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이 시험문제의 저작권은 자운고등학교에 있습니다.

2022학년도 제 ( 1 ) 학기 ( 중간 ) 고사

학 년 ( 2 ) 학년 과 목 명 ( 영어Ⅰ ) 【 과목코드 : 05 】 시 행 일 ( 4 )월 ( 25 )일 ( 월 )요일

④ When one of them managed to kill a squirrel, the

• 시험 시작 전에 반드시 문제지 쪽수와 인쇄 상태를 확인하시오.
• OMR 카드에 학번, 이름, 과목명, 과목코드를 정확하게 표기하시오. boys' aimless play halted and there was suddenly a
• 단답형, 서논술형 문항의 정답은 검정색 볼펜 등 지워지지 않는 필기 lot of work to do.
구를 사용하여 정자로 기재하시오. ⑤ Salva had his own opinion of how the fire should be
• 문항마다 배점이 다르니 각 문항 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하시오. built and how long the meat needed to cook, and the
서답형 other brothers also did.
선택형 계
단답형 서논술형
( 1 )번~( 27 )번 없음 ( 1 )번~( 2 )번 총 ( 29 )문항
2. 밑줄 친 ⓐ가 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.9점]
[1~2] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. ① Nothing is possible in your stressful life.
② Nothing can be stressful about your life.
③ There is nothing you can do about your stressful life.
My parents had a family gathering for my sixteenth
④ I would do everything to relieve your stress.
birthday. My aunt and uncle – who live in the same
⑤ Accept that even stress is part of your life as a
town as we (A)do – came, which made me really
happy. I like them a lot. At the dinner table, my uncle
made a comment about how busy and stressful things
were in his office. “I’ve got so many projects going
3. <보기>에서 <A>에 들어갈 말로 그 의미가 나머지 넷과
on,” he commented, adding “It’s a very busy time.
다른 것은? [3.3점]
Very stressful.”
<보 기>
“Sounds like my life!” I commented. “It’s really
stressful, too.” I wish I could turn back time and relive my
“Your life? stressful?,” he commented while laughing, schooldays.: <A> .
and then asked ⓐ“What could possibly be stressful
about your life?” ① If only I had tried harder and passed more exams.
“Plenty!” I remarked. ② I wish I had tried harder and passed more exams.
“Oh, please!” he teased. “You don’t have to go to ③ I should have tried harder and passed more exams.
work every day, and you don’t have to deal with ④ I regret having tried harder and passed more exams
people, like I do.” ⑤ How I wish I had tried harder and passed more
“Yes, I do,” I reminded him. “I go to work every exams!
day; it’s called school. And I deal with people every
day, too. They’re called teachers and classmates.”
“Well, that’s different,” he said. “You don’t have the 4. <보기>에 쓰인 shadow의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.0점]
pressures of real-world things, like you don’t have to
<보 기>
pay bills. You don’t have to worry about taxes. You
The managers were shadowed by trainees in the
don’t have to buy your own food, or cook it for that
bank’s development programme.
matter. I mean, what could possibly be stressful about
going to school and hanging out with your friends? I’d
love to have your life! I’d love being a carefree ① to create an area of darkness by blocking a source of
teenager again. I’d trade for your position any day.” light
② to represent a thing that is not real or possible to
③ to make a person unhappy or to make their life less
1. 윗글에 쓰인 (A)do와 같은 용법으로 쓰인 것은? [3.2점]
① Little did Salva know what was in store for him.
④ to follow someone else at work in order to learn
② Salva watched as one man protested that he did not
about that person's job
want to go with the rebels.
⑤ to follow someone secretly in order to see where
③ Salva did know the lesson, which was why he was
they go and what they do
letting his mind wander down the road ahead of his

