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Struggling to Write Your Thesis on Anorexia? Here's How⇒ BuyPapers.

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Writing a thesis on topics as sensitive and complex as anorexia can be an arduous task. Not only does
it require a deep understanding of the subject matter, but it also demands a high level of sensitivity
and empathy towards those affected by this eating disorder. From conducting extensive research to
analyzing data and presenting coherent arguments, the process can often feel overwhelming for

One of the biggest challenges students face when writing a thesis on anorexia is finding relevant and
credible research paper topics. With such a vast array of information available, narrowing down on a
specific area of focus can be daunting. Additionally, ensuring that the chosen topic is both
academically rigorous and socially relevant adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Moreover, the pressure to produce original and insightful research can weigh heavily on students,
especially when grappling with a topic as intricate as anorexia. The fear of not doing justice to the
subject matter or failing to make a meaningful contribution to the existing body of knowledge can
hinder progress and exacerbate feelings of frustration and self-doubt.

Fortunately, there is a solution to alleviate the challenges associated with writing a thesis on
anorexia. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional assistance tailored to meet the unique needs of
students tackling this demanding topic. With a team of experienced writers and researchers, we
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By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured that your work will be
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of anorexia and are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to produce high-quality
academic papers that meet the highest standards of excellence.

Whether you're struggling to find the right research paper topics or simply need guidance on
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This problem is feared to be caused by emotional stress like that of loosing a loved one, depression
out of brain abnormalities, and an environment that values thin bodies. Studies utilizing
neuroimaging mechanisms have indicated that there is often an underdeveloped system of
connections within the brain’s amygdale, the region of the brain that provides emotions, and areas of
the frontal cortex that provides rational thought and serves to regulate the extent of emotional
response. Fear and guilt are another reaction some people have, feeling responsible for the eating
disorder or not recognizing the signs and symptoms earlier. This is because people fear to gain weight
so they purposely avoid food. (Freeman) Most of the times the loss of appetite is caused by an
underlying medical condition. It places no blame on the sufferer as the individual can not be held
responsible for it, just as you could not blame someone for getting meningitis. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Running Header: THE CAUSES,
IMPLICATIONS AND SOLUTIONS FOR ANOREXIA The Causes, Implications and Solutions
for Anorexia BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE DATE HERE. The basic assumption of this
approach suggests abnormality is a result of a physical illness or disease, just like any other illness,
such as chicken pox for example. An obsession with diet and exercise are two early signs that a
person is becoming anorexic. The minimum time our certified writers need to deliver. Let us write or
edit the research paper on your topic. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you
with the best. Such causes of the disease are known to be attributed to body dysmorphia, an
unreasonable and rather perverse sense of the self as it pertains to body image as well as youth
caregiver attachment problem (to name only two potential causes). Eating disorders serve as a short
term solution, it poses as a defense to insecure thoughts. The quote abides to regulations of the
fashion world, we are told what to do and how to be. Particularly, anorexia has become a very
popular disorder among many teenage girls in the society today in their efforts to develop the best
body shape associated with thinness. Our customer service team will review your report and will be
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Save for later Last updated 16 January 2018 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
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the right resource. Your home environment can be a part of a stressful situation too. If left untreated,
a person with anorexia can suffer “”long term effects like osteoporosis, seizures, hair loss, and even
death from health complications. More specifically, these trends have been identified in patients with
anorexia nervosa. However, hypnotherapy and its productive implications are often contested by
many in the research and medical communities regarding its viability and reliability in improving
behavioral and emotional outcomes of the patient. What legitimately causes such a strong need to
succumb to reference group pressures and acceptance of established social norms related to majority
social conceptions about what constitutes modern beauty. Most people suffering from an eating
disorder reported a history of trauma. Anorexia is a disease involving intentional starvation, an
obsession with For example, I question the line, 'American society and media are a. This high
comorbidity rate raised awareness for the role of control in anorexia nervosa development and the
significant impact of psychological factors. Instead of seeing how sickly skinny they look in the
mirror, they see fatness. From the experiments, it is evident that people suffering from anorexia suffer
a damaged self-esteem. Blood levels increases and levels of serotonin, which increases levels of
stress, and anxiety reduces. Its main symptoms are significant food restriction, strong fear of gaining
weight or becoming fat, and disturbance in the way a person’s body weight or shape is experienced.
