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Hangwoman by K.

R Meera


-Grddha Mullick's demand that his daughter maybe given the Job of hangwoman. Other wise he
won't do hanging anymore.
-News reporter Sanjeev Kumar Mitra. She is attracted.
-Her mother didn't like her doing that Job. She got scared about how she would do that. Media
took up the issue. It became a matter of constitutional
: -Sanjeev Kumar said there could be other jobs in this land. She replied calmly.He stole
grandmother's gold coin and spoke to Chetna in a sexual way.
-His coverage of Ramdev. His pathetic fate. Amartya Ghosh's father cutting down his limbs.
They got court
: -Sanjeev Kumar proposed to marry Chetna and her father agreed. He touched her abusively.
Grddha told his entire stories to Sanjeev including his affairs. He offered to help them get the Job
and declared himself as her husband. He made her sign an agreement that she will not go to any
other channel.
: -She again felt like he loved her as he encouraged her to take up the job.
: -She was brought to jail and they examined the rope for hanging.
: -Nightmare and bad omen about death. She was attacked by Sanjeev Kumar in the
netherworld. Sircar mama's case of killing four women. Next day at News channel, on way back
he tried to buy her things. He kissed her palms and seemed for forgiveness.
: -Next day he made him a thief and he took revenge by showing her as a thief in news. She
refused to go as she got fever. She demanded more money.
: -Jatidranath's wife brought to the studio. Also the mother of the last convict father had hanged.
: -Since we have come this far, my life has no meaning at all if I don't marry you.
- Story of Ratan, starvation death.
-They went to a rich restaurant, he told his past poverty.
: -Sanjeev Kumar and Chetna go for outing on a rickshaw(Tipu Sultan) after trial with sackbag,
they see his father's old ruined mansion. He seek forgiveness. She falls in love. Next day show,
again walk. "My left breast swelled with milk".
: - Hangman's game. "Just as I had induced Sanjeev Kumar to steal, the world was urging me to
steal Jatindranath's life, I felt"
: -Niharika's story. She loved a man from a potter family. Her father refused. She committed
: -father stopped her from going to the studio but she went. They went to a betrothal. A picture
of a woman with red bindhi. News that mercy petition got rejected.
: -Chetna understood he doesn't really love her. Diamond stolen and he trued to trap he as well.
Then why did you cone with me? Next day policemen came as guard -absurdity of democracy,
guard for a hangman. Surprise news 'hanging stayed'
: Graddha Mullick's intention to film everything and make money.
: As hanging stayed media's focus changed. Their market was decreased. Gradha fights with
Kaku and Kakima, Ramu thrown to floor, his head hit.
: Graddha wanted to make it a news that his son was on death bed. Sanjeev Kumar took Ramu's
pictures. He lost interest. Chetna's Ma blames her husband for it and advices Chetna to use him
as a ladder to get out to the wide world. She tells her love with a boy whose family was killed
during Partition. She said she doesn't love Gradhha. "He's not one person but many" .
: -They met Jatindranath at jail when they went to meet police officer. He was confident he was
not going to die. Ramu died.
: -Chetna went to Manavendra Bose's press to seek Job as a proofreader
: She got the job. Suddenly news came that hanging would be held. Sanjeev and Graddha
discussing again.
: Cheif minister's wife and other women protesting at hospital for the girl murdered by Jatin. He
was hospitalized as his stomach got upset. Sanjeev wanted Chetna to join them. Graddha joins
: -Contrast between Sanjev Kumar and Mano da in their profession. Murder of a skx year old
girl is described. Sanjeev Kumar came again to home and asked not to prolong their marriage.
She said that she knew his eyes were on market abd that he is not going to marry her. He made
her uneasy by asking why she kissed him abd went to his bedroom. Graddha clutched her hair
and shouted.She kept smiling, left to press office, Sanjeev followed and asked her to get in the
: Sanjeev came to press to meet Chetna. Asked what wrong he did. She tried to avoid him, later
said that she understood his intentions. He asked for a second chance. He was weak and
dishonest. He wanted her to meet Chief minister.
: Sanjeev reached Bhavishyath Office. Chetna was waiting for him. She said she was waiting for
him. He was surprised when she said she wanted to end what they have started. She intented to
go to his house. She was at front now. She called for a rickshaw.