1 8
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5. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 잘못 해석한 것은? [3.5점] ③ A: Don't forget to turn in your papers by midnight.
① “ Remember to brush your teeth after breakfast.” B: Thanks for reminding me.
→ This means: “Do not forget to brush your teeth ④ A: Please turn the water off when you're done
after breakfast.” brushing your teeth.
② Mark remembered to call his mother. B: Oh sorry, mom. I will.
→ This means that Mark did not forget to call his ⑤ A: Can I see you for a minute now?
mother. B: I am so sorry but I have to pick up my son from
③ “Oh I’m sorry, I forgot to post the letter!” school now.
→ This means that I didn’t remember posting the
④ “I remember inviting my friend, Carl, for my birthday
party.” [8~9] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
→ This means that now I remember my action and I
don’t need to invite my friend, Carl, again. At first, my uncle seemed to enjoy being a student
⑤ Mark remembers locking the car. again. He was beaming throughout my history class. He
→ This means that Mark remembers that he has thumbed through the textbook, absorbed by some
locked the car. information that he saw there. But by the end of the
second class, math, he became more serious. “I wish I’d
paid a little more attention to math when I was in
6. 다음은 접두사 ‘un-'의 쓰임에 관한 영어사전의 설명이다. school,” he said, scratching his head. In the third class,
첫 번째 쓰임의 예에 해당하는 것만을 <보기>에서 있는 대 Spanish, my uncle’s smile started fading and he scribbled
로 고른 것은? [1.9점] a note to me saying, “I have a terrible headache. How
do you say that in Spanish?” I tried to hold back a laugh
and patted his arm in encouragement.
un- ​/ʌn/ prefix Finally, it was lunch time and we went to the
cafeteria. My uncle suddenly exclaimed, “Why is that girl
1. [in verbs]
pointing at me and laughing? Maybe she thinks I’m not
reverse the action of something; do the opposite of
as smart as I look.” I pulled him away and said, “Relax,
2. [in adjectives, adverbs, and nouns] Uncle Bob. She laughs at everybody. She laughed at me
not; having an opposite quality of once in math class when I had to solve a problem on
paper because I couldn’t work it out in my head.” “Oh, I
guess that’s her personality,” said my uncle.
<보 기> Obviously, my uncle was embarrassed at lunch, but he
A. The coach tried to untie a tight knot in the rope. was probably even more embarrassed when he returned
B. He was unhappy that his favorite show was to class afterwards. The teacher asked him to name the
canceled. current Secretary-General of the United Nations and he
C. He unlocked the car and picked up the coat from couldn’t think of the answer.
the back seat. Horrified, he whispered, “I should have known that! I
D. We need to unbox all of our clothes and put them feel like a fool, especially when everyone is watching
away as soon as we arrive at a new place. me!”
E. If Michael won, he would undo everything I have At the end of the school day, my uncle admitted that
fought for. life as a teen is not as easy as he first thought. “This
F. Although I'd like to unwind from a tiring day when I has been one of the longest and most stressful days I’ve
return home, I know there are other things to do. had,” he commented and then asked, “Can I go now?”
“Sure,” I said to him. “Thanks for coming, Uncle Bob.
By the way, don’t forget to do the homework you’ve
① A, B, D, E, F ② A, B, C, F ③ A, B, C, E
been assigned.”
④ A, C, D, E, F ⑤ C, D, E, F
My uncle now sees the resemblance between my life
and his - the stress of having a lot of work to do in a
short amount of time, and having to deal with different
types of people throughout the day. Thanks to “Shadow
7. 다음 두 사람의 대화 중 어법상 틀린 표현이 쓰인 것은? [1.8점]
a Teen for a Day,” my uncle understands that life as a
① A: The doctor wants me to give up drinking. student is not (A)a walk in the park.
B: Oh, I guess you should follow her advice.
② A: I keep putting off doing my homework.
B: If I were you, I wouldn’t put off it.

