March 2022 Emails

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From: McPhaill, Amanda [AMcPhaill@washoecounty.

gov] on behalf of McPhaill, Amanda

Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2022 5:36 PM
To: Library - YSLE Leads []; Library - Mgmt &
Supervisors []; Barnett, Robin L
[]; Crockett, John []; Dorn, Russell
[]; Grundner, Robin []; Peacock-
Burton, Jackie []; McPhaill, Amanda
[]; Villegas, Natalie []
Subject: Nazanin Arastoo Puppet Theater

Hi All,

This was a great program and great to have an new option in the PCYP line up. For those of you
yet to host, a few things I wanted to share with the Leads:
First - Nazanin was an absolute pleasure to work with! She arrived about an hour early to set up
and requested a large flat book cart, but we found that a dolly/hand truck worked best for
hauling in her set. Her show consists of a 20-25min puppet show and then she spends a good
chunk of time introducing her various puppets. She shares where each puppet is from and the
culture they represent, along with puppets she has made herself. She allows q&a at this point
and before she was finished asked each attendee what their favorite puppet was and why (this
was manageable as most of the audience had left by this point)
Second - Wowzers! Crowd control was a huge issue. This by no means was her fault, but mine.
We had 23 registrations, but 67 showed up. As I stated in the write up she's a new act and I
think patrons really showed they've been wanting something new by coming out for the
program. During the puppet show there are a lot of rhetorical questions asked between puppet
characters which children don't understand and ALL want to answer. If I could do it all over
again I'd sit myself in the middle of the story time rug with all the kiddos and summon every
shhhssshhing librarian that ever lived! lol. If you see your branch drawing in a large crowd I'd
suggest having two staff members in the program to help with the crowd. I'm sure most of you
already do this song and dance, but was a new experience for us IV folks -- one of the largest
attended programs we've ever hosted and the most unruly. We (I) have learned some great
lessons for next time. 🙂

Here's a page that McPhaill, Amanda wants you to see

Nazanin Arastoo Puppet Theater

Yesterday the Incline Village Library hosted Nazanin

Arastoo's Puppet Theater. 67, yes, SIXTY-SEVEN (!!!!),
kiddos with their grown-ups in tow could barely contain
their giggles and excitement as Nazanin delighted
everyone with her beautiful puppet …

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From: ALA Publishing & Media Books [] on behalf of ALA Publishing
& Media Books <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 3:22 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Supporting young activists in the library

Civic literacy and civic engagement

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Young Activists and the Public Library: Facilitating Democracy

Virginia A. Walter
Assisted by social media and other digital tools, today’s children and teens are energetic and active
participants in a host of social causes, from climate change and gun control to voting rights and racial
equity. Public libraries can facilitate their activism by providing trustworthy information and creating
opportunities for young people to develop leadership and participation skills. A past president of the
Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), in this book Walter demonstrates how libraries can
foster greater civic literacy and civic engagement in young patrons. Using a research-based approach that
incorporates case studies and interviews with young people and librarians, she highlights teen advisory
boards and community service opportunities that provide outlets for teen leadership, and spotlights
informative and inspirational books to share with young patrons that are also ideal for book talks and

Also of interest

Let’s Talk About Race in Storytimes Intellectual Freedom Manual, Tenth Edition
Jessica Anne Bratt ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF);
Martin Garnar, Editor;
Trina Magi, Assistant Editor
A Trauma-Informed Framework for Supporting Intellectual Freedom for Teens: A Practical
Patrons: The PLA Workbook of Best Practices Guide for Young Adult & School Librarians
PLA Social Worker Task Force (SWTF) Edited by Kristin Fletcher-Spear and
Kelly Tyler for YALSA

Programs and Services New & Noteworthy Catalogs

COVID-19 Recovery: An Initiative of the American Library Association
ALA Privacy Policy
If you no longer wish to receive ALA Editions |ALA Neal-Schuman Announcements, click here.
To unsubscribe from all American Library Association communications, click here.
American Library Association, 225 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60601
From: Urban Institute :: Events [] on behalf of Urban
Institute :: Events <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 11:15 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Live with Urban: Upcoming Housing Finance Events

Web Version

Urban Institute Events

Strengthening the Housing Ecosystem to

Boost Black and Hispanic Homeownership:
The Experience of Newark, New Jersey
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT


Join the Urban Institute for a virtual event exploring how localized
place-based trends can inform the development of policies aimed at
boosting Black and Hispanic homeownership. We will also discuss
how federal and local public policy can support researchers and
other nongovernmental practitioner organizations seeking to make
change. We hope this event will ultimately foster the networks
needed to construct a comprehensive toolkit in support of Black
and Hispanic homeownership.
Funding for this event is provided by Prudential Financial. For more information on the
Urban Institute’s funding principles, go to

Unlocking Doors: The Promise and Peril of Using

Alternative Data in Mortgage Underwriting
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT


The Urban Institute and FinRegLab invite you to an event

examining the current state of play and the policy landscape for the
use of utility, telecommunications, and rental (UTR) data. The event
will explore recent innovations and pilots to further such financial
inclusion and the challenges of significant systems change. In
addition to presenting findings from a national landscape scan of
UTR data policy and practice, the event will feature leaders from
the field to discuss data access and quality and how to build more
robust credit scoring models.

We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including
individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. Please email if you
require any accommodations or have any questions about this event.

This email was sent by:

Urban Institute
500 L’Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, DC 20024

Privacy Policy

Up d ate Profile Manag e Sub scrip tions
From: Weinert, Beate [] on behalf of Weinert, Beate
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 10:09 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []; Dalusung, Joan []
Subject: Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.

Hello--Jeff, if I remember correctly, you were going to reach out to Eileen? Would
you like me to e-introduce you?

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Eileen B <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 6:26 PM
To: Weinert, Beate <>
Subject: FW: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]
Good evening Beate,

I'm sending this again in case you didn't receive it. If you are not the appropriate library staff
person to contact, please let me know.

Many thanks!


From: "Eileen B"
To: ""
Sent: Thursday March 17 2022 5:05:35PM
Subject: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.

Dear Beate Weinert,

My name is Eileen Bidwell, a retired social worker and college instructor. I worked with families
and individuals experiencing homelessness for nearly 30 years.
In 2013 I moved to Reno and began volunteering with several nonprofit environmental,
educational and human services organizations. I am currently completing my third year as
Human Services Educator with One Truckee River, a part-time AmeriCorps position, and am a
board member with the Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE), the organization that
manages and operates Our Place Shelter for families, single women and seniors. I am well
connected to Reno's homeless services community, and am currently involved with efforts to
expand affordable housing through the Nevada Housing Coalition and the Nevada Interagency
Council on Homelessness to Housing.

I have recently learned about programs at libraries throughout the U.S. that help patrons,
including people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, connect with community resources,
and provide referrals to services. I believe this would be a welcome addition to the services and
free information the downtown Reno library currently offers to our community.

I am writing to offer my assistance in an AmeriCorps position beginning in September of this

year. The local AmeriCorps program is administered by the Truckee Meadows Parks
Foundation, which is responsible for processing applications, handling payroll, communicating
with the national office, and other administrative responsibilities. The cost to participating
agencies for a half-time position is $5,500 for a full year.

In addition to assisting with resources, I am able to write resumes and cover letters and assist
with employment and housing applications, as well as applications for various assistance

Washoe County Libraries are a trusted, respected and cherished public resource. I would be
honored to join your organization, and would be happy to meet with you to further discuss this
possibility. Please contact me at 775-800-1277 or by email.

Thank you in advance for considering this request.


Eileen Bidwell
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 5:07 PM
To: Burton, L.J. []
Subject: Re: Washoe Stars - nominations for March due by 3/31/22.

Great idea!



Jeff Scott
Library Director
Washoe County Library System
301 S. Center Dr
Reno, NV 89501

From: Burton, Leah J. <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 4:01:21 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: FW: Washoe Stars - nominations for March due by 3/31/22.
Do you mind if I send the below message to the Library Mgmt & Supervisors group?

Hello Everyone,
This is just a reminder to encourage staff to submit Washoe Stars nominations for March before the end
of the month. This is a wonderful way to acknowledge our “above and beyond” staff members for all
their hard work and dedication, or for employees to be recognized by their peers. When a patron gives
one of our staff members a compliment on a positive interaction, that would also be a perfect
opportunity for a supervisor to submit a nomination. The nomination form is here: Washoe Stars
Thank you!
From: Jourdin, Elizabeth Kay <>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 4:56 PM
To: Kerns-Cummins, Nancy <>; Dufva, Sue
<>; Smith, Catherine <>; Rose, Laura
<>; Anderline, Rachel <>; Schultz, Joanna
<>; Kerfoot, Lacey <>; Smith, Edwin
<>; Hoffman, Lynn <>; Martinez, Laura
<>; Burton, Leah J. <>; Grasso, Lorna
<>; Glines, Carinne <>; Best, Misty
<>; Norton, Justin W <>; Akurosawa,
Christopher <>; Spearman, Gail <>;
DeLozier, Sara <>; Ruff, Sharon <>; Kuckhoff,
Marissa <>; Carmen, Heather <>; Zoncki,
Stephanie <>
Subject: Washoe Stars - nominations for March due by 3/31/22.
Hello Everyone – just a quick note to ask for your help in getting the word out to your department staff
to make nominations for March Washoe Stars.
As a reminder, nominations can be submitted for interactions with WC staff as a citizen. In January and
February, some of the nominations came in from staff that encountered Washoe County employees
(e.g. Parks, Library, Roads) while out and about as a citizen and experienced an “above and beyond”
interaction. We welcome those nominations as well .
Thank you,
Elizabeth Jourdin
HR Manager – Organizational Effectiveness | Washoe County | : (775) 328-2078 | Cell: (775) 276-4877
1001 E. Ninth Street
Reno, NV 89512
From: Ashleigh Foster [] on behalf of Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 4:05 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Follow-up

Perfect! I just realized there were a few who we don’t have addresses for. Were you able to send them
an email?

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:53 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster <>
Subject: Re: Thank-a-thon Follow-up

I was able to mail out the notes to everyone. They should receive the notes this week.



Jeff Scott
Library Director
Washoe County Library System
301 S. Center Dr
Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:51:43 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Follow-up

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to check in to see if you were able to reach out to everyone last week. Please let me know if
you need anything.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Burton, Leah J. [] on behalf of Burton, Leah J.
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 4:01 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: FW: Washoe Stars - nominations for March due by 3/31/22.

Do you mind if I send the below message to the Library Mgmt & Supervisors group?

Hello Everyone,

This is just a reminder to encourage staff to submit Washoe Stars nominations for March before the end
of the month. This is a wonderful way to acknowledge our “above and beyond” staff members for all
their hard work and dedication, or for employees to be recognized by their peers. When a patron gives
one of our staff members a compliment on a positive interaction, that would also be a perfect
opportunity for a supervisor to submit a nomination. The nomination form is here: Washoe Stars

Thank you!


From: Jourdin, Elizabeth Kay <>

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 4:56 PM
To: Kerns-Cummins, Nancy <>; Dufva, Sue
<>; Smith, Catherine <>; Rose, Laura
<>; Anderline, Rachel <>; Schultz, Joanna
<>; Kerfoot, Lacey <>; Smith, Edwin
<>; Hoffman, Lynn <>; Martinez, Laura
<>; Burton, Leah J. <>; Grasso, Lorna
<>; Glines, Carinne <>; Best, Misty
<>; Norton, Justin W <>; Akurosawa,
Christopher <>; Spearman, Gail <>;
DeLozier, Sara <>; Ruff, Sharon <>; Kuckhoff,
Marissa <>; Carmen, Heather <>; Zoncki,
Stephanie <>
Subject: Washoe Stars - nominations for March due by 3/31/22.

Hello Everyone – just a quick note to ask for your help in getting the word out to your department staff
to make nominations for March Washoe Stars.

As a reminder, nominations can be submitted for interactions with WC staff as a citizen. In January and
February, some of the nominations came in from staff that encountered Washoe County employees
(e.g. Parks, Library, Roads) while out and about as a citizen and experienced an “above and beyond”
interaction. We welcome those nominations as well .

Thank you,

Elizabeth Jourdin
HR Manager – Organizational Effectiveness | Washoe County | : (775) 328-2078 | Cell: (775) 276-4877
1001 E. Ninth Street
Reno, NV 89512
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:53 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster []
Subject: Re: Thank-a-thon Follow-up

I was able to mail out the notes to everyone. They should receive the notes this week.



Jeff Scott
Library Director
Washoe County Library System
301 S. Center Dr
Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:51:43 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Follow-up

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,
Just wanted to check in to see if you were able to reach out to everyone last week. Please let me know if
you need anything.
Thank you,
Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)
Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Ashleigh Foster [] on behalf of Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 3:52 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Thank-a-thon Follow-up

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to check in to see if you were able to reach out to everyone last week. Please let me know if
you need anything.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Independent Book Publishers Association [] on behalf of
Independent Book Publishers Association <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 5:07 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Spring 2022 Indie Titles For Children, Tween, and Teen Readers from IBPA Publishers

Hello Librarian Friends,

We hope you and yours are well. In the face of this ongoing global health crisis, we
continue to believe that libraries are essential. We hope you'll find new books that will feel
essential for your young readers in this diverse selection from our publishers. Thank you
for your time, and for all that you do! Stay safe,

All of us at the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)

Table of Contents:

Children's Picture Books: Fiction | Nonfiction

Young Reader: Fiction | Nonfiction
Teen: Fiction

Children’s Picture Books: Fiction

by Abbe Rolnick
Illustrated by Lynda Porter
Sedro Publishing

A whimsical story of a grandmother playing

with her grandchildren. Sparse in words,
but deep in feeling, the illustrations convey
a story of magic and fun as Bubbie grows
older and the children mature. Nature and
imagination combine honoring the power of
all grandparents and relationships that
endure through life. Bubbie winds her hair
through the tales she has lived.

ISBN: 978-0999529195 (Hardcover)

978-1736087800 (Ebook)
Ordering info: SPU/IPG, Baker & Taylor,
Ingram Wholesale
by Leah Margolis
Mindstir Media

Three animals vying for adoption by a little

boy encounter challenges in reaching their
potential owner. They employ the use of
their respective strengths as each attempts
to win this competition. This story, created
by an occupational therapist, is
accompanied by interactive activity to help
children foster their own skills further.

ISBN: 978-1733234641 (Paperback)

Ordering info: Ingram Wholesale, Mindstir
Media, Amazon
Could Be The Greatest Gerbil Story
Ever Told
by Michael Keller
Illustrated by Patrizia Donaera
Michael Davis Keller

“A moving true story about the bond

between children and their pets. The
Legend of Jet the Gerbil brims with heart,
hope and unexpected twists and turns that
will delight parent and kids alike.” —
Elizabeth Larson, co-author of Unbored

A Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards

Bronze Medalist for Animals/Pets-Fiction,
and a finalist for two IBPA Benjamin
Franklin Awards™.

ISBN: 978-1634894180 (Hardcover)

Ordering info: Baker & Taylor, Ingram
Wholesale, Itasca Books
by Diana Kizlauskas
Bright Bear Books

Help! There is only so much luck a Rabbit

can handle... A deliciously tall tale about
sharing. As his good fortune runs amok,
Rabbit must decide what to do with his
gigantic crop of lettuce. This beautifully
illustrated picture book with humorous,
rhyming text tells a story of friendship and
caring for children aged 4 to 7.

“Kizlauskas’ thoughtful, fun and compelling

tale ... [is] an excellent addition to any
picture-book collection.” — Booklist

ISBN: 978-0991523337 (Hardcover)

978-0991523320 (Paperback)
978-0991523313 (Ebook)
Ordering info: Ingram Wholesale,
Overdrive, Amazon
by Ashley Bartley
Illustrated by Brian Martin
Boys Town Press

Wherever Remi goes, there is always a

mess left behind. He is so full of energy; he
darts and dashes in every direction. In all
the commotion, assignments go missing, a
field trip almost ends in disaster, and a
spaceship is left behind. Will Remi ever
learn to slow down and calm himself? This
clever story will entertain, while teaching
the importance of keeping calm and
controlling the wiggles.

ISBN: 978-1944882877 (Paperback)

Ordering info: Baker & Taylor, Ingram
Wholesale, Boys Town Press

Children’s Picture Books: Nonfiction

by Carla Crane Osborne
Illustrated by Michael Crane
Gona Publishing

Hold tight to your saddle horn! Gona knows

there's so much more to life on the farm
than chores — it’s a magical world where
she can become anything she wants, even
a Pony Express rider racing across the
dangerous plains of the Wild West to
deliver the mail. That is, if she can get her
brother Scott to play along.

Follow Gona on her daring horseback

adventure in the first installment of Go
Gona Go!

ISBN: 978-1735991610 (Hardcover)

Ordering info: Ingram Wholesale

Young Reader: Fiction

A Journey Begins
by Brooks Olbrys
Illustrated by Kevin Keele
Children’s Success Unlimited

With help from some wise sea creatures, a

courageous island boy strives to become a
marine biologist. With colorful rhymes and
bold illustrations, it’s the first book in an
award-winning early chapter book series
that teaches children timeless achievement
principles such as purpose, vision, and
goals while raising ocean awareness.

“…a series that is sure to prevail.”

— Foreword Reviews

ISBN: 978-0982961346 (Hardcover)

978-0982961339 (Ebook)
Ordering info: Baker & Taylor, Ingram
Wholesale, Greenleaf Book Group
by Rebecca Suter Lindsay
Illustrated by Annelisa Hermosilla
Shadelandhouse Modern Press

“A rich coming-of-age tale that sheds light

on an uncommon Civil War perspective.”
— Kirkus Reviews

“[T]horoughly researched Mennonite

history during the Civil War…a fascinating
and insightful look into how these pacifists
risked everything to preserve their beliefs.
[H]ighly recommended.” —Historical Novel

"Ripe for young readers and a classroom

studying the evolution of America." —
Carrie Cooper, Dean, University Libraries,
William & Mary

ISBN: 978-1945049088 (Paperback)

Ordering info: Brodart, Shadelandhouse
Modern Press

Young Reader: Nonfiction

by John L. Smith
Keystone Canyon Press

Capture young readers’ spirit of adventure

with the Fields of Silver and Gold series
with stories of the men and women that
shaped the West.

Just in time for Women’s History month,

march along with Anne Martin for women’s
right to vote.

Written by award-winning journalist John L.

Smith, each book is solidly researched and
includes maps, photos, a glossary, a
timeline, and suggested readings. Grades
4-7. Lexile levels 1070L – 1200L.

ISBN: 978-1953055163 (Paperback)

978-1953055170 (Ebook)
Ordering info: Ingram Wholesale,, Amazon
by Robert Abad

Moment—a critically acclaimed, thought-

provoking book for children about
children—aims to dispel biases and
misconceptions by presenting young
readers with over 100 images of places,
faces, and landscapes from around the
“emerging world.”

Moment is a unique resource that

educators can integrate into their global
study lessons and that parents can use
with their children to explore the rich
cultural diversity that exists in the great
wide world.

ISBN: 978-1736213605 (Paperback)

Ordering info: Itasca Books, Amazon

Teen: Fiction
by Jordan H. Bartlett
CamCat Books

Jacs, an inventor’s apprentice from the

Lower Realm, befriends Connor of the
Upper Realm. The strength of their bond
overcame realm-related prejudice. But
when the old feud in the Queendom of
Frea reignites, Jacs must defy gravity and
compete in the Contest of Queens to prove
that a Queendom is strongest when united.

“This book is a must read... playful and

imaginative.” —Cailyn Heintzelman, Morton
Grove Public Library

ISBN: 978-0744304985 (Hardcover)

978-0744304640 (Large Print Paperback)
978-0744304657 (Ebook)
978-0744304718 (Audiobook)
Ordering info: Baker & Taylor, Ingram
Wholesale, IPG
by Felicia Farber
Pyramid Press

Winner of 11 awards including 1st place in

YA and Best YA Ebook.

Ice Queen is a romantic suspense novel

that shines a spotlight on teen sexting and

“This entertaining tale guides teens through

the legal dangers of mixing sex with social
media.” — Kirkus Reviews

“An exceptional YA novel that will prove to

be an immediate and enduringly popular
addition to high school and community
library YA Fiction collections.” — Midwest
Book Review

ISBN: 978-0996470834 (Hardcover)

978-0996470841 (Paperback)
978-0996470858 (Ebook)
Ordering info: Baker & Taylor, Ingram
Wholesale, Overdrive
by Sara Hosey
CamCat Books

Former bully Astrid moves to the town of

Elsewhere and becomes the target of
teenage tyrant, Candi, who has Elsewhere
wrapped around her finger. Little does
Astrid know, Candi’s hold over the town is
darker than she could ever imagine.

“It’s 1988 in Elsewhere, New York, and

Astrid Friedman-Smith knows something is
off about the town’s obsession with a
powerful and very beautiful teen girl . . . an
interesting take on power, bullying, and
fear.” — Kirkus Reviews

ISBN: 978-0744305777 (Hardcover)

978-0744305425 (Large Print Paperback)
978-0744305593 (Ebook)
978-0744305807 (Audiobook)
Ordering info: Baker & Taylor, Ingram
Wholesale, IPG
A Southern Tale of Magic
by Connor Judson Garrett and Kevin N.
Illustrated by John J. Pearson
Lucid House Publishing

“A pitch-perfect Low Country fever dream

of a hero’s quest and welcome reminder of
the transcendent power of family and that
the aspects of ourselves which make us
different also make us powerful.” —
Jonathan Haupt, executive director of the
Pat Conroy Literary Center

ISBN: 978-1950495054 (Paperback)

978-1950495245 (Ebook)
978-8200728039 (Audiobook)
Ordering info: Ingram Wholesale,
Blackstone (for audiobook)
by Ruth Fox
CamCat Books

Bubbly social media star Hannah is

captaining a ship carrying the last of
Earth’s whales to a new planet when she
begins to suspect she’s not alone. Once
she discovers explosives on board, she
realizes that she may be a pawn in a
sinister plot.

