Significance of The Results and Discussion Section of The Research Paper

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The significance of the results and discussion section in a research paper cannot be overstated.

crucial segment of the paper is where the researcher presents and interprets the findings of their
study, drawing conclusions and discussing their implications. However, crafting this section can be a
daunting task for many students and researchers alike.

Writing a thesis, particularly the results and discussion section, requires a deep understanding of the
research topic, meticulous analysis of data, and the ability to effectively communicate complex ideas.
It involves synthesizing the results of experiments, surveys, or analyses into a coherent narrative that
not only describes what was found but also explains why it matters.

Furthermore, discussing the significance of the results requires critical thinking and the ability to
place findings within the broader context of existing literature and theories. This involves identifying
patterns, making connections, and offering insights that contribute to the advancement of knowledge
in the field.

Given the challenges involved in writing a thesis, especially the results and discussion section, many
students and researchers seek assistance to ensure that their work meets the highest standards of
quality and clarity. In such cases, turning to professional writing services like ⇒
⇔ can be immensely beneficial.
⇒ ⇔ offers expert assistance from experienced writers who specialize in various
academic disciplines. They can provide invaluable support in crafting the results and discussion
section of your thesis, ensuring that it is well-organized, thoroughly analyzed, and effectively

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while also
ensuring that your work stands out for its depth and sophistication. With their assistance, you can
confidently present your research findings and contribute meaningfully to your field of study.

In conclusion, while writing the results and discussion section of a research paper may be
challenging, seeking assistance from professional writing services like ⇒ ⇔ can
make the process smoother and more rewarding. With their expertise and support, you can produce a
thesis that truly reflects the significance of your research findings.
Read more about separating the results and discussions section. Tips to Tackle Procrastination You
can end up wasting a lot of time procrastinating. Thus formal writing avoids slang, contractions, pop
culture references, humor, and other elements that would be acceptable in talking with a friend or in
writing informally. Degree Research Paper in this department is written about research that is
currently being planned or is in progress. Source: For example, if you have completed a qualitative
research project, you might have identified some key themes within the in terms of presentation,
both the findings and discussion chapters will benefit from a clear and logical introduction and
chapter summary. Source: Discussion (what does it mean?): Source: Results and
discussion are essential sections of your original research article. Depending on your preference for
writing, the findings and discussion sections can be the most rewarding sections of your total
dissertation. The first method is to use the authors’ last names in the sentence (with no first names or
initials) followed immediately by the year of publication in parentheses. Source: In any event, both professional researchers and undergraduates need to
connect the background material overtly to their own work. Source: The results and
discussion are (relatively) cut and dried. It constitutes the bulk of the introduction of an APA-style
empirical research report., which describes relevant previous research on the topic and can be
anywhere from several paragraphs to several pages in length. The first is the overall organization The
most general level of APA style. This lab report discussion example can be utilised as sample while
working on your own report. But whatever they are, they should help organize the manuscript and
make the argument clear. We begin with a discussion of American Psychological Association (APA)
style—the primary approach to writing taken by researchers in psychology and related fields. If
possible, learn about the guidelines before writing the discussion to ensure you’re writing to meet
their expectations. This blog discusses research paper example to help you write better. You can find
out more about how PLOS processes your data by reading our Privacy Policy. Most articles and
book chapters contain a mixture of the two. In Reporting and Publishing Research in the Biomedical
Sciences (pp. 39-48): Springer. A graduate student in California might be writing an article that will
be read by a young psychotherapist in New York City and a respected professor of psychology in
Tokyo. Data from multiple graphs can be placed into one figure to consolidate results. Dissertations
and theses can differ from copy manuscripts in additional ways. Note that it includes everything
mentioned above: notably research outcomes, limitations, interpretations, and avenues for future
research. Source: When discussing limitations in research, explain how they
impact your findings because creating their short list or description isn't enough. Source: cf.ppt- Or other times, for example, in an earlier interview, words from the person being
interviewed gained significance after i had then met the concept in further sandelowski, m. This
works well for methods that are relatively simple and can be described adequately in a few
paragraphs. Make sure that your title covers the three following aspects These sections can be written
as a combined section or as different sections. It should introduce the topic and provide context for
the research being conducted. What might be some of the pros and cons of using cute article titles.
