2023학년도 2학년 1학기 중간고사 원안 (영어I)

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2023학년도 제 ( 1 ) 학기 ( 중간 ) 고사

학 년 ( 2 ) 학년 과 목 명 ( 영어I ) 【 과목코드 : 05 】 시 행 일 ( 4 )월 ( 27 )일 ( 목 )요일

[4 ~ 5] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
• 시험 시작 전에 반드시 문제지 쪽수와 인쇄 상태를 확인하시오.
• OMR 카드에 학번, 이름, 과목명, 과목코드를 정확하게 표기하시오. This situation may sound like something from a
• 단답형, 서논술형 문항의 정답은 검정색 볼펜 등 지워지지 않는 필기
sci-fi movie. Guess what? This is one example of
구를 사용하여 정자로 기재하시오.
• 문항마다 배점이 다르니 각 문항 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하시오. what the “Internet of Things,” or IoT, can do. The IoT
is becoming an (A)increasingly popular topic. But what
선택형 계 exactly is the Internet of Things, and how is it
단답형 서논술형
changing our lives?
( 1 )번~( 30 )번 - - 총 ( 30 )문항
The IoT is a network of machines, vehicles,
1. 주어진 문장들에 공통으로 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어는? buildings, and other devices (B)what collect data and
[2.8점] exchange information using electronics, software, and
sensors. To put it simply, we can connect devices over
This is one example of ______ IoT can do. the Internet, letting them talk to each other and to us.
I’m proud of _______ I have done in my career.
The “things” in the IoT include everything from
I’m eager to hear ______ you saw.
smartphones, coffee makers, washing machines, lamps,
cars, and entire buildings to almost any other object
① what ② which ③ that ④ when ⑤ why
you can imagine.
You might think (C)that the IoT is nothing new. We
already interact with machines. There are home heating
2. 주어진 사전적 의미에 가장 잘 맞는 단어는? [2.9점] systems that you can control with your phone while
you’re away. The IoT takes this interaction to a higher
1. not enough; not good enough level. It does not require human control,
2. (of people) not able, or not confident enough, to (D)determining by itself when and how to turn the
deal with a situation
systems on and off. These home automation systems
are able to find your location from your phone’s GPS
① capable ② countless ③ indecisive
signal. They then determine when to turn themselves
④ inadequate ⑤ worthless
off when you leave the house and when to turn
themselves on before your arrival. A smart fire alarm
will not only alert your family in case of a fire, but
also (E)notify the local fire and police stations. In
3. 주어진 “object”의 사전적 의미로 사용된 예문만을 <보기> such examples, through the IoT, machines exchange
에서 있는 대로 고른 것은? [3점] data and “talk” to each other, making our lives easier,
safer and more efficient.
a person or thing that a specified action or feeling is
directed to 4. 윗글에서 답할 수 없는 질문은? [3.2점]
① What does IoT stand for?
② What is IoT and how does it work?
<보 기> ③ What are some concerns of using IoT in cities?
A. Tom was carrying a large object home. ④ How can IoT be used at home in case of a fire?
B. The disease became the primary object of fear. ⑤ How is IoT different from other automated systems?
C. Her object in life is to become a travel writer.
D. Susan became the object of public attention.
E. The baby is the object of the mother’s love. 5. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)~(E) 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3.3점]

① A, B ② B, D ③ C, E ① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ⑤ (E)

④ A, C, D ⑤ B, D, E

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[6 ~ 7] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 8. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.2점]

