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Pangasinan State University

College of Arts and Education

Teacher Education Department

Urdaneta City Campus, Urdaneta City Pangasinan

Narrative Report – Week Nine: Balancing Professional Duties and Personal Growth: A

Teaching Intern's Journey

Billy M. Viernes

Teacher Education Department, Pangasinan State University Urdaneta City Campus

ProfEd 113 – Teaching Internship

Mr. Michael Jame L. Grospe

March 22, 2024


Week Nine: Balancing Professional Duties and Personal Growth: A Teaching Intern's


In the realm of education, the journey of a teaching intern is multifaceted,

characterized by a delicate balance between professional responsibilities and personal

growth opportunities. This narrative delves into the experiences of a dedicated teaching

intern, navigating through illness, classroom observations, collaborative endeavors, and

unexpected triumphs, all while striving for excellence in both academic and personal


The week begins with the teaching intern battling illness, yet steadfast in their

commitment to their role as an educator. Despite feeling under the weather, they commence

the day with a flag ceremony and cleaning session, exemplifying their dedication to fostering

a conducive learning environment for their students. Despite physical discomfort, the intern

prioritizes attending class, eager to witness their students' poster slogan presentations. This

exemplifies their unwavering dedication to their students' academic progress and personal


Throughout the day, the intern's observations highlight the remarkable creativity,

focus, and determination exhibited by their students. From engaging in quiz sessions to

presenting historical timelines on the evolution of soap and detergent, each student

demonstrates a profound level of commitment and enthusiasm for their academic

endeavors. Witnessing their growth and achievements fills the intern with a sense of pride

and reaffirms their passion for the teaching profession.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the classroom, the intern's cooperating teacher

emerges as a beacon of support and guidance. Recognizing the intern's need for rest due to

illness, the cooperating teacher takes charge of the class, seamlessly transitioning between

subjects and ensuring continuity in the learning process. This gesture underscores the

collaborative spirit fostered within the teaching community and highlights the importance of

empathy and support in educational settings.

The narrative then shifts focus to a pivotal moment in the cooperating teacher's

teaching journey: a class observation conducted by the Head Teacher VI of the Science

Department. Despite the pressure of scrutiny, the cooperating teacher delivers an exemplary

lesson on constellations and consumer chemistry, captivating students' interest and earning

an excellent rating. The intern's reflection on this experience emphasizes the significance of

effective teaching practices, meticulous planning, and collaboration in achieving educational


As the day progresses, the intern receives unexpected news of their selection as a

qualifier for the National Teacher Education Quiz Bee. Despite their demanding schedule as

a teaching intern, they seize the opportunity for personal and professional growth,

recognizing the importance of balancing responsibilities. Alongside their colleague, Ms. Aela

Gale Palma, they participate in the quiz bee, defying expectations and securing notable

achievements despite the odds stacked against them.

The narrative concludes with the intern reflecting on the week's events, recognizing

the invaluable lessons learned from their experiences. From overcoming illness to excelling

in academic competitions, each challenge serves as a testament to the intern's resilience,

dedication, and passion for education. Through collaboration, adaptability, and a

commitment to continuous learning, the intern navigates the complexities of their role as a

teaching intern, emerging stronger and more empowered to make a meaningful impact in the

field of education.

In conclusion, the narrative of this teaching intern exemplifies the intricate balance

between professional duties and personal growth in the realm of education. Through

perseverance, collaboration, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, the intern navigates

through challenges, triumphs, and unexpected opportunities, ultimately emerging as a

testament to the transformative power of education. As they continue on their journey, they

carry with them the invaluable lessons learned, shaping not only their own growth but also

the future of their students and the broader educational community.



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