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NCM 103 5. Accessories should match the occasion and your personality.

PERSONAL QUALIFICATIONS OF A NURSE 6. Current fads and styles may have be disregarded to
accommodate your body structure
Philosophy of Life
- A nurse should have a personal philosophy of life that aligns
with the values of the nursing profession. This philosophy  It comes from a different but must be distinctive to
should reflect a commitment to compassion, caring, and service identify you as a nurse from your patients.
to others.  You must respect your uniform.
 Wear uniform only during working hours.
 It should not be worn with jewelries except the
Personal appearance: A nurse should have a neat appearance, prescribed watch, school pin or nameplate.
good grooming, and wear an appropriate dress or uniform.
Character: A nurse should have a strong character with
attributes such as honesty, loyalty, tolerance, good judgment,  Like the uniform, wear it with respect and dignity.
reliability, motivation, resourcefulness, and moderation. POINTS TO REMEMBER IN WEARING THENURSE'S
Attitude: A nurse should possess the eight "be-attitudes" of a UNIFORM
nurse, which are: be calm, be cheerful, be honest, be punctual, 1. The uniform must be spotlessly clean, well fitting and in good
be organized be responsible, be respectful, and be sympathetic. repair.
Charm: A nurse should be able to interact with patients, 2. Shoes should provide maximum comfort.
families, and colleagues in a friendly and pleasing manner.
3. Uniform should only be used while on duty.
4. Modification of any authorized uniform is not permitted.
 Refers to the habitual or assumed positions of your
body in standing, sitting or moving about.  It refers to the moral values and beliefs that are used
 It presents some clues to your personality. as guide to personal behaviour and actions.
 A nurse must practice to maintain good posture and  It is what a person in the inside.
physical fitness.  It is the development in proportion to emotional and
intellectual growth and involves the degree to which
GROOMING you understand, direct and channel your feelings.
 Your hair should be your "CROWN" that features  The practice of nursing utilizes one's love for
your face in an attractive manner. It should be neat, fellowmen.
clean and well arranged CHARITY IS THE GREATEST VIRTUE and serves as the
 This includes personal hygiene and cleanliness foundation for a sense of values and development of human
 Self respect is evident in good posture and personal
hygiene, so as it is reflected in the care you exercise 1. Honesty: Being truthful, transparent, and ethical in all aspects
with your dressing. of patient care and nursing practice.
BASIC GUIDES FOR PERSONAL DRESS: 2 Loyalty: Showing a commitment to patients and the
profession of nursing, as well as working collaboratively with
1. Undergarments must be clean and properly fitted.
other healthcare professionals.
2. Clothing should always be neat including bra straps, slip,
3. Tolerance: Respecting and valuing individual differences and
heels of the shoes.
diversity among patients and colleagues.
3. Street attire should be appropriate and gives you the sense of
4 Judgment: Using critical thinking and sound clinical
security in official or social situations.
reasoning to make effectivedecisions and judgments in patient
4. Your wardrobe must be limited and must promote care.
5. Reliability: Consistently delivering high-quality care and VOICE
following through on commitments and responsibilities.
modulated with clear enunciation
6. Motivation: Being driven and enthusiastic about the nursing
profession, staying up-to-date on advances in healthcare, and MANNER
continuously striving to improve patient care
Courteous, attentive, patient, receptive
7. Resourcefulness: Being adaptable, creative, and innovative
in finding solutions to complex patient care situations.
 Attempt never to show indifference, empathetic,
8. Moderation: Demonstrating self-control and balance in
understanding and tolerant
actions, words, and emotions while maintaining a professional
 Always recognizes by saying "Thank you" as this
demeanor in all interactions
miracles in social harmony
The four cardinal virtues in nursing are:
1. Temperance: The ability to exercise self-control and
Keep an active mind, recognize beauty, accept new ideas from
moderation in actions, thoughts, and emotions.
others read and exchange opinions with others
2. Justice: The concept of fairness and equality in the
distribution of resources and treatment of patients.
Calmness, composure, evenness of temper and self-control
3. Prudence: The ability to make wise and practical decisions
based on sound judgment and ethical principles.

4. Fortitude: The strength and courage to persevere in the face CHARACTERISTICS TO DEVELOP POISE
of adversity and to advocate for patients' rights and well-being.
1. Acceptance; Demonstrating an open and non-judgmental
attitude towards patients, regardless of their background, beliefs, Four patterns of knowing:
or behaviors.
2 Helpfulness: Being attentive to patients' needs and providing
appropriate assistance and support throughout the healthcare Based on the assumption accessible through physical senses.
Eg. A nurse measuring a patient's blood glucose level with a
3. Friendliness: Creating a positive and welcoming environment glucometer to monitor their blood sugar levels.
that fosters trust and effective communication between patients,
families, and healthcare professionals
Based on judgments what ought to be done, what is good, what
4. Firmness: Setting and enforcing appropriate boundaries and
is right and what is responsible.
standards of behavior with patients while remaining
compassionate and respectful. Eg. A nurse advocating for a patient's right to choose their own
treatment plan even if it differs from what the nurse believes is
5. Permissiveness: Allowing patients to make their own choices
and decisions about their healthcare while ensuring they have
the necessary information to make informed decisions. C. PERSONAL KNOWING
6. Limit Setting: Establishing clear and consistent boundaries Based on inner experience and becoming holistic and authentic.
for patients behavior and actions, and enforcing them in a
respectful and compassionate manner Eg. A nurse who has had a previous surgical procedure
empathizing with a patient's anxiety and fear before their own
7. Sincerity: Being honest, genuine, and transparent in all surgery.
interactions with patients and colleagues.
8. Competence: Possessing the knowledge, skills, and abilities
necessary to provide safe, effective, and high-quality patient Based on deep appreciation on the meaning of situation.
Eg. A nurse playing calming music or providing a calming scent
CHARACTERISTICS TO CULTIVATE CHARM to help a patient relax during a procedure or treatment.

1. Care Provider

2. Communicator/Helper

3. Teacher

4. Counselor

5. Client Advocate

6. Change Agent

7. Leader

8. Manager

9. Researcher

10. Case Manager

11. Collaborator

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