At this point, you may wonder why you would want The known fact of contingencies, without knowing
so many devices talking to each other. There are many precisely what those contingencies will be, shows that
examples of the IoT’s potential value. Imagine that you disaster preparation is not the same thing as disaster
have just finished the last bottle of milk from your rehearsal. No matter how many mock disasters are
refrigerator. Your fridge notices that there’s no milk, staged according to prior plans, the real disaster will
so it automatically orders your favorite brand of milk never mirror any one of them. Disaster­preparation
from the store you frequently shop at. Or suppose planning is more like training for a marathon than
you’re meeting your friend outside when your favorite training for a high­jump competition or a sprinting
TV show comes on. Your TV would automatically start event. Marathon runners do not practice by running
recording the show for you because it knows your the full course of twenty­six miles; rather, they get
preferences and viewing history. How convenient! into shape by running shorter distances and building
While the IoT began with the concept of “smart up their endurance with cross­training. If they have
homes,” it is now moving toward the concept of “smart prepared successfully, then they are in optimal
cities.” One of the most popular IoT applications is the condition to run the marathon over its predetermined
use of sensors built into the roads to find available course and length, assuming a range of weather
parking spaces. Searching for parking spots in busy conditions, predicted or not. This is normal marathon
urban areas is frustrating for drivers, intensifies traffic preparation.
jams, and increases pollution from circling cars.
① lack of cooperation existing in disaster preparations
Sensors built into the roads can tell us how many
② creating a long-term recovery plan to respond to a
parking spaces are free, and where they are located.
real disaster
(A) providing convenience, the IoT also
③ difficulties in training for a marathon through
has large-scale implications for public safety. In 2007,
the Interstate 35W bridge in Minnesota collapsed, ④ contingency planning for staging disaster rehearsals
killing and injuring many people. The collapse was due in school settings
to steel plates that were incapable of handling the ⑤ developing the potential to respond to a real disaster
bridge’s load. Now, when we build bridges, we use in disaster preparation planning
smart cement that has sensors that monitor the bridge
for cracks or other stresses. Also, these same road
sensors could inform your car of driving hazards, such
as icy roads, and warn your car to slow down. As 9. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [3.3점]
such, the IoT makes us aware of problems, helping to No matter what your situation, whether you are an
prevent accidents and hopefully save countless lives.
insider or an outsider, you need to become the voice
that ①challenging yesterday’s answers. Think about
6. IoT에 관한 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [3.3점]
the characteristics that make outsiders valuable to an
① IoT can make your homes more convenient.
organization. They are the people ②that have the
② The concept of IoT has been expanded from smart
perspective to see problems that the insiders are too
cities to smart homes.
③ With the use of IoT, drivers can find available close to really notice. They are the ones who have
parking spaces more easily. the freedom to point out these problems and ③criticize
④ Smart cement with sensors can detect cracks and them without risking their job or their career. Part of
stresses on bridges. adopting an outsider mentality is forcing yourself to
⑤ IoT can make us be more aware of problems and look around your organization with this ④disassociated,
help prevent accidents. less emotional perspective. If you didn’t know your
coworkers and feel bonded to them by your shared
experiences, what would you think of them? You may
7. 윗글의 빈칸 (A)에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점] not have the job security or confidence to speak your
① Besides ② For ③ Through mind to management, but you can make these
④ Despite ⑤ Without “outsider” assessments of your organization on your
own and use ⑤what you determine to advance your

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[10 ~ 11] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Every time the rat pressed this bar, it was presented
Before the modern scientific era, creativity was with food. The rate of bar‑pressing was automatically
attributed to (A)a superhuman force; all novel ideas recorded. Initially, the rat might press the bar
originated with ⓐthe gods. After all, how could a person accidentally, or simply out of curiosity, and as a
create something that did not exist before ⓑthe divine consequence receive some food. Over time, the rat
act of creation? In fact, the Latin meaning of the verb learned that food appeared whenever the bar was
“inspire” is “to breathe into,” reflecting the belief that pressed, and began to press it purposefully in order to
creative inspiration was similar to the moment in be fed. Comparing results from rats given the “positive
creation when God first breathed life into man. Plato reinforcement” of food for their bar‑pressing behavior
argued that the poet was possessed by ⓒdivine with (A)those that were not, or were presented with
inspiration, and Plotin wrote that art could only be food at different rates, it became clear that when food
beautiful if it descended from God. The artist’s job was appeared as a consequence of the rat’s actions, this
not to imitate nature but rather to reveal ⓓthe sacred influenced its future behavior.
and transcendent qualities of nature. Art could only be a
① experiments ② results ③ rats
pale imitation of the perfection of the world of ideas.
④ rates ⑤ actions
Greek artists did not blindly imitate what they saw in
reality; instead they tried to represent the pure, true
forms underlying reality, resulting in a sort of
compromise between ⓔabstraction and accuracy.
13. 다음 글의 주제를 적용할 수 있는 예시로 가장 적절한 것은?
10. 윗글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3.1점] [3.7점]
① Most creative ideas have been attributed to the gods
Credit arrangements of one kind or another have
in the modern era.
existed in all known human cultures. The problem in
② The verb “inspire” reflects the belief that creation
previous eras was not that no one had the idea or
originates from nature.
knew how to use it. It was that people seldom wanted
③ Artists were wary of settling on a compromise
to extend much credit because they didn’t trust that
between abstract ideas and the true reality.
the future would be better than the present. They
④ Art was considered beautiful if it was created out of
generally believed that times past had been better
divine inspiration rather than mere imitation.
than their own times and that the future would be
⑤ Artists put great effort into going beyond reality
worse. To put that in economic terms, they believed
rather than trying to reveal superhuman force.
that the total amount of wealth was limited. People
therefore considered it a bad bet to assume that they
would be producing more wealth ten years down the
11. 윗글의 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 밑줄 친 (A)a superhuman force가 문
line. Business looked like a zero­sum game. Of course,
맥상 의미하는 바로 적절하지 않은 것은? [3.2점]
the profits of one particular bakery might rise, but
① ⓐthe gods
only at the expense of the bakery next door. The
② ⓑdivine act of creation
③ ⓒdivine inspiration king of England might enrich himself, but only by
④ ⓓthe sacred and transcendent qualities robbing the king of France. You could cut the pie in
⑤ ⓔabstraction and accuracy many different ways, but it never got any bigger.