“Ruth Fox’s Under the Heavens updates

the tale of Noah’s ark, transforming it to
feature whales in space and a mission
gone awry.” — Foreword Reviews, a
Foreword Book of the Day

ISBN: 978-0744304763 (Hardcover)

978-0744304671 (Large Print Paperback)
978-0744304336 (Ebook)
978-0744305029 (Audiobook)
Ordering info: IPG, Baker & Taylor,
Ingram Wholesale
IBPA's core values include Independence and Inclusivity. As a nonprofit association, we are committed to
independent points of view and a publishing industry where everyone can tell their story and find
themselves in the content they read.

Please note that inclusion in this IBPA program does not constitute an endorsement of these or any
particular book, author, or publisher by IBPA, its employees, or board members. Learn more about IBPA
and our advocacy, education, and tools for success at

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From: Sulin Jones [] on behalf of Sulin Jones
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 10:19 AM
To: Sulin Jones []
CC: aviva o'neil []
Subject: Great Basin & Lehman Caves virtual lecture series
Attachments: Lehman Caves Virtual Lecture Series Flyer (2).pdf

Hi all,
Last January, during our Tails and Tales Summer Reading program training, Aviva O’Neill with the Great
Basin National Park Foundation shared programs and projects centered on Nevada’s native wildlife.
This year, she has returned with new programs centered on Lehman Caves National Monument’s 100th
anniversary- see message below, and feel free to reach out to Aviva directly!
PS: You COULD tie Lehman Caves into this year’s CSLP theme, Oceans of Possibilities, as per the National
Parks website: The park's famous Lehman Caves began forming around 2 to 5 million years ago. At that
time, the landscape was covered by a warm, shallow ocean, and the limestone that makes up a large
part of that landscape was formed by the shells of dead sea creatures accumulating on the ocean
This year is a special year for Great Basin National Park- the 100th anniversary of
Lehman Caves National Monument- the stepping stone to becoming a national park.
To celebrate we are trying to connect Nevadans to their special national park (many
Nevadans haven't even heard of the park!). We know that many can't take the journey
to visit us in person, so we have organized a special Centennial Virtual Lecture Series.
Can Nevada libraries share this with the public- both through social media and by
printing the attached flyer and posting at their libraries?
Please let me know. Thank you so much!
Also, I'm happy to provide images for social posts- please let me know if that would be
Aviva O'Neil
Program Manager

Even national parks need Guardians! &
Social: Great Basin National Park Foundation & GBObservatory
Please join us!
Lehman Caves Centennial
Virtual Lecture Series
Celebrate the 100th anniversary of Lehman Caves by learning in-depth about Great Basin National Park!

A Close Up Look at Lehman Caves: April 6

What is lint camp? What creatures make the cave their home? What does the future of Lehman Caves look like?
Join Great Basin National Park ecologist and cave specialist Gretchen Baker for a behind-the-scenes look at
Lehman Caves to answer these questions and more.

Exploring Lehman Caves Ancient, Mysterious Past: May 4

Lehman Caves’ beautiful mineral decorations…its calcite shields, stalactites, and helictites…draw the appreciation
and wonder of tourists, but they also disguise much of the cave’s fascinating, geologic past. Learn about this and
more from Guest Speaker Louise Hose who has explored and studied caves throughout the world for 50 years.

Geology of Great Basin National Park: From the Dawn of Life to the Basin and Range: June 1

The geology of Great Basin National Park is a beginner's introduction to the long and complex geologic history of
the Basin and Range. Our Speaker, Elizabeth Miller, has taught geology at Stanford University for over 40 years
and completed decades of field research in the Snake Valley of Nevada. Join us to explore the building blocks of
the Great Basin.

Register to attend one or more Lectures are the first Wednesday
free lectures today! of each month from
6 pm- 7 pm Pacific Time
From: Young Minds Inspired [] on behalf of Young Minds
Inspired <>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 6:28 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Educators: "Math Motivators" Offers FREE Math Tutoring and More for Grades 6-12!

If you are unable to see the message below, click here to view.
The Math Motivators are ready to help you! This free math
tutoring program from the Actuarial Foundation is only one of
many resources developed for middle and high school math

• Math Motivators — A volunteer-driven one-on-

one math tutoring program that pairs underserved
students with math-savvy college students and
professionals. Teachers and families can sign up for
• Money Mentors — Volunteer finance experts are
ready to teach your students the basics of financial
literacy—real-life skills. Designed for small groups of
up to 20 students, the program uses lessons, activities,
and video games to foster relationships and facilitate
discussions between the expert mentor and students.

• Building Your Future — This free four-part online

financial literacy program provides hands-on
experience in many phases of money management,
from spending wisely through investing for long-term
wealth. Each part can be implemented on its own to
allow customization for math, economics, and life
skills curricula.

• Modeling the Future Challenge — High school

students can showcase their skills with this free, real-
world scholarship competition that combines math
modeling, data analysis, and risk management into one
exciting challenge.

Please share these resources with other math, economics, STEM, and FACS teachers, as well as
learning specialists and educators who teach life skills and may be looking for additional support for
their classes or program offerings. And please take a moment to share your thoughts on the program by
visiting We look forward to hearing from you.

Dr. Dominic Kinsley
Editor in Chief
Young Minds Inspired
This advertisement for free educational resources is provided by Young Minds Inspired, 605 Washington Avenue, North Haven, CT
06473. If you would prefer not to receive further messages from YMI, please send a message to

If you prefer not to receive additional messages from this sender, please send an email with
Remove in the subject line Click here for e-mail. You will receive one additional e-mail message
confirming your removal.
From: Tavener, Andrea [] on behalf of Tavener, Andrea
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2022 4:15 PM
To: Library - Leadership Team []
CC: McPhaill, Amanda []; Hemingway, Jamie
[]; Hansen, Judy []; Brown, Eric
P. []; Communications Division
Subject: FW: Media Alert - Incline Village Library - KRNV (NBC) Manager Brown Storytime


I am delighted, and wanted to share, that KRNV ran a segment regarding Manager Browns upcoming
Incline Village story time.


From: <>

Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2022 11:11 PM
To: Tavener, Andrea <>
Subject: Media Alert - Incline Village Library - KRNV (NBC)

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the
content is safe.]

TVEyes Broadcast Monitoring

TVEyes makes television and radio from around the world searchable.

Media Alert - Incline Village Library - KRNV (NBC)

Incline Village Library on KRNV (NBC) - Reno, NV

News 4 Weekend
3/26/2022 11:10:02 PM

joining the washoe county library system for story time. next month, washoe county
Play manager air brown will be at the incline village library. thursday, april 7th at 11:30 am for
a special family story time >>of regular toddler time kids of all ages to course invited
them and all kinds of the registration is required. take place. this 1 parent must stay with
Customer Success
+1 (203) 254-3600 option 2

Your Sales Representative

Chris Catropa
(203) 254-3600 x334


TVEyes clips are for Internal Review, Analysis and Research only. Any editing, reproduction, distribution, publication, broadcast, public showing,
public display or placement on any website may violate copyright laws. The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual
or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) are confidential and may contain privileged information. If you are not
an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate, copy or print its contents. If you receive this email in error, please delete and
destroy the message and notify the sender by reply email.
From: Fanaselle, Jessica [] on behalf of Fanaselle, Jessica
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2022 10:45 AM
To: Library - Sierra View Staff []; Library - Mgmt
& Supervisors []; Library - YSLE Leads
Subject: Fanaselle, Jessica shared "Nazanin Arastoo World Puppet Theatre" with you.

Sierra View hosted a great program -- please read if you're interested!

Nazanin Arastoo World Puppet Theatre

Yesterday morning, Sierra View hosted a special puppet

story time! Nazanin Arastoo presented her puppet
theatre to 29 eager patrons. The puppet story taught us
about respecting the environment and all the animals
and plants who live in the forest, a…

Get the SharePoint Mobile App

From: Washoe County Library [] on behalf of Washoe County
Library <>
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 10:00 AM
To: Library - All Staff []
Subject: Library News & Events

View Online

Pioneer Center Youth Programs

We've partnered with Pioneer Center Youth Programs to bring you performances this month
from taiko drum ensemble Tsurunokai, string trio Aria 51, and puppeteer Nazanin Arastoo.

3D Tech Cafe Family Games Day
Saturday, March 26, 10:30-11:30 am Sunday, March 27, 10 am-5 pm
North Valleys Libraries Spanish Springs Library
Getting stuck on 3D print submission? Bring your family and friends and try out popular
Attend one of our sessions and learn how games such as Scrabble, Monopoly, Wheel of
to successfully submit 3D print requests. Fortune, Sequence, chess, checkers and more. All
ages and abilities welcome.

PJ Story Time Family Estate Planning Series

Tuesday, March 29, 6:30-7 pm Wednesday, March 30, 10:30 am, 1:30 pm
Incline Village Library Sierra View Library
Family Story Time with a bed-time
theme...come in your pajamas and slippers. This workshop features local experts on topics
Enjoy stories, fingerplays, and wiggle action including planning your will and/or trust, power of
as part of the experience to encourage a attorney, and more.
love of books, empower thinking, stimulate Please call the Community Foundation of Northern
creativity, and promote an overall sense of Nevada at 775-333-5499, ext. 13 or email Jamie
wellbeing. Registration is required. Klund at to sign up.
Visit the calendar to see all upcoming events this month.
What to Read Next:
Nevada Young Readers' Awards

Visit our catalog to see the full list.

For Makers
Learn and Make in the Quad
Wednesday, March 30, 3-6 pm
Downtown Reno Library
This week we will be working with the vinyl
cutter and heat press. You can make a simple
sticker for your wall, your car window, or a
water bottle, or you can make a personalized
tote bag or T-shirt. Choose a simple, two-tone
image from the internet, or bring a flash drive
with an image file you created.
Registration is required.

Visit the calendar to see all upcoming maker events.

News & Announcements

Masks Recommended Closed for Renovations

In alignment with updated Centers for The Sparks Library is currently closed for renovations. It is expected t
Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, reopen in April.
masks are recommended at all library If you have items on hold to pick up at the Sparks Library, visit our on
locations for visitors 2 years of age or catalog to choose an alternate location.
Visit the CDC website for the most up-to-
date guidance on masks.
Friends of Washoe County Library
Friends of Washoe County Library is a member-supported
501(c)(3) Nevada non-profit organization dedicated to
advocating, fundraising, and providing support for the Washoe
County Library System.
To join, to donate, or for more information, please visit or call 775-324-5522.

Digital Library | Newsletters | Contact | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

Washoe County Library System | 301 S. Center St. Reno, NV 89501 | 775-327-8300

Manage Subscriptions or Unsubscribe | Subscribe via RSS or ATOM Feeds | View Online

If you are having trouble unsubscribing from this email, please contact:
Washoe County Library at (775) 327-8300, 301 South Center Street Reno, Nevada 89501
From: Glenn Swenson [] on behalf of Glenn Swenson
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 10:42 AM
To: Glenn Swenson []
Subject: ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries - Exceedingly Educational and Tremendously

Dear Librarian,

ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries includes unlimited access to the same full version of
ABCmouse Early Learning Academy that consumers subscribe to. It can be used by several
children in the same household—all at the same time—each with their own avatar, profile, and
progress-tracking on their ABCmouse Step-by-Step Learning Paths.

The multi-award-winning and independently-validated* ABCmouse offers the most

comprehensive online curriculum for children ages 2–8+, including reading and language arts,
math, science, social studies, art and music.

ABCmouse stimulates a child’s enthusiasm for learning through more than 10,000 fun-filled
learning activities—including more than 2,000 STEM and over 1,200 Spanish-language learning
activities—consisting of books, educational games, puzzles, art activities, poems, songs, music
videos, and more. Millions of ABCmouse users have completed almost 10 billion learning
activities since 2010.

An added bonus with ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries is the inclusion of our
independently-validated Assessment Center—an extra-cost option for consumers—which creates
customized lessons that are targeted to help a child improve in specific skill areas identified by
the assessments:

ABCmouse is truly a world-class educational resource and your patrons and their children will
benefit tremendously by making it available to them at home!

Here’s just one example of positive feedback from a librarian about ABCmouse, with several
more examples included near the end of this email:

"ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries is one way the Detroit Public Library is
encouraging children to read every day. The games and activities are fun and
educational and, based on their heavy use, children are enjoying them. It is the type of
resource that many families in our community would not have access to, except through
the Library. ~ Margaret Bruni, Director for Public Services for the Detroit Public Library

For more information about ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries, please contact Glenn
Swenson at

Additional Information about ABCmouse

Recent Awards Received by ABCmouse:

Curriculum Board & Academic Leadership:

Curriculum Scope & Sequence (a one-page chart)

ABCmouse and 3rd Grade Readiness (also very effective for Kindergarten readiness):

*Research Studies on ABCmouse Efficacy (as an Early Learning Resource and an Early
Childhood Education Resource):

Some Excellent Videos about ABCmouse

“What is ABCmouse?” (2:40 minutes)

How to Navigate ABCmouse (4:04 minutes)

Quick Summaries, Screen Shots, and One-Minute Videos for Each Subject Area

Librarians and Patrons Speak About ABCmouse (2:07 minutes)

A Schoolteacher Speaks about ABCmouse (2:56 minutes) – A MUST SEE VIDEO!

Positive Feedback from Library Staff

“We've had this resource in our libraries for years and there has been so much enthusiasm
around it …" - Skye Patrick, Director of the County of Los Angeles Public Library.

“We are excited to launch this service on September 1 that will allow Sonoma County families to
“checkout” access to ABCmouse to use at their home… With this service, children will now have
remote access to ABCmouse through their local library for free. The service also supports our
strategic plan goals to provide educational and recreational experiences that spark lifelong
learning, and to prepare parents and their children for entry into the K-12 school system.” ~
Susan Hildreth, Interim Library Director, Sonoma County Library, CA

“Parents and children alike are elated to find out that they can [access ABCmouse] for in home
use. Many of our members could not afford it otherwise. Children and parents often ask for
computer games to play while in the library. The children's staff always directs them to ABC
Mouse where they learn and have fun at the same time. Parents are thankful, often praise the
collaboration, and hope to see more opportunities like this in the future.” ~ Elizabeth
Braunworth, Children’s and Teen Librarian at the Main Library of Palm Beach County Library

“I love, love, love We’ve had tons of kids playing games on our computers this
summer. Now we have quality education games we can refer them to all in one place at” - July Hisel, Director of Wilson (IA) Memorial Library

Positive Feedback from Library Patrons is a great learning tool for kids of all ages, preschool through elementary
school. It is also user friendly and lots of fun. My son is 3 years old and has been using for a few months now and can now count to 10, has learned to listen and follow
instructions, he's become more independent and takes pride in learning new things, and he's
recognizing letters. I love that can be used on many devices. My son can play
on my phone, a tablet, or our laptop and it's easy to move from one to the other. ~ Allison
Gregory (patron of T.A. Cutler Memorial Library)

I don't know how does it, but it gets through to my daughter in no way that I
could, and I'm so happy. I've also seen my daughter learn other things that I did not expect;
she has become much better at using a mouse to interact with the computer, and she is also
coming to understand the value of tickets (and hopefully money in real-life and down the road)
and using them sparingly and deciding which gifts have the most value. ~ Jason Molen (patron
of Santa Clara County Library)

I love ABCmouse! My son started speech therapy about a year ago and I feel as if ABC Mouse
aided him speaking faster. He is much more confident and apt to speak now that he routinely
does activities on the website! Using it through the library program is amazing and much
appreciated! ~ Charmae Martin (patron of Daly City Public Library)

I think the is a great way to help kids become excited about learning. It is the
perfect combination of fun and learning. A parent can feel good about this type of screen time
and the site engages the whole family! I use the site with my (just turned) 5-year- old and my
(about to be) 9-year-old. My 5-year-old has definitely added to his letter recognition and letter
sound recognition directly from playing on ~ Elizabeth LiVolsi (patron of Contra
Costa County Library)

Here’s the ABCmouse Curriculum Scope and Sequence as of 2020. There are now well over
10,000 learning activities in ABCmouse.
Here’s a link to a PDF of the Curriculum Scope and Sequence:

About Age of Learning

At Age of Learning, our purpose is to help children everywhere build a strong foundation for
academic success and to foster a lifelong love of learning. We blend education best practices,
innovative technology, and insightful creativity to create engaging and effective educational
experiences that bring learning to life. Our flagship program, the award-winning and research-
validated® Early Learning Academy, is the leading and most comprehensive
digital learning resource for children ages 2–8, designed to help prepare children for
kindergarten and ensure third-grade readiness.

For more information about ABCmouse Home Access for Libraries, please contact Glenn
Swenson at

Glenn Swenson
Age of Learning, Inc.
101 N. Brand Blvd., Eighth Floor
Glendale, CA 91203
Mobile: (916) 717-1749
From: Danya Morales [] on behalf of Danya Morales
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 10:04 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Virtual Field Trips this Spring

Hello Jeff,

Garner Holt Education through Imagination has developed virtual hands-on STEAM field
trips that invite students inside the world’s greatest theme park animatronics production
factory, to show them how careers in creative design, robotics, engineering, advanced
manufacturing, animation, and the visual and performing arts converge to create the
illusion of life in theme parks everywhere!
All Virtual Field Trips include:
• An overview of the inspirational story of Garner Holt Productions, Inc.
• Virtual Factory Tour
• Hand-On STEAM Activities
• All Required Materials
• Live Virtual Instruction

Learn more about our virtual experiences by viewing this short video.

Request a virtual tour of GHP with hands-on activities now by clicking HERE!

Each activity emulates unique aspects of the animatronic production process and fosters
21st Century Learning Skills. Our experiences are taught by highly trained educators with
a passion for STEAM Education and Career Exploration and provide hands-on
engineering and art activities that are differentiated for students K-12, including groups of
students with varying needs, including English Learners and GATE students.

You can find more information about our virtual field trip experiences via our website.

With experiences starting at $1,520, I can't think of a better way to engage students of all

Request a Virtual Field Trip

We look forward to booking your virtual experience,

Danya Morales
Virtual Field Trip Coordinator
Garner Holt Education through Imagination, LLC
P: (909) 799-9090
Garner Holt Education through Imagination | 1220 Research Dr., Redlands, CA 92374

Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
Sent by
From: $5 Bucks a Book [] on behalf of $5 Bucks a Book
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 10:03 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Sharpen Your Pencils


Help your readers master the written word with the $5 Bucks a
Book language arts collection. From discovering the basic
letters and sounds of English to critiquing its greatest speakers
and writers, you can do it all for just $5 per book!

All titles are in library bound hardcover format.

Essential Critiques, Set 4

Animal Tales It's the Alphabet! Great American


Punctuation Critter Chronicles Story Time with Signs

& Rhymes,
Animal Tales It's the Alphabet!
Great American
Punctuation Critter Chronicles Story Time with Signs
& Rhymes,
Set 1

$5 Bucks a Book | 1960 Lookout Drive, North Mankato, MN 56003

Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
Sent by
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 5:16 PM
To: Reserve Parks []
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Got it!

Thank you!


Jeff Scott
Library Director
Washoe County Library System
301 S. Center Dr
Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 4:18:20 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Hi Jeff,

No worries. We don't have hours that it's open for public use for free, it's all by reservation.


Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or experience?

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:52 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Sorry for being vague. We are working on a grant in conjunction with the community center. The grantor
asked what the hours of the community center hours are. Usually, if you reserve the community center
or use the park, the availability is on the website. I wondered if there are just times it is open to the
public without reservation?
Sorry if that is a vague question. It was a weird question to ask and I am just trying to find out if there is
a difference in the hours. Does that make sense?
Thank you for your help!
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:50 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Is there a specific class or activity you were inquiring about?

Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or

experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:48 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Thank you! Is there a general time it is available outside of reservations?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Hi Jeff,
For reservations? The buildings are available from 8a-midnight.
Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or

experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Good afternoon,
Do you know what the community center hours are?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: NACo [] on behalf of NACo <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 4:36 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: County News Now – March 22, 2022

Having trouble viewing this email? Click Here

March 22, 2022

NACo analyzes Treasury

Department’s Final Rule for the
American Rescue Plan Act
The updated analysis examines revenue loss allocations, clarifies eligible and
ineligible uses and reporting requirements.