: Chetna ready for physical relationship. She took Sanjeev Kumar to his own house for that. He
got worried. She mentioned about an ancestor of his, who was hanged by her grandfather
: He said his ancestor was a great scholar and might have gone to Gaya. She said stealing was his
family profession. He tried to agrue it was not. She then narrated the story of a person who came
back to life from he noose to say how death felt like. Then Chetna confessed that she loved him
and hoped that he would be honest to her. Suddenly he got a call that the victim's family agreed
to write to the president to not delay thr hangaing. Then the lady of the brothel inquired who she
was and Sanjeev hurried her to leave the place.
: When they stepped out of the brothel a woman fell and hit her head, she was bleeding. Chetna
helped her abd they talked. Her name was Sushila she was not young. She adviced Chetna to get
hold of young boys who would visit the brothel so that she could earn more money. Chetna told
her she was a hangman and Sanjeev promised to marry her. Sushila told her not to believe him.
Chetna met Trailokya and said stories to her, had tea with them. She revelaed that Sanjeev was
her son. She doesn't have any impression for her son. Later, Sanjeev came to Chetna's home for
final rites of Ramu da. She asked him if his mother is a prostitute. He accepted. She asked if we
are getting married and we have girls, will they be also forced to choose that profession. She
sang a song his mother sang and that hurt him..his eyes got filled and Chetna felt gratified.
: The big turns in this story- Mano da told her that Sanjeev's father was a Naxalite. When she
asked how he did know he said he was responsible for her. Then the next day, Trailokya Devi
came to Chetna's house. They took her to their house. They talked about Sanjeev's father, about
thier past. Trailokya said Chetna looked like how she used to look when she was young.
Suddenly Mano da came running with a bad news. Chetna's father died.
: 50- IG came to jail and met Chetna. Threatened her. She felt no fear. Jatindranath's last wish to
marry his brother to Chetna. Jatin screamed knm knowing his mercy petition was rejected.
Chetna saw all her ancestors as an illusion. Next day Jatidranath did Kali Puja and gave Prasad to
her. He wanted to embrace her. She hugged him and he cried saying he can now go happily. He
had not been with his wife for long. He wanted to keep looking at Chetna. Chetna couldn't have
food seeing a man having his last meal. She sat in front of his cell till night. Next day she did
Kali Puja and got ready. She saw Jatin approaching to be hanged.
: He wanted to listen to somebody. He missed laughter and conversation. ‘I feel greedy for
conversation, for laughter. He asked Chetna to speak something to him. She asked him
what he ate for breakfast and narrated a tale. She said one more story. Then last asked whether he
want to hear Sultana's dream but IG told them time was over .
: Description of hanging. The
tightened on his neck. The vital blood vessel between the second and third
vertebrae snapped and the blood flow to his brain ceased. His blood pressure
rose dramatically. His heart stopped beating. The bones of his neck shattered in
a way that made it impossible to stretch the spine. His eyes bulged inside the
hood and his tongue stuck out. His new white clothes were stained with shit and
urine. The blood rushed into his sexual organs and he had had an erection for
the very last time.

Everyone including the magistrate appreciated her. She gave Jatin's radio to Karthik, his brother.
She said sorry and that she was just an instrument. He said Jatin was also an instrument and that
he liked her so much and wanted Kartik to marry her.
: She got 50,000 from CM +10,000. She mocked IG and he said to not take that incident
seriously. CM is about to meet her at her home this evening. She went to attend his funeral but
Sanjeev Kumar caught her.
: She was her picture onn TV with headlines. Understood that she had made a huge impact.
‘Viewers may be eager to know how Chetna hanged Jatindranath Banerjee
today. How it took place and where, and what she did. Here we will recreate the
experience for you!’
‘Come, Mr Kartik Banerjee, show our viewers clearly what your brother must
have gone through today.’
‘The statue of Durga is made out of soil taken from the beshya’s doorstep. That
is because the ego of the man who crosses it unravels and falls on the ground
there.’ I hummed as I began my journey to
the future, to Bhavishyath.

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