① Two students are studying English all night to get an

A on the final test.
② Two athletes of different sports are training day and
night to win the gold medal.
12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 (A)those가 가리키는 대상으로 적절한
③ Two people are playing the rock paper scissors game
것은? [3.5점]
where the winner takes the prize.
While working as a research fellow at Harvard, B. F. ④ Two bookstores nearby are holding a joint book
Skinner carried out a series of experiments on rats, contest to attract more readers in the village.
⑤ Two members of the soccer team cross-train every
using an invention that later became known as a
week for their team to win the championship.
“Skinner box.” A rat was placed in one of these boxes,
which had a special bar fitted on the inside.

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14. 다음 글의 내용을 요약한 <보기>의 (A), (B)에 들어갈 [15 ~ 16] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.5점] When self‑handicapping, you’re engaging in behaviour
Brain research provides a framework for that you know will ⓐdamage your chances of
understanding how the brain processes and internalizes succeeding: you know that you won’t do as well on the
athletic skills. In practicing a complex movement such test if you go out the night before, but you do it
as a golf swing, we experiment with different grips, anyway. Why would anyone ⓑpurposefully harm their
positions and swing movements, analyzing each in chances of success? Well, here’s a possible answer.
terms of the results it yields. This is a conscious, Say that you do study hard. You go to bed at a decent
left­brain process. Once we identify those elements of time and get eight hours of sleep. Then you take the
the swing that produce the desired results, we maths test, but don’t do well: you only get a C. What
rehearse them over and over again in an attempt to can you conclude about yourself? Probably that you’re
record them permanently in “muscle memory.” In this just not good at maths, which has an ⓒimpact on your
way, we internalize the swing as a kinesthetic feeling self‑esteem. But if you self‑handicap, you’ll never be in
that we trust to recreate the desired swing on this position because you’re creating a reason for your
demand. This internalization transfers the swing from ⓓsuccess. You were bound to get a C, you can tell
a consciously controlled left­brain function to a more yourself, because you went out till 1 a.m. That C
intuitive or automatic right­brain function. This doesn’t mean that you’re bad at maths; it just means
description, despite being an oversimplification of the that you like to party. (A)Self‑handicapping seems like
actual processes involved, serves as a model for the a ⓔparadox, because people are deliberately harming
interaction between conscious and unconscious actions their chances of success.
in the brain, as it learns to perfect an athletic skill.
15. 윗글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지
<보 기> 않은 것은? [3.1점]
How Brain Processes Athletic Skills ① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
We experiment We build a(n) This
with diverse (B) internalization
movements in sense by then leads the
a(n) (A) repeating the brain to perfect 16. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (A)self-handicapping이 적용된 사례로
state. movements. an athletic skill. 가장 적절한 것은? [3.6점]
① Amy complained all day to her mother about her
brother playing the guitar when she had to study.
(A) (B)
② Bart could not take part in the team project that he
① logical …… oversimplified
wanted because he was assigned a different work.
② automatic …… kinesthetic
③ Carol showed low participation on school sports day
③ conscious …… intuitive
because of her lack of interest in sports and teamwork.
④ systematic …… controlled
④ David did not come to basketball practice at all to
⑤ internalized …… unconscious
make an excuse for his poor shooting and dribbling
⑤ Eric constantly listened to loud music, resulting in
failing the hearing test later on, which led to a
hearing loss.