Libraries help young people in need of volunteer
Miami-Dade County, Fla.’s libraries created programs for
youths to volunteer safely during the pandemic.
Read more

County officials learn George Washington’s

leadership lessons
Rear Adm. Peter Cressy, director of Executive Leadership
Programs at Mount Vernon’s Leadership Institute, has spoken
to county executives, state association presidents and
executive directors and just recently, the New York State
Association of Counties.
Read more

NACo analyzes FY 2022 omnibus package

The package includes several key wins for counties among the
$1.5 trillion allocated.
Read more



Boost Your Local Economic Development

Coastal Cloud has developed a robust, innovative solution to empower
economic development for your community with the power of Salesforce.
Attract, retain and promote businesses more efficiently and effectively with a
modern-day tool that can be implemented in as little as 45 days. Our
economic development solution streamlines all aspects of your day-to-day
work; provides standard, accurate reporting; and forecasts incoming
investment and job growth.
Learn more
Legislative Updates
Treasury releases second round of reallocation
data of 'excess' Emergency Rental Assistance
Counties received approximately $350 million in this round of
Read more

NACo and APHSA introduce new Child Tax Credit

outreach toolkit
The toolkit can help health and human services agencies
connect eligible families with the temporarily expanded
Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit during the
2021 tax filing season.
Read more

VA publishes Interim Final Rule for new veteran

suicide prevention grant program
The SSG Fox SPGP provides $174 million to county governments
to develop suicide prevention strategies, promote outreach to at-
risk individuals and connect veterans and their families to
Read more

USDA announces strategic framework to enhance

nutrition security nationwide
The Department of Agriculture announced a four-pillar approach
to promoting nutrition security.
Read more
HHS announces $35 million in new funding
opportunities to strengthen mental health
services for children and young adults
This new funding seeks to improve mental health programs and
services through early intervention and suicide prevention in
schools, universities, foster care systems and other youth-
centered settings.
Read more


The Latest From NACo

Digital Counties Survey – call for entries
The Center for Digital Government and the National Association of Counties have launched the 20th
annual Digital Counties Survey! The deadline for this year’s submissions is April 5. Top-ranked
counties will receive the Digital Counties Survey award and county leaders will be honored at an
awards dinner during NACo’s annual conference July 20-24 in Adams County, Colo. Read more.
Webinar: Leveraging county systems to support infant and toddler mental health and well-being
Children’s earliest experiences impact their brain development and social and emotional skills,
setting the foundation for all future development. Counties can reduce risk factors for infants,
toddlers and parents by supporting positive environments and relationships, offering targeted
interventions and connecting children and families to treatment as needed. Join NACo 1-2pm ET
March 28 to learn more about promoting social and emotional well-being for infants and toddlers
through existing county systems and services. Register here.
Extinction alert: County financial operations without digitization
Without digitized financial operations, county finance teams and programs are on the brink of
burnout and obsolescence. Learn more.

Accelerating Unemployment Benefit Delivery with

Analytics Automation
What happens when a large transactional system that is scoped to manage
around 2,000 applications a month suddenly faces an unprecedented
influx of 2,000,000 applications? You quickly discover that your legacy
system needs help. Read more to learn how the State of Florida
accelerated the delivery of unemployment benefits with analytics
Read Now

MAR MAR AI Technology for Next-Gen
Community Engagement
Leveraging County Systems to 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. EDT

28 Support Infant and Toddler

Mental Health and Wellbeing
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. EDT
MAR Jail Reentry for People with
APR Somewhere to Go During a
Substance Use Disorders Part 3: Behavioral Health Emergency:

30 Sharing and Using Data

2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT 4 Crisis Triage Centers and
Behavioral Health Clinics
3 p.m. – 4 p.m. EDT

MAR A Commissioner's Point of View:
APR Evolving to AWS Cloud
The Power of Liquidity Data For 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. EDT

13 Your County
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. EDT 22

660 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20001

Did someone forward you this email? Sign up to stay up-to-date on topics affecting America's counties!
Click here to unsubscribe.
From: Parks - Reserve Parks [] on behalf of Parks - Reserve
Parks <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 4:18 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []; Reserve Parks []
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Hi Jeff,

No worries. We don't have hours that it's open for public use for free, it's all by reservation.


Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or experience?

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:52 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Sorry for being vague. We are working on a grant in conjunction with the community center. The grantor
asked what the hours of the community center hours are. Usually, if you reserve the community center
or use the park, the availability is on the website. I wondered if there are just times it is open to the
public without reservation?
Sorry if that is a vague question. It was a weird question to ask and I am just trying to find out if there is
a difference in the hours. Does that make sense?
Thank you for your help!
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:50 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Is there a specific class or activity you were inquiring about?
Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or

experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:48 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Thank you! Is there a general time it is available outside of reservations?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Hi Jeff,
For reservations? The buildings are available from 8a-midnight.

Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or

experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Good afternoon,
Do you know what the community center hours are?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:52 PM
To: Reserve Parks []
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Sorry for being vague. We are working on a grant in conjunction with the community center. The grantor
asked what the hours of the community center hours are. Usually, if you reserve the community center
or use the park, the availability is on the website. I wondered if there are just times it is open to the
public without reservation?

Sorry if that is a vague question. It was a weird question to ask and I am just trying to find out if there is
a difference in the hours. Does that make sense?

Thank you for your help!


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:50 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Is there a specific class or activity you were inquiring about?


Jennifer Penland

Community Services

Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601

1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512

Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or
experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:48 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Thank you! Is there a general time it is available outside of reservations?


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Hi Jeff,

For reservations? The buildings are available from 8a-midnight.


Jennifer Penland

Community Services

Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601

1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512

Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or
experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Good afternoon,

Do you know what the community center hours are?



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Parks - Reserve Parks [] on behalf of Parks - Reserve
Parks <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:50 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []; Reserve Parks []
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Is there a specific class or activity you were inquiring about?


Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or experience?

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:48 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Thank you! Is there a general time it is available outside of reservations?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Hi Jeff,
For reservations? The buildings are available from 8a-midnight.
Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or

experience? Email:

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Good afternoon,
Do you know what the community center hours are?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:48 PM
To: Reserve Parks []
Subject: RE: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Thank you! Is there a general time it is available outside of reservations?


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Parks - Reserve Parks <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>; Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Hi Jeff,

For reservations? The buildings are available from 8a-midnight.


Jennifer Penland

Community Services

Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601

1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512

Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or

experience? Email:
From: Scott, Jeff <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Good afternoon,

Do you know what the community center hours are?



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Parks - Reserve Parks [] on behalf of Parks - Reserve
Parks <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []; Reserve Parks []
Subject: Re: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Hi Jeff,

For reservations? The buildings are available from 8a-midnight.


Jennifer Penland
Community Services
Park Reservations: 775.823.6501 Utility: 775.954.4601
1001 E 9th Street, Reno, NV 89512
Building A, 2nd Floor

Have some kudos to share about a Community Services Department employee or experience?

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Parks - Reserve Parks <>
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours
Good afternoon,
Do you know what the community center hours are?
Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:45 PM
To: Reserve Parks []
Subject: Cold Springs Community Center Hours

Good afternoon,

Do you know what the community center hours are?



Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
From: Ashleigh Foster [] on behalf of Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:47 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
CC: Michael Brazier []
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

Totally understand! The cards will be there ready for you.

Thank you!

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:06 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

I can pick up the cards tomorrow. I like making a personal note to those who are giving. Sorry for the
delay. My month got away from me.

I will stop by around 1 tomorrow.

Thank you,

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:05 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,

I am more than happy to drop cards off to you tomorrow. Everyone on your list also had an email if that
works better for you. Are you able to complete these this week in that case? Or should I pass your list

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Scott, Jeff <>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 4:11 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

I am so sorry. I was not able to pick up cards to send out notes.


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 3:58 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: FW: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,

Wanted to couple my voicemail with an email. How has the Thank-a-thon been coming along? If your
calls, emails, and notes have been completed, please be sure to send back any notes. If you have not
been able to complete these, can you please let me know ASAP so someone else can thank these
donors? I believe it is important to not only share our gratitude with our donors but share our impact
made possible because of them. Please be sure to let me know if you are unable to complete this.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 11:25 AM
To: Jeff Scott <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to shoot you a quick note to see how the Thank-a-thon is coming along. As a reminder, let
me know if you need United Way cards for your handwritten notes. Please complete all calls and notes
by Friday, March 4th. If you’re already done, please send back any notes from calls and let me know
everything is sent. If you are unable to complete these, please let me know ASAP so we can still thank
these incredible donors.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to share some love with the UWNNS family of supporters!

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:06 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster []
CC: Michael Brazier []
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

I can pick up the cards tomorrow. I like making a personal note to those who are giving. Sorry for the
delay. My month got away from me.

I will stop by around 1 tomorrow.

Thank you,


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:05 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,

I am more than happy to drop cards off to you tomorrow. Everyone on your list also had an email if that
works better for you. Are you able to complete these this week in that case? Or should I pass your list

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322
United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra
639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 4:11 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

I am so sorry. I was not able to pick up cards to send out notes.


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 3:58 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: FW: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,
Wanted to couple my voicemail with an email. How has the Thank-a-thon been coming along? If your
calls, emails, and notes have been completed, please be sure to send back any notes. If you have not
been able to complete these, can you please let me know ASAP so someone else can thank these
donors? I believe it is important to not only share our gratitude with our donors but share our impact
made possible because of them. Please be sure to let me know if you are unable to complete this.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Ashleigh Foster

Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 11:25 AM
To: Jeff Scott <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to shoot you a quick note to see how the Thank-a-thon is coming along. As a reminder, let
me know if you need United Way cards for your handwritten notes. Please complete all calls and notes
by Friday, March 4th. If you’re already done, please send back any notes from calls and let me know
everything is sent. If you are unable to complete these, please let me know ASAP so we can still thank
these incredible donors.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to share some love with the UWNNS family of supporters!

Thank you,
Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)
Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Ashleigh Foster [] on behalf of Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:05 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
CC: Michael Brazier []
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

Hi Jeff,

I am more than happy to drop cards off to you tomorrow. Everyone on your list also had an email if that
works better for you. Are you able to complete these this week in that case? Or should I pass your list

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 4:11 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

I am so sorry. I was not able to pick up cards to send out notes.

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 3:58 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: FW: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,

Wanted to couple my voicemail with an email. How has the Thank-a-thon been coming along? If your
calls, emails, and notes have been completed, please be sure to send back any notes. If you have not
been able to complete these, can you please let me know ASAP so someone else can thank these
donors? I believe it is important to not only share our gratitude with our donors but share our impact
made possible because of them. Please be sure to let me know if you are unable to complete this.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 11:25 AM
To: Jeff Scott <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to shoot you a quick note to see how the Thank-a-thon is coming along. As a reminder, let
me know if you need United Way cards for your handwritten notes. Please complete all calls and notes
by Friday, March 4th. If you’re already done, please send back any notes from calls and let me know
everything is sent. If you are unable to complete these, please let me know ASAP so we can still thank
these incredible donors.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to share some love with the UWNNS family of supporters!

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 4:11 PM
To: Ashleigh Foster []
CC: Michael Brazier []
Subject: RE: Thank-a-thon Check-in

I am so sorry. I was not able to pick up cards to send out notes.


Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Ashleigh Foster <>

Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 3:58 PM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Michael Brazier <>
Subject: FW: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]

Hi Jeff,

Wanted to couple my voicemail with an email. How has the Thank-a-thon been coming along? If your
calls, emails, and notes have been completed, please be sure to send back any notes. If you have not
been able to complete these, can you please let me know ASAP so someone else can thank these
donors? I believe it is important to not only share our gratitude with our donors but share our impact
made possible because of them. Please be sure to let me know if you are unable to complete this.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Ashleigh Foster

Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 11:25 AM
To: Jeff Scott <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High

Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to shoot you a quick note to see how the Thank-a-thon is coming along. As a reminder, let
me know if you need United Way cards for your handwritten notes. Please complete all calls and notes
by Friday, March 4th. If you’re already done, please send back any notes from calls and let me know
everything is sent. If you are unable to complete these, please let me know ASAP so we can still thank
these incredible donors.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to share some love with the UWNNS family of supporters!

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
From: Ashleigh Foster [] on behalf of Ashleigh Foster
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 3:58 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
CC: Michael Brazier []
Subject: FW: Thank-a-thon Check-in

Importance: High

Hi Jeff,

Wanted to couple my voicemail with an email. How has the Thank-a-thon been coming along? If your
calls, emails, and notes have been completed, please be sure to send back any notes. If you have not
been able to complete these, can you please let me know ASAP so someone else can thank these
donors? I believe it is important to not only share our gratitude with our donors but share our impact
made possible because of them. Please be sure to let me know if you are unable to complete this.

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509

From: Ashleigh Foster

Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 11:25 AM
To: Jeff Scott <>
Subject: Thank-a-thon Check-in
Importance: High
Hi Jeff,

Just wanted to shoot you a quick note to see how the Thank-a-thon is coming along. As a reminder, let
me know if you need United Way cards for your handwritten notes. Please complete all calls and notes
by Friday, March 4th. If you’re already done, please send back any notes from calls and let me know
everything is sent. If you are unable to complete these, please let me know ASAP so we can still thank
these incredible donors.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to share some love with the UWNNS family of supporters!

Thank you,

Ashleigh Foster (she, her, hers)

Director, Donor Engagement
c. 775-813-3322

United Way of Northern Nevada and the Sierra

639 Isbell Rd., Suite 460
Reno, NV 89509
Your weekly dose of inspiration

Hi there,

Today is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and, let’s be real:
we have a lot of work to do. Thankfully, our Girls Who Code students make us feel hopeful
that we can do that work together — so many have focused on using their coding skills to
raise awareness about racial discrimination.
One group of students in a Texas club created a game that allows users to create a Black
Lives Matter protestor and raises awareness about the BLM movement.
Last summer, a Summer Immersion Program student created a website to educate people
about the #StopAsianHate movement, while another created an activist toolkit to raise
awareness about missing and murdered Indigenous women.
We’re also grateful for the work of role models that our community can look up to, like
Alexis Williams, an engineering student who codes projects that tackle social justice
issues in America — like, a comprehensive guide to fighting white
So while we still have a lot of work to do to eliminate racial discrimination, we’re also
inspired by how many young people in our community have used coding to make that
future a reality.

👩🏾‍💻 LAST CHANCE to Apply For Our FREE Summer Program: Our application for our Summer
Immersion Program (SIP) has been extended! This is the last week for high school
students to apply for the opportunity to make an impact with code, learn about cool
careers in tech, and build an invaluable sisterhood. Apply here!

👩🏽‍🔬Join Our New Work Prep Program! Girls Who Code's Work Prep is a career exploration
program that introduces college-aged alumni to multiple career pathways and gives a
behind-the-scenes look at work practices and company culture at top tech companies.
Learn more and apply here.

📱TikTok Of The Week: Ever wonder where the term “computer bug” comes from? Watch
our TikTok here to find out!

Congrats to Kassidy Parnell, who, in addition to securing millions in scholarships, has
received over 100 college offers! The Louisiana high school senior is also a woman in
STEM — she’s dual-enrolled in computer science classes at Baton Rouge Community

Kizzmekia Corbett was honored for her role as lead scientist for coronavirus vaccine
research at the National Institutes of Health; her team developed the COVID-19 Moderna
vaccine. We love to see an amazing woman in STEM — who has saved countless lives
through her work — celebrated!


All month, we’re introducing you to some of the women making history in cybersecurity.
Recently, we put the spotlight on Parisa Tabriz, a computer security expert who is also
known as Google’s “Security Princess.” Read our Q&A with her here.
Yours in Sisterhood,
Girls Who Code Team

Share © 2022 GIRLS WHO CODE

1250 Broadway, Floor 17
New York, NY, 10001

You are receiving this email because you have expressed

interest in Girls Who Code.

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From: NACo [] on behalf of NACo <>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 10:36 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: There is still time to register for the 2022 NACo Healthy Counties Forum

Having trouble viewing this email? Click Here



April 6–8 | Wake County/Raleigh, N.C.

Register today for the National Association of Counties (NACo) Healthy

Counties Forum in Wake County/Raleigh, N.C. April 6–8. Join your peers for an
interactive event that will focus on the social determinants of health,
particularly emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.


There is still time to register. Register now before the hotel group rate
expires on Wednesday, March 23.

Experience firsthand the critical county role in creating and sustaining healthy
communities, by participating in high-impact mobile tours, including:

• The Poe Center, a nonprofit organization that partners with Wake County to offer
an immersive experience that provides health education to children and adults
• Healing Transitions, a nonprofit organization that offers innovative peer-based
and recovery-oriented services to homeless, uninsured and underserved
individuals with substance use disorders
• Oak City Cares, a program that serves as a point of entry into homeless and
housing services and supports more than 30 on-site social service organizations
• Bike tour of Wake County’s extensive open space greenway system

County leaders and public health departments have been at the forefront of combating
the pandemic and creating opportunities for county residents to thrive. Recovery funds
are offering a chance for county leaders to invest in the future of our communities’
health in ways that promote equity and positive outcomes.
Learn strategies for equitably addressing systems that impact the social determinants of
health through a full slate of workshops, panels and more.

Engage with your county peers from across the country through networking
opportunities, breakout discussions and moderated meetups.


NACo is offering in-person attendance at its 2022 NACo Healthy Counties Forum pursuant to
local government orders and public health guidance on such gatherings. NACo is committed to
hosting a safe event for all participants and to this end requires all members, guests, staff and
supplier personnel to comply with safety precautions specified for Wake County, N.C., the
Sheraton Raleigh, Wake County Public Health and CDC guidelines and recommendations.

Learn More: 2022 Healthy Counties Forum Waiver of Liability and 2022 Healthy Counties Forum
Code of Conduct

NACo is here to help. For assistance, email or call 202.942.4292.

660 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20001

Did someone forward you this email? Sign up to stay up-to-date on topics affecting America’s counties!

Click here to unsubscribe.

From: Weinert, Beate [] on behalf of Weinert, Beate
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 1:12 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []; Dalusung, Joan []
Subject: Re: AmeriCorps offer Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications,

Thanks, Jeff.

Happy Friday!

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 10:26 PM
To: Weinert, Beate <>; Dalusung, Joan <>
Subject: Re: AmeriCorps offer Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
I didn’t receive this.

Will followup.



Jeff Scott
Library Director
Washoe County Library System
301 S. Center Dr
Reno, NV 89501

From: Weinert, Beate <>

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 6:44:57 PM
To: Dalusung, Joan <>; Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: AmeriCorps offer Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
Good evening--please see below. Not sure if you received this as well.?

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Eileen B <>

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 5:05 PM
To: Weinert, Beate <>
Subject: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]
Dear Beate Weinert,

My name is Eileen Bidwell, a retired social worker and college instructor. I worked with families
and individuals experiencing homelessness for nearly 30 years.

In 2013 I moved to Reno and began volunteering with several nonprofit environmental,
educational and human services organizations. I am currently completing my third year as
Human Services Educator with One Truckee River, a part-time AmeriCorps position, and am a
board member with the Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE), the organization that
manages and operates Our Place Shelter for families, single women and seniors. I am well
connected to Reno's homeless services community, and am currently involved with efforts to
expand affordable housing through the Nevada Housing Coalition and the Nevada Interagency
Council on Homelessness to Housing.

I have recently learned about programs at libraries throughout the U.S. that help patrons,
including people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, connect with community resources,
and provide referrals to services. I believe this would be a welcome addition to the services and
free information the downtown Reno library currently offers to our community.

I am writing to offer my assistance in an AmeriCorps position beginning in September of this

year. The local AmeriCorps program is administered by the Truckee Meadows Parks
Foundation, which is responsible for processing applications, handling payroll, communicating
with the national office, and other administrative responsibilities. The cost to participating
agencies for a half-time position is $5,500 for a full year.

In addition to assisting with resources, I am able to write resumes and cover letters and assist
with employment and housing applications, as well as applications for various assistance
Washoe County Libraries are a trusted, respected and cherished public resource. I would be
honored to join your organization, and would be happy to meet with you to further discuss this
possibility. Please contact me at 775-800-1277 or by email.

Thank you in advance for considering this request.


Eileen Bidwell
From: Scott, Jeff [] on behalf of Scott, Jeff
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 10:27 PM
To: Weinert, Beate []; Dalusung, Joan
Subject: Re: AmeriCorps offer Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications,

I didn’t receive this.

Will followup.



Jeff Scott
Library Director
Washoe County Library System
301 S. Center Dr
Reno, NV 89501

From: Weinert, Beate <>

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 6:44:57 PM
To: Dalusung, Joan <>; Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: AmeriCorps offer Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
Good evening--please see below. Not sure if you received this as well.?

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Eileen B <>

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 5:05 PM
To: Weinert, Beate <>
Subject: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]
Dear Beate Weinert,

My name is Eileen Bidwell, a retired social worker and college instructor. I worked with families
and individuals experiencing homelessness for nearly 30 years.

In 2013 I moved to Reno and began volunteering with several nonprofit environmental,
educational and human services organizations. I am currently completing my third year as
Human Services Educator with One Truckee River, a part-time AmeriCorps position, and am a
board member with the Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE), the organization that
manages and operates Our Place Shelter for families, single women and seniors. I am well
connected to Reno's homeless services community, and am currently involved with efforts to
expand affordable housing through the Nevada Housing Coalition and the Nevada Interagency
Council on Homelessness to Housing.

I have recently learned about programs at libraries throughout the U.S. that help patrons,
including people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, connect with community resources,
and provide referrals to services. I believe this would be a welcome addition to the services and
free information the downtown Reno library currently offers to our community.

I am writing to offer my assistance in an AmeriCorps position beginning in September of this

year. The local AmeriCorps program is administered by the Truckee Meadows Parks
Foundation, which is responsible for processing applications, handling payroll, communicating
with the national office, and other administrative responsibilities. The cost to participating
agencies for a half-time position is $5,500 for a full year.

In addition to assisting with resources, I am able to write resumes and cover letters and assist
with employment and housing applications, as well as applications for various assistance

Washoe County Libraries are a trusted, respected and cherished public resource. I would be
honored to join your organization, and would be happy to meet with you to further discuss this
possibility. Please contact me at 775-800-1277 or by email.

Thank you in advance for considering this request.


Eileen Bidwell
From: Weinert, Beate [] on behalf of Weinert, Beate
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 6:45 PM
To: Dalusung, Joan []; Scott, Jeff []
Subject: AmeriCorps offer Fw: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.