2 8
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enjoyed it and learned from the experience. “I like

8. 윗글에 대한 설명으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.0점]
scrapping with Orv,” Wilbur reflected. As you’ll see, it
① This is a journal written by Uncle Bob when he came
was one of their most passionate and prolonged
back home on Shadow Day.
arguments that led them to rethink a critical
② “Put yourself in someone else’s position” - this is
assumption that had prevented humans from soaring
the very lesson Uncle Bob learned from his
through the skies.
experience on Shadow Day.
③ At first, Uncle Bob looked comfortable and interested
*dish it out: 남을 비판하다 **scrap with: ~과 다투다
in history class whereas math class made him
regretful for having studied hard in his schooldays.
10. 밑줄 친 ⓐthe Wright brothers가 자란 가정의 분위기를
④ My anxiety level was highest when Uncle Bob
설명한 것으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.6점]
couldn’t answer the question in the last class.
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ⑤ (E)
⑤ Uncle Bob wanted to turn back time and relive his
schooldays in order to get a stress-free job.

11. 윗글의 주제를 잘 보여주는 예로 적절하지 않은 것은? [3.3점]

① Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak argued constantly
9. 밑줄 친 (A)a walk in the park의 문맥상 의미와 일치하
while designing the first Apple computer.
지 않는 것은? [3.1점]
② The most creative ideas in Chinese technology
① I love to walk when it's sunny - let's go for a walk
companies come from teams with real disagreements
in the park, shall we?
early on.
② I've been running marathons for years now, so this
③ Thanks to the atmosphere where enthusiastic
5K run will be a walk in the park for me.
coworkers kept cheering one another, the lab in
③ We succeeded, but it was not a walk in the park for
microbiology could win the Nobel Prize.
any of us.
④ Brainstorming groups produce 16 percent more ideas
④ High school was difficult, but it was a walk in the
when the members are encouraged to criticize one
park compared to college engineering classes.
⑤ He's used to hard physical work - this is a walk in
⑤ One of the greatest dictionaries in history, one that
the park to him.
had a lasting impact on the English language, was
written by Samuel Johnson, whose parents always
had arguments.
[10~11] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Being able to have a good fight doesn’t just make [12~16] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
us more civil; it also develops our creative muscles. It was late evening. Into the Orangutan Rescue
In a classic study, highly creative architects were Center on the island of Borneo rushed a rescue
more likely than their technically competent but less worker holding a tiny bundle in his arms. Inside,
original peers to come from homes with plenty of with a face as small as a mouse’s, was a
friction. They often grew up in (A)households that 3-month-old orangutan. Those who were there that
were “tense but secure,” according to psychologist day remember two things about their first meeting
Robert Albert. He also mentioned it’s unlikely that the with the baby orangutan: her big bright eyes, and her
creative person-to-be comes from (B)a family that is left arm, half of ⓐwhich was missing.
nothing but harmonious.” The parents weren’t
(C)physically or verbally abusive, but they did not “Baby orangutans, who ride on their mothers’
(D)shy away from conflict, either. Instead of stomachs by holding onto ⓑtheir long hair, have
(E)telling their children to be seen but not heard, incredibly strong grips. ⓒThey do not let go,” said
they encouraged them to stand up for themselves. The the director of the Orangutan Rescue Center. “The
kids learned to dish it out — and take it. That’s baby’s hand was chopped off, probably to separate her
exactly what happened to Wilbur and Orville Wright, from her mother.”
who invented the airplane. When ⓐthe Wright Rescuers believe that the baby and her mom had
brothers said they thought together, what they really been driven out of their forest home when it was
meant is that they fought together. When they were destroyed to make way for a palm oil plantation.
solving problems, they had arguments that lasted not Hungry and weak, the mother was likely walking in
just for hours but for weeks and months at a time. the forest in search of food when she encountered
They didn’t have such ceaseless fights because they some people working there. Luckily, the baby
were angry. They kept quarreling because they orangutan was rescued before more harm was

3 8
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13. 윗글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.9점]