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17. 다음 글을 읽고, 글의 내용을 잘못 이해한 독자는? [3.5점]

Without ⓓinstitutional support, members of an
In one survey, 61 percent of Americans said that they in­group may be reluctant to interact with outsiders
supported the government spending more on ‘assistance to because they feel doing so is deviant or simply
the poor’. But when the same population was asked inappropriate. With the presence of institutional
whether they supported spending more government money support, however, ⓔcontact between groups is more
on ‘welfare’, only 21 percent were in favour. In other likely to be seen as appropriate, expected, and
words, if you ask people about individual welfare worthwhile. For instance, with respect to
programmes — such as giving financial help to people who desegregation in elementary schools, there is evidence
have long‑term illnesses and paying for school meals for that students were more highly motivated and learned
families with low income — people are broadly in favour of more in classes conducted by (A)teachers who
them. But if you ask about ‘welfare’ — which refers to supported desegregation rather than opposed
those exact same programmes that you’ve just listed — desegregation.
they’re against it. The word ‘welfare’ has negative
connotations, perhaps because of the way many politicians ① ⓐ, ⓑ ② ⓑ, ⓓ
③ ⓐ, ⓒ, ⓓ ④ ⓑ, ⓒ. ⓔ
and newspapers portray it. Therefore, the framing of a
⑤ ⓒ, ⓓ, ⓔ
question can heavily influence the answer in many ways,
which matters if your aim is to obtain a ‘true measure’ of
what people think. And next time you hear a politician say
‘surveys prove that the majority of the people agree with
me’, be very wary.
19. 다음 글을 읽고 유추할 수 없는 것은? [3.4점]
① A: “It is shocking to see a difference in the percentage
When a child experiences painful, disappointing, or
of the people’s answers when asked about basically
scary moments, it can be overwhelming, with intense
the same thing that is just put in different phrases.”
emotions and bodily sensations flooding the right
② B: “I know, right? I can’t believe people reacted
brain. When this happens, we as parents can help
differently to these terms though ‘welfare’ in general
bring the left hemisphere into the picture so that the
includes assistance to the poor.”
child can begin to understand what’s happening. One
③ C: “I guess that it is because ‘welfare’ does not take
of the best ways to promote this type of integration
into account providing financial help to families with
is to help retell the story of the frightening or painful
low income.”
experience. Bella, for instance, was nine years old
④ D: “Well, I think it is because many politicians use
when the toilet overflowed when she flushed, and the
the term ‘welfare’ on media in ways that not many
experience of watching the water rise and pour onto
people approve of.”
the floor left her unwilling to flush the toilet
⑤ E: “That is exactly the reason why we should think
afterward. When Bella’s father, Doug, learned about
about the framing of questions in surveys before we
the “name it to tame it” technique, he sat down with
answer them without a second thought.”
his daughter and retold the story of the time the
toilet overflowed. He allowed her to tell as much of
the story as she could and helped to fill in the
details. After retelling the story several times, Bella’s
fears lessened and eventually went away.
18. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 (A)가 문맥상 의미하는 대상으로 적절
한 것만을 있는 대로 고른 것은? [3.8점] ① The right side of our brain processes our emotions.
Intergroup contact is more likely to reduce ② Our left side brain deals with how we make sense of
stereotyping and create favorable attitudes if it is those feelings and recollection.
backed by social norms that promote equality among ③ Doug helped his daughter recognize her fears and
ⓐgroups. If the norms support openness, friendliness, emotions so that she could then tame them.
and mutual respect, the contact has a greater chance ④ Most parents know how distracting storytelling can
of changing attitudes and reducing prejudice than if be when it comes to calming their kids down.
they do not. Institutionally supported intergroup ⑤ Having children tell and re-tell stories of traumatizing
contact ― that is, contact sanctioned by ⓑan authority experiences can help them understand and master
figure or by established customs ― is more likely to their feelings of it.
produce ⓒpositive changes than unsupported contact.