Good evening--please see below. Not sure if you received this as well.?

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Eileen B <>

Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 5:05 PM
To: Weinert, Beate <>
Subject: Assisting people with Community Resources, Applications, etc.
[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]
Dear Beate Weinert,

My name is Eileen Bidwell, a retired social worker and college instructor. I worked with families
and individuals experiencing homelessness for nearly 30 years.

In 2013 I moved to Reno and began volunteering with several nonprofit environmental,
educational and human services organizations. I am currently completing my third year as
Human Services Educator with One Truckee River, a part-time AmeriCorps position, and am a
board member with the Reno Initiative for Shelter and Equality (RISE), the organization that
manages and operates Our Place Shelter for families, single women and seniors. I am well
connected to Reno's homeless services community, and am currently involved with efforts to
expand affordable housing through the Nevada Housing Coalition and the Nevada Interagency
Council on Homelessness to Housing.

I have recently learned about programs at libraries throughout the U.S. that help patrons,
including people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, connect with community resources,
and provide referrals to services. I believe this would be a welcome addition to the services and
free information the downtown Reno library currently offers to our community.

I am writing to offer my assistance in an AmeriCorps position beginning in September of this

year. The local AmeriCorps program is administered by the Truckee Meadows Parks
Foundation, which is responsible for processing applications, handling payroll, communicating
with the national office, and other administrative responsibilities. The cost to participating
agencies for a half-time position is $5,500 for a full year.

In addition to assisting with resources, I am able to write resumes and cover letters and assist
with employment and housing applications, as well as applications for various assistance

Washoe County Libraries are a trusted, respected and cherished public resource. I would be
honored to join your organization, and would be happy to meet with you to further discuss this
possibility. Please contact me at 775-800-1277 or by email.

Thank you in advance for considering this request.


Eileen Bidwell
From: Academic Newswire - Library Journal [] on behalf of Academic Newswire - Library
Journal <>
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 12:04 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Space for Student Parents, ALA Presidential Candidates, Best Reference 2021

View in Web Browser

Forward to a Friend

Academic Libraries Add Space for Student Parents

By Laura Winnick
Most public libraries feature family-friendly spaces: rooms where young children
can play or read quietly, stocked with toys, digital media, or books. Recently,
some academic libraries have been inspired to model similar room on their
college campuses. Seeking to support students who are parents or caregivers,
many college libraries are working to create more inclusive spaces with child-
friendly resources.

LJ Talks to the 2023–24 ALA Presidential Candidates

By Lisa Peet
Now that voting for the American Library Association (ALA) 2023–24 presidential
campaign has begun, LJ invited candidates Emily Drabinski, interim chief librarian at
The Graduate Center, City University of New York; and Kelvin Watson, executive
director of the Las Vegas–Clark County Library District, to weigh in on some key
Best Reference Works of 2021
By Mahnaz Dar, Maggie Knapp, Dave Pugl, Laurie Selwyn, and Rob Tench
Though 2021 was another tough year, it also brought spots of joy with these 37 stellar
titles selected by the LJ Best Reference Committee.

Best Databases | Best Reference 2021

By Mahnaz Dar
Librarians, students and instructors will find tremendous value in these top picks of


Oxford University Press and the University of Oklahoma Reach

Read & Publish Agreement
Oxford University Press (OUP) and the University of Oklahoma have agreed a Read &
Publish deal. The agreement covers all researchers belonging to the University of
Oklahoma, including the main campus in Norman, the Health Sciences Center in
Oklahoma City, as well as OU-Tulsa.


Bring the World to Your Screen | Five Global Films

By Andrea Tarr
Travel the world through these film gems from the past several years; each is likely to
reward viewers with new discoveries and appreciation.

“We had the facilities, resources, and the need to create a

special space that would honor the unique needs and
experiences of caregivers. Once we identified the problem, it was
an easy decision to move forward.”
From “Academic Libraries Add Space for Student Parents”
Best Free Resources | Best Reference 2021
By Mahnaz Dar and Gary Price
These free resources are a treasure trove of information for casual users, researchers,
and librarians.


The Stakes Are High for University Research. Here’s How

Libraries Can Help
The stakes are high for researchers, and the institutions that employ them, to
showcase their work effectively. Librarians can add significant value for their
institutions by collaborating with individual researchers and research office staff
to identify new publishing channels, catalog university research and make these
works more easily discoverable, among other activities.


From LJ Reviews:

Compact Copyright: Quick Answers to Common Questions
By Sara R. Benson
Librarians will find value in this work, whether they treat it as a reference or read it cover to cover. Though
geared toward academic and public librarians, it will benefit any information professional faced with
copyright questions.

Library Signage and Wayfinding Design: Communicating Effectively with Your Users
By Mark Aaron Polger
Polger offers clear, practical, actionable advice for improving how libraries communicate with users through
signage. Will appeal broadly to library workers in public service-related positions.

The Greatest Invention: A History of the World in Nine Mysterious Scripts
By Silvia Ferrara
In the tradition of the best popular science writing, Ferrara expresses complex ideas in language
understandable and appealing to the educated layperson.

The Turning Point: 1851—A Year That Changed Charles Dickens and the World
By Robert Douglas-Fairhurst
This expansive blend of literary and historical research allows readers a close encounter with Dickens’s
writing desk. A must-read for Dickens fans.
All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep: Hope—and Hard Pills To Swallow—About Fighting for Black
By Andre Henry
This is a book full of difficult choices, about choosing not to waste energy trying to convince those willfully
entrenched in racist narratives, during a personal and historic struggle for meaning, life, and Black joy.

Two Billion Caliphs: A Vision of a Muslim Future
By Haroon Moghul
Recommended for its novel perspectives and invitation for dialogue.

Mia Bay and Mae Ngai Win Bancroft Prizes | Book Pulse
By Kate Merlene
Mia Bay and Mae Ngai win the Bancroft Prizes. Finalists for the 2022 LAMBDA
Literary Awards and the Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism are
announced. The 2022 Jhalak Prize longlist is announced. American Libraries has a
“Reading Ukraine” booklist.

Top Pre-Release Holds for April 2022 Audiobooks | Nonfiction

By LJ Reviews
The top pre-release holds for April 2022 audiobooks across nonfiction subjects.

Change the Scene | Backtalk

By Bronwen Gamble and Matt Finch
How do you plan for the future when your focus is on “getting back to normal”? A
series of workshops on strategic foresight with Oxford University’s Matt Finch, hosted
by Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Library Development, introduced our team to the practice
of scenario planning.
American Academy of Arts and Letters Announces 2022 Literature
Award Winners | Book Pulse
By Kate Merlene
The American Academy of Arts and Letters announced its 2022 awards in literature.
PRH launches a Banned Books Resources Hub, featuring information for educators,
librarians, parents, and authors.


By LJ Reviews

Flora of North America, Animals’ Best Friends, Lessons from Plants, and more in
botany and zoology titles: March 2021 to date as identified by GOBI Library Solutions
from EBSCO.

1. Flora of North America: North of Mexico; v. 10: Magnoliophyta: Proteaceae to

Editor: Flora of North America Editorial Committee
Oxford University Press
2021. ISBN 9780197576076. $95.00

2. Animals’ Best Friends: Putting Compassion to Work for Animals in Captivity and in the Wild.
King, Barbara J.
University of Chicago Press
2021. ISBN 9780226601489. $25.00

3. Lessons from Plants.

Montgomery, Beronda L.
Harvard University Press
2021. ISBN 9780674241282. $22.95

From the Pages of infoDOCKET ...

• National Library of Israel Unveils Largest Collection of Esther Scrolls in the World
• University of Wyoming Libraries to Launch Journal of Open Educational Resources in
Higher Education
• Internet Archive, Stanford University Libraries, and Other Partners Announce Project to
Digitize U.S. Government Publications on Microfiche
• NARA: “By the Numbers: 2010–2022” by David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States
• New Research Resource: Black Metropolis Research Consortium (BMRC) Archives Portal
Brings Together Collections From Institutions Across Chicago

Job Zone utilizes unique job matching technology to help you find
the perfect job (and employers find the perfect candidate), whether
you’re actively seeking or just keeping an eye out for your
possibilities. Log on today and check out our newest features,
including automated job and candidate matches, and email alerts.
City of Long Beach (CA) seeks a Library Services Director

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From: Chad Hunter [] on behalf of Chad Hunter
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2022 4:38 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: March News from the Field - Video Trust

Monthly Newsletter - March 2022

Edited by Chad Hunter, Executive Director

Top News for March

• From New York Times: To Boycott Russians, or Not? In Film and Beyond, That’s the Question.
• From Variety: All 18 Best Picture Nominees Directed by Women in Oscars History
• From IndieWire: James Cameron, Guillermo del Toro, John Williams, and More Urge Academy to
‘Reverse’ Telecast Decision
• From The Guardian: ‘We can’t afford to lose them’: the fight to bring missing movies back
• From The Washington Post: To expunge the death of his daughter from the Internet, a father
created an NFT of the video
• From Scripps Media, Inc.: Committee denies request to remove gay documentary from
Lafayette library
• From University of Arkansas: Celebrate Women's History Month with the Libraries Multimedia
• From Newsweek: Elderly Librarian Stands Her Ground Against Anti-Masker Demanding Entry in
• From Auburn University: The Classic Era of Video Game Consoles: 1972-1984 exhibit opens at
RBD Library
• From Forbes: The Financial Challenges Facing Streaming Video
• From the British Film Institute: BFI statement on Ukraine
• From MoMA: To Save and Project - The 18th MoMA International Festival of Film Preservation

Register today for the new webinar: “Copyright &

Media Collections”
2:00 pm EST, Thursday March 17, 2022
In this 60 minute webinar we'll explore options for libraries seeking to provide access to streaming
video for their patrons. Topics covered will include licensing considerations. We'll also discuss options
for exercising user rights found in US. copyright law, such as fair use and Section 108, for streaming,
preservation, and creating accessible copies for patrons who require an accommodation.
- Carla Myers, Coordinator of Scholarly Communications, Miami University Libraries
- Sandra Aya Enimil, Copyright Librarian and Contracting Specialist
Scholarly Resources, Yale University Library


Black on Silver Screen: Mary Alice - Mother of Monologue

By Kahmeela Adams

I recently watched an episode of Law and Order where actor Mary Alice was a guest star. In this Season 3
episode titled Mother Love, Alice played Virginia Bryan, the mother of a young



The recording of Video Trust’s February webinar “Closed Captioning &
Media Collections” is now available as a benefit for all Video Trust

Experts in the media library world discussed best practices for dealing with
closed-captioning at their institutions; examples from their own experiences;
what barriers they encounter; policies, tools, costs, training, and outsourcing.
Panelists included:

Sarah Brennan, PROQUEST/AVON, Sarah Brennan, Proquest, Project Manager Sr, Video
Lindsay Duke (she/hers), University of North Texas, Film & Video Outreach Coordinator, University
Libraries- Media

Steven Milewski, Associate Professor, Social Work & Digital Media Technologies Librarian, Learning,
Research & Engagement, University Libraries, University of Tennessee



Want to see your library

spotlighted in a future
Video Trust newsletter?

Send a blurb and a photo to
How Old Movies Are Professionally Restored
From INSIDER: All film stocks decompose over time. Sometimes this decomposition is irreversible —
which explains why an estimated 75% of American silent films are considered lost. Insider visited The
George Eastman Museum in Rochester, New York, to see how its team rescues old movies and restores
them to their former glory.

Call for Proposals for a Special Issue of The Moving Image:
"Reflections and Projections: 100 Years of 16mm"
The Moving Image, 23.2
“Reflections and Projections: 100 Years of 16mm”
Guest editors: Caroline Frick and Laura Treat
Proposals Due: April 1, 2022
Final Manuscripts Due: September 01, 2022
The Moving Image invites submissions for possible inclusion in a special issue addressing the significant
and central role played by 16mm film for nearly 100 years. This important small gauge format
influenced decades of medical and educational training; amused and entertained global audiences;
served as a fertile training ground for generations of government and Hollywood filmmakers; provided
vital infrastructure for the burgeoning television industries; and afforded an opportunity for families,
communities, and other non-professionals to document their own lives. As video assumed a more
central role within the media industries in the 1970s and 1980s, entire 16mm film collections were
discarded and abandoned, increasingly becoming the domain of audiovisual archivists and librarians,
museums and historical societies, and networks of private collectors who continue to work to preserve
and provide access to these materials to new audiences in innovative ways.
To highlight this important work, and to reflect the unique work of AMIA members, we envision an
issue that prioritizes the perspectives of practitioners and others who work with 16mm film collections.
In doing so, this issue will privilege discussions of archival practice and labor over traditional long-form
academic research articles. For example, we welcome interviews with industrial filmmakers, collection
profiles and case studies, “war stories” from the vaults and other lessons learned, or thoughtful
reflections upon 16mm as a mode of access and preservation.
Link to full CFP:
Review from Educational Media Reviews Online: Bulletproof
Bulletproof is, in brief, a documentary about how schools have responded to school shootings. The film
is presented primarily through a lens of observation; it contains only a few scenes in which an
individual speaks directly to the filmmakers. Despite the sparse narration, Bulletproof manages to
convey a clear narrative throughout the film. Furthermore, the filmmakers also provide context early in
each scene so that viewers understand what's happening at that point in time. Overall, the film is well-
structured and superbly edited …


The Criterion Collection:
Cartoons of a Different Kind
There’s an entire realm of children’s entertainment that survives mostly
on the margins of collective consciousness. The average person is
unlikely to know Michael Sporn’s name, but if they are of a certain age,
they almost certainly have seen at least one of his animated short films,
and there’s even a chance they still hold such a film close to their heart.
Of the more than forty shorts Sporn directed in his four decades as an
animator, little more than a dozen are currently available on legal
streaming services in the U.S. Read more HERE.
New Day Films: Women Who Change The World
March is Women’s History Month, and to appreciate the significance of this annual occasion, one need
look no further than New Day Films own trailblazing founders. This past November, New Day Films
turned 50 and founders Julia Reichert, Liane Brandon, Amalie Rothschild and Jim Klein shared their
insights on the founding of the co-op during the milestone celebration. The leadership and ingenuity it
took to found a woman-led organization in 1971 embodies the accomplishments that should be
celebrated during Women’s History month and International Women’s Day on March 8.


Video Trust is a nonprofit organization that provides professional development and film resources for
K-12, public, and academic librarians. Learn more and sign up for our monthly newsletter at

Interested in advertising in the Video Trust monthly newsletter? Or a sponsorship opportunity? Contact
Chad Hunter at

Video Trust, 2885 Sanford Avenue SW #40571, Grandville, MI 49418, USA

Powered by Squarespace

From: Burton, Leah J. [] on behalf of Burton, Leah J.
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 4:35 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: 2022-02-16 LBOT Minutes Draft
Attachments: 2022-02-16 LBOT Minutes Draft.docx

Jeff, here are the draft minutes for February. Would you like me to send a note of apology and
explanation to Wayne when I forward these to him? Please review and let me know if you’d like any
changes before I send over.

Thank you,

4:05 P.M.

The Board met in regular session in a hybrid format via Zoom webinar and in person.

Chair Holland called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.


Board Members Present: Wayne Holland, Jean Stoess, Frank Perez, Zanny Marsh,
Amy Ghilieri

Board Members Absent: None

County Staff Present: Assistant District Attorney Herb Kaplan, Assistant County
Manager David Solaro

Public Present: None noted




a. Approval of Minutes from the Library Board Meeting of January 19, 2021

On motion by Trustee Stoess, seconded by Trustee Perez, which motion duly carried,
the Board approved minutes from the January 19, 2021 meeting. All in favor, none



a. Presentation on Washoe County Library System 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

Library Director Jeff Scott reviewed a PowerPoint presentation regarding the 2022-
2025 Strategic Plan, a copy of which had been provided in the agenda packet. He
discussed the first month of the strategic plan activities, including grants for new
book machines and progress on the Bookmobile van. He provided an update
regarding book promotion activities similar to the On the Shelf radio program.

He noted there would be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the reopening of the
Northwest Reno Library in March. The date of the reopening for the Sparks Library
was still uncertain due to the need for asbestos remediation. He noted Director’s
Updates were being provided to the Board members and staff weekly. He shared
photos of recent renovation activities and the Sparks library being prepared for
carpet installation.

Director Scott reviewed the Workforce Building partnerships with Washoe ACT, the
Northern Nevada Literacy Council, and American Job Center at Sierra View Library.
He mentioned plans to renovate the Senior Center library and discussed
homebound services delivery. He discussed the pause of the homework help
tutoring program a switch to focus on the BrainFuse program.

Chair Holland asked how the Library System was recruiting volunteers; Director
Scott explained the volunteer program was in the process of being reorganized and
more updates would be provided in the future.

Director Scott discussed the ways in which the Washoe County Library System was
working to celebrate and promote diversity, and shared brief updates regarding
marketing activities related to the 2024 tax renewal initiative.


a. Library Director’s Report

Director Scott reviewed the Library Director’s Report, noting mask mandates had
been relaxed by the State of Nevada; masks were now recommended but not
required for patrons. COVID testing at the South Valleys branch had recently
concluded. Spanish Springs branch manager Jana MacMillan estimated
approximately 20 percent of patrons were wearing face coverings on any given day.
Director Scott discussed the updates to signage and new procedures implemented
after the mask mandate repeal.

Director Scott briefly highlighted the ordering of Summer Reading Program ‘swag’.
He also noted there had been some changes in the Library System’s hiring
processes, which would allow staff to waive interviews more than three times
without being removed from the hiring list. This would help save time by avoiding
unnecessary interviews of staff who wanted to remain on a list, but who were not
interested in a particular branch or vacancy.

He discussed various updates and changes related to digital library cards through
the Overdrive system and the transferring of those card accounts to physical library

He explained plans and updates for a new volunteer program and new ways to
recruit volunteers. He discussed the Washoe Stars employee recognition program
and noted staff members Lori Talarico and Marie Sevier-Dyer had been nominated
for the previous quarter.

b. Spanish Springs Library Report

Spanish Springs Library Branch Manager Jana MacMillan reviewed a PowerPoint

presentation, copies of which were provided to the Board. She discussed notable
events at the Spanish Springs Library including a staff member who received a drone
pilot license for aerial photography, the branch staff’s involvement in assisting the
community during the COVID pandemic, and a UPS truck that had crashed into the
branch in May 2020. Thankfully, due to the shutdown, no one had been injured
during the crash; if the branch had been open at the time, two employees whose
workstations were right on the other side of the wall the truck crashed into could
have been injured.

Ms. MacMillan discussed Grab-and-Go pickups implemented in June 2020 and the
cleanup and reconstruction of the damaged wall in August 2020. She shared a
humorous ‘love story’ of two Library Lizards who entered the branch during
construction (and their resulting progeny); she also detailed the use of the Spanish
Springs Library as an early voting location in Fall 2020. In Winter 2021, drive-through
book pick-ups had been implemented, and by May 2021, the branch reopened to

Tour groups returned in August 2021, with story and toddler times as well as
meetings of the Friends of the Washoe County Library System following in
September 2021. By October 2021, new expanded branch hours had been
implemented, and the branch had since been open six days per week.
Ms. MacMillan shared photos of teen outreaches, toddler time activities, and a
virtual story time being provided for the Pyramid Lake tribal community. A Lego
Robotics kickoff occurred in December 2021 and had been very popular, along with
Dungeons and Dragons outreach at Shaw Middle School and maker services events
during the holidays. A new coding program had begun in February 2022, and a
$10,000 grant had recently been received from the Board of County Commissioners,
with staff currently working to plan how the new funds would be utilized.

c. Reference and Technology Team Report

Assistant Library Director Joan Dalusung reviewed a PowerPoint presentation, a

copy of which had been provided in the agenda packet. She noted how the
Reference and Technology Team (RTT) hoped to implement the strategic plan with
goals including providing training for staff, developing a training calendar, and
providing employees with the tools needed to be well-informed and welcoming for

A training needs survey had suggested several topics staff were interested in,
including technology, community resources, and new-to-library staff trainings to
help new employees understand the Washoe County Library System’s mission and
be better prepared to handle sensitive topics as they came up.

Ms. Dalusung reviewed a list of other possible training topics including how to
engage an audience, technical skills to include Office 365 and Sharepoint training,
de-escalation strategies, and equity, diversity, and inclusion. She noted a Library
Aware training was scheduled for the following week, and more outreaches could
be done in the future. Staff also planned to provide recorded trainings on

d. Quarterly Stats Report to Include Statistics for October, November, and December

Director Scott noted the quarterly report would look different soon as the current
format was based on the previous strategic plan. He reviewed library utilization
statistics, noting utilization had increased to approximately 80 percent of pre-COVID
levels. DVD checkouts were one area where utilization had not returned; he
attributed this to the community’s increasing use of streaming services. Book
checkouts had remained strong and were increasing. Program participation numbers
were also increasing, particularly for story times. Individual use of Library services
had remained strong, though there had been a shift toward more virtual versus
physical or in-person use of the libraries. The report would be modified to better
match the new strategic plan initiatives for the next quarter.
e. Quarterly Financial Report to Include Gift Fund Expenditure for October,
November and December 2021

Director Scott provided a brief overview of the Quarterly Financial Report for
October, November, and December 2021. Chair Holland inquired regarding the
impact of the COVID pandemic on the gift funds and requested Director Scott
provide further detail for the benefit of the newest Board member, Trustee Frank

Director Scott explained there were separate gift funds the branches could use to
provide targeted services to the public; some of these funds came from donations
provided by the Friends of the Washoe County Library System (WCLS), some came
from donations from members of the community, and other funds were generated
by book sales. He explained that donations were sometimes intended to be used by
a particular branch and other times could be used by the WCLS as a whole.