Here’s one way to structure an effective discussion. Results and discussion are essential sections of
your original research article. Weak discussions begin with a summary of the results or a repetition of
the main points of the introduction.
The truth is that learning from the examples of others we can become more experienced and write a
better paper. For example, if you have completed a qualitative research project, you might have
identified some key themes within the in terms of presentation, both the findings and discussion
chapters will benefit from a clear and logical introduction and chapter summary. Finally, we look at
some of the many other ways in which researchers present their work, including review and
theoretical articles, theses and other student papers, and talks and posters at professional meetings.
The second is a brief overview of the method and some comment on its appropriateness. The
discussion section is probably the most difficult and challenging to write because you have to think
carefully about. This lab report discussion example can be utilised as sample while working on your
own report. It should also be informative, interesting, and relevant to the research question being
addressed. The Writing Process Step 1: Preparation Step 1 Continued: Planning with Purpose Step 1
Continued: Planning based on your Audience Step 1 Continued: Planning based on Context Step 1
Continued: Planning with a Project Calendar Step 2: Research Step 2 Research Continued:
Evaluating Your Research Step 3: Organizing with Outlines Step 4: Drafting and Designing Step 5:
Revising (or Editing) Step 6: Proofreading 1. Editage Insights is funded by Editage and endorses
services provided by Editage but is editorially independent. Alternatively, the researcher can ask
ethnographic research questions via online surveys and questionnaires created with formplus. The
second is that a talk is generally structured like an APA-style research report. Rainbow press, for
example, could be good just for a very limited number of topics. Quantitative And Qualitative
Research Sample from The results and discussion sections are one of the
challenging sections to write. Here are some titles from recent issues of professional journals
published by the American Psychological Association. In reporting and publishing research in the
biomedical sciences (pp. It includes material which does not belong to the results section such as
interpretation and discussion; For example, if you have completed a qualitative research project, you
might have identified some key themes within the in terms of presentation, both the findings and
discussion chapters will benefit from a clear and logical introduction and chapter summary. You want
to instill confidence in your readers that you have thoroughly examined your results and have
objectively assessed them in a way that would benefit the scientific community’s desire to expand
our knowledge base. Necessary information and evidence should be introduced in the main body of
the paper. The results and discussion are (relatively) cut and dried. Rather, limitations help provide a
more detailed picture of what can or cannot be concluded from your findings. A third preliminary
issue is the reliability of the measures. At the same time, you would not write an empirical research
report in MLA style, in AP style, or in the style of a romance novel, an e-mail to a friend, or a
shopping list. However, in order to effectively write both these sections, you need to understand the
distinction between the two clearly. Doing so might raise questions about your initial research design
and protocols. The results section is a section containing a description about the main findings of a
research, whereas the discussion section interprets the results for readers and provides the
significance of the findings. See how to write a good conclusion for a project, essay or paper to get
the grade. Results and discussion are essential sections of your original research article. Daempfle
Call Number: MAIN Q175.D174 2013 READ ONLINE ISBN: 9781442217263 How to Read a
Scientific Article more. less. By Mary Purugganan and Jan Hewitt, of Rice University's Cain Project
in Engineering and Professional Communication Reading a Scientific Paper (U of VT) I’ve Got
Nothing to Lose by Trying It: A guide to weighing up claims about cures and treatments. more. less.
From Sense About Science. You can also begin by highlighting the most significant or unexpected
results. Results and discussion are essential sections of your original research article.
Strong Discussions immediately carve out a place for themselves in the large universe of papers by
saying what makes this one interesting or special. The Discussion calls for further research while the
Conclusion summaries the overall paper. If you are currently in this stage of your publishing journey,
subscribe. Rather, try to create a concise statement of the main results that directly answer the
central research question that you stated in the Introduction section. These elements are important to
sort your data based on groups (or treatments). Online resources for improving word choice and
grammar. Source: Results, analysis, discussion, and conclusion section help provide a
space for you, as researcher, to interpret findings of your study and juxtapose it with previous.
Source: The discussion section of a research paper has a sole purpose of explaining
every single step from initiation of the research to the result. The title should clearly and concisely (in
about 12 words or fewer) communicate the primary variables and research questions. Publishing your
results is a vital step in the research lifecycle, as it allows you to get your work seen by the scientific
to contribute to the discussion and body of knowledge on some issues. The content you include in
the Discussions segment should include the following information. Results, analysis, discussion, and
conclusion section help provide a space for you, as researcher, to interpret findings of your study and
juxtapose it with previous. What new information do they contribute to the literature, if any. The
discussion interprets the meaning of the results, puts them in context, and explains why they matter.