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20. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.2점] 22. 밑줄 친 (A)에 대한 설명으로 적절하지 않은 것은? [3.4점]

It can be helpful to read your own essay aloud to The objective point of view is illustrated by John
hear how it sounds, and it can sometimes be even Ford’s “(A)philosophy of camera.” Ford considered
more beneficial to hear someone else read it. Either ⓐthe camera to be a window and the audience to
reading will help you to hear things that you be outside the window viewing the people and
otherwise . If you feel events within. We are asked ⓑto watch the actions
uncomfortable having someone read to you, however, as if they were taking place at a distance, and we
or if you simply don’t have someone you can ask to are not asked to participate. The objective point of
do it, you can have your computer read your essay to view employs a static camera as much as possible
you. Granted, it’s not quite the same thing, and the in order to produce this window effect, and it
computer is not going to tell you when something concentrates on the actors and the action without
sounds awkward. It also won’t stumble over things drawing attention to the camera. The objective
that are awkward and will just carry them through. camera suggests ⓒan emotional distance between
Hearing the computer read your writing, however, is a camera and subject; the camera seems simply to be
very different experience from reading it yourself. If recording, as straightforwardly as possible, the
you have never tried it, you might find that you characters and actions of the story. For the most
notice areas for revision, editing, and proofreading that part, the director uses natural, normal types of
you didn’t notice before. camera positioning and camera angles. The objective
camera seldom ⓓcomments on or interprets the
① might have missed when editing silently
action but merely records it, letting it unfold. We
② might have caught on a screen than on paper
see the action from ⓔthe viewpoint of an
③ might have noticed when reading silently
impersonal observer. If the camera moves, it does
④ might have found when making changes
⑤ might have edited when reading backwards so unnoticeably, calling as little attention to itself as

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ
21. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ의 문맥상 의미로 적절하지 않은 것은? [3.3점]

Even the most respectable of all musical institutions,

the symphony orchestra, carries inside its DNA the 23. 빈칸 (A)~(D) 중 밑줄 친 ⓐinclusivity가 들어가기에 적절
한 것만을 고른 것은? [3.6점]
legacy of the hunt. The various instruments in the
orchestra can ⓐbe traced back to these primitive origins While reflecting on the needs of organizations,
— their earliest forms were made either from the animal leaders, and families today, we realize that one of the
(horn, hide, gut, bone) or the weapons employed in unique characteristics is ⓐinclusivity. Why? Because
bringing the animal under control (stick, bow). Are we (A) supports what everyone ultimately wants from
wrong to hear this history in the music itself, in the their relationships: collaboration. Yet the majority of
formidable ⓑaggression and ⓒawe­inspiring assertiveness leaders, organizations, and families are still using the
of those ⓓmonumental symphonies that remain the core language of the old paradigm in which one person —
repertoire of the world’s leading orchestras? Listening to typically the oldest, most educated, and/or wealthiest
Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Bruckner, Berlioz, — makes all the decisions, and their decisions rule
Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, and other great composers, I with little discussion or inclusion of others, resulting
can easily summon up images of bands of men starting
in (B) . Today, this person could be a director,
to chase animals, using sound as a source and symbol of
CEO, or other senior leader of an organization. There
ⓔdominance, an expression of the will to predatory
is no need for others to present their ideas because
they are considered inadequate. Yet research shows
* legacy: 유산 ** formidable: 강력한
that (C) in problem solving, even with a genius, is
① ⓐ: originate from
not as effective as (D) , where everyone’s ideas are
② ⓑ: the act of setting upon with force or violence
heard and a solution is developed through
③ ⓒ: extremely impressive in a way that makes you feel
great respect
④ ⓓ: of outstanding significance ① (A), (B) ② (A), (D)
⑤ ⓔ: the situation where one company, product, etc. has ③ (B), (C) ④ (B), (D)
less power, influence, or success than others ⑤ (C), (D)

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24. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3.2점] ê

