountant when I grow up. “m going to be
I _______ the manager tomorrow. His secretary has already made an appointment. Am seeing
I ________ a bit longer for you at the station that day. I am so sorry! Should have waited
I ________ for two hours when i reach the dorm. Will have been walking.
I ________ on the annual report when she arrives tonight. Will be working
I _________ (study) whole day tomorrow. Will be studiing
I _________ by June this year. Then i will quit. Will have worked.
I ___________ a glass of wine, please. “ll have
I ___________ for you outside. “ll wait
I ________on a long holiday as soon I get chance. Am going to go
I _______have piano lessons. Used to
I ______a glass of wine, please. “ll have
I ______for you outside. “ll wait
I ______some friends after work. Everything is set. Am meeting
I _____take you to the airport tomorrow if you need someone to give you a lift. Will take
I applied for the post of sales manager and ____ I have been working in the dispatch department store. Since then
I had not the least thought committing suicide _______ I knew the object of my existence there. Now that
I have been thinkink and I have made a decision. I _______Arabic in Qatar. Am going to study
I hsave spoken to Teddy recenbtly and he has informed me that we ______our overseas operation next year. Are going to expand
I know I _______ the letter earlier today. Could have posted
I think Anna _______soon. Will be getting married
I think he ______here tomorrow. Won”t be
I think I ______ you for a drink after work. Won”t join
I think the Earth _______a lot warmer in 50 years time. Will become
I think we ______an office in Barcelona next year. Will open
I thought I _________ you by then. Will have forgotten
I thouht that _ I got on to the side of the window I could then scramble across the corrugated on to the topa of the wall. If
I_______ my friend in Sicily sometime this year, but I’m not sure when. Am going to visit
I’m sorry I’m late. You _____waiting for a long time. Must have been
If we have no money to take a taxy, we ______on the bus. Will have to get
If you get late again tonight, i ___________for you. So we“re clear. Won“t be waiting
If you tell me your secret, I promise I _______tell anyone! Won”t tell
In June next year, my parents _________for 50 years. Will have been married.
In June, we _______on this project for 2 years. Will have been working
In March we ____ the runways. Will be laying
In the future the company _______ search the world for the best intellectual capital. Will have to
In the future, web conferences _______many international meetings. Will probably replace
It ____ our dog which barked continiously all night, since it was sleeping inside with us. Can”t have been
It is very long flight. I guess she _________ (sleep) all the way to Malaysia. Will be sleeping
It is very long flight. I guesss she _____ (sleep) all the way to Malaysia. Will be sleeping
It”s strange that he hasn”t said any more about his plans to emigrate. Might have changed
Jimmy is upstairs. He ______ his homework. Must be doing
Judging by these figures, we ______ a small loss this year. Are going to make
Just look at these sales figures. We ________ a loss this year. Are going to make
Just look at this traffic! We ______late. Are going to be
Last year, the cash income of crap farmers dropped by 20% ______livestock farm“s cash income rase 6%. as far as
Look at those clouds! It _____. Is going to rain.
Look out if _______. Is going to fall
Marisa ______ in with us on Friday. Is staying
Martina ______the job that she starts next month. Probably won”t like
My parents _______ live in India before I was born. Used to
Nex year, we _______here for 10 years. Will have been living.
Next month, i ________ Turkish for a jear. Will have been learning.
