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Compiled by: teacherfiera.





1. __________ has an expansive knowledge of ........................

2. __________ enthusiastically participates in .........................
3. __________ comprehends quickly especially in …………………
4. __________ demonstrates initiative to …………………………….
5. __________ listens and follows directions well.
6. __________ asks for responsibilities and follows through.
7. __________ expresses ideas clearly.
8. __________ demonstrates superior work in ……………………………
9. ________ is confident, positive and a great role model for his/her classmates.
10. ________ is frequently among the first to help and mentor other classmates. He/she is
a valuable part of the classroom
11. ________ is interested in his/her own learning, listens attentively, and makes a solid
effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process.
12. ________ is accountable and responsible. He/she makes smart decisions, admits
mistakes and listens to opportunities to improve.
13. ________ relates well to classmates and is appreciative of different perspectives and
14. ________ manages his/her emotions maturely and responds to feedback
15. ________ always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom.
16. ________ is dependable and reliable, follows directions effectively, and follows
through on his/her commitments to him/herself and others.
17. ________ is thoughtful, insightful and thorough in written and verbal communication,
and has a talent for expressing his/her ideas clearly.
18. ________ works well with classmates in group work and often takes a leadership role.
19. ________ shows a positive attitude with classmates in group projects and activities,
and both takes and gives suggestions and directions effectively.
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20. ________ shows maturity when solving problems with classmates and uses good
21. ________ excels at applying what he/she learns in the classroom to real-world and
real-life situations.
22. It has been a pleasure to have _______’s enthusiasm, positivity and maturity in my
23. ________ is an enthusiastic member of the class and shows willingness to learn.
24. ________ shows responsible behaviour, works well with a group and shows
appreciation for the efforts of classmates.
25. ________ is focused during class and contributes ideas willingly.
26. ________ performs independent work with confidence and focus.
27. ________ works independently and takes pride in work done well.
28. ________ is focused in class and willingly participates in group discussion.
29. ________ is very conscientious and shows excellent effort and care with daily work.
30. ________ demonstrates a willing and conscientious effort in his/her daily work.
31. ________ is able to offer direct responses to his/her readings and supports ideas with
sound reasoning and specific examples.
32. ________ is learning to offer more direct responses to her reading experiences
supported by reasons, examples, and details.
33. ________ needs frequent support to offer direct responses to his/her reading
experiences supported by reasons, examples, and details.
34. ________ is able to offer direct responses to his/her readings and supports ideas with
sound reasoning and specific examples.
35. ________ has a well-developed vocabulary.
36. ________ chooses words with care.
37. ________ expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing.
38. ________ has a vibrant imagination and excels in creative writing.
39. ________ has found their voice through poetry writing.
40. ________ uses vivid language in writing.
41. ________ writes clearly and with purpose.
42. ________ writes with depth and insight.
43. ________ can make a logical and persuasive argument.
44. ________ listens to the comments and ideas of others without interrupting.
45. ________ offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work.
46. ________ accepts the recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate.
47. ________ is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group.
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48. ________ takes on various roles in the work group as needed or assigned.
49. ________ welcomes leadership roles in groups.
50. ________ shows fairness in distributing group tasks.
51. ________ plans and carries out group activities carefully.
52. ________ works democratically with peers.
53. ________ encourages other members of the group.
54. ________ helps to keep the work group focused and on task.
55. ________ has a well-developed sense of humor.
56. ________ holds many varied interests.
57. ________ has a keen interest that has been shared with the class.
58. ________ displays and talks about personal items from home when they relate to
topics of study.
59. ________ provides background knowledge about topics of particular interest to them.
60. ________ has an impressive understanding and depth of knowledge about their
61. ________ seeks additional information independently about classroom topics that
pique interest.
62. ________ reads extensively for enjoyment.
63. ________ frequently discusses concepts about which they have read.
64. ________ is a gifted performer.
65. ________ is a talented artist.
66. ________ has a flair for dramatic reading and acting.
67. ________ enjoys sharing their musical talent with the class.
68. ________ listens attentively to the responses of others.
69. ________ follows directions.
70. ________ takes an active role in discussions.
71. ________ enhances group discussion through insightful comments.
72. ________ shares personal experiences and opinions with peers.
73. ________ responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework.
74. ________ asks for clarification when needed.
75. ________ regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities.
76. ________ remains an active learner throughout the school day.
77. ________makes friends quickly in the classroom.
78. ________is well-liked by classmates.
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79. ________handles disagreements with peers appropriately.