The clinicians increase the patient’s calorie intake gradually and restrict excessive exercise to promote
weight gain.
Most of the parents struggle with their children suffering from eating disorders mainly due to the
fear of gaining weight. From the research, we conclude that cognitive therapy help in encouraging
physical activities, which later lead to, increased demand for food. Behavioral psychologists also
propose anorexia as a phobia concerning the possibility of gaining weight. Furthermore, a 2010 study
indicated that sexism and chauvinism are still legitimate phenomenons that exist in developed
societies even today. A2 Psychology Unit 3 Eating Behaviour: Psychological Explanations Of One
Ea. Clinical Interventions Used to Treat Anorexia Anorexia nervosa is typically treated using a
multidisciplinary approach that integrates nutritional support, psychological counseling and
behavioral modification. People suffering from this disorder have more chances of committing
suicide, it cause cardiac arrest to an individual, and it can cause death due to starvation. Generally,
the main ethical issues to be involved in this research concerning the privacy of the respondents will
be a major area of consideration among all the respondents. All these professionals should be
experienced specifically in treating eating disorders. Anorexia is a “”mental disorder that is caused
by the unsound terror of gaining weight. By making these comparisons to self and the reference
groups, it creates a set of values and beliefs about what constitutes acceptable beauty and
attractiveness. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best. Mapping the
Neurofibrillary Degeneration From Alzheimer’s Disease Patient. How the counselor responds using
effective strategies serves as a role model for the patient by which they are theoretically going to
mold their own behaviors more effectively. The clinicians increase the patient’s calorie intake
gradually and restrict excessive exercise to promote weight gain. This disease affects people of all
ages, races, genders, sexual orientation, and ethnicities. Remember! This is just a sample You can get
your custom paper by one of our expert writers Get custom essay Literature Review The issue of
girls becoming increasingly concerned about their weight has remained an eminent issue in the
contemporary society. For this reason, most women have refused to believe that they can get old and
engage in facial make up in order to look good. It also encompasses the constant phobia of gaining
weight and increased concentration on habits to do with weight loss. So, even though they are
already skinny, they think they’re never thin enough. In conclusion, anorexia nervosa is a life-
threatening disorder that can take a person from harmless dieting to an obsession which can be fatal.
The outcomes of this study contradict the belief that anorexia is primarily experienced by white
communities. Other gastrointestinal complications include abnormal muscle activity in the esophagus
and feeling bloated. Later studies in self-psychology prove that disorders like Anorexia Nervosa are
caused by the parents' inability to developing a healthy affectionate relationship with their daughters
(Canetti et al. This disease should be taken with a lot of care as it has both physical and mental
affection. Therefore, patients of Anorexia Nervosa will tend to exercise extensively or even starve;
making the loose weight beyond normal. Anorexia is a disease involving intentional starvation, an
obsession with For example, I question the line, 'American society and media are a. On this basis,
anorexia seems to expose individuals at risk of body complications in cases of conditions adversity.
Since children learn from direct observation, parental habits, and thoughts surrounding food can be
adopted (citation). Perfectionist parents drive their children to be the best and the brightest.
There is no s ingle test th at can diagn ose eating dis order, but if your doctor thinks you may be
anorexic, he or she will check you for signs of malnutrition or starvation. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Free Anorexia papers, essays, and research
papers Information - This paper was designed to discuss several basic topics regarding anorexia
nervosa. School teachers see kids more often and during meals, and can pick up on abnormal
behaviors. Anorexic patients should maintain a proper diet and ensure that they are involved in
sufficient physical activities to build their body strength and maintain their self-confidence.
Completing A Great Anorexia Essay - Writing Prompts And Ideas. Deep emotional conflicts can also
contributeto the disease. Follow-up therapy lasting three tofive years is recommended if the patient is
to be successfully treated (Cove1998). Most of the recent research concerning the effect of serotonin
has shown that this hormone is known to influence anxiety, mood, and impulse control leading
eating disorders. Lithium carbonate (a mood stabilizer), cyproheptadine hydrochloride, and
cisaprideIII. It provides genetic and biochemical explanations for the cause of eating disorders.
