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Christiana Hughes

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, February 19 8:00 am 3:00 pm 7

Tuesday, February 20 8:00 am 11:00 am- 12:15 pm 7:00 pm 9.75

Wednesday, February 21 8:00 am 2:00 pm 6

Thursday, February 22 9:00 am 11:00 am- 12:15 pm 5:00 pm 6.75

Friday, February 23 9:00 am 3:00 pm 6

Total Weekly Hours 35.50

Total Hours to Date 252.20

Christiana Hughes

Arriving at work on Monday, February 26th, I assisted the Black Student Alliance in preparing

for their event at the MAX. During the event, the BSA provided students with a complimentary

meal from the MAX, regardless of their meal plan status. Afterward, I returned to Blackbridge

Hall to review our upcoming events for the week and plan necessary tasks to ensure everything

was ready.

The next day, Tuesday, February 27th, I worked on my journal entry in the office before

cleaning and organizing Blackbridge Hall for our weekly Tupperware Tuesday event. I then

focused on updating my resumes to be uploaded to my E-portfolio by the end of the semester.

The Tupperware Tuesday event was successful, with a representative from the Career Center

speaking about internship opportunities.

On Wednesday, February 28th, as I stepped into the office, I took a moment to jot down a list of

tasks that required my attention for the day. Later in the day, I participated in a lively staff

meeting where we deliberated on the exciting upcoming events for Women's History Month and

the Women's Leadership Conference. It was invigorating to brainstorm and plan out the intricate

details to ensure the success of these events.

Moving on to Thursday, March 1st, I wasted no time and delved right into working on my E-

portfolio, a significant project due by the end of the semester. Additionally, I had a valuable sit-

down with my site supervisor for a check-in and to hash out a personal assignment they wanted

me to tackle. It's all hands-on deck as I navigate through this bustling period of productivity!

On Friday, February 2nd, I arrived at work with a smile on my face, ready to start my day by

jotting down thoughts in my journal. It felt great to clear my mind and set intentions for the day

ahead. Afterwards, I happily tidied up the center to make it welcoming for the event that the
Christiana Hughes

admissions team was preparing for potential students. With a sense of accomplishment, I

wrapped up my tasks and left the center, excited to return later on and be a part of the engaging

panels that were scheduled.

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