Many young researchers make the mistake of formulating a research question that's either too broad
or narrow. First, the authors’ names are treated grammatically as names of people, not as things.
These guidelines are set down in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
A book published by the American Psychological Association that contains all the guidelines of APA
style. Source: Below is an example of a conclusion from a published research
article. This blog discusses research paper example to help you write better. Results and discussion in
separate sections with conclusion moves included in the discussion section. Subscribe and get
curated reads that will help you write an excellent manuscript. It is the second page of the manuscript
and is headed with the word Abstract. Writing the results and discussion section could be one of the
difficulties that you encounter when writing your first research manuscript. In a short report, your
discussion section will also include your conclusion(s) and you can therefore use other headings such
as 'discussion and conclusion', or simply 'conclusion(s)'. It often works well to describe the procedure
in terms of what the participants did rather than what the researchers did. The results section presents
the findings of the research in a clear and concise manner. The discussion section is probably the
most difficult and challenging to write because you have to think carefully about. Rather, discuss
your findings in the context of answering your hypothesis. What are strengths and limitations of
your experimental design. At the very least, it is important for presenters to stand by their posters,
greet visitors, offer to answer questions, and be prepared for questions and even the occasional
critical comment. It includes material which does not belong to the results section such as
interpretation and discussion; Below is an example of a conclusion from a published research article.
This lab report discussion example can be utilised as sample while working on your own report. It
includes material which does not belong to the results section such as interpretation and discussion;
For example, if you have completed a qualitative research project, you might have identified some
key themes within the in terms of presentation, both the findings and discussion chapters will benefit
from a clear and logical introduction and chapter summary. This content should not be longer than
one paragraph in length. If there are differences, explain why they may exist. Results, analysis,
discussion, and conclusion section help provide a space for you, as researcher, to interpret findings
of your study and juxtapose it with previous. The results and discussion are (relatively) cut and
dried. You may also include information about the measurement of your data, variables, treatments,
and statistical analyses. Try writing down these subjects on a sheet of paper. It constitutes the bulk of
the introduction of an APA-style empirical research report., which describes relevant previous
research on the topic and can be anywhere from several paragraphs to several pages in length. An
excerpt from the discussion section of a chemistry report footnote. In particular, we’ve focused on
figures and legends, as well as the Introduction, Methods, and Results. This is an introduction to
writing a discussion section for a research paper or thesis, suitable for people undertaking a masters
and phd, or writing up a. The journal title and volume number are italicized. The sections and
headings can vary considerably from article to article (unlike in an empirical research report). You
then guide us through a series of intricate images and graphs that capture all the relevant data you
collected during your research. So i also find sociology research paper example i have various
sources. Discussion sections interpret the most significant results as they help shed light on the
study's research questions. The first method is to use the authors’ last names in the sentence (with no
first names or initials) followed immediately by the year of publication in parentheses. Top 4 Tools
for Keyword Selection Keywords play an important role in making research discoverable. Discussion
(what does it mean?): Results and discussion are essential sections of your original research article.
An alternative to total citations which can be disproportionately. Perhaps the manipulation was not
very effective or the measures not very reliable. Here are some words to get you thinking about this
section: evaluate, interpret, examine, qualify, etc. It may seem obvious to you, but simply looking at
the figures in the Results section will not necessarily convey to readers the importance of the
findings in answering your research questions. You want to instill confidence in your readers that you
have thoroughly examined your results and have objectively assessed them in a way that would
benefit the scientific community’s desire to expand our knowledge base. Please include what you
were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page.
Here is an extract from a discussion section taken from a lab report. And you would not write a
newspaper article, even if it were about a new breakthrough in behavioral neuroscience, in APA style.
In this article, we’ll provide tips on how to write a strong Discussion section that best portrays the
significance of your research contributions. You can organize your discussion around key themes,
hypotheses or research questions, following the same structure as your results section.