Director Scott noted the Library System had recently received two large donations
of $7,000 and $5,000 which would be used to help purchase children’s books to give
away and other materials for the Summer Reading Program (SRP) The WCLS could
not use County tax dollars for such programs; funding for the SRP came from
donations and proceeds from book sales. He also explained any gift fund
expenditures over $5,000 were required to be approved by the Library Board of
Trustees (LBOT), and though each library branch had local funds that could spend
at their discretion, those expenditures still required approval by either the LBOT or
the Library Director. He noted the Tacchino Trust funds had almost been fully
utilized, with renovations to the Senior Center Library to be some of the final

f. Board Task Report

There were no recent changes or updates to the Board Task Report.





Trustee Perez thanked the Spanish Springs Library for their presentation and stated he
hoped to see them again soon.

Trustee Stoess requested information regarding the dates of her term; Director Scott
stated he would need to check to be certain, but thought her appointment was
scheduled to last through 2024. Trustee Stoess indicated her desire to work as a
volunteer after she was no longer on the Library Board of Trustees.

Trustee Marsh expressed appreciation for the Spanish Springs Library presentation and
said the branch had been nicely showcased. She thought the Washoe County Library
System was doing extraordinary work and said it was nice to see credit being given
where it was due. Chair Holland agreed and gave his compliments to staff.


Chair Holland adjourned the meeting at 5:18 p.m.

From: Ryan, Kristen, Paoli, Cara, +1 other [] on behalf of Ryan, Kristen,
Paoli, Cara, +1 other <>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 1:40 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Discover what's happening across your organization.

Washoe County

Posted in All Company

RK Ryan, Kristen

The Downtown Reno Library is so thankful to have our amazing

employees. Whether they are reading a book for story time, checking
in library materials, working on displays, viewing trainings, 3D printing
for patrons, or assisting patrons with technology, our staff comes to
work and puts in 110%…

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Posted in Human Services Agency (HSA)

Paoli, Cara

To the incredible staff at HSA - your hard work and many contributions
to those you work with are much appreciated!

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Posted in All Company

Andreasen, Joshua
Happy Employee Appreciation Day! #ThankYouEmployees from
Manager's office.

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Microsoft Corporation
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From: Danya Morales [] on behalf of Danya Morales
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2022 4:04 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Hands-On STEAM Activities

Hello Jeff,

Garner Holt Education through Imagination has developed virtual hands-on STEAM field
trips that invite students inside the world’s greatest theme park animatronics production
factory, to show them how careers in creative design, robotics, engineering, advanced
manufacturing, animation, and the visual and performing arts converge to create the
illusion of life in theme parks everywhere!
All Virtual Field Trips include:
• An overview of the inspirational story of Garner Holt Productions, Inc.
• Virtual Factory Tour
• Hand-On STEAM Activities
• All Required Materials
• Live Virtual Instruction

Learn more about our virtual experiences by viewing this short video.

Request a virtual tour of GHP with hands-on activities now by clicking HERE!

Each activity emulates unique aspects of the animatronic production process and fosters
21st Century Learning Skills. Our experiences are taught by highly trained educators with
a passion for STEAM Education and Career Exploration and provide hands-on
engineering and art activities that are differentiated for students K-12, including groups of
students with varying needs, including English Learners and GATE students.

You can find more information about our virtual field trip experiences via our website.

With experiences starting at $1,520, I can't think of a better way to engage students of all

Request a Virtual Field Trip

We look forward to booking your virtual experience,

Danya Morales
Virtual Field Trip Coordinator
Garner Holt Education through Imagination, LLC
P: (909) 799-9090
Garner Holt Education through Imagination | 1220 Research Dr., Redlands, CA 92374

Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
Sent by
From: NACo [] on behalf of NACo <>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 9:56 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Register today for the 2022 NACo Healthy Counties Forum

Having trouble viewing this email? Click Here



April 6–8 | Wake County/Raleigh, N.C.

Register today for the National Association of Counties (NACo) Healthy

Counties Forum in Wake County/Raleigh, N.C. April 6–8. Join your peers for an
interactive event that will focus on the social determinants of health,
particularly emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Experience firsthand the critical county role in creating and sustaining healthy
communities, by participating in high-impact mobile tours, including:

• The Poe Center, a nonprofit organization that partners with Wake County to offer
an immersive experience that provides health education to children and adults
• Healing Transitions, a nonprofit organization that offers innovative peer-based
and recovery-oriented services to homeless, uninsured and underserved
individuals with substance use disorders
• Oak City Cares, a program that serves as a point of entry into homeless and
housing services and supports more than 30 on-site social service organizations
• Bike tour of Wake County’s extensive open space greenway system

County leaders and public health departments have been at the forefront of combating
the pandemic and creating opportunities for county residents to thrive. Recovery funds
are offering a chance for county leaders to invest in the future of our communities’
health in ways that promote equity and positive outcomes.
Learn strategies for equitably addressing systems that impact the social determinants of
health through a full slate of workshops, panels and more.

Engage with your county peers from accross the country through networking
opportunities, breakout discussions and moderated meetups.
NACo is offering in-person attendance at its 2022 NACo Healthy Counties Forum pursuant to
local government orders and public health guidance on such gatherings. NACo is committed to
hosting a safe event for all participants and to this end requires all members, guests, staff and
supplier personnel to comply with safety precautions specified for Wake County, N.C., the
Sheraton Raleigh, Wake County Public Health and CDC guidelines and recommendations.

Learn More: 2022 Healthy Counties Forum Waiver of Liability and 2022 Healthy Counties Forum
Code of Conduct

NACo is here to help. For assistance, email or call 202.942.4292.

660 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20001

Did someone forward you this email? Sign up to stay up-to-date on topics affecting America’s counties!

Click here to unsubscribe.

From: Adams, Jessica [] on behalf of Adams, Jessica
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 7:15 AM
To: Ceballos, Francisco []; Acker, Todd
[]; Adams, Jessica []; Kirtley, Ashley
[]; Akurosawa, Christopher [];
Howell, Amber []; Arrascada, John L
[]; Bays, Michelle []; Zamanian,
Behzad []; Bein, Rudolph P [];
Bowles, Tracey []; Brown, Eric P.
[]; Burke, Cori []; Carmen,
Heather []; Cavallo, Don [];
Clement, Steve []; Crofoot, Patrick
[]; DePuy Grafton, Raquel []; Doak,
Cindy []; Dominguez, Asta [];
Drysdale, Bethany []; Dufva, Sue [];
Echeverria, Kelly []; Eckles, Christine
[]; Edwards, Nathan []; Ertell,
Doreen []; Florez, Elizabeth [];
Galassini, Janis L []; Giesinger, Chad
[]; Gonzales, Michael A. [];
Greer, Reginald []; Gurriere, John
[]; Harkins, Kobe []; Henderson,
Danielle []; Hill, Cathy []; Clark,
Jeffery []; Kenneston, Aaron [];
Knight, Laura D []; Kuckhoff, Marissa
[]; Kukulus, Alex K []; LaQue, Donald
[]; Lerud, Alicia []; Leuenhagen,
Nancy []; Long, Chris []; Lujan,
Jonathan []; Mann, Pamela []; Martell,
Stephanie []; Mathers, Brenda [];
Mayberry, Adam []; Menes, Dylan []; Moore,
Charles []; Norton, Justin W []; O'Connor, Tim
[]; Olaciregui, Jose [];
Oxborrow, Kelli []; Pena, Corey [];
Picker, Marc []; Plamondon, Jon
[]; Caldwell, Ralph []; Robison,
George []; Rosevear, Mike [];
Scheetz, Eric []; Schull, Shyanne [];
Scott, Jeff []; Wilson, Sharolyn [];
Shipman, Stephen J. []; Smith, Catherine [];
Smith, Dwayne E. []; Solaro, David
[]; Spearman, Gail []; Spikula,
Deanna []; Thomas, Kate L [];
Turner, Sarah R []; Vuletich, Christine
[]; Wade, Valerie []; Wallace-
Barnum Colleen []; Wallick, Celeste
[]; Webb, Brian D. []; West,
Benjamin []; Willrich, Erick S [];
Wines-Jennings, Tammy L []; Work, Kalie M
[]; Zaepfel, Gary []
Subject: Explosive Threat Identification Course
Attachments: Explosive Threat Identification Flyer.pdf

Good Morning EPC Members,

The Consolidated Bomb Squad is offering free training on Tuesday, 3/22 from 9am-11am to members of
our local government and public safety community that visit homes and business throughout the course
of their job duties. This training will provide attendees with the basic understanding of items used to
make homemade explosives and improvised explosive devices, basic safety precaution and who and
how to contact the proper authorities if such items are located. This class is lecture based.

Please sign up here:

Please pass on this training opportunity. We will have a few more dates later in the year as well.

Thank you,

Jessica Adams, MPH

Homeland Security Program Assistant
Office of the County Manager | Emergency
Work Cell: 775-624-4084
5195 Spectrum Blvd, Reno, NV 89512
24/7 Staff Duty # 775-379-5995
Explosive Threat
Identification Course
The Consolidated Bomb Squad is offering FREE training to members of the
public safety community that visit homes and business throughout the
course of their job duties, or higher education personnel. This training will
provide attendees with the basic understanding of items used to make
homemade explosives and improvised explosive devices, basic safety pre-
caution, and who and how to contact the proper authorities if such items
are located. This class is lecture based.

Who: Local government officials, public safety individuals, or higher education

Where: Regional Public Safety Training Center. 5190 Spectrum Blvd Reno, NV
When: Tuesday 3/22 from 10am-12pm

To Register:
From: Library Journal [] on behalf of Library Journal
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 6:32 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Learn from experts in our new online course Serving Vulnerable Populations
starting May 17

Click here to view this message in a browser window.

Join us to learn best practices and program ideas

for supporting vulnerable populations in your community

Over three weeks in our new online course Serving Vulnerable Populations,
learn about innovative library programs at the intersection of social work and
public health that you can emulate in your library. You’ll explore how to identify,
connect with and serve vulnerable populations in your community, and how to
leverage partnerships to provide targeted support where needed.

Guest speaker session highlight:

Week 1: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 - Laying the Groundwork

Session 1 | 2:00-2:45 pm ET

Define, Identify and Understand Vulnerable Populations

Key in serving vulnerable populations is understanding and defining who you

want to serve and why. It's also crucial to approach this work from a place of
cultural humility. In this session, we’ll discuss what types of community
members might be considered vulnerable and how to identify them within your
community. We’ll look at the public health and social work underpinnings of our
work with vulnerable populations, and how we can envision the role of libraries
in meeting the needs of the most vulnerable members of our communities.


Rob Simmons, Director of Social Services and

Public Safety at Oak Park Public Library in

View program

Learning Outcomes

• Identify vulnerable populations in your community and understand their most

pressing needs
• Identify community partners to support your work
• Assess and optimize current outreach methods, and engage in new, effective
approaches to best reach vulnerable populations
• Gain a foundational understanding of the intersections of public health, social
work, and library service
• Understand effective engagement models, such as peer-to-peer and
participatory, that include the sharing of lived experience among individuals
• Engage in a project that you initiate, define, and work on in a group workshop
with feedback from a group facilitator
• Recognize problematic stereotypes, acts of implicit/explicit bias, and micro-
aggressions in the process of connecting with vulnerable groups
• Learn how to collaborate with members of those populations by grounding
yourself in cultural humility and recognizing them as equals and experts on
their own experience and needs

Vulnerable populations include, but are not limited to, people experiencing
homelessness, people who are currently or formerly incarcerated, foster youth,
isolated seniors, new immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, veterans, those
recovering from addiction, people with low literacy, or individuals re-entering the

Can’t make a live session? No worries!

All sessions will be recorded for on-demand viewing.


Register by March 22 and save with early bird rates

Contact for discounted rates on groups of 3 or


Course Format

This three-week program includes live sessions on Tuesday, May 17, May 24 and
May 31 from 2:00-4:00 pm ET with an asynchronous, facilitator-led workshop in
which you’ll define and complete a personal project to action in your community.

Certificate of Completion Provided - 15 PD Credits

Our advisory committee has shaped the program and the work based on their
experience in the field. These experts are:

Klem-Marí Cajigas, Family Megan Emery Schadlich, Rob Simmons, Director of

Literacy Coordinator, Bringing Author, Instructional Coach, Social Services and Public
Books to Life, Nashville Public and Creator of The Healing Safety at Oak Park Public
Library Library; former Experience Library in Illinois
Designer & Coordinator at
Chattanooga Public Library

Bonus Content!

You’ll also have access to our foundational bonus content—rich supporting materials
you can explore at your own pace, including readings, activities, videos and a series
of webinars—from Library Journal and School Library Journal editors and

Who should take this course?

Any librarian or library stakeholder wanting to gain tools to effectively reach and
serve the vulnerable populations in their community.

Our transformational online courses have given thousands of librarians the tools and
vision for meaningful change. Join us and load up your tool box!

Register by March 22 and save with early bird rates

Contact for discounted rates on groups of 3 or


Check-out Our Other Upcoming Online Courses!

How To Build Diverse Collections - Mar 8, 15, and 22, 2022

Social Emotional Librarianship - Mar 29, Apr 5, and 12, 2022

Equity in Action: Solidarity in Social Justice - Apr 26, May 3, and 10, 2022

Serving Vulnerable Populations - May 17, 24, and 31, 2022

360° Engagement - June 7, 14, and 21, 2022

How To Build an Antiracist Library Culture - Sep 28, Oct 4, and 11, 2022

(Almost) Everything You Didn't Learn in Library School - Oct 6, 12, and 19, 2022

How To Build Diverse Collections - Oct 18, 25, and Nov 1, 2022

Stronger Together: The Power of Partnerships - Nov 8, 15, and 22, 2022

Equity in Action: Solidarity in Social Justice - Nov 29, Dec 6, and 13, 2022

To unsubscribe from future LJ notices or subscribe to other LJ communications, Click Here.


Library Journal
(a MSI Information Services company)
123 William Street, Suite 802, New York, NY 10038
Tel: 646-380-0700
Fax: 646-380-0756
From: Danya Morales [] on behalf of Danya Morales
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 7:11 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Hands-On STEAM Activities

Hello Jeff,

Garner Holt Education through Imagination has developed virtual hands-on STEAM field
trips that invite students inside the world’s greatest theme park animatronics production
factory, to show them how careers in creative design, robotics, engineering, advanced
manufacturing, animation, and the visual and performing arts converge to create the
illusion of life in theme parks everywhere!
All Virtual Field Trips include:
• An overview of the inspirational story of Garner Holt Productions, Inc.
• Virtual Factory Tour
• Hand-On STEAM Activities
• All Required Materials
• Live Virtual Instruction

Learn more about our virtual experiences by viewing this short video.

Request a virtual tour of GHP with hands-on activities now by clicking HERE!

Each activity emulates unique aspects of the animatronic production process and fosters
21st Century Learning Skills. Our experiences are taught by highly trained educators with
a passion for STEAM Education and Career Exploration and provide hands-on
engineering and art activities that are differentiated for students K-12, including groups of
students with varying needs, including English Learners and GATE students.

You can find more information about our virtual field trip experiences via our website.

With experiences starting at $1,520, I can't think of a better way to engage students of all

Request a Virtual Field Trip

We look forward to booking your virtual experience,

Danya Morales
Virtual Field Trip Coordinator
Garner Holt Education through Imagination, LLC
P: (909) 799-9090
Garner Holt Education through Imagination | 1220 Research Dr., Redlands, CA 92374

Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
Sent by
From: Hamby, Miriam D. [] on behalf of Hamby, Miriam D.
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 3:09 PM
To: Library - Mgmt & Supervisors []; Library -
YSLE Leads []; Library - North Valleys Staff [Library-]
Subject: Hamby, Miriam D. shared "Cold Springs Toddler Story Time Outreach" with you.

Here's a page that Hamby, Miriam D. wants you to see

Cold Springs Toddler Story Time Outreach

North Valleys had a successful second Toddler Story

Time up at the Cold Springs Community Center. An
enthusiastic group of kids enjoyed stories about an
egotistical piece of bacon, pondered their way through
food they couldn't imagine eating, and me…

Get the SharePoint Mobile App

From: Weinert, Beate [] on behalf of Weinert, Beate
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:19 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
CC: Burton, L.J. []; Dalusung, Joan
[]; Hansen, Judy []
Subject: Fw: YLSE for LBOT
Attachments: YSLE LBOT Report - March 2022.pdf

Thanks, Judy!

Jeff, you'll notice we kept it light this round--more time to enjoy the newly
renovated NW! March is definitely part of our dig and get ready for SRC season.
Maybe going forward, YSLE only reports in May and September? With that said, do
you still want a report from us this May? It would probably primarily focus on

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Hansen, Judy <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:05 AM
To: Scott, Jeff <>
Cc: Weinert, Beate <>; Burton, Leah J. <>;
Dalusung, Joan <>
Subject: Re: YLSE for LBOT
Hi Jeff,

We are prepared to present at the LBOT meeting next week.

Please find the YSLE LBOT report.

Enjoy your day!

Judy Hansen
Youth Services & Events Librarian | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8318
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 9:46 AM
To: Weinert, Beate <>; Hansen, Judy <>
Subject: YLSE for LBOT
Do you have an update for this LBOT? I wasn’t sure if it was too soon for you to have a report. I can see
if Jonnica can do an Outreach Team report and keep you on the May schedule if that is better.
Let me know.

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
Washoe County Library System

Youth Services & TOP NEWS

Library Events September 2021 - February 2022

Welcome Back In-Person Events!

Staff Development & New Strategic Priorities

oryy Time T
Trrainings YSLE Staf
Stafff Retreat

Safe e Plac
Stafff T

Stimulatee Imagination School Support Celebr
atee our Div
Author Talk
Talkss Home
Homewwork help
Neww Str
egic Homeschool support
Continue tto
o updat
ents & C
e the
Priorities de
vide pro
devvelopment ffor
or educ
ors Re
wc commitment
ommitment tto o
ving our div
Babyy libr
aryy c
ard project community

Coming Up... Reading
From: Hansen, Judy [] on behalf of Hansen, Judy
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 10:05 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
CC: Weinert, Beate []; Burton, L.J.
[]; Dalusung, Joan []
Subject: Re: YLSE for LBOT
Attachments: YSLE LBOT Report - March 2022.pdf

Hi Jeff,

We are prepared to present at the LBOT meeting next week.

Please find the YSLE LBOT report.

Enjoy your day!


Judy Hansen
Youth Services & Events Librarian | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8318
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Scott, Jeff <>

Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 9:46 AM
To: Weinert, Beate <>; Hansen, Judy <>
Subject: YLSE for LBOT
Do you have an update for this LBOT? I wasn’t sure if it was too soon for you to have a report. I can see
if Jonnica can do an Outreach Team report and keep you on the May schedule if that is better.
Let me know.

Jeff Scott
Library Director | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8340
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501
Washoe County Library System

Youth Services & TOP NEWS

Library Events September 2021 - February 2022

Welcome Back In-Person Events!

Staff Development & New Strategic Priorities

oryy Time T
Trrainings YSLE Staf
Stafff Retreat

Safe e Plac
Stafff T

Stimulatee Imagination School Support Celebr
atee our Div
Author Talk
Talkss Home
Homewwork help
Neww Str
egic Homeschool support
Continue tto
o updat
ents & C
e the
Priorities de
vide pro
devvelopment ffor
or educ
ors Re
wc commitment
ommitment tto o
ving our div
Babyy libr
aryy c
ard project community

Coming Up... Reading
Renovation of the Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh, Downtown Branch
The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, in association with local
architects, Loysen + Kreuthmeier, have transformed the
community’s Downtown Branch library — a much anticipated
year-long renovation project.

Paul White, YAKETY YAK Furniture Director of Design, was thrilled to be

invited to work with Jennifer McCarthy, L+K Architects, and Ron Graziano,
Director of Facilities Development, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, to provide
customer service pods to help support the new opportunities for learning
and sharing.
See the full project here...
"Libraries anchor community —
a place to trust, inspire, learn, create and share."

Our products How to buy Contact us

We are committed to a pathway of constant improvement.

YAKETY YAK pods, desks and counters are designed and
manufactured under the following ISO certifications:
ISO 9001:2015 Registration number 1374Q
ISO 14001:2015 Registration number: 1374E

Share YAKETY YAK Furniture


From: Weinert, Beate [] on behalf of Weinert, Beate
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 12:15 PM
To: Library - YSLE Leads []; Library - Leadership
Team []; Prentiss, Timothy
[]; Hemingway, Jamie []
Subject: Fw: Nevada Reading Week Highlights!
Attachments: Press Release 2022 .docx; Press Release 2022 .docx; Pleasant Valley Elementary
outreach (report) (1).pdf; United Way 2.png; United Way 1.png

Thank you for making the 2022 NV Reading Week a success!

Catch the Reading Wave to Oceans of Possibilities--Summer Reading Challenger,

here we come!