① Orangutan mothers and babies have an incredibly
Rescuers named the baby orangutan “Kesi,” close relationship.
meaning “child born in difficult times.” That name ② Palm oil is the most economical choice in many parts
is fitting for many orangutans living in the wild of the industry.
today. ③ Palm oil is a reasonable replacement for trans fats.
④ Palm oil cultivation causes deforestation, which puts
A hundred years ago, about 230,000 orangutans
orangutans under threat.
lived on Earth. Today, fewer than 50,000 are left in
⑤ The consumption of palm oil has been continuously
the wild, living exclusively on the islands of Borneo
and Sumatra. These islands happen to be ground
zero for one of the world’s most controversial and
rapidly growing industries: palm oil.
14. 윗글에서 유추할 수 있는 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.5점]
The cultivation of palm oil is the biggest threat to ① Palm oil offers multiple nutritional benefits.
orangutans. Although ⓓtheir survival gravely depends ② Palm oil is free of trans fats, which are known to be
on rainforests, people have continuously destroyed unhealthy.
rainforests to make room for the production of palm ③ Asia uses far more palm oil than Europe and the
oil. Deforestation has reduced the habitat of the United States.
orangutans, which in turn has caused thousands of the ④ Palm oil is mainly used for home cooking.
animals to die. At this rate, orangutans could become ⑤ The demand for palm oil seems to keep soaring
extinct in less than 25 years. globally no matter what.
So what exactly is palm oil? You may have never
heard of palm oil, but you have almost certainly
come into contact with it, probably multiple times 15. 윗글에서 답을 찾을 수 없는 질문은? [3.6점]
every day. Palm oil is a type of vegetable oil that is ① What might have caused Kesi to lose part of her arm?
derived from the palm fruit. ⓔIt can be found in ② Why did the rescuers name the baby orangutan "Kesi"?
thousands of consumer goods, from packaged foods to ③ Why can wild orangutans be found only on the islands of
hair products. Cheaper and more efficient to produce Borneo and Sumatra?
than other vegetable oils, palm oil is currently used in ④ What is the current population of wild orangutans?
half of all packaged products. ⑤ What is one of the reasons why the use of palm oil
is likely to increase?
The consumption of palm oil has rapidly
increased in the past two decades. Although the
United States and Europe are its top consumers,
16. 효과적인 글쓰기에 관한 <보기>의 조언 중 윗글에 해당하
demand is growing throughout the world. Recently, the
는 것만을 있는 대로 고른 것은? [3.1점]
U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) banned trans
fat in foods, which will likely increase the <보 기>
A. Use a story to grab people's attention.
consumption of palm oil. Though by no means
B. Explain in detail why something happens, what the
healthier, palm oil is set to be the “clear alternative”
effects are and how it is related to something else.
for food producers, experts say.
C. Describe the problem and propose several solutions.
The production of palm oil is the number one D. Include numbers to back up your claim.
cause of forest loss in Indonesia and Malaysia. If
this continues, the extinction of orangutans will ① A, B ② A, C ③ A, B, D
become a sad reality. The future of Kesi’s species is ④ B, C, D ⑤ A, B, C, D
in our hands.

12. ⓐ~ⓔ가 지칭하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.3점]

① ⓐwhich - Kesi
② ⓑtheir – baby orangutans'
③ ⓒthey – mother orangutans
④ ⓓtheir – people's
⑤ ⓔit – palm oil

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[17~20] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 18. 윗글을 쓴 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.2점]

① to argue against the article about palm oil industry
a. So orangutan means “person of the forest.” ② to protest against people hunting innocent orangutans
b. The name orangutan is derived from the illegally
Indonesian words orang meaning “person,” ③ to raise money to launch the "Adopt an Orangutan"
and hutan meaning “forest.” campaign
<A> ④ to help people understand the palm oil's potential
c. Did you know that orangutans are one of
health risks
our closest relatives?
⑤ to encourage people to take action about the
d. They are so intelligent that they make orangutan extinction problem
umbrellas out of leaves when it rains.

