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Prepositions of time (at, in, on)

Total pertanyaan: 20
Estimasi pengerjaan: 7menit
Disusun oleh Yuliana BM

1. He always gets up___ seven o'clock in the morning

a) on b) in

c) at

2. My flight to London leaves ___ Monday

a) on b) at

c) in

3. My birthday is ___ January

a) in b) at

c) on

4. My birthday is ___ September.

a) At b) In

c) On

5. We are going to eat ____12 o'clock

a) On b) At

c) In

6. I don't like to visit the United States ___ Winter.

a) On b) In

c) At
7. What time do your children usually go to bed _____ night?

a) at b) in

c) on

8. Most stores and businesses are closed ____ New Year's Day.

a) in b) on

c) at

9. I always get up very early _____ the morning.

a) in b) on

c) at

10. What is correct?

a) At Monday b) On Monday

c) In the Monday d) In Monday

11. What is correct?

a) In the morning b) On the Friday

c) In the night d) At the afternoon

12. What is correct?

a) On 8:30 am b) In the 8:30

c) In 8:30 am d) At 8:30 am

13. I like to get up really early, _____ sunrise, when the birds start singing.

a) on b) in

c) at

14. Tom's birthday is next week, _____ January 14.

a) at b) in

c) on
15. Our school cafeteria opens for lunch _____ noon.

a) in b) at

c) on

16. Are you going to do anything special _____ your birthday?

a) on b) at

c) in

17. They go to class _______ Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

a) on b) in

c) at

18. There are no classes _____summer

a) on b) at

c) in

19. He will be 21 years old ____September 4th, 2017

a) in b) at

c) on

20. Today the sun sets _____8:15 p.m.

a) at b) on

c) in

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