80. ________treats other students with fairness and understanding.
81. ________is a valued member of the class.
82. ________has compassion for peers and others.
83. ________seems comfortable in new situations.
84. ________enjoys conversation with friends during free periods.
85. ________chooses to spend free time with friends.
86. ________is a conscientious, hard-working student.
87. ________works independently.
88. ________is a self-motivated student.
89. ________consistently completes homework assignments.
90. ________puts forth their best effort into homework assignments.
91. ________exceeds expectations with the quality of their work.
92. ________readily grasps new concepts and ideas.
93. ________generates neat and careful work.
94. ________checks work thoroughly before submitting it.
95. ________stays on task with little supervision.
96. ________displays self-discipline.
97. ________avoids careless errors through attention to detail.
98. ________uses free minutes of class time constructively.
99. ________creates impressive home projects.


1. ______ is continuing to grow in independence.

2. ______ has improved steadily.
3. ______ has been consistently progressing.
4. ______ has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ______.
5. ______ seems eager to improve.
6. ______ has shown strong growth in _______.
7. ______ is making steady progress academically.
8. ______'s quality of work is improving.
9. ______ has strengthened her skills in ______.
10. ______ has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in _______.
11. ______ would improve if he developed a greater interest in _______.
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12. ______ has made nice progress this reporting period.

13. ______ is maturing nicely, and I hope this continues.
14. ______'s classroom attitude shows improvement.


1. ________ is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible attitudes and behaviour in

the classroom.
2. ________ needs to show more appropriate behaviour when interacting with
3. ________ always needs to pay attention to the use of appropriate language
4. ________ requires encouragement to listen attentively during group sharing times.
5. ________ needs to listen to directions more attentively during lessons.
6. ________ would benefit from showing a greater desire to contribute ideas in class.
7. ________ needs frequent reminders to be attentive during instructions and lessons.
8. ________ needs to improve his/her cooperation in group settings. He/she should work
on voicing feelings and opinions and listening to others.
9. ________ needs to improve his/her work with others. He/she must ensure to accept a
share of the work when participating in a group assignment.
10. ________ needs to improve on working independently and be sure to ask for
assistance only when it is needed.
11. ________ often struggles to focus in class, which harms his/her ability to engage well
with class activities and assignments.
12. ________ is encouraged to use time wisely to finish tasks in the time required.
13. ________ is encouraged to be more responsible in completing tasks without needing
regular reminders.
14. ________ needs to show by the quality of work and use of class time that he/she is
properly engaged in the learning process.
15. ________ consistently needs reminders to use time effectively.
16. ________ ’s (comprehension, spelling, reading) has greatly improved, but he/she still
needs extra work in (comprehension, spelling, reading). Please contact me if you need
supplemental learning materials to use at home for practice.
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17. ________ is conscious of putting care into his/her daily writing work, and frequently
goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments.
18. ________ has trouble with his handwriting. I believe he/she can form letters well, but
has to slow down and take a little more time. Neater handwriting will improve his/her
schoolwork overall.
19. ________ makes a good effort to make his/her handwriting legible. He/she is able to
print on the lines, use good spacing, and form letters correctly.
20. ________ needs to focus on her spelling. More improvement is needed in the areas of
(dictation, weekly spelling tests, sentence structure). Daily practice at home will help
improve his/her results.
21. ________ shows the ability to quickly use spelling, punctuation and grammar rules
that were recently taught. He/she is able to quickly learn new skills and is eager to
apply them to his/her writing.
22. ________ is having considerable difficulty with reading, particularly with fluency and
23. ________ speaks well in front of the class but requires improvement in written
language. He/she is having trouble with (dictation, copying words correctly, story
writing, creating logical sequences). Further practice is needed in this area.
24. ________ continues to make excellent progress in spelling and reading. He/she works
hard to submit work that is free of grammatical errors.
25. ________ has difficulty remembering previously- discussed writing skills and often
makes errors with punctuation, grammar, and overall sentence structure. Basic writing
skills need improvement.
26. ________makes little effort when not under direct supervision
27. ________often seems tired at school
28. ________is not very appreciative of the value of (time, courtesy, sharing, neatness,
29. ________is capable of much better work.
30. ________experiences difficulty following directions-when unsure needs to ask for
31. ________ needs to pay attention in class
32. ________needs to pay attention in class
33. ________ always interrupts others in the classroom
34. ________needs to improve self-discipline.
35. ________ needs to improve respect for others.
36. ________ needs to do more practice on penmanship.
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37. ________ needs frequent support to offer direct responses to his/her reading
experiences supported by reasons, examples, and details.

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