With Much Gratitude,


Beate Weinert
Youth Services and Library Events Manager | Washoe County Library System | Office: 775.327.8361
301 S. Center Street, Reno, NV 89501

From: Darl Kiernan <>

Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 7:22 PM
To: Brueher, Anna <>; Hybarger, Amy <>;
Weinert, Beate <>; Apel, Deborah <>; Ellen
Fockler <>; Esposito, Holly <>; Jessica Anderson
<>; Jill Savage [Saville MS] <>; Mandy
Leytham - Pinecrest Acad - Lead LS <>; Mark Rincon
<>; Mychelle Weart <>; Robert Jones [CPD]
<>; Traci Carbon - Humboldt - Lead LS <>; Cuevas, Kim
Cc: Dave Brancamp <>
Subject: Re: Nevada Reading Week Highlights!
[NOTICE: This message originated outside of Washoe County -- DO NOT CLICK on links or open
attachments unless you are sure the content is safe.]
Dear Committee Members,

As we close out Nevada Reading Week 2022, my heart is full! Below I highlight a few of
the many ways we have moved forward the Nevada Reading Week vision to inspire and
instill the joy and importance of reading across Nevada.
Live Author Event
Mark and Mandy worked tirelessly to pull off the first virtual author event bringing 12
diverse authors to students across the state. A conservative estimate of 24,000
students participated. I cannot express how amazing it was to watch hundreds of
students listening to each author. Kim Cuevas, you will be pleased to know that so
many authors shared their journey as writers and encourage students to write!! Thank
you to Mychelle and Holly for moderating. They did an excellent job! I look forward to
our next committee meeting where we can share more highlights.

Social Media Engagement

If you haven't yet had the opportunity, take a moment to search Twitter using our
hashtag #nevadareadingweek. Today Deanne Hicks took over NDE's social media and
posted pictures of her class listening to Amber Torres read aloud and many more
engaging reading events. Congratulations to Robert! I saw SO many Tweets from Clark.
I'll keep you updated on the winners of the NDE photo contest.

Two press releases were distributed; please see the attached documents spotlighting
the involvement of Superintendent Ebert and Governor Sisolak among others.


1. Public Libraries: Thank you Beate for sharing updates with me throughout the
week! Take a look at the Pleasant Valley Elementary Outreach report
showcasing 83 new library cards that were distributed to students and how public
librarians will continue outreach with an after-hours literacy event. Washoe
county libraries made the news too!!

Assistance League Donates Books

To Echo Loder Students
Nevada Reading Week Celebration: StoryWalk
Celebrate books and reading as you take a journey around the North Hills
Shopping Center to actively read a story as a family! Keep an eye out for lions!

2. Assistance League: Ellen is the star of this news segment! EVERY student at
Echo Loder Elementary in Washoe County took home a book!


Assistance League Donates Books

To Echo Loder Students

3. Northern Nevada United Way: Kelly Stevens organized a volunteer read aloud
event in Douglas, Lyon, Churchill, and Washoe counties. Take a look at the
screen shots attached. When volunteers signed up, they also had the option to
donate and "Give the Gift of Literacy".

I know we have so may more highlights from all of our committee members who made
this week special for educators, students, and community members.

Wishing you a restful weekend after all your hard work!


Darl Kiernan, Ph.D.

K-12 ELA Programs Professional
Nevada Department of Education
Nevada Department of Education Invites Students, Educators, and Families to Celebrate Reading
Week February 28 – March 4

Celebrations include a Live Author Event Series and Photo Contest

CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Nevada Department of Education (NDE or Department)
recognizes Nevada Reading Week, celebrated February 28 – March 4, 2022. Proclaimed by
Governor Steve Sisolak, Nevada Reading Week is focused on inspiring and instilling the joy
and importance of reading across Nevada.

“Reading is fundamental. I am infinitely proud that our team at NDE continues to support
educators in delivering literacy instruction,” said Jhone Ebert, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction. “We celebrate our incredible student artists who are helping Nevada to
‘catch the reading wave,’ and look forward to several fun, educational activities kicking off on
February 28 for Nevada Reading Week!”

The theme for the Nevada Reading Week 2022 is “Catch the Reading Wave.” NDE
recognizes Nevada Connections Academy sophomore Gretchen Riccobuono as the grand prize
winner of the 2022 Nevada Reading Week Poster Art Contest. Her drawing will serve as the
Statewide logo on t-shirts, bookmarks, and posters. Kristyn Raney, a freshman student at
Founders Classical Academy, is recognized as the runner up at the secondary level. The
artwork of the finalists and winner are hanging prominently in the Nevada Department of
Education offices in both Carson City and Las Vegas.

“As we kick off Nevada Reading Week, family and community members can get involved and
celebrate with us in many ways,” said Superintendent Ebert. “I encourage parents and
family members to read with your children for 20 minutes each day, as it is a proven way to
inspire a life-long passion for reading. Community members can get involved by donating
books or reaching out to a nearby school to read in the classroom.”

There are many ways educators, school leaders, librarians, students, and families can celebrate
and participate in Nevada Reading Week:

Live Author Events During Nevada Reading Week

New this year, NDE is thrilled to announce a series of Nevada Reading Week Live Author
Events, available at various grade levels. Educators can register for author events and log in
virtually with their class. Visit the Author Event Series website to see details for each event
and register.

Catch the Reading Wave Photo Contest

NDE wants to see how students, families, educators, and the community likes to “Catch the
Reading Wave!” Individuals can share a photo of their favorite place to read or favorite book
for the chance to be featured on Nevada Ready social media channels. Photos will be accepted
from February 28 until March 31, learn more and enter at the photo contest website.
Reading Resources for Nevada Educators, Students, and Families
NDE is pleased to share several literary resources for Nevada educators, students, and families
for Reading Week and all year long:

• myON is a digital reading platform available to all Nevada students and educators for
24/7 access.
• Teaching Books – The Nevada State Library Association offers access to Teaching
Books to any Nevada resident. TeachingBooks provides comprehensive literary
resources for educators, students, and families Statewide.
• Literacy Curriculum and Instructional Resources – Educators can access literacy
curriculum in Canvas, Nevada’s Learning Management Platform, and Discovery
Education. Educators can also access resources and best practices at the Nevada Digital
Learning Collaborative.

Visit the NDE website to find additional literary resources and learn more about Nevada
Reading Week 2022.


• Nevada Reading Week 2022

• 2022 Nevada Reading Week Poster
• NRW Author Event Series
• NRW Photo Contest



The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) leads and collaborates with Nevada’s 17 school
districts and the State Public Charter School Authority to advance educational equity
Statewide. With offices in Carson City and Las Vegas, NDE oversees all pre-K-12 education
in the State, working to achieve its mission to improve student achievement and educator
effectiveness by ensuring opportunities, facilitating learning, and promoting excellence. Under
the leadership of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
NDE impacts the achievement of nearly half a million children and 30,000 educators.
NDE Press Releases
Allegra Demerjian
Public Information Officer

700 E. Fifth Street

Carson City, NV 89701
Nevada Department of Education Invites Students, Educators, and Families to Celebrate Reading
Week February 28 – March 4

Celebrations include a Live Author Event Series and Photo Contest

CARSON CITY, Nev. – The Nevada Department of Education (NDE or Department)
recognizes Nevada Reading Week, celebrated February 28 – March 4, 2022. Proclaimed by
Governor Steve Sisolak, Nevada Reading Week is focused on inspiring and instilling the joy
and importance of reading across Nevada.

“Reading is fundamental. I am infinitely proud that our team at NDE continues to support
educators in delivering literacy instruction,” said Jhone Ebert, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction. “We celebrate our incredible student artists who are helping Nevada to
‘catch the reading wave,’ and look forward to several fun, educational activities kicking off on
February 28 for Nevada Reading Week!”

The theme for the Nevada Reading Week 2022 is “Catch the Reading Wave.” NDE
recognizes Nevada Connections Academy sophomore Gretchen Riccobuono as the grand prize
winner of the 2022 Nevada Reading Week Poster Art Contest. Her drawing will serve as the
Statewide logo on t-shirts, bookmarks, and posters. Kristyn Raney, a freshman student at
Founders Classical Academy, is recognized as the runner up at the secondary level. The
artwork of the finalists and winner are hanging prominently in the Nevada Department of
Education offices in both Carson City and Las Vegas.

“As we kick off Nevada Reading Week, family and community members can get involved and
celebrate with us in many ways,” said Superintendent Ebert. “I encourage parents and
family members to read with your children for 20 minutes each day, as it is a proven way to
inspire a life-long passion for reading. Community members can get involved by donating
books or reaching out to a nearby school to read in the classroom.”

There are many ways educators, school leaders, librarians, students, and families can celebrate
and participate in Nevada Reading Week:

Live Author Events During Nevada Reading Week

New this year, NDE is thrilled to announce a series of Nevada Reading Week Live Author
Events, available at various grade levels. Educators can register for author events and log in
virtually with their class. Visit the Author Event Series website to see details for each event
and register.

Catch the Reading Wave Photo Contest

NDE wants to see how students, families, educators, and the community likes to “Catch the
Reading Wave!” Individuals can share a photo of their favorite place to read or favorite book
for the chance to be featured on Nevada Ready social media channels. Photos will be accepted
from February 28 until March 31, learn more and enter at the photo contest website.
Reading Resources for Nevada Educators, Students, and Families
NDE is pleased to share several literary resources for Nevada educators, students, and families
for Reading Week and all year long:

• myON is a digital reading platform available to all Nevada students and educators for
24/7 access.
• Teaching Books – The Nevada State Library Association offers access to Teaching
Books to any Nevada resident. TeachingBooks provides comprehensive literary
resources for educators, students, and families Statewide.
• Literacy Curriculum and Instructional Resources – Educators can access literacy
curriculum in Canvas, Nevada’s Learning Management Platform, and Discovery
Education. Educators can also access resources and best practices at the Nevada Digital
Learning Collaborative.

Visit the NDE website to find additional literary resources and learn more about Nevada
Reading Week 2022.


• Nevada Reading Week 2022

• 2022 Nevada Reading Week Poster
• NRW Author Event Series
• NRW Photo Contest



The Nevada Department of Education (NDE) leads and collaborates with Nevada’s 17 school
districts and the State Public Charter School Authority to advance educational equity
Statewide. With offices in Carson City and Las Vegas, NDE oversees all pre-K-12 education
in the State, working to achieve its mission to improve student achievement and educator
effectiveness by ensuring opportunities, facilitating learning, and promoting excellence. Under
the leadership of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction,
NDE impacts the achievement of nearly half a million children and 30,000 educators.
NDE Press Releases
Allegra Demerjian
Public Information Officer

700 E. Fifth Street

Carson City, NV 89701
3/2/22, 7:09 PM Pleasant Valley Elementary outreach (report)

Pleasant Valley Elementary outreach (report)

Cole, Jennifer

Wednesday, March 2, Chris, Krystina, and I visited Pleasant Valley Elementary at the invitation of the librarian,
Stephanie Pirtle. We were happy to be guests at their Nevada Reading Week celebration and wore our
Hawaiian shirts in honor of the theme, Catch the Reading Wave. I shared examples of fun stuff you can do at
the library beyond books, talked about the differences between a public library and a school library, and
invited the students to come to see us at the big sunny yellow library (some call it mustard yellow) by the
soccer and baseball fields. Chris read the VERY SERIOUS book “Octopants” and Krystina read the story time
favorite “I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean.” We shared our time with three second-grade classes, three
Kindergarten classes, and one first grade class who really wanted to hear our stories (even though the entire
first grade had a field trip to our library just over a month ago) for a total of 138 students and educators.

Although this school has a huge percentage of students who already have library cards, thanks to past
outreach efforts and the amazing partnership with Mrs. Pirtle, we did issue 83 cards to mostly K and PreK
students and a few new PVES students.

We will be hosting Pleasant Valley ES for an after-hours literacy event tomorrow night at the library to close
out Reading Week with a bang.… 1/2
3/2/22, 7:09 PM Pleasant Valley Elementary outreach (report)… 2/2
From: The Parks Foundation [] on behalf of The Parks Foundation
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 12:03 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
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Let's kick it! Your Unofficial

Guide to Intramural Sports
Posted by Matt DeBray, Communications Manager, 3 min
Spring is right around the corner and a lot of people are looking at how they can be
active this summer. Why not try Intramural Sports?

Read More
Spring is right around the corner and a lot of people are looking at how they can be
active this summer. Why not try Intramural Sports?

Read More

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Your weekly dose of inspiration

Hi there,

We know it's been a tough few weeks for many members of our community — from the
numerous attacks on LGBTQ rights to the war waging in Ukraine. We're thinking of
everyone affected by these events and are sending you so much love and strength.

But amid this pain, we want to take a moment to uplift our community. Particularly, this
Women's History Month, we want to give a well-deserved round of applause to all of the
women and nonbinary leaders (and future leaders) in tech. 👏🏾

We’re so proud of our community, who have used their coding skills to create projects that
both celebrate women in STEM and speak out about the gender inequality women still
face today. We want to share just a few of our faves.
This Girls Who Code student is changing the game for women in tech…literally. Lívia, a
student in our Self-Paced Program, created a website that aims to create a less toxic
gaming community for our gamer girl by prompting visitors to take action and tell their
own stories. Visit her website here.
Need more STEMinists on your vision board? Evelyn, a Girls Who Code Club student at
Bloom-Carroll Middle School, OH, created a fun adventure game where players collect
books to learn about iconic women figures in tech — you can play here.
Thienkim, a student at Thomas Edison High School in Virginia, made a chatbot trivia game
about gender inequality because, as Thienkim put it, “I want to educate others on how
even in the 21st century, there is still inequality between men and women.” You can start
chatting (and learning) here.

👩🏾‍💻 Apply For Our FREE Summer Programs: Our application for our Summer Immersion
Program (SIP) and Self-Paced Program is OPEN! These free opportunities offer high
school students the chance to make an impact with code, learn about cool careers in tech,
and build an invaluable sisterhood. Apply here.

👩🏽‍🔬Not A Club Member? Join the movement by starting a Girls Who Code Club for 3-12th
graders in your community. It’s 100% free, you don’t need prior coding experience, and we
provide 120+ hours of resources, curriculum, and training. Learn more here, then sign up

📱TikTok Of The Week: Meet Harriet Hunt, an aerospace engineering student and intern at

Did you know that a Black woman invented laser eye surgery? Check out these nine
inventions created by Black women that we couldn’t live without.

The duo raised over $2 million to create an app, Your Juno, that makes financial education
more inclusive for Gen-Z women and marginalized groups.


Last week, we introduced you to some of the women in cybersecurity we’ll be profiling all
month long on social media. First up, Window Snyder: a security industry veteran and
current Founder and CEO at Thistle Technologies, a cybersecurity startup. You can read
our Q&A with her here.

Yours in Sisterhood,
Girls Who Code Team

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New York, NY, 10001

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From: This Is Reno [] on behalf of This Is Reno <>
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 8:03 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: News from This Is Reno for 03/07/2022

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Today's stories

Report: Nevada one of the worst
states for access to mental health
A UNLV report published last week shows Nevada ranks last in mental health rankings
in the United States.
Read on »

Furious Wolf Pack comeback falls

short in season finale (photos)
The San Diego State Aztecs are probably in no hurry to face the Nevada Wolf Pack in
the Mountain West tournament next week.
Read on »

USA sweeps Colombia, advances to

Davis Cup Group Play at Reno Events
Center (photos)
The United States Davis Cup team needed just one more victory versus their
Colombian opponents after Friday’s 2-0 start to advance to the 12-nation Group Play
Read on »

Choose your own adventure at

Liberty Food & Wine
We can’t get enough of Liberty Food & Wine's shareable options for date night or a
group dinner with family and friends.
Read on »

Living With Fire developing new

wildfire education curriculum in
northern Nevada high school
University of Nevada, Reno Extension’s Living With Fire Program has developed and
piloted a curriculum for use in northern Nevada high school science classes.
Read on »

Report tracks ongoing surge of white

supremacist propaganda in nation,
Dissemination of white supremacist propaganda remained historically high nationwide
in 2021, according to a new report from the Anti-Defamation League.
Read on »

USA leads 2-0 in Davis Cup qualifier

at Reno Events Center (photos)
The United States Davis Cup team swept both matches in the first session of Davis Cup
qualifying vs. Colombia Friday evening at the Reno Events Center.
Read on »

Entertainment: Lectures on the

horizon will make you smart(er)
A handful of lectures are on the calendar for the coming week, covering topics from
math and science to history and the environment.
Read on »

Rail Coalition: Trains are the ticket to

zero emissions
Rail travel is limited in Nevada but the Nevada Rail Coalition is seeking to increase
train routes for both passenger and freight trains.
Read on »
City earmarks $3 million in COVID
relief funds for local parks
The amount is part of $51.5 million the city has received and will be earmarked for a
number of other projects in the future.
Read on »



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From: This Is Reno [] on behalf of This Is Reno <>
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 1:15 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Looking for a good time? Just Press Start



*Now accepting tax-deductible donations.

Read: "Guide to Bongs: How They Work and Choosing the Best One for You"
(sponsored by Sierra Well).

MARCH 4, 2022
Looking for a good time? Just Press
By Nora Tarte

THE LONG-AWATED REOPENING of Midtown’s original barcade is

finally here. Press Start reopened on Center Street (in a new location) to much
fanfare. Adults of all ages can gather at the retro arcade to play old-school video
games for 25-50 cents per round, plus plenty of pinball options.

The overall theme is laid back, with a separate bar room offering a pool table,
seating and giant Jenga. Or walk through the archway and hit up Press Start’s
original attractions—including classics such as Street Fighter, Guitar Hero and

"Press Start doesn't serve just one

Eventually, the owners of Brothers Barbecue will open a fried chicken concept
called Cluckers next door. While it’s coming soon, the food option isn’t there
quite yet, making a visit to Press Start more of a “come for drinks” event.

In addition to a simple beer menu featuring favorites such as Little Sumpin’,

Alibi Ale Works Kolsch and Elysian Space Dust, the bartenders can whip up
cocktails at the ready with a full bar behind their backs. Plus, there is non-
alcoholic beer and other beverage options for the designated driver.

Read More

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What we're reporting this week
• VIDEO: Castaway Inn comes down (Bob Conrad)
• Incline Village favorite opens in Galena (Nora Tarte)
• Nevada unemployment rate at 5.2 percent
• Free green waste collection events resume this month
• PHOTOS: Six graduate from Reno Works program (Ty O'Neil)
• Republican candidate announces run at Jeanne Herman’s County Commission
seat (Bob Conrad)
• PHOTOS: City hosts second Ukraine rally (Ty O'Neil)
• COVID cases continue to decline in Washoe County (Bob Conrad)

Our latest video

Rally for Ukraine held in Reno

Nevada news
Headlines from our statewide news source: Nevada State News

• Groups fight proposed mining exploration near Death Valley

• Housing Division outlines four-part plan to increase affordable housing
• Potential well-drilling scam in Winnemucca
• Gilbert, Fiore defend threats made on governor and wife at restaurant
(Michael Lyle, Nevada Current)
• Contractor’s Board levies nearly $20,000 in fines during disciplinary hearings
• Broadband connectivity to expand in Spring Creek

Reno-area events
• Sweet: A Tasty Journey (sponsored)
• Oscar Shorts Film Festival
• Shave for the Brave
• American Son
• March Mudness
• Reno Phil's Classix Series

View all events | Add an event to our calendar



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From: Danya Morales [] on behalf of Danya Morales
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 10:05 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Spring Virtual Field Trips Available

Hello Jeff,

Garner Holt Education through Imagination has developed virtual hands-on STEAM field
trips that invite students inside the world’s greatest theme park animatronics production
factory, to show them how careers in creative design, robotics, engineering, advanced
manufacturing, animation, and the visual and performing arts converge to create the
illusion of life in theme parks everywhere!
All Virtual Field Trips include:
• An overview of the inspirational story of Garner Holt Productions, Inc.
• Virtual Factory Tour
• Hand-On STEAM Activities
• All Required Materials
• Live Virtual Instruction

Learn more about our virtual experiences by viewing this short video.

Request a virtual tour of GHP with hands-on activities now by clicking HERE!

Each activity emulates unique aspects of the animatronic production process and fosters
21st Century Learning Skills. Our experiences are taught by highly trained educators with
a passion for STEAM Education and Career Exploration and provide hands-on
engineering and art activities that are differentiated for students K-12, including groups of
students with varying needs, including English Learners and GATE students.

You can find more information about our virtual field trip experiences via our website.

With experiences starting at $1,520, I can't think of a better way to engage students of all

Request a Virtual Field Trip

We look forward to booking your virtual experience,

Danya Morales
Virtual Field Trip Coordinator
Garner Holt Education through Imagination, LLC
P: (909) 799-9090
Garner Holt Education through Imagination | 1220 Research Dr., Redlands, CA 92374

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Sent by
From: Jonathan Shuffield [] on behalf of Jonathan Shuffield
Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 7:54 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: NACo-supported bipartisan Secure Rural Schools fix legislation goes to

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NACo-Supported Bipartisan Secure Rural
Schools Fix Legislation Goes to President
On February 28, the U.S. House of Representatives passed by voice vote S. 3706,
bipartisan legislation to make critical technical corrections to the Secure Rural Schools
(SRS) program for FYs 2021–2023. SRS was extended for three years under the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law with increased funding, ensuring crucial funds for over 700 counties
in 41 states and Puerto Rico to support infrastructure maintenance, local schools and
wildfire risk reduction. The bill passed the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on
February 15 and will now go to the president’s desk for his signature.
NACo testified in support of the House version of this legislation
before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources on February
3 and pushed Congress to pass it quickly.