Hubert Cecil Booth is often credited with inventing
Produce what you can produce (A) in
the first powered mobile vacuum cleaner. In fact, he
order to obtain greater total production with
only claimed to be the first to coin the term “vacuum
(B) cost.
cleaner” for devices of this nature, which may explain
why he is so credited. As we all know, the term
(A) (B)
“vacuum” is an inappropriate name, because there
① less …… higher
exists no vacuum in a vacuum cleaner. Rather, it is the
② less …… lower
air moving through a small hole into a closed container, ③ moderately …… greater
as a result of air being blown out of the container by ④ best …… lower
a fan on the inside. But I suppose a “rapid air ⑤ best …… greater
movement in a closed container to create suction”
cleaner would not sound as scientific or be as handy a
name. Anyway, we are stuck with it historically, and it
is hard to find any references to “vacuum” prior to [26 ~ 27] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Booth. Interestingly, Booth himself did not use the
Southern Sudan, 1985
term “vacuum” when he filed a provisional specification
[A] The teacher droned on with the lesson, about
describing in general terms his intended invention.
the Arabic language. Salva spoke the language of his
① Booth was regarded as the first to think up the Dinka tribe at home. But in school he learned Arabic,
term “vacuum cleaner.” the official language of the Sudanese government far
② Producing a vacuum plays a major role in a vacuum away to the north. Eleven years old on his last
cleaner according to Booth. birthday, Salva was a good student. He already knew
③ If the air pressure in a closed container decreases, the lesson, which was why he was letting his mind
a rapid air creates vaccum. wander down the road ahead of his body. Salva was
④ There are endless lists of references to “vacuum” well aware of how lucky he was to be able to go to
prior to Hubert Cecil Booth. school. He could not attend the entire year, because
⑤ Booth described his invention as “vacuum” when during the dry season his family moved away from
filing a provisional specification about it. their village. But during the rainy season, he could
walk to the school, which was only half an hour from
his home.
25. 다음 글을 요약할 때, 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가
장 적절한 것은? [3.7점] [B] The war had started two years earlier. Salva did
not understand much about it, but he knew that rebels
Trying to produce everything yourself would mean
from the southern part of Sudan, where he and his
you are using your time and resources to produce
family lived, were fighting against the government,
many things for which you are a high­cost provider.
which was based in the north. Most of the people who
This would translate into lower production and income.
lived in the north were Muslim, and the government
For example, even though most doctors might be good
wanted all of Sudan to become a Muslim country—a
at record keeping and arranging appointments, it is
place where the beliefs of Islam were followed. But
generally in their interest to hire someone to perform
the people in the south were of different religions and
these services. The time doctors use to keep records
did not want to be forced to practice Islam. They
is time they could have spent seeing patients. Because
began fighting for independence from the north. The
the time spent with their patients is worth a lot, the
fighting was scattered all around southern Sudan, and
opportunity cost of record keeping for doctors will be
now the war had come to where Salva lived.
high. Thus, doctors will almost always find it
advantageous to hire someone else to keep and manage
[C] Late in the day, the villagers arrived at the rebel
their records. Moreover, when the doctor specializes in
camp. The soldiers ordered them to separate into two
the provision of physician services and hires someone
groups—men in one group, women and children and the
who has a comparative advantage in record keeping,
elderly in the other. Teenage boys, it seemed, were
costs will be lower and joint output larger than would
considered men, for boys who looked to be only a few
otherwise be achievable.
years older than Salva were joining the men's group.

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[28 ~ 29] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Salva hesitated for a moment. He was only eleven, but
he was the son of an important family. He was Salva Holding his breath, he crept closer, until he could see
Mawien Dut Ariik, from the village named for his her face clearly. The ritual scar patterns on her
grandfather. His father always told him to act like a forehead were familiar: They were Dinka patterns,
man—to follow the example of his older brothers and, which meant that she was from the same tribe as
in turn, set a good example for Kuol. Salva took a few Salva.
steps toward the men.
[A] "Thank you, Auntie." Squatting on his haunches
Southern Sudan, 2008 next to her, Salva shelled the nuts and ate them. He
[D] Going was easy. Going, the big plastic container chewed every nut into a paste before he swallowed,
held only air. Tall for her eleven years, Nya could trying to make each one last as long as he could.
switch the handle from one hand to the other, swing The woman sat without speaking until he was
the container by her side, or cradle it in both arms. finished. Then she asked, "Where are your people?"
She could even drag it behind her, bumping it against
the ground and raising a tiny cloud of dust with each [B] But at least he was not alone now, and that
step. There was little weight, going. There was only knowledge was stronger than the uncertainty about
heat, the sun already baking the air, even though it what the woman might do or say to him. He walked
was long before noon. It would take her half the toward her. "Good morning, Auntie," he said, his voice
morning if she didn't stop on the way. Heat. Time. trembling. She nodded at him.
And thorns. Nya put the container down and sat on the
ground. She always tried not to step on the spiky [C] Salva let out his breath in relief. He was glad
plants that grew along the path, but their thorns that she was not Nuer. The woman looked up and saw
littered the ground everywhere. She looked at the him. Salva flinched at her glance. Would she be
bottom of her foot. There it was, a big thorn that had friendly to a stranger? Would she be angry with him
broken off right in the middle of her heel. Nya pushed for spending the night in her barn?
at the skin around the thorn. Then she picked up
another thorn and used it to poke and prod at the first [D] He kept quiet, waiting for her to speak.
one. She pressed her lips together against the pain. "You must be hungry," she said at last. She stood
and went into the house. A few moments later, she
26. 윗글의 [A]~[C]의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3.4점] came back out and gave him two handfuls of raw
① Salva spoke the Arabic language at home, which he peanuts. Then she sat down again.
learned in the school lessons.
② Salva was fortunate to get an opportunity to go to 28. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
school unlike his older brothers. [3.5점]
③ Southern Sudan, where Salva lived, was at war ① [A]-[B]-[D]-[C]
because of the government’s push to making Sudan a
② [B]-[A]-[C]-[D]
Muslim country.
③ [B]-[A]-[D]-[C]
④ Women and the elderly were separated from the men
④ [C]-[A]-[B]-[D]
and children’s group because they were of no use to
⑤ [C]-[B]-[D]-[A]
the soldiers.
⑤ Salva instantly chose to be in the men’s group
because he wanted to fight in the war and look like
a strong man.