It includes material which does not belong to the results section such as interpretation and
discussion; In the discussion of your research proposal, you can connect data analysis and possible
outcomes to the theory and questions that you have raised. This is an abbreviation for the Latin term
et alia, which means “and others.” In APA style, if an article or a book chapter has more than two
authors, you should include all their names when you first cite that work. For example, if your
research objective was to determine how successful the community centres (ccs) are in attracting
young people, you would have to present what you had found out 2. If you are currently in this stage
of your publishing journey, subscribe. Source:
Evaluation author has considered to what extent the results are conclusive and can be generalized.
Many young researchers make the mistake of formulating a research question that's either too broad
or narrow. They can also include purely decorative elements, although it is best not to overdo these.
These errors were committed by professional researchers but are probably similar to those that
students commit the most too. The introduction includes three distinct subsections, although these
are typically not identified by separate headings. It is acceptable to argue that the balance of the
research supports the existence of a phenomenon or is consistent with a theory (and that is usually
the best that researchers in psychology can hope for), but it is not acceptable to ignore contradictory
evidence. Discussion section of dissertations interprets research results and explains limitations of the
study. For each theme or area, you should discuss how the results help to answer your research.
Information to be included about the participants encompass: 1. For a chapter in an edited book, the
page numbers of the chapter appear in parentheses after the book title with the abbreviation “pp.”
Finally, both formats end with the location of publication and the publisher, separated by a colon.
He opened his article with the following humorous anecdote (Jacoby, 1999). Many young researchers
make the mistake of formulating a research question that's either too broad or narrow. Many young
researchers make the mistake of formulating a research question that's either too broad or narrow. It
should introduce the topic and provide context for the research being conducted. Wordvice is an
industry leader in providing high-quality revision for all types of academic documents. One way to
do this is to begin the literature review by summarizing your argument even before you begin to
make it. “In this article, I will describe two apparently contradictory phenomena, present a new
theory that has the potential to resolve the apparent contradiction, and finally present a novel
hypothesis to test the theory.” Another way is to open each paragraph with a sentence that
summarizes the main point of the paragraph and links it to the preceding points. The third is that the
presenter should look at the audience members and speak to them in a conversational tone that is less
formal than APA-style writing but more formal than a conversation with a friend. At the beginning
of your paper, you tell us why we should care about your research. The font sizes on a poster should
be large—perhaps 72 points for the title and authors’ names and 28 points for the main text. Talks
usually last from 10 to 20 minutes, with the last few minutes reserved for questions from the
audience. Finally, qualitative research could be used to explore the experiences of students who are
struggling with stress. Second, the data were self-reported, which means that they may not be
accurate. Part of being a good writer in general is adopting a style that is appropriate to the writing
task at hand, and for writing about psychological research, this is APA style. Developing Acumen for
Identification and Generation of Research Material and. Committee on Lesbian and Gay Concerns,
American Psychological Association. (1991). Avoiding heterosexual bias in language. Its preferred to
use a table for representing previous studies on a subject.
Answers often include saying who, what, when, where, how, but the focus is always on why. In
contrast to the first way of citing a work, this way always includes the year—even when the citation
is given multiple times in the same paragraph. You must also recommend how we might get to point
C (i.e., identify what you think is the next direction for research in this field). Readers who are more
familiar with your field will generally understand what the results of your experiments say, but they
will be curious about how you interpreted confusing, conflicting, or complicated results. Causal
questions are designed to determine whether one or more variables cause or affect one or more.