Federal lands agencies are due to process SRS payments to counties in the coming
weeks, making the timing of the bill’s passage even more critical. This legislation is
necessary because the deadlines for counties to decide whether to take SRS payments or
federal timber harvest receipts and to allocate SRS payments between Titles I-III passed
last summer before the infrastructure law was signed. The SRS statute mandates a
default allocation of 80 percent to Title I (county roads and schools) and 20 percent to
Title II (resource management programs on national forests). S.3706 locks in the 2013
county elections for timber harvest receipts or SRS payments and county allocation
elections between Titles I-III for FY 2021 payments scheduled for this spring, which is
consistent with every reauthorization since 2013. Beginning next year, counties would
have flexibility to choose their SRS payment allocations for the first time in a decade.

Had S. 3706 not passed, rural public lands counties would not have access to Title III
funds – the SRS funding stream with the greatest amount of flexibility for counties – to
use for search and rescue missions on federal lands, law enforcement patrols,
community wildfire programs and broadband access in schools. Furthermore, some
counties choose to receive timber harvest receipt payments from their national forests,
and without the technical fix, those counties would be forced to receive SRS payments
instead, even if they would receive more money from the federal timber harvest

S. 3706 protects flexible funding streams for national forest counties and schools and
ensures timber dependent counties receive their fair share of receipts in FY 2021. Rural
counties with large tracts of public lands must provide services on federal lands to
residents and visitors alike, including search and rescues operations, law enforcement
patrols and wildfire prevention. Counties applaud bipartisan leaders in both chambers
for moving this legislation expeditiously and ensuring local governments receive the
support needed to provide essential services.

NACo is here to help. Contact Jonathan Shuffield at

660 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, D.C. 20001

Did someone forward you this email? Sign up to stay up-to-date on topics affecting America’s counties!

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Features of the Week

Ordinary Equality: The Fearless Women Ocean State

and Queer People Who Shaped the U.S.
Constitution and the Equal Rights Stewart O'Nan | Grove Press | 9780802159274 |
Amendment Cloth | $27.00
Buy Now

Kate Kelly | Gibbs Smith | 9781423658726 | Cloth | Set in a working-class town on the Rhode Island
$27.99 coast, O’Nan’s latest is a profoundly compelling novel
Buy Now about sisters, mothers, and daughters, and the
terrible things love makes us do.
Kate Kelly provides a much-needed fresh perspective
on the ERA for feminists of all ages, graphically
illustrated look at history that's sure to inspire many
to continue the fight.
How Do I Un-Remember This?: Sandy Hook: An American Tragedy and the
Unfortunately True Stories Battle for Truth

Danny Pellegrino | Sourcebooks | Elizabeth Williamson | Dutton | 9781524746575 |

9781728247984 | Cloth | $25.99 Cloth | $28.00
Buy Now Buy Now
The host of the podcast Everything Iconic! discusses Based on hundreds of hours of research, interviews,
his life growing up as a closeted gay and his coming exclusive sources and materials, Sandy Hook is
of age in the 1990s as the internet opened him to a Elizabeth Williamson’s landmark investigation of the
whole new world of culture. aftermath of the school shooting.

National Publicity Flashes

Run, Rose, Run Moonshot: Inside Pfizer's Nine-Month Race

to Make the Impossible Possible
Dolly Parton, James Patterson | Little Brown &
Company | 9780759554344 | $30.00 Albert Bourla | HarperBusiness | 9780063210790 |
Cloth | Axis 360 eBook | Audio $29.99
03/06 CBS Sunday Morning Cloth | Axis 360 eBook | Audio
03/06 CBS Sunday Morning
03/07 CBS Mornings
03/10 MSNBC Morning Joe
One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of The Lightning Rod: A Zig & Nola Novel
an Attorney General
Brad Meltzer | William Morrow | 9780062892409 |
William P. Barr | William Morrow | 9780063158603 | $28.99
$35.00 Cloth | Axis 360 eBook | Audio
Cloth | Axis 360 eBook 03/07 ABC GMA3
03/06 NBC Primetime Special 03/08 Fox News Fox & Friends
03/07 NBC Today Show 03/08 NBC Late Night with Seth Meyers
03/07 NPR Morning Edition
03/08 CBS Mornings
03/09 Fox News Hannity

What's So Funny?: A Cartoonist's Memoir Mission Possible: Go Create a Life That

David Sipress | Mariner Books | 9780358659099 |
$27.99 Tim Tebow, A. J. Gregory | Waterbrook Press |
Cloth | Axis 360 eBook 9780593194003 | $26.00
03/07 NPR Fresh Air Cloth | Axis 360 eBook
03/08 ABC GMA
03/08 Fox News Fox & Friends
03/09 Fox News Hannity

This Week's Fast Facts: Shop on Title Source 360 | PDF | Excel
On Sale Date (books): Shop on Title Source 360 | PDF | Excel

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From: School Library Journal [] on behalf of School
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Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 6:05 AM
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Subject: Stay Up to Date! Here Are the Top 5 Stories from SLJ This Week

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Here are the 5 most-popular School Library Journal articles that you and your
peers have been reading this week. Take a look!

“Read Banned Books,” LeVar Burton Tells Kids.

“That’s Where the Good Stuff Is.”

President of the Ukrainian Library Association to

the World: “We Are at the Forefront of the Fight
Against Fakes, Misinformation, and Cyber

What’s It Like to Be the Target of A Book

Banning Effort? School Librarian Martha Hickson
Tells Her Story.

LA School Librarian Successfully Defends ‘The

Undefeated’ Against Censors
A Woman’s Place Is in a Graphic Novel:
Outstanding Works for Young Readers Center
Women in History

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From: Bowen, Jonnica L. [] on behalf of Bowen, Jonnica L.
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 3:15 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Fw: Request for grant support, Cold Springs Community Center Library Kiosk
Attachments: book kiosk letter of support.doc

I'm not sure who is above Bryan or if there is anyone more better to reach out to
on this. I hope this helps.

Jonnica Bowen
Branch Manager, North Valleys Library | Washoe County Library System| Office: 775.972.0281
1075 North Hills Blvd. STE 340, Reno, NV 89506

From: Harrower, Bryan <>

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2022 10:19 AM
To: Holland, Bob <>; Bowen, Jonnica L. <>;
Walker, Celia <>
Cc: Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: RE: Request for grant support, Cold Springs Community Center Library Kiosk
Here is another from me. I think this sounds great!
Bryan Harrower
District Park Manager
Regional Parks & Open Space | CSD | Office: 775.785.4512 x101
1595 N.Sierra St, Reno, NV 89503

From: Holland, Bob <>

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2022 10:09 AM
To: Bowen, Jonnica L. <>; Walker, Celia <>
Cc: Scott, Jeff <>; Harrower, Bryan <>;
Wallace-Barnum Colleen <>
Subject: RE: Request for grant support, Cold Springs Community Center Library Kiosk
Hello Jonnica,
Attached is a letter of support for the Cold spring book kiosk. Thank you for the continued strong
partnership !
Bob Holland
Park Ranger 2 | Rancho San Rafael Regional Park | Office: (775).785-4512
1595 N. Sierra street
Reno, Nevada 89503
From: Bowen, Jonnica L. <>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2022 11:29 AM
To: Walker, Celia <>; Holland, Bob <>
Cc: Scott, Jeff <>
Subject: Request for grant support, Cold Springs Community Center Library Kiosk
Dear Celia and Bob,
It was so great talking with you both today! As I mentioned we are writing a
grant to support the installation of a vending machine (kiosk) that will circulate
library materials (print, video, tech, etc.) at a place in our service area that
presents challenges for library access (such as Cold Springs and Red Rock being
so far away from the branch with traffic compounding access, etc.)
While the grant is targeted for placement in the Cold Springs area, it will allow us
to chose the most appropriate site when developing the project. Initially, based
on our conversations and after reviewing the Community Center location, I
recommend a partnership with the library and your parks team to host the kiosk
at the Cold Springs Community Center.
Unfortunately, our grant deadline is quick (tomorrow, Jan. 28th). If possible we
would love to have a short letter of support from you both expressing the
benefits to the community if we were able to install the kiosk.
Attached is a photo of the new kiosk being launched with the Incline Library, so
you have an idea of what we are proposing. This project would require very little
from the parks team other than allowing us to use a host site for the machine.
Library staff would maintain and manage all other parts of this service.
If you are able to voice your support for this grant, and return a word document
to me today, I will happily include that in our grant application to strengthen our
Thank you so much for considering this request and for your partnership with the
Jonnica Bowen
Branch Manager, North Valleys Library | Washoe County Library System| Office: 775.972.0281
1075 North Hills Blvd. STE 340, Reno, NV 89506
Washoe County
Regional Parks & Open Space

Washoe County Library System

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter in support of a library kiosk being placed at the Cold Springs Community
Center. This kiosk would provide a much-appreciated service to a community that is lacking in
many government services. The relative distance from the city center as well as the lack of
public transportation limits the ability of many of Cold Springs community members from
having access to many of the services that enhance quality of life and provide healthy outlets for
the youth in the community. There is also a local population of senior citizens who use this
facility but do not have the resources or ability to access the other services located in the more
populated areas of Washoe County.

In conclusion, the location and current use of the Cold Springs Community Center for a Library
self-serve kiosk would be a huge benefit to the community and would be fully supported by
Washoe County Parks and open Space.

Bryan Harrower
District Park Manager
Regional Parks & Open Space | CSD | Office: 775.785.4512 x101
1595 N.Sierra St, Reno, NV 89503

1595 N. Sierra Street, Reno NV 89502

Phone (775) 785-4512 · Fax (775) 785-4707
From: This Is Reno [] on behalf of This Is Reno <>
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 8:01 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: News from This Is Reno for 03/03/2022

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Today's stories

Sisolak’s gaming commission laden

with attorneys, bucks legislative
While Nevada law allows the chief executive sole authority to make the appointments,
it does give direction as to who should hold the seats overseeing the state’s primary
Read on »

Republican candidate announces run

at Jeanne Herman’s County
Commission seat
Long time county resident, and retired Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant, Wendy Leonard said
the county’s district five representation is lacking.
Read on »

Laxalt’s financial disclosures reveal

more questionable financial
relationships (opinion)
Adam Laxalt is running to represent the people of Nevada in the U.S. Senate, but it is
increasingly difficult to ascribe to him any basic fitness for that office.
Read on »

COVID cases continue to decline in

Washoe County
Washoe County health officials today said good news continues as COVID-19 cases
continue to decline.
Read on »

NV borrowers still not prepared to

restart student loan payments,
survey says
Despite extensive efforts to save, the national survey of more than 23,000 student
loan borrowers in the U.S. from Feb. 1 to Feb. 15, 2022 found that nine in ten
borrowers say they are not prepared to resume payments on May 1.
Read on »


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From: Library Journal [] on behalf of Library Journal
Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 6:11 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Learn from experts in our new online course Serving Vulnerable Populations
starting May 17

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Join us to learn best practices and program ideas
for supporting vulnerable populations in your community

Over three weeks in our new online course Serving Vulnerable Populations,
learn about innovative library programs at the intersection of social work and
public health that you can emulate in your library. You’ll explore how to identify,
connect with and serve vulnerable populations in your community, and how to
leverage partnerships to provide targeted support where needed.

Our advisory committee has shaped the program and the work based on their
experience in the field. These experts are:

Klem-Marí Cajigas, Family Megan Emery Schadlich, Rob Simmons, Director of

Literacy Coordinator, Bringing Author, Instructional Coach, Social Services and Public
Books to Life, Nashville Public and Creator of The Healing Safety at Oak Park Public
Library Library; former Experience Library in Illinois
Designer & Coordinator at
Chattanooga Public Library

Learning Outcomes

• Identify vulnerable populations in your community and understand their most

pressing needs
• Identify community partners to support your work
• Assess and optimize current outreach methods, and engage in new, effective
approaches to best reach vulnerable populations
• Gain a foundational understanding of the intersections of public health, social
work, and library service
• Understand effective engagement models, such as peer-to-peer and
participatory, that include the sharing of lived experience among individuals
• Engage in a project that you initiate, define, and work on in a group workshop
with feedback from a group facilitator
• Recognize problematic stereotypes, acts of implicit/explicit bias, and micro-
aggressions in the process of connecting with vulnerable groups
• Learn how to collaborate with members of those populations by grounding
yourself in cultural humility and recognizing them as equals and experts on
their own experience and needs

Vulnerable populations include, but are not limited to, people experiencing
homelessness, people who are currently or formerly incarcerated, foster youth,
isolated seniors, new immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, veterans, those
recovering from addiction, people with low literacy, or individuals re-entering the

Can’t make a live session? No worries!

All sessions will be recorded for on-demand viewing.


Register by March 22 and save with early bird rates

Contact for discounted rates on groups of 3 or


Course Format
This three-week program includes live sessions on Tuesday, May 17, May 24 and
May 31 from 2:00-4:00 pm ET with an asynchronous, facilitator-led workshop in
which you’ll define and complete a personal project to action in your community.

Certificate of Completion Provided - 15 PD Credits

Bonus Content!

You’ll also have access to our foundational bonus content—rich supporting materials
you can explore at your own pace, including readings, activities, videos and a series
of webinars—from Library Journal and School Library Journal editors and

Who should take this course?

Any librarian or library stakeholder wanting to gain tools to effectively reach and
serve the vulnerable populations in their community.

Our transformational online courses have given thousands of librarians the tools and
vision for meaningful change. Join us and load up your tool box!


Register by March 22 and save with early bird rates

Contact for discounted rates on groups of 3 or


Check-out Our Other Upcoming Online Courses!

How To Build Diverse Collections - Mar 8, 15, and 22, 2022

Social Emotional Librarianship - Mar 29, Apr 5, and 12, 2022

Equity in Action: Solidarity in Social Justice - Apr 26, May 3, and 10, 2022

Serving Vulnerable Populations - May 17, 24, and 31, 2022

360° Engagement - June 7, 14, and 21, 2022

How To Build an Antiracist Library Culture - Sep 28, Oct 4, and 11, 2022

(Almost) Everything You Didn't Learn in Library School - Oct 6, 12, and 19, 2022

How To Build Diverse Collections - Oct 18, 25, and Nov 1, 2022

Stronger Together: The Power of Partnerships - Nov 8, 15, and 22, 2022

Equity in Action: Solidarity in Social Justice - Nov 29, Dec 6, and 13, 2022

To unsubscribe from future LJ notices or subscribe to other LJ communications, Click Here.


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Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 3:47 PM
To: Library - Mgmt & Supervisors []
Subject: RN2022-024 (Submitted for Incident/Location): POLICY/DOWNTOWN
Attachments: RN2022-024_6697.pdf

Status: Submitted on 03/02/2022 3:46 PM

Reporting User: BCOLLAMER

Reference # RN2022-024

Date/Time Reported: 03/02/2022 2:45 PM

Date/Time Occurred: 03/02/2022 10:30 AM to

Incident Type: POLICY



I was told that 3342 needed assistance at the reference desk. I went down and talked to 3342. I also talked to 2655.
They told me that Paddy had made discriminatory comments about our volunteer. The patron said, "What is that?"
in reference to our transgender volunteer who was at the reference desk talking to 3342. I printed the discrimination
and harassment policy and went to talk to Paddy to tell him he needed to leave for the day. I went to the computer he
was at and told him we had complaints from or staff about some of the comments that were said about our volunteer.
I told him he was going to have to leave for the day. He refused to leave. He told me how the women just wanted
him out. I told him that is not the situation. I told him he made discriminatory comments and that he would have to
leave. I asked him multiple times that he had to leave for the day and could come back tomorrow. I then told him he
needed to leave, or I would call the sheriff to escort him out. He continue
d to try to explain his story. I told him three times he had to leave, or I would call the sheriff. He did not move from
his seat, so I called the sheriff. I told him because we had to call the sheriff, he was now suspended from the Washoe
County Library System for 30 days.
The sheriff arrived and escorted him out. When he was leaving, he cursed at the staff that was at the front desk.
Paddy is suspended from all libraries for 30 days.

Employee 2655 interaction:

Around 10:30, one of our regular patrons came up to the Reference desk asking for a guest pass. At the same time,
one of our volunteers who is transgender was at the desk speaking to Cecily. The patron said, what is that, and I
replied with what is what? He then said what is that again, while looking at our volunteer. I told the patron that this
is a public building and that all kinds of people are welcome to be in the library. He started talking about how he
was chastised by his step father when he was young and commented about his culture. I asked him if there was a
library question that I could answer for him and he kept talking about how he was chastised. I then repeated that this
is a public place and we allow anyone to be in the library, including him. Again I asked him if he had a library
related question and he walked away to his computer. After he left, I told Cecily what the patron had said and she
called Kristen to come and address the patron. Kristen was helping
with another emergency situation, so Brent came to talk to the patron.
Contact Type:

Case Number RN2022-024

Washoe County Library System

P.O. BOX 2151
RENO, NV, 89505

Incident Report
Reported by: BCOLLAMER

Incident Types Label POLICY Incident Disposition

Staff Recorder Manager/Supervisor On Duty Manager/Supervisor Notified

Incident Occurred Date
03/02/2022 at 10:30 AM
Location Specific Location

Contact # 1
Full Name Library Card Number
Age Date of Birth Gender Race
Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color
5'00" 10 BLACK BROWN
Approx. Age Build Clothing (Limited to 49

Narrative text
I was told that 3342 needed assistance at the reference desk. I went down and talked to 3342. I also talked to 2655. They told me that
Paddy had made discriminatory comments about our volunteer. The patron said, "What is that?" in reference to our transgender volunteer
who was at the reference desk talking to 3342. I printed the discrimination and harassment policy and went to talk to Paddy to tell him he
needed to leave for the day. I went to the computer he was at and told him we had complaints from or staff about some of the comments
that were said about our volunteer. I told him he was going to have to leave for the day. He refused to leave. He told me how the women
just wanted him out. I told him that is not the situation. I told him he made discriminatory comments and that he would have to leave. I
asked him multiple times that he had to leave for the day and could come back tomorrow. I then told him he needed to leave, or I would
call the sheriff to escort him out. He continued to try to explain his story. I told him three times he had to leave, or I would call the sheriff.
He did not move from his seat, so I called the sheriff. I told him because we had to call the sheriff, he was now suspended from the
Washoe County Library System for 30 days.
The sheriff arrived and escorted him out. When he was leaving, he cursed at the staff that was at the front desk.
Paddy is suspended from all libraries for 30 days.

Employee 2655 interaction:

Prepared By: Submitted Date

BCOLLAMER(bcollamer) 03/02/2022 3:46 PM

Signature Reviewed By/Date

BCOLLAMER 03/02/2022 3:46 PM

Page 1 of 2
Case Number RN2022-024
Around 10:30, one of our regular patrons came up to the Reference desk asking for a guest pass. At the same time, one of our
volunteers who is transgender was at the desk speaking to Cecily. The patron said, what is that, and I replied with what is what? He
then said what is that again, while looking at our volunteer. I told the patron that this is a public building and that all kinds of people are
welcome to be in the library. He started talking about how he was chastised by his step father when he was young and commented
about his culture. I asked him if there was a library question that I could answer for him and he kept talking about how he was chastised.
I then repeated that this is a public place and we allow anyone to be in the library, including him. Again I asked him if he had a library
related question and he walked away to his computer. After he left, I told Cecily what the patron had said and she called Kristen to come
and address the patron. Kristen was helping with another emergency situation, so Brent came to talk to the patron.

Prepared By: Submitted Date

BCOLLAMER(bcollamer) 03/02/2022 3:46 PM

Signature Reviewed By/Date

BCOLLAMER 03/02/2022 3:46 PM

Page 2 of 2
From: Your Home Librarian [] on behalf of Your Home Librarian
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 12:28 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Dear Reader: Letter Writing

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Dear Librarians: This special newsletter is designed to help you share resources
with your patrons at home. Send it along or share the elements with the community
you serve.
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Dear Reader: Letter Writing

By Elissa Bongiorno

Why not embrace the epistolary life and become practiced in the art of letter-
writing? From creative and crafty paper options, to beautiful pens, to the art of
calligraphy, there are so many wonderful ways to say hello to family and friends
near and far.

A Woman’s Place Is in a Graphic Novel: Outstanding Works for

Young Readers Center Women in History
By Brigid Alverson

12 stories for grades 3 and up spotlight Queen Hatshepsut, Josephine Baker, Mary
Shelley, and more remarkable women.

Poll Shows Majority Oppose Banning Books About History, Race

By SLJ Staff

A recent CBS News/YouGov poll showed Americans do not support removing books
about race from schools and believe that students should be taught the history of race and racism in the
United States.

Three Action-Packed Adventures for Fans of Spider-Man: No Way

By Abby Johnson

Superheroes and alternate dimensions disrupt everyday life in these rollicking books
for readers grade 4 and up.

‘Read Banned Books,’ LeVar Burton Tells Kids. ‘That’s Where the
Good Stuff Is.’
By SLJ staff

You know things are bad when LeVar Burton can’t get through a read-aloud. The actor
and beloved Reading Rainbow host dropped by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
with a serious message on censorship.

20 Books for Fans of Unicorns, Dragons, and Other Fantastical

By Jenny Arch

These 20 titles for picture and chapter book readers feature creatures who ask
children, “What if the world were different?”
Read-Alikes for Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey
By Ann Carpenter, Heather Miller Cover, and Rebecca Moe

LibraryReads and Library Journal offer read-alikes for patrons waiting to read Hook,
Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey.

A Cozy Quiz
By Brian Kenney and Henrietta Verma

Wondering if a book is a cozy? Take this quick quiz, and give yourself five points for
every time you answer “yes.”

