Latihan Passive Voice

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Quiz of Passive Voice

Part 1

Decide if the sentences are active (A) or passive (P)

Kate prepared the salad : A

The rice was prepared by Jamal : P( ada was)

Shirley was preparing the dessert : P(ada was)

Andy has prepared the tea :A

New species of insects are discovered by scientist every year : P(ada are)

Our papers will be collected by the teacher next week. : P(ada will)

Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago. :A

Anna's car was stopped by the police. : P(ada was)

Mr Brown painted our house :A

Hiroki came to our apartment for dinner last night :A

Part 2

Change the following active sentences into passive sentences!

Tom opens the door  Simple present tense: the door is opened by Tom

Tom is opening the door  Continous present: The door is being opened by Tom

Tom has opened the door  Present perfect tense: The door has been opened by Tom

Tom opened the door  Simple past tense: The door was opened by Tom

Tom was opening the door  Continous past: The door was being opened by Tom

Tom had opened the door  Pas perfect tense: The door had been opened by Tom

Tom will open the door  Continous future: The door will be being opened by Tom

Tom is going to open the door  Simple present tense: The door is going to opened by Tom

Tom will have opened the door.  Perfect future: The door will have been opened by Tom
Did Tom open the door?  Was the door opened by Tom

Will Tom open the door?  Will the door be opened by Tom

Has Tom opened the door?  Has the door been opened by Tom

Part 3

Change the following active sentences into passive sentences!

Shakespeare wrote that play

 That play was written by Shakespeare.

Waitresses and waiters serve customers.

 Customers are being serve by waitresses and waiters

The teacher is going to explain the lesson.

 The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher

Two horses were pulling the farmer's wagon.

 The farmers wagon were being pulled by the two horses

Toby will invite Yoko to the party.

 Yoko will be invited to Toby party

Alex is preparing that report.

 The Report is being prepared by Alex

Kathy had returned the book to the library.

 The book had been returned to the library by Kathy

Miriam has designed several public buildings.

 Several public building has been designed by Miriam

His tricks won't fool me

 I wont bee fooled by his tricks

I didn't write that note. Did Jim write it?

 The note wasn’t written by me. Was it written by Jim

Does Prof Shapiro teach that course? No, he doesn't teach it

 Does that course get taught by Prof Shapiro? No, it doesn’t taught by Prof Shapiro

Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet. Has Mr Andrews signed them yet? GATAU

 Those papers Havent been signed by Mrs Andrews. Have the paper been signed by Mr

Part 4

Change the following passive sentences into active sentences!

The speech was given by Andrew

 Andrew gave the speech.

Our assignments are going to be corrected by the teaching assistant.

 The teaching assistant is going to correct our assignments

Was the electric light bulb invented by Thomas Edison?

 Did Thomas Edison invent electric light bulb

The speed limit on Highway 5 isn’t obeyed by most drivers.

 Most drivers don’t(?) obey the speed limit on Highway 5

Have you been informed of the rent increase by the building manager?

 Has the building manager informed you

Part 5

Complete the sentences with passive form of the verbs in the list below. Use any appropriate

Build Frighten Offer Surprise

Case Invent Order Surround

Confuse Expect Report Wear

Divide Kill Spell

1. The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879
2. An island is surrounded by water.
3. The -ing form of “sit” sitting with a double "t"
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory will be built next year.
5. The class was too large last semester, so it was divided into two sections.
6. A bracelet is worn around the wrist.
7. The Johnsons' house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire was caused by lightning.
8. Al got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffic court, he was ordered to pay a large
9. I read about a hunter who was killed accidentally by another hunter.
10. The hunter's fatal accident was reported in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn't expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there. I was surprised to see
12. Last week I was offered a job at a local bank, but I didn't accept it.
13. The children were frightened in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the
14. Could you explain this math problem to me? Yesterday in class I was confused by the teacher's
15. A: Is the plane going to be late?
B: No. It is expected to be on time.