Since the population involved will be high school girls, permission from the administration will be
requested in advance, so as not to incur inconveniences during the time of actual study. Almost half
of people who have anorexia will eventually develop symptoms, binge-purge behavior, of another
eating disorder called bulimia nervosa (5). However, female mammals experience a very high and
often unappreciated rate of reproductive failure. Individuals who are suffering with anorexia often
display behaviors that indicate to others in their social and familial environments that the person
sustains a dangerous mental disorder. The onset age of anorexia corresponds to when students are in
middle school (Romero, 1984). It is characterized by fear, which is obsessive in nature where a
person develops an excessive phobia of weight gain. Though the images being presented are
unrealistic and more often unattainable, their impact on young girls’ eating habits has remained
remarkable. For quite a long time many scientists have engaged into studies related to most of the
eating disorders. AN has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. You must first admit that
your relentless pursuit of thinness is not in your control. It is also known to be caused by media
representation of what constitutes an ideal form for men and women which alters a person’s self-
esteem levels and sense of self-worth in a social context. Bailer found the highest levels in women
who showed the most anxiety and perfectionism, this suggests that constant and persistent
disruption of serotonin levels may lead on to higher anxiety, this then may trigger, and make the
patient as risk of AN. Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological disorder that causes people to eat in an
unhealthy manner. Often the victims go through a number of symptoms that can lead to a serious
amount of problems concerning a person's weight, happiness, and personality. There are many things
that can influence anorexia, such as bullying, social media, stress, traumatic life events, and even low
self-esteem. This is when women with this mental illness start to think “”Why don’t I look like this.
Psychologist Jimerson (1997) aimed to investigate the effect of serotonin as a cause of eating
disorders. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Here given is a plagiarism free essay
sample on the topic of anorexia Don t hesitate to use this proofread paper if you want to create a
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Whenever antigen and antibody interlock, the antibody marks the antigen for devastation. Body
dysmorphia, though often blamed on environmental and sociological factors, is also a product of
genetics. Early detection and treatment of anorexia are important to recovery. Research in this area
has revealed characteristics. Free Essay: Many young women suffer from eating disorders Criticized
and shamed by the many for their body, weight, and looks, insecurities are abundant in. These
parents emphasize physical appearances and academic achievement (Romero, 1984). People suffering
from this disorder have more chances of committing suicide, it cause cardiac arrest to an individual,
and it can cause death due to starvation. Although Anorexia Nervosa mostly affects female
population aged 15 - 30, girls under 15 and women above 30 can suffer from this disorder as well.
Forty percent of new cases of anorexia are in teens age 15-19 and anorexia is the third most common
disorder in teens (14). Its main symptoms are significant food restriction, strong fear of gaining
weight or becoming fat, and disturbance in the way a person’s body weight or shape is experienced.
The researchers then placed some of the subjects or participants under cognitive therapy while the
rest acted as a control group. Anorexia usually starts in the teen years and can go into adult hood. It
is also known to be caused by media representation of what constitutes an ideal form for men and
women which alters a person’s self-esteem levels and sense of self-worth in a social context.
