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Chapter 4 Extinguishment of obligations stated – therefore he cannot deliver

(inferior quality)
General provisions  Monetary obligations – the payment must
be in legal tender
1231: obligations are extinguished
-Although the parties may demand (stipulate)
 Payment/performance (already made)
that exact payment made in currency other than
 Loss of the thing due (during maturing Philippine legal tender at the time of payment
 Condonation/remission (forgive or cancel
the debt)
Payment to extinguish, except:
 Confusion/merge rights of both parties (lack
of understanding and both parties agreed to  The obligation substantially performed in
unite into one decision good faith
 Compensation  It accepts the oblige (creditor) even though
 Novation (extinction of old obligation and it is incomplete or irregularity or without
enter a new contract/new obligation protest and objection of the creditor the
payment will be extinguish
Other causes of extinguishes:

 Annulment (restoring the things)

1234: if the obligation has been substantially
take note: when the other parties do not restore the performed in good faith, it is considered as
things, the other cannot compelled to restitution though there had been strict and complete
(restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper fulfillment.
owner.  The obligation therefore extinguishes and
the debtor is allowed to recover from the
 Rescission (cancellation of the obligation
creditor less damages suffered by the
which results extinguishment) creditor.
 Fulfillment of resolutory condition  > the right of the debtor to recover is based
on the benefit derived by the creditor from
Resolutory condition where both parties are obliged
the substantial performance, while the
to return to the other the prestation he has received
damages which the creditor is allowed to
pursuant to the obligation (as if it had never existed) deduct gives him a just compensation for
 Prescription the slight breach committed by the debtor

Prescription cannot extinguish the obligation
>D is obliged to deliver 30 units of an imported two-
Only the right of the creditor to enforce the
way (balikan transpo) radio to C for use by the
obligation but the obligation remains
latter(creditor) in his security agency.
The prescription becomes defense against an action
>after having imported 28 units and delivered them
to enforce an obligation that prescribed.
to C, there are no more stocks available.

>He wants to complete the delivery but unable to do

Section 1: Payment or performance so because the manufacturers have stopped making
the product.
1232: payment means not only means delivering of
money but it can also be performance in any other >D can recover from C as if there had been strict and
manner of an obligation complete fulfillment (as if 30 units had been
delivered), less damages (2 units not delivered plus
In legal mode, the extinguishment of obligation is other consequential damages) suffered by C
giving (money or a thing), doing (delivery or
performance) or not doing. Situation:

 If the obligation is to give a specific >S obliged himself to deliver 500 bags of cement to
– payment is made by the thing (car) B for a certain price.
 If the obligation is to repair a computer
- Payment is made by performing the >However, despite diligent efforts of the debtor, S
service. was able to deliver only 450 bags of cement because
of shortage
1233: a debt has been paid once the thing or
service has been completely delivered or rendered) >S wants to comply with his obligation to deliver 500
bags but he could not do for reasons beyond his
 The debtor cannot compel creditor to control
accept different thing from the original
(stated on their contract or agreement) >S can recover as though there had been complete
Even if it is the same value or more valuable delivery less the price of the 50 bags
 An act of forbearance cannot be substituted
by another against the obligee’s will >S must show, however that he attempted in good
 Obligations to give (generic thing) and the faith to comply with his obligation
quality and circumstances have not been

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