First Books About Weddings | Milestones

By Shelley Diaz

In this installment of SLJ's new "Milestones" series that takes on “firsts” for young
children with relevant book suggestions, we round up some festive titles perfect for
nuptial newbies. Whether children are attending a celebration for the first time or having the huge honor of
being a member of the bridal party, their first experience with weddings can be overwhelming (and fun).
Here are some titles that can help get little ones through the big day.

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From: The Parks Foundation [] on behalf of The Parks Foundation
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 12:02 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: March Into Spring with Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation

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Join Our Team | Spring Break Camp Registration | TMTC 2022 | JNats
Winter Walk Series | AmeriCorps Week | February Event Recap | Trails Challenge

Join The Parks Foundation Team

Improve yourself while improving your community by serving as an AmeriCorps member! The
Parks Foundation is currently recruiting for a variety of AmeriCorps positions such as:
Communications Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Programs and Events Coordinator
Seasonal Outdoor Naturalist Educator
Summer Naturalist Educator
Visitor Center Host/Coordinator
AmeriCorps VISTA Leader
Wetland Restoration Technician
Learn more and apply today by clicking on the button below! Additional positions open
throughout the year, so be sure to check back if the current ones don't interest you.


Spring Break Science Camp 2022

Registration for our Spring Break Science
Camp is now open! Join us in Idlewild Park
for 2 weeks of hands on science and crafts
fun! Week 1 "CSI Sierra: Community Science
Investigators" runs March 14th-18th and
Week 2 "Wicked Wildlife" runs March 21st-
25th. We accept campers age 8-12, though
older kids can apply to be Junior Counselors.
Scholarships are available and there's a
discount for registering early. Act quickly
there are few more spots left for week one
of camp and week two of camp is FULL!
Learn more by clicking the button below!

Learn More

Spring into the Outdoors

Does the thought of changing your clock make you cringe? Spring forward into the outdoors by
registering for the Truckee Meadows Trails Challenge! With each registration you support a local
non-profit, gain 1 year of access to exclusive guided hikes in the Reno/Sparks area, and receive
a Trails Log so you can keep track of your wellness goals. Our next hike is coming up fast so don't
delay click the button below to register.


March Back in Time with Junior Naturalists this Month

Junior Naturalists Program this month is "Ancient Nevada" at

Sun Valley Regional Park!
Come walk through Nevada's past with us! We will learn about how Nevada
was formed and the geology that is still here today.
It's been a while since we last (dino)saur you - we hope you DIG fossils!

Winter Walk Series

It's time for part 3 of our Winter Walk Series!

Join us for the second walk of this free 3-
part series on Sunday, March 6th at
Rosewood Nature Study Area from 9am-
12pm. Free hot drinks and snacks will be
provided courtesy of DoughBoys Donuts as
you enjoy a wintry walk around Rancho at
your own self-guided pace. See info about all
3 walks by clicking the button. We can't wait
to see you there!

Learn More
February Recap: What a Lovely Month with You!
What a lovely February we all had! It might be the shortest month but we were able to fill it up
with amazing programming for you. Our SSP educators were started the month with a bang and
worked with classes throughout the community. The Junior Naturalist Program had not one but
two special guests from Animal Ark for families to meet and learn about. The Trails Challenge
took us to Sparks Marina so we could learn all about self care, and we now have a volunteer
leading guided walks at the Rosewood Nature Study Area.
Have you seen us on the news lately? If you ever catch a news story, radio interview, or article
about us, we'd love to hear about it! Email a link to so we can add
it to our In The News gallery on our website. If you or someone you know would be interested in
getting an interview with us, contact our Communications Manager Matt DeBray at We love being able to get our name and our work out there!
We also had some great blogs this month! Check out "An Early Valentine for February VISTAs" by
former VISTA Leader Sara Monks,"Why do we give Red Roses on Valentines Day?" by former
Communications Coordinator Rachel Carroll, "Public Participation: Making Your Voice Heard" by
Truckee Meadows Trails Coordinator Daniel Dunn, and "Rosewood Nature Study Area: Reno's
Newest Fishing Spot" by Wetland Outreach Coordinator Jennie Johnson.

Trails Challenge: Registration is Open!

This month's Trails Challenge hike will be a
springtime jaunt through Evans Canyon on
March 12th. Make sure to reserve your spot
soon or you might miss out! If you're unable
to join us on the guided hike, you can still
explore the trail on your own and record it in
your Trails Log.
If you don't want to miss out on these longer
guided hikes, register for the Truckee
Meadows Trails Challenge today. If you
joined last Winter, remember to re-up your
registration for 2022 ASAP!

Register Today!
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NV 89502, USA

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From: Danya Morales [] on behalf of Danya Morales
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 10:16 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Spring Virtual Field Trips Available

Hello Jeff,

Garner Holt Education through Imagination has developed virtual hands-on STEAM field
trips that invite students inside the world’s greatest theme park animatronics production
factory, to show them how careers in creative design, robotics, engineering, advanced
manufacturing, animation, and the visual and performing arts converge to create the
illusion of life in theme parks everywhere!
All Virtual Field Trips include:
• An overview of the inspirational story of Garner Holt Productions, Inc.
• Virtual Factory Tour
• Hand-On STEAM Activities
• All Required Materials
• Live Virtual Instruction

Learn more about our virtual experiences by viewing this short video.

Request a virtual tour of GHP with hands-on activities now by clicking HERE!

Each activity emulates unique aspects of the animatronic production process and fosters
21st Century Learning Skills. Our experiences are taught by highly trained educators with
a passion for STEAM Education and Career Exploration and provide hands-on
engineering and art activities that are differentiated for students K-12, including groups of
students with varying needs, including English Learners and GATE students.

You can find more information about our virtual field trip experiences via our website.

With experiences starting at $1,520, I can't think of a better way to engage students of all

Request a Virtual Field Trip

We look forward to booking your virtual experience,

Danya Morales
Virtual Field Trip Coordinator
Garner Holt Education through Imagination, LLC
P: (909) 799-9090
Garner Holt Education through Imagination | 1220 Research Dr., Redlands, CA 92374

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Sent by
From: Karen Christensen [] on behalf of Karen Christensen
Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 8:17 AM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: A Du Bois Discovery

A Du Bois Discovery
Newly arranged as the author intended: The Autobiography of W E B
Du Bois, Great Barrington Edition.
Karen Christensen

Mar 2

I can’t start this letter without saying something about the invasion of Ukraine. I’ve spent
a great deal of time recently immersed in letters written during the world wars of the
20th century. The sense of disbelief, uncertainty, and anxiety of this moment echoes
those past times. Is there an equivalent, though, in recent centuries for the boldness
and heroism we’re seeing from the Ukrainian leadership and especially from President
Volodymyr Zelensky? Winston Churchill was eloquent but he certainly didn’t put on
fatigues and put his own life on the line.

I have a small triumphant to share: my discovery that previous editions of The

Autobiography of W. E. B. Du Bois, including the Oxford edition, part of a series
edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., are not arranged and dedicated in accordance with his
instructions. I’m delighted that Berkshire Publishing will be publishing The
Autobiography as well as his landmark Souls of Black Folk later this month in Great
Barrington edition.

The Autobiography of W. E. B. Du Bois: Great Barrington Edition ¹ opens with these


I was born by a golden river and in the shadow of two great hills, five years after the
Emancipation Proclamation which began the freeing of American Negro Slaves.

The Souls of Black Folk, also begins here in Great Barrington, with a story of Du Bois’s
first experience of what he called “the veil” between the races that took place in a
wooden schoolhouse that stood across Main Street from Great Barrington Town Hall.

In front of that Town Hall today stands a memorial erected in 1876, when Du Bois was
eight years old, to those who fought in the Civil War, with a flying angel on top and the
words, “Freedom and Union.”
You’ll find much more about the Great Barrington Editions at Berkshire Publishing. The
books can be preordered now and will be shipped later this month.

W. E. B. Du Bois extolled the USSR and Communist China in the Autobiography,
especially in essays that were prominently placed at the beginning of previous editions
of the book. I had toyed with the idea of taking out these chapters, which one critic said
read like they’d just rolled off a mimeograph machine, but after reading them chapters
and an accompanying statement about his beliefs, I realize that Du Bois was a utopian
thinker when it came to Communism. This makes them especially interesting to
consider as we watch the unfolding situation between the Russian Federation, Ukraine,
and the world’s uniting liberal democracies.
I was gobsmacked² when I opened the document you see above. The full story my
discovery will be included in our edition, and is available below to paid subscribers.

From Chapter 21: The Soviet Union

Her government had long been shot through with dishonesty and graft under
dissolute nobles and fawning lackeys. Her punishment of crime and independent
thought had long affronted the civilized world. Yet the best people of Europe and
America seldom raised a finger of protest, but fawned on Russian royalty and
aristocracy, receiving them with open arms. . . .

. . . they sit and sit and talk and talk, and vote and vote; if this is all a mirage, it is a
perfect one. They believe it as I used to believe in the Spring Town Meeting in my
village. There is power rivalry and personal jealousy; all things in the Soviet Union are
not perfect. Mails miscarry, cables come a day late, styles are often queer; the world
problem of domestic service has not been settled. The question of life careers and the
decision between what one wants to do and what one is fitted to do, and what efforts
are needed—these matters have not yet found final answers; but they are being
frankly faced, and experiments are making. . . .

Is it possible to conduct a great modern government without autocratic leadership of

the rich? The answer is: this is exactly what the Soviet Union is doing today. But can
she continue to do this?

Leave a comment
In fact, Du Bois’s writing about Communism is utopian in tone. He was looking for a
better world, a better system, and late in life he had become discouraged by what was
happening in the United States. In the 1950s he was treated horribly by the US
government. He had faced indignities all his life, even as a highly accomplished and
well-known Black man. The story of his being interviewed for a teaching job and then
sent to the kitchen to eat, while the white candidate was invited to the dining room for
dinner, haunts me. Du Bois actually took the stage for a debate with an avowed racist,
someone like Nicholas Fuentes, in Chicago (thanks to Catherine Zhou for this link).
Du Bois traveled the world, visited Russia, and went to China to meet Mao Zedong. He
died in Ghana, disenchanted with his own country. Yet his love for Great Barrington
never wavered. And last month his only grandchild was buried here in the Mahaiwe
Cemetery, next to her mother, uncle, and grandmother, Du Bois’s first wife and two
I first thought of publishing a book by Du Bois last year on the day of Black Lives Matter
events across the United States, as I saw people pouring into the tiny town of Great
Barrington, Massachusetts for a rally at Town Hall.

There were copies of his autobiography and other books on my shelf. I had been
hearing his story for years, at events and over the dinner table, and we published a
volume based on his teenage writings about the little church in Great Barrington that Du
Bois had written about as a teenager.

I assumed that the familiar line, “I was born by a golden river in the shadow of two great
hills,” was how his autobiography opened.

But to my surprise and dismay, that perfect opening line did not appear in the 1968 US
edition until Chapter 6. Instead, the book opens with short chapters about his travels
and Communist beliefs at the end of his life. How strange, I thought. I knew Du Bois had
been a prolific writer and that he had been active in the world, occupied with political
activities, editing, and organizing. Many of his books, including his groundbreaking 1903
The Souls of Black Folk, were put together in haste, compiled from pieces of journalism.
But he was also a graceful and poetic writer. I found myself doubting that this sequence
was what he intended.

Looking at a more recent edition from Oxford University Press, I noticed a footnote in
the excellent introduction by Werner Sollers, a Harvard historian that spoke to this
question. He explained that Du Bois’s friend Truman Nelson had claimed that the
original manuscript, which he had a carbon copy of, did not include those five opening
chapters: "It would be interesting to compare the Nelson manuscript with the version of
the book that is in the Du Bois Papers and that is reprinted here."

The story of my quest will be in the book itself, and is available here for paid
subscribers. The books can be ordered now at a prepublication discount and will be
shipped later this month.

Heart in the sky, Sheffield, Massachusetts. Credit: Reya de Castro.

Slava Ukraini! ...

Subscribe to Karen's Letter to read the rest.

Become a paying subscriber of Karen's Letter to get access to this post and other
subscriber-only content.


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© 2022 Karen Christensen Unsubscribe

122 Castle Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230
From: Nevada Humanities [] on behalf of Nevada Humanities
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 2:00 PM
To: Scott, Jeff []
Subject: Step into Spring with Nevada Humanities

View this email in your browser

News and Events

March 2022


Don't miss!
Lighting Up Las Vegas: YESCO Marks a Glittering Century
Online and Nevada Humanities Program Gallery, Las Vegas (by appointment only)
February 3, 2022 - March 23, 2022
Exhibition Reception. March 9, 2022, 5-8 pm PST at the Nevada Humanities Program Gallery
Exhibition Discussion. March 9, 2022, 6-7 pm PST at Stinko's Las Vegas and on Facebook
Live | Register

Celebrate 100 years of the Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO) and neon with our latest
Exhibition Series, Lighting Up Las Vegas: YESCO Marks a Glittering Century! YESCO’s neon
signs have played a significant role in creating Las Vegas’ notorious reputation as a city of
neon. Explore the online exhibition and learn more.

Photos courtesy of Las Vegas News Bureau.

On the Road
Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series
Don't miss!
Lighting Up Las Vegas: YESCO Marks a Glittering Century
Online and Nevada Humanities Program Gallery, Las Vegas (by appointment only)
February 3, 2022 - March 23, 2022
Exhibition Reception. March 9, 2022, 5-8 pm PST at the Nevada Humanities Program Gallery
Exhibition Discussion. March 9, 2022, 6-7 pm PST at Stinko's Las Vegas and on Facebook
Live | Register

Celebrate 100 years of the Young Electric Sign Company (YESCO) and neon with our latest
Exhibition Series, Lighting Up Las Vegas: YESCO Marks a Glittering Century! YESCO’s neon
signs have played a significant role in creating Las Vegas’ notorious reputation as a city of
neon. Explore the online exhibition and learn more.

Photos courtesy of Las Vegas News Bureau.

On the Road
Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series

Nevada P.S. I Love You Postcard

Project: Love Notes from Across
the Silver State

February 18 – March 10, 2022

Truckee Meadows Community College,
Nevada P.S. I Love You Postcard
Project: Love Notes from Across
the Silver State

February 18 – March 10, 2022

Truckee Meadows Community College,
Performing in the Dark: The
Sudden Disappearance of Live

February 7 – April 22, 2022

Great Basin College Gallery, Elko

Photo by Bridget Bennett.

Coming soon!
New Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series

Mojave by Jeff Fulmer

Online and Nevada Humanities Program Gallery, Las Vegas (by appointment only)
March 31 – May 25, 2022

Artwork/Jeff Fulmer, Aven Nelson's Phacelia.

Performing in the Dark: The
Sudden Disappearance of Live

February 7 – April 22, 2022

Great Basin College Gallery, Elko

Photo by Bridget Bennett.

Coming soon!
New Nevada Humanities Exhibition Series

Mojave by Jeff Fulmer

Online and Nevada Humanities Program Gallery, Las Vegas (by appointment only)
March 31 – May 25, 2022

Artwork/Jeff Fulmer, Aven Nelson's Phacelia.


"The weakening of our civic bonds matters…the light is that

ordinary people can link arms and find a solution." —Danielle Allen

In case you missed it, our program Building a More Perfect Union: A Conversation with
Danielle Allen features the renowned political theorist who discusses the importance of civics
in education and civic participation in everyday life. It is available on our website now. Watch
the conversation here.


"The weakening of our civic bonds matters…the light is that
ordinary people can link arms and find a solution." —Danielle Allen

In case you missed it, our program Building a More Perfect Union: A Conversation with
Danielle Allen features the renowned political theorist who discusses the importance of civics
in education and civic participation in everyday life. It is available on our website now. Watch
the conversation here.


Our award-winning Humanities Heart to Heart—a program of essays and multimedia projects
by Nevadans that reflect on life during the COVID-19 pandemic—continues as our writers share
a glimpse into their lives and changing relationships with the world during COVID-19. Delve
Our award-winning Humanities Heart to Heart—a program of essays and multimedia projects
by Nevadans that reflect on life during the COVID-19 pandemic—continues as our writers share
a glimpse into their lives and changing relationships with the world during COVID-19. Delve
into Humanities Heart to Heart.

Photograph courtesy of Nancy Brune.


Make Sustainable Art for Earth Day Workshops

Paul C. Blau Theatre at Clark County Library, Las Vegas
March 21, 2022, 1:30-2:30 pm PDT | Learn more
March 28, 2022, 6:30-7:30 pm PDT | Learn more

Help reduce your trash footprint by creating art out of items you might otherwise throw away.
Cleaned recyclables like plastic bottles, milk cartons, pie trays, and more will be used to create
unique art that will be displayed at the Clark County Library to celebrate Earth Day. Join
Nevada Reads in Your Library at an upcoming workshop to mark Earth Day.
Make Sustainable Art for Earth Day Workshops
Paul C. Blau Theatre at Clark County Library, Las Vegas
March 21, 2022, 1:30-2:30 pm PDT | Learn more
March 28, 2022, 6:30-7:30 pm PDT | Learn more

Help reduce your trash footprint by creating art out of items you might otherwise throw away.
Cleaned recyclables like plastic bottles, milk cartons, pie trays, and more will be used to create
unique art that will be displayed at the Clark County Library to celebrate Earth Day. Join
Nevada Reads in Your Library at an upcoming workshop to mark Earth Day.

Nevada Reads in Your Library is a program of Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records, is produced
by Nevada Humanities, and is made possible with support from Nevada State Library, Archives and Public
Records and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Humanities and the Great Outdoors

Take the humanities with you on your next outdoor adventure. Our handy Sagebrush to
Sandstone: A Humanities Guide to Outdoor Nevada includes voices of Nevada thinkers,
poets, artists, and scientists who foster a deeper understanding of our natural world. Download
a free printable version, access a virtual copy, or order your very own physical copy here.

Nevada Reads Creative Workshops

Sign up for one of our free, virtual, creative workshops that are inspired by the illustrations
and themes found in World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil. Artists, nature experts,
and other creatives from around Nevada teach participants how to draw, paint, explore, and
listen, using nature as inspiration. Upcoming workshops include:
Humanities and the Great Outdoors
Take the humanities with you on your next outdoor adventure. Our handy Sagebrush to
Sandstone: A Humanities Guide to Outdoor Nevada includes voices of Nevada thinkers,
poets, artists, and scientists who foster a deeper understanding of our natural world. Download
a free printable version, access a virtual copy, or order your very own physical copy here.
Nevada Reads Creative Workshops
Sign up for one of our free, virtual, creative workshops that are inspired by the illustrations
and themes found in World of Wonders by Aimee Nezhukumatathil. Artists, nature experts,
and other creatives from around Nevada teach participants how to draw, paint, explore, and
listen, using nature as inspiration. Upcoming workshops include:

Natural Blueprints: Cyanotype and Photography with Laura Brennan

Clark County Wetlands Park, Las Vegas

March 19, 2022 at 1:00-2:00 pm PDT

March 26, 2022 at 1:00-2:00 pm PDT

Cyanotype is one of the earliest photographic printing processes, which was embraced by
photographer Anna Atkins. She was not only an early botanist photographer but the first female
to create a photograph. In this workshop we will use found objects and foliage from our natural
environment to create one-of-a-kind cyanotype blueprints on watercolor paper. Participants will
learn the key role that light plays in photography and get to experiment with this process that
was discovered almost 200 years ago. Learn more.

Artwork by Laura Brennan.


Your ONE Resource - Discover Rural Nevada
Follow us on social media in March as we explore the history of rural Nevada on the Online
Nevada Encyclopedia (ONE). The ONE is a resource for students, parents, and educators who
want to learn more about Nevada’s history, culture, and heritage. Explore the ONE.
Photograph and caption courtesy of Roadsidepictures through the Creative Commons License.

Thinking, Reading, and Watching Throughout the Month

Visit our events calendar for updated programs and events; however, we recommend
checking directly with our partner and grantee organizations on event changes and

• Baker: Great Basin National Park Foundation—Lehman Caves Centennial.

This program is supported in part by Nevada Humanities.
• Elko: Nevada P.S. I Love You Postcard Making Party—Great Basin College.
This is a special initiative of Nevada Humanities.
• Las Vegas: National Atomic Testing Museum—An Evening with Dona L.
This program is supported in part by Nevada Humanities.
• Reno: University of Nevada, Reno School of the Arts—Sweet Honey In The
This program is supported in part by Nevada Humanities.
• Online: Capital City Arts Initiative—Nevada Neighbors, Stewart Indian Museum
and Artworks. This program is supported in part by Nevada Humanities.
• Online: Nevada Humanities Virtual Salon: Indigenous Narratives in the Modern
Context. This is a program of Nevada Humanities.

Nevada Humanities Grant Opportunities

Nevada Humanities FY22 Mini Grants

Application Deadline: Rolling; application must be submitted at least 10 weeks before
the project's first public event. Application portal closes on August 22, 2022. Learn
more by visiting the Mini Grant guidelines.
Nevada Humanities FY22 Planning Grants
Application Deadline: Rolling. Application portal closes on August 22, 2022. Learn
more by visiting the Planning Grant guidelines.


Nurture Just, Healthy Communities with Nevada Humanities

Since 1971, Nevada Humanities has created and funded cultural and educational
programs that connect Nevadans and share our diverse stories. We need to connect
and share our experiences now more than ever. Please support the work of Nevada
Humanities, and help Nevadans connect to one another, investigate ideas that
matter to our communities, and chart a path towards community health and recovery.
It's our humanities that make us human.

Nevada Humanities is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
incorporated in the great State of Nevada, by Nevadans for
Nevadans, providing essential cultural and educational
services across the state.

Copyright © 2022 Nevada Humanities, All rights reserved.

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