Read the opening of the first five articles and rate the effectiveness of each one from 1 ( very
ineffective ) to 5 ( very effective ). For example, how long it would take for someone to complete a
math problem. The abstract should be written in a way that is easily understood by readers who may
not be familiar with the specific topic or research question being addressed. Here is an extract from a
discussion section taken from a lab report. These sources should be documented according to the
specified format. Writing the results and discussion as separate sections allows you to focus first on
what results you obtained and set out clearly what happened in your if you are unsure whether to
include certain results, go back to your research questions and decide whether the results are relevant
to them. This is not only to avoid offending people—why would you want to offend people who are
interested in your work?—but also for the sake of scientific objectivity and accuracy. Each primary
result is presented in terms of statistical results but also explained in words. Nguyen Thanh Tu
Collection Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. The
second is a brief overview of the method and some comment on its appropriateness. Highlighting
these implications while not overstating the findings can be challenging, especially when you’re
submitting to a journal that selects articles based on novelty or potential impact. For an edited book,
the names of the editors appear with their first and middle initials followed by their last names (not
the other way around)—with the abbreviation “Eds.” (or “Ed.,” if there is only one) appearing in
parentheses immediately after the final editor’s name. In applied research—and often in basic
research—there is also some discussion of the practical implications of the research. Plagiarism is the
technical name for using someone else’s words. Yes, this is the definition, however, if you don't have
good writing skills, it is not so easy to select those materials that are reliable enough. It often works
well to describe the procedure in terms of what the participants did rather than what the researchers
did. After discussing the main points of your argument, you can present the significance of these
points. For example, many writers find that composing their methods and results before the other
sections helps to clarify their idea of the experiment or study as a whole. You need to support your
results section by providing more explanation in the discussion section about what you found. It
includes material which does not belong to the results section such as interpretation and discussion;
This is an introduction to writing a discussion section for a research paper or thesis, suitable for
people undertaking a masters and phd, or writing up a. Investor Presentation Medirom Healthcare
Technologies Inc. Of course, the body of the manuscript should still have a logical organization and
include an opening that identifies the topic and explains its importance, a literature review that
organizes previous research (identifying important relationships among concepts or gaps in the
literature), and a closing or conclusion that summarizes the main conclusions and suggests directions
for further research or discusses theoretical and practical implications. Results, analysis, discussion,
and conclusion section help provide a space for you, as researcher, to interpret findings of your study
and juxtapose it with previous. Quantitative And Qualitative Research Sample from The results and discussion sections are one of the challenging sections to
write. Source: When discussing limitations in research, explain how they
impact your findings because creating their short list or description isn't enough. Source: cf.ppt- Or other times, for example, in an earlier interview, words from the person being
interviewed gained significance after i had then met the concept in further sandelowski, m.
If there is only one, the heading is “Appendix,” centered at the top of the page. In a longer report
with multiple studies, it might require a paragraph or even two. Overall, the sections of a research
paper are designed to present the research in a clear and concise manner, with each section serving a
specific purpose in the overall presentation of the research. Alternatively, you can also begin by
highlighting the most significant or unexpected results. Immediately after this is the subheading
“Participants,” left justified and in italics. Such presentations, which are informally called “talks,”
can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour., or “talk,” the presenter stands in front of an audience
of other researchers and tells them about his or her research—usually with the help of a slide show.
Results and discussions can either be combined into one section or organized as separate 5. Don't
make the discussion confusing by introducing any new results. Source: The results
section of a scientific research paper represents the core findings of a study derived from the
methods applied to gather and analyze information. In this subsection, the findings of this study are
compared and contrasted with the literature to descriptions of sampling practices within five
approaches to qualitative research in education and. This lab report discussion example can be
utilised as sample while working on your own report. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for
Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Source: Writing a research results
section that do not address the negative results, invalidates the research paper and does not reflect
appropriate academic writing. Despite these limitations, the results of this study provide valuable
insight into the potential effectiveness of the reading program. After discussing the main points of
your argument, you can present the significance of these points. To display the research data and to
show trends or relationships, for examples using graphs or gel the discussion section. Results and
discussion 2.1 frequency of recycling 2.2 reasons for not recycling 2.3 ways to improve recycling.
These errors were committed by professional researchers but are probably similar to those that
students commit the most too. Based on information in this chapter, what are the main strengths and
main weaknesses of each poster. And make sure they are congruent with your research purpose. It
should also include the details of the consenting procedure and inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Sometimes, the recommendations are saved for the conclusion. You want to instill confidence in your
readers that you have thoroughly examined your results and have objectively assessed them in a way
that would benefit the scientific community’s desire to expand our knowledge base. Degree Research
Paper in this department is written about research that is currently being planned or is in progress.
The institutional affiliation is usually listed in an Author Note that is placed towards the bottom of
the title page. It will be easier for the readers to see the similarities and differences among the groups.
Read more about separating the results and discussions section. However, the complete results output
of the reliability analysis is given in the appendix. These sections can be written as a combined
section or as different sections. Show where and how these results fit into existing knowledge, what
additional insights they contribute, and any possible consequences that might arise from this
knowledge, both in the specific research topic and in the wider scientific domain. This section should
focus on showing major results that support or reject your research hypothesis.

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