Next year ______ thje company”s centenary year. Will be
No woman had ever had the honour of a university chair at the Sarbonne ____Marie, who was the only one that could hold that
position. Unti
Not until the quests came in, I ran out of sugar and I _______ from my neighbour. Had to borrow
Oh no! Fred”s wallet is lying on the coffe table. Must have left
Over the next decade there _____ a big increase in the use of nuclear power. Will be
She _______ to the theatre this evening. Is going
She ________ from this university ba June. Will have graduated
She _______go out when she was a teenager. Would
She _______to York at the weekend. She has her ticket. Is traveling
She had a little to live on, ____she lived greatly amd happily and worked under her old oil lamp. But
She said it ______ be Tom, he was in the army at that time. Couldn”t
Significant action was taken by countries ______ Canada, wich announced a ban on the sale of computers to Outh African security
forces. Such as
Some people said that children could not distinguish between programming and commercials on television. In addition
Sorry about the confusion. I _______ into it right away. Will look
Sue ______ in Istanbul, but her husband has just been appointed there, so she doesn”t have much choice. Would rather not live
The company _______ everybody bonus for Christmas this year. They have already decided. Is giving
The concert _______ at half past eight. Ends
The ECB _______inflation closely. Is going to monitor
The festival _______ next Sunday. Ends
The film _____ at quarter to nine. Starts
The last train for Manchester ______ at 7:30. Leaves
The managing director hasn”t arrived yet. I _______him right away. Will call
The meeting _______in five minutes. Starts
The Mumbai flight ______ in three hours. Lands
The phone is ringing! I _______ it. “ll answer
The session on small business ______ at nine o”clock. Begins
The way she started, she ______all book from our library by the time the next school year starts. Will have read
There are many doubts about the future of the school ______, families are enroling their children to the school. Even so
There are rumors that the electronics” union _______ on strike. Is going to go
They ________ not eat spicy food when they were young. Would
They ________for two days when i star the trip. Will have been travelling.
They ________to Germany soon. Will be moving
They _______have a huge Doberman called Tiger. Used to
This beach look amazing! I think we _______ this place. Are going to love
This taxi driver is terrible! We ______ late for the meeting. Are going to be
This time next week we _______ around the clock. Will be working
This time next week we ____around the clock. Will be working
This time next year I ______ my part-time MBA. Will be doing.
This time tomorrow my plane _________ at Dulles Airport. Will be touching down
This time tomorrow you _________in a deck chair on the beach. Will be sitting
This time tomorrow, he ________ coffe at Pris. Will be having
Till the time i come, they _______ for half an hour. Will have been singing
Tomorrow at 5pm, I _______to Rome for 2hours already. Will have been plying
Tomorrow I ________ candidates all morning. Will be interviewing.
We ______ by 11:00 train next weekend. Arrive
We ______ the new model at the Fankfurt Motor Show. Are going to lounch
We _______ flying to Spain now if we had bought tickets in time. Would be
We _______ for the bus for over an hour that under heavy rain before it arrived. We have both caught. Shouldn”t have waited
We _______ the prototype sometime next week. Are going to test
We _______ watch the boots coming into the harbour. Would
We ________ have curry for dinner on Saturday evenings. Would often.
We ______in a restaurant tonight. I have booked a table. Are eating
We have just heard that Marisa _____a baby. Is going to have
We have received a lot od complains lately. – I________ with them right away. “ll deal
We have some ideas for we want to do while we are here in Scotland.If the weather is nice, we ______a mountainon one of the
days. Are going to climb
We________ a metting soon, so we can make a decision then. Will be holding
Well, if your pocket”s empty, you _______all your money. Must have spent
What shall I do today? I think I ________ to the beach while the sun is out! Will go
What time ______ we ______ the quality test next week? Do/have
What time ______the train to Oxford _____? Does/leave
When _____ the documentary ____? Does/finish
When _______ your new job? I have heard about the contract. Are you starting
When i was five, I _________ be able to do incredible gymnastics. Now I can“t even touch my toes. Used to
When I was learning to play the piano, I ________ practise every evenong. Would
When I was young, I _________eat fish, but now I don“t eat it at all. Used to
When she comes, he _______ already. Will have been married
When she comes, they ________dinner. Will be having
When you arrive, we ________ the house. Will have left
When you reach the airport, the plane _______. Will be arrived.
Where did they ______ go to school? Use to
Which day ______the exhibition ______? Does/open
Why are youwasting time? You ______your work already. Should have finished
You ______ a doctor as soon as you ______ this irritating headache. Should have visited/felt
You ______ more pills, you look recovered. Needn”t take
You _______ find some of the most colourful people on the bus. May
You _______ spell so well. Whatever happened? Used to
You _______for an hour by the time you reach you grandmother“s place. Will have been driving.
You ______here next week. Definitetly won”t be
You not come early. I mean, you _______ start to work at 10 o”clock. Need/may
Your mother _______ have a Yorkish terrier when she was a youn girl, didn“t she? Used to

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