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Genesis Porcayo

= slant rhyme = personification

Honors American Lit
= alliteration
Mrs. Wargo = simile
26 February 2024

Transcendentalism Poem

Take me back there to the place I once knew,

it was all so beautiful before I grew.

A child I once was, I believed it to be so majestic

but as I matured I only saw it as hectic.

Nature lets me escape because it all feels

so electric.

It brings me alive when I feel dead

because as I'm walking I hold burdens instead.

I cast out other noises, all I hear are the birds singing

but somehow the troubles I try to leave are still clinging.

Is it so that even with nature, everything I knew, I still haven't fled.

Its then that its all forgotten, because I see you,

a scenery that makes me forget and you're that view.

Hidden to the rest of world, but not to me

because what I see sets me free.

I can now fly because I'm not tied

The string of webs, all perfectly aligned

but in the middle a miniature spider is intertwined.

A hidden spider, one hiding so smoothly from the world,

it can't hide from someone who looks closely.

Nature is starting to show me that I've been living falsely.

The bees are making their own tune with buzzing

the grass is dancing with the wind as it's partner

but it's the squirrels that act like children rushing

that disturb the man under the tree who calls himself the gardener.

The tree is his bed as he lays peacefully before reality catches him again.

Ready like a bomb, I'm about to go off

Blind like a beetle I don't know where I am

Like a mosquito ready to attack, I've had enough

I'm like the water flowing out of the dam

Like the cloudy sky I will fall, I don't care

just take me back there!

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