Part 6
Complete the sentences with the active or passive form of the verbs in parentheses.
Use any appropriate tense

1. Gold (discover) was discovered in California in 1848.

2. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the
world's oxygen is produced there.
3. Right now, Roberto is in the hospital. He is being treated for a bad burn on his arm.
4. In my country, certain prices, such as the price of medical supplies,are controlled by the
government. Other prices are determined by how much consumers are willing to pay for a
5. Richard Anderson is a former astronaut. Several years ago, when he was 52, Anderson was
informed by his superior at an aircraft corporation that he could no longer be a test pilot. He
was told that he was being relieved of his duties because of his age. Anderson took the
corporation to court for age discrimination.
6. Frostbite may occur when a person's skin is exposed extreme cold. It most frequently affectes
the skin of the cheeks, chin, ears, fingers, nose and toes.
7. Since the beginning of the modern industrial age, many of the natural habitats of plants and
animals have been destroyed by industrial development and pollution.
8. Carl Gauss was recognized as a mathematical genius when he was ten. One day a professor
gave him an arithmetic problem. Carl wasa asked to add up all the numbers from 1 to 100. It
(take) him only eight seconds to solve the problem. How could he do it so quickly?

Part 7

Complete the sentences with the words in the parentheses.

Use the appropriate form, active or passive.

1. James (should + tell) should be told the news as soon as possible.

2. Someone (should + tell) should tell James the news immediately.
3. Meat must be keptin a refrigerator or it will spoil.
4. You must keep meat in a refrigerator or it will spoil.
5. We tried, but the window couldn’tbe opened It was painted shut.
6. I tried, but I couldn’t opened the window.
7. Good news! I may be offered a job soon. I had an interview at an engineering firm yesterday.
8. Chris has good news. The engineering firm where she had an interview yesterday may be offer
her a job soon.
9. The class for next semester is too large. It ought to be divided in half, but there's not enough
money in the budget to hire another teacher.
10. These books have to bee returned to the library tomorrow.

Part 8

Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the verbs in italics.

1. Greg's classes interest him.

a. Greg's classes are interesting.
b. Greg is an interested student.

2. Emily is going to Paris. The idea of going on this trip excites her.
a. Emily is excited about going on this trip.
b. She thinks it is going to be an exciting e trip.
3. I like to study sea life. The subject of marine biology fascinates me.
a. I'm fascinated by marine biology.
b. Marine biology is a fascinating subject.
4. Mike heard some bad news. The bad news depressed him.
a. Mike is very sad. In other words, he is depressed
b. The news made Mike feel sad. The news was depressing
5. Jane’s classes bore her.
a. Jane’s classes are boring
b. Jane is bored during her classes.

Part 9

Complete the sentences with the present (-ing) or past participle of the verbs in the parentheses!

1. The thief tried to open the (lock) locked cabinet

2. I found myself in an embarrassing situation last night.
3. The injured woman was put into an ambulance.
4. The teacher gave us a challenging assignment, but we all enjoyed doing it.
5. The expected event did not occur.
Part 10
Error Analysis
1. I am interesting in his ideas.
2. The movie was so bored (boring) that we fell asleep most of the scenes.
3. The two people in the accident were took(taken harusnya v3) to the hospital immediately.
4. When did(was) automotive invented?
5. The winner of the race has not been announcing(announced) yet.
6. It was late and I was getting very worry(worried harusnya v3) about my mother.
7. Many strange things were( kalo were hrsnya pake ing jadinyua gausah pake were)happened last
8. In class yesterday, I was confusing(confused). I didn’t understand the lesson.
9. The students (were)helped by the sub teacher’s clear explanation.
10. When we were children, we were very afraid of caterpillars. Whenever we saw one of these
monsters, we were(would) run to our house before the caterpillar could attack us. I am still
scared when I saw a caterpillar close to me.

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