Unfortunately, these smart animals are getting closer

to extinction. I recently read an article saying that 19. 윗글에 언급된 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은? [3.5점]
palm oil plantations are destroying the homes of ① It is not too difficult to find palm oil in the products
orangutans. The sad thing is that most people are not we use everyday.
familiar with palm oil, even though it is in many ② Orangutans are now facing a high risk of extinction
products that we use on a daily basis. This might in the wild.
surprise you, but palm oil is used in ice cream, ③ We can help save the orangutans by raising consumer
cookies, bread, chocolate, soap, and cleaning agents! awareness on negative impacts of palm oil industry.
So what can we do to help save the orangutans? ④ Efforts to find alternatives to palm oil help save the
Well, you can talk to your friends and family about orangutans.
palm oil and the dangers orangutans are facing. You ⑤ Checking ingredients before making a purchase is one
could also be an active consumer next time you visit step to becoming an active consumer.
the supermarket. Read the labels of products carefully
to see if they contain palm oil, and try to avoid them
if they do.

There is another fun thing you can do to help

20. 다음은 윗글을 읽은 독자들의 댓글이다. 글의 내용을 잘못
orangutans: virtually adopt an orangutan! I know it
이해한 독자의 댓글은? [3.1점]
sounds impossible, but there are organizations that
match you with a baby orangutan when you donate COMMENTS
money. Don’t worry! It doesn’t cost a fortune to adopt
↳ A: I am pretty sure there are ways to make palm
one; you can start by basically donating a few cents
oil farming more cost effective.
per day. Even this small amount will help save the
lives of many orangutans. ↳ B: Thank you so much for sharing this interesting
information. Can I share your post on my
Please help spread the word about the dangers of
social media so that all my friends can read it?
the palm oil industry and name any products containing
palm oil that you know in the comments below. I ↳ C: OMG! I just noticed even my body lotion has
really hope you will join me in protecting these palm oil in it. Palm oil is more widespread
“people of the forest.” than I thought.

↳ D: Can boycotting palm oil really solve this

17. <A>의 a~d를 순서에 맞게 배치한 것은? [2.6점] problem, though? I heard other vegetable oil
① a-b-d-c ② b-a-c-d ③ b-a-d-c can lead to even further environmental harm.
④ c-a-b-d ⑤ c-b-a-d
↳ E: It looks like even my toothpaste has palm oil
in it. I didn‘t know this until now even though
I use it several times a day.

① A ② B ③ C ④ D ⑤ E

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[21~23, 서술형1~2] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