27. 윗글의 [D]의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.2점]

① going back and forth on the trip to war
② the harsh conditions Nya has to go through
③ the painful reality of Southern Sudan in 1985
④ Nya’s easy but speedy journey due to lack of time
⑤ the load of carrying the big heavy container everyday

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29. 윗글에 대한 설명으로 옳은 것만을 고른 것은? [3.6점]

ⓓWalking to nowhere.
(A) Salva becomes eased in mind to meet an old Salva had never been so hungry. He ⓔstumbled
woman from the same tribe as Salva. along, somehow moving one foot ahead of the other,
(B) This part especially shows similarities between not noticing the light in the sky. Nothing was real
regular life in Sudan and wartime life in Sudan by except his hunger, once a hollow in his stomach but
including two storylines such as Nya’s and Salva’s. now a deep buzzing pain in every part of him.
(C) When Salva comes across an older woman, he
① ⓐ: to move more slowly than someone or something
refers to her as “Auntie” even though they are not
else so that you are behind them
related. This shows that they consider unrelated ② ⓑ: the information or ideas that are talked about in a
members of the same tribe as a family. book, speech, film, etc
(D) It would be more dangerous for an old woman to ③ ⓒ: (of food or crops) not yet ready to be eaten or
travel with Salva because he is a strong young boy collected
who could be easily shaped into a soldier, so it could ④ ⓓ: walking aimlessly without a predetermined
attract attention from the soldiers. destination
⑤ ⓔ: to continue despite obstacles or lack of physical
① (A), (B) ② (A), (C) ③ (A), (D) or intellectual power
④ (B), (C) ⑤ (B), (D)

30. 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ의 의미로 문맥상 적절하지 않은 것은?


The old woman gave Salva a bag of peanuts and a

gourd for drinking water. He thanked her and said
goodbye. Then he caught up with the group,
determined not to ⓐlag behind, not to complain, not to
be any trouble to anyone. He did not even ask where
they were going, for fear that his questions would be
He knew only that they were Dinka and that they
were trying to stay away from the war. He had to be
ⓑcontent with that.
The days became a never-ending walk. Salva’s feet
kept time with the thoughts in his head, the same
words over and over: Where is my family? Where is
my family?
Every day he woke and walked with the group,
rested at midday, and walked again until dark. They
slept on the ground. The terrain changed from scrub to 《 총 문항 수 및 점수 》
woodland; they walked among stands of stunted trees.
There was little to eat: a few fruits here and there, 구분 선택형 계
단답형 서·논술형
always either ⓒunripe or worm-rotten. Salva’s peanuts 문항 수 (30)문항 - - (30)문항
were gone by the end of the third day.
점수 (100)점 - - (100)점
After about a week, they were joined by more people
—another group of Dinka and several members of a
tribe called the Jur-chol. Men and women, boys and 이 시험문제의 저작권은 자운고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해
보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권
girls, old and young, walking, walking.... 법에 의거 처벌될 수 있습니다.

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