Anorexia Nervosa is a variety of eating disorder in which the individual radically curbs their food
intake and maintains an unreasonable and rather groundless terror of weight gain. The basic
assumption of this approach suggests abnormality is a result of a physical illness or disease, just like
any other illness, such as chicken pox for example. Thompson, Colleen. (1996). Society and Eating
Disorders. The patient may feel fat, even thoughtheir body weight is well below the normal weight
for their height. This thesis discusses the eating disorders with regard to the relationship between
foods related disorders and personality traits, the effectiveness of traditional foods in regulating the
development of eating disorders in human beings especially the younger generation, the Government
efforts, and international policies on fighting eating disorders. Sexism is defined as discriminatory
attitudes and prejudices regarding a person’s gender. Their self-confidence increased and their
participation in social and physical activities increased. Those who have relatives- parents, siblings, or
a child- who have dealt with, or is dealing with anorexia have a higher risk of also dealing with
anorexia. Development of insomnia, erectile dysfunction in males, and swelling of extremities as a
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Learn More As a result, many young ladies have been revealed to exhibit unsafe eating habits, which
endanger their health largely. These insecurities can develop into body dysmorphia, delusional
thoughts, and anorexia nervosa. CBT typically consists of a series of face-to-face interventions
between counselor and patient, inclusive of approximately 15 different sessions with a gap of only
one week between interventions. When writing an anorexia essay, it s important to define the
condition, present the main consequences as well as present solid treatment solutions. This research
paper will be focusing on the general information about this disorder, the mostly affected group of
people and the reason behind it. It is a disorder with social, psychologic, behavioral, cultural and
psychologic components. The difference between dieting and anorexia Healthy Dieting Anorexia
Healthy dieting is. With earlier detection and a comprehensivetreatment plan the successes rates are
Female participants did not report any sign of missing their menses. 86 % of participants who
engaged in the control group therapy indicated a significant reduction in body weight. The authors
state how that they are perceptions and is biased on the individual’s belief. In an effort to achieve
more positive sentiment from other males who prescribe to predominant expectations for masculinity,
men will begin concerning themselves with weight gain to avoid flabbiness which can ultimately lead
to development of anorexia. It is the phenomenon that is explained under social comparison theory, a
contention that states individuals in society regularly compare themselves with others in the social
environment as well as in media images that are deemed as being representative of ideal and
attainable characteristics, known as aspirational reference groups. The weight loss that triggers the
illness is often the result of either a normal diet (the sort that is typical of many normal adolescent
girls) or unhappiness or illness. This study is aiming at conductive a cognitive therapy on certain
participants to determine the effect of cognitive therapy on anorexia nervosa. In cases of failure to
realize the desired body shape, many anorexics develop depression and subsequently become at risk
of committing suicide. Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 6 Mar. 2108 scholarly. As
reported by Tchanturia (42), individuals with anorexia are associated with deficiencies in emotional
functions since their body becomes extremely weak due to their poor diets. Anorexia nervosa
essaysAnorexia Nervosa is one of the most commonly known and yet least recognized eating
disorders Anorexia is a mental illness, which. Clinical characteristics include; a body weight less than
85% of the expected weight and a BMI of less than 17.5, also a denial of the illness, and
amenorrhea in females. After recovery, you can still experience effects from anorexia. If a women
with anorexia does decide to have a baby, she has the possibility of having an “”underweight child,
or even a miscarriage. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Keep on browsing if you
are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Blood levels increases and levels of serotonin,
which increases levels of stress, and anxiety reduces. More so, this study will establish the other
factors contributing to the development of anorexia among teenagers, besides the media. Miss
Pearsonexplains this I loved the power I felt in starving myself (1998). Every picture and video
pushes to second guess ourselves, to ask “” Why don’t I look this this. It contains thousands of paper
examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. The interviews will be
conducted to medical specialists in both private and public health institutions. Or is it the eating
disorder and the starvation that causes there to be a change in levels of the neurotransmitters. The
National Association of anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders is an example of an organization
which operates at the national level. Anorexia nervosa is currently the most common reason for
eating disorder related hospitalization in America and accounted for 37% of hospitalizations in 2005
to 2006 (Harvard Medical School, 2009). People suffering from Anorexia Nervosa have
hypersensitivity towards their looks. Emans (date) also claims that these families often have high
expectations, unstable marriages, and a lack of communication skills. Physical signs that an
individual maintains the disease of anorexia are brittle fingernails and hair, recurring lightheadedness
complaints, a loss or drastic reduction in predictable menstrual cycles, and even a tendency to bruise
much more easily than the average, fit human being. In a study of semistarvation in
maleconscientious objectors, Franklin et al. (1948), noted that all the men became obsessedwith food
and displayed higher than normal levels of fatigue, irritability and moodiness,they also had poor
concentration levels and reported a loss of interest in sex. In cases where relatives criticize young
girls of becoming over-weight, higher chances of such girls to develop anorexia are high. This is the
nature of the disease called anorexia Nervosa.

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