waving guns.
(A) Salva sat cross-legged on the bench. He kept Salva saw all this with one glance.
his head turned toward the front, hands folded, back Then he was running, too. Running as hard as he
perfectly straight. Everything about him was paying could, into the bush.
attention to the teacher - everything except his eyes Away from home.
and his mind.
His eyes kept flicking toward the window, through (E) BOOM!
which he could see the road. The road home. Just a Salva turned and looked. behind him, a huge black
little while longer - a few minutes more - and he cloud of smoke rose. Flames Darted out of its base.
would be walking on that road. Overhead, a jet plane veered away like a sleek evil
The teacher droned on with the lesson, about the bird.
Arabic language of the Sudanese government far away In the smoke and dust, he couldn't see the school
to the north. Eleven years old on his last birthday, building anymore. He tripped and almost fell. No more
Salva was a good student. He already knew the lesson, looking back; it slowed him down.
which was why he was letting his mind wander down Salva lowered his head and ran.
the road ahead of his body. He ran until he could not run anymore. Then he
walked. For hours, until the sun was nearly gone from
(B) CRACK! the sky.
The noise had come from outside. Was it a gunshot? As Salva walked, the same thoughts kept going
Or just a car backfiring? through his head in rhythm with his steps. Where are
The teacher stopped talking for a moment. Every we going? Where is my family? When will I see them
head in the room turned toward the window. again?
Nothing. Silence.
The teacher cleared his throat, which drew the boy's
21. Salva에 대한 설명 중 (A)의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [2.8점]
attention to the front of the room again. He continued
① Salva seems completely absorbed by the lesson.
the lesson from where he had left off. Then-
② Salva gets bored in class and soon falls asleep at his
Gunfire! ③ Salva's eyes are stuck on the textbook written in Dinka
“Everyone, Down! the teacher shouted. language.
④ Salva is having a hard time understanding the lesson as it
(C) The war had started two years earlier. Salva did is too difficult for him.
not understand much about it, but he knew that rebels ⑤ Salva tries to be respectful in class even though he isn't
from the southern part of Sudan, where he and his fully concentrating on the lesson.
family lived, were fighting against the government,
which was based in the north. Most of the people who
lived in the north were Muslim, and the government 22. (B)에 묘사된 장면의 분위기를 나타내는 말로 가장 적절한
forced all of Sudan to become a Muslim country - a
것은? [2.4점]
place where the beliefs of Islam were followed.
① tense ② sorrowful ③ peaceful
But the people in the south were of different
④ cheerful ⑤ relaxed
religions and did not want to be forced to practice
Islam. They began fighting for independence from the
north. The fighting was scattered all around southern
Sudan, and now the war had come to where Salva 23. 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [2.6점]
lived. ① Salva's class is interrupted by rebels attacking his village.
② Sound words are being used to describe the sound of a
(D) The boys scrambled to their feet. Some of weapon such as a gun.
them were crying. The teacher began hurrying the ③ “Rebel” here refers to someone who resists against the
students out the door. government.
"Go quickly, all of you, now!" ④ As soon as Salva hears the gunfire, he runs toward home
Salva's heart beat so hard that its pulse pounded in
to save his family.
his throat and ears. He wanted to shout, "I need to go
⑤ The setting of this story is southern Sudan, Africa, where
home! I must go home!" But the words were blocked
the war started two years ago.
by the wild thumping in his throat.
When he got to the door, he looked out. Everyone
was running - men, children, women carrying babies.
The air was full of dust that had been kicked up by all
those running feet. Some of the men were shouting and

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자운고등학교 ( 2 )학년 ( 영어Ⅰ)과목 다음 쪽에 계속됩니다.
이 시험문제의 저작권은 자운고등학교에 있습니다.

※ 다음은 서답형 문항입니다. [서답형1번 ~ 서답형2번] [서답형 2번] (서술형) 다음 글을 읽고 <질문>에 대한 답을

주어진 <조건>에 맞게 서술하시오. [8점]
◦ 답안 작성은 반드시 검은색(또는 파란색) 볼펜을 사용
하시오. Similes compare two unlike things that have
◦ 문항 번호를 반드시 기입한 후 답안을 작성하시오. something in common, using the words like or as to
(미기입한 서답형 답안은 오답 처리됨) make the comparison. A simile says This is like That
◦ 누구나 알아볼 수 있도록 반듯하게 정자로 작성하시오. or This behaves as That does.

[서답형 1번] (서술형) ◦ She is as cold as ice.
<질문>에 대한 답을 주어진 <조건>에 맞게 서술하시오. [12점] ◦ You dance like an angel.

Why was there war in Sudan? Find three or four
sentences that answer the question from the story Find a simile from part <E> and write down the
above. sentence in which it appears.

<조건> <조건>
1. 반드시 아래의 단어를 모두 포함할 것
1. 주어와 서술어를 갖춘 영어 문장의 형식으로 서술
◦ the south(또는 southern)
할 것
◦ the north(또는 northern)
2. Salva가 전쟁을 경험하는 중에 생소한 물체를 보
◦ government
며 느낄 법한 부정적인 감정이 투영되어 있을 것
◦ Muslim
◦ independence

2. 주어와 서술어를 갖춘 영어 문장의 형식으로 서술

할 것
◦주의: 중략 기호 ‘~’, ‘...’ 등 사용 금지
(예를 들어, ‘I love you a lot.’ 이라는 답안을
‘I ~ a lot.’이라고 쓴 경우, 오답으로 간주함.)

24. 다음 중 어법상 가장 적절한 것은? [2.3점]

① Salva's father allowed Salva and his two brothers
attending school.
② The soldiers ordered the villagers to separate into
two groups.
③ Salva wished he hadn't recalled those times, because
the memories made him hunger.
④ The woman advised Salva walking away from the
⑤ Salva heard some people to walk toward the house-a
small group, fewer than a dozen.

7 8
자운고등학교 ( 2 )학년 ( 영어Ⅰ)과목 다음 쪽에 계속됩니다.
이 시험문제의 저작권은 자운고등학교에 있습니다.

25. 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? [3.3점] 26. 밑줄 친 ⓐFish is Fish-style assimilation이 다음 글에서
Salva could see a woman sitting in the sun. Holding his 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? [3.2점]
breath, he crept closer, until he could see her face ① Pre-existing knowledge determines how newly introduced
clearly. The ritual scar patterns on her forehead were information is processed.
familiar: They were Dinka patterns, which meant that ② Experiments are often necessary to establish new
she was from the same tribe as Salva. Salva let out his theories.
breath in relief. He was glad that she was not Nuer, who ③ New ideas are commonly rejected for being too creative.
Dinka had been fighting against for so long. ④ Knowledge is built free from others' evaluation.
The woman looked up and saw him. Salva flinched at ⑤ The pre-established views can change over time.
her glance. Would she be friendly to a stranger? Would
she be angry with him for spending the night in her
But at least he was not alone now, and that 27. 밑줄 친 ⓑ에 해당하는 그림으로 가장 적절한 것은?[3.0점]
knowledge was stronger than the uncertainty about what ① ②
the woman might do or say to him. He walked toward
her. "Good morning, Auntie," he said, his voice trembling.
She nodded at him. She was old, much older than
Salva's mother.
He kept quiet, waiting for her to speak.
"You must be hungry," she said at last. She stood and
went into the house. A few moments later, she came
back out and gave him two handfuls of raw peanuts.
Then she sat down again. ③ ④
"Thank you, Auntie." Squatting on his haunches next
to her, Salva shelled the nuts and ate them. He chewed
every nut into a paste before he swallowed, trying to
make each one last as long as he could.
① The woman looked mad at Salva since he spent the night
in the barn without permission.
② The woman looked as old as Salva's mother.
③ Salva was relieved to meet someone from the same tribe.
④ Salva did not know that the woman was from the Dinka ⑤
tribe until she told him.
⑤ Salva refused to eat the food the woman gave him.

[26~27] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Studies by Vosniado and Brewer illustrate ⓐFish is

Fish­style assimilation in the context of young children’s
thinking about the earth. They worked with children who
believed that the earth is flat (because this fit their
experiences) and attempted to help them understand that,
in fact, it is spherical. When told it is round, children
often pictured the earth as a pancake rather than as a
sphere. If they were then told that it is round like a
《 총 문항 수 및 점수 》
sphere, ⓑthey interpreted the new information about a
spherical earth within their flat­earth view by picturing a 서답형
pancake-like flat surface inside or on top of a sphere, 구분 선택형 계
단답형 서·논술형
with a person standing on top of the pancake. The model 문항 수 ( 27 )문항 없음 ( 2 )문항 (29)문항
of the earth that they had developed - and that helped
점수 ( 80 )점 없음 ( 20 )점 (100)점
them explain how they could stand or walk upon its
surface - did not fit the model of a spherical earth. Like
the story Fish is Fish, where a fish imagines everything 이 시험문제의 저작권은 자운고등학교에 있습니다. 저작권법에 의해
on land to be fish-like, everything the children heard 보호받는 저작물이므로 전재와 복제는 금지되며, 이를 어길 시 저작권
was incorporated into their preexisting views. 법에 의거 처벌될 수 있습니다.

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