Linux Important Things

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1. What is Linux?

1.1.Powerful, Open-source
2. Why is it important?
2.1.Licensing savings
2.2.Completely Customizable
2.3.Little hardware overhead
3. Different avors
4. What can you do with it?
4.1.Web servers
4.2.Database servers
4.3.FTP Servers
4.4.Integrates with Windows Environments
4.5.Directory services
5. Which avor to choose?
5.1. Redhat - Enterprise
5.2. Centos
5.3. Ubuntu
6. What is the key to learning
6.2. Keep trying. Rebuild, rebuild, rebuild
7. Where do I learn?
7.1. LearnIT and Server Side Up
7.2. Ofcial Documentation
7.3. Google problems, read carefully
AITP LearnIT Session
Linux Notes
November 4th, 2011
Prepared by Jay Rogers
ATP LearnT Session
Linux Notes
November 4th, 2011
Prepared by Jay Rogers
Important Things to Remember
mportant Terms:

SSH (Secure SheII) - Network protocol for accessing Linux machines remotely. n other words,
Linux's Remote "Desktop Connection

root - Root can be used in multiple terms. t can refer to the "super user of the computer, or it
could also mean

Bash - This is type of shell that Linux uses. Bash manages all of the commands

Package - Package is a linux installer. t is precompiled software that is ready for installation on
any compatible machine.

YUM (YeIIowdog Updater, Modified) - YUM is used to manage all of the packages across the
nternet or intranet

Daemon - Server component that usually runs at start time

Service - Software that the machine host as a service to other clients or for its own function

mportant Directories:
/dev - Many devices are mounted in here - CRTCAL FOR BOOT
/usr - Many applications are not stored
/var - Log files, mail spool, misc system variations
/home - Stores user profiles
/bin - Commands for "normal user - CRTCAL FOR BOOT
/sbin - Commands for "super user - CRTCAL FOR BOOT
/etc - Stores services and FSTAB - CRTCAL FOR BOOT
/tmp - Universal temporary storage for all applications
/lib - Kernel library modules - CRTCAL FOR BOOT

ATP LearnT Session
Linux Notes
November 4th, 2011
Prepared by Jay Rogers
Important Things to Remember
HeIpfuI Commands

Command Option Argument Description
ls Lists files and directories
-a Shows hidden files
set Dumps output of a variable
less Reads output at one line at
a time
touch [filename] Creates empty file
which [command] looks up if command is
file [filename] trys to identify what kind
of file filename is
whoami identifies what user you
are logged in as
who identifies who else is
logged into the system
useradd [username] Creates user [username] and
also creates private group
passwd [username] sets password
usermod [username]
-G [list of groups
seperated by
commas] [username]
Adds user to group as
supplemental member
-g [groupname]
Adds primary group to user
man [command] Looks up manual page on
particular command
userdel [username] Removes user
ATP LearnT Session
Linux Notes
November 4th, 2011
Prepared by Jay Rogers
Important Things to Remember
groupadd [groupname] adds group
groupmod modifies group
groupdel deletes group
tail -n [number] [filename] shows last [number] of
lines of [filename]
chgrp [groupname]
Changes group owner of
[directory] to [groupname]
ln [filename] [other
Create symbolic links

ATP LearnT Session
Linux Notes
November 4th, 2011
Prepared by Jay Rogers
Important Things to Remember

setuid setgid svtxt r w x r w x r w x
4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 2 1

Default CHMOD values for Redhat:
File: 644
Directory: 775

Redhat has private groups, but has less restricted file permissions. Unix has common groups,
but more strict default file permissions.

FiIes Directory
r Can read files Can read list of names and nodes
w Can write files Can add/delete entries
x Can execute files Can follow inode to the data
setuid Executable is run with
privileges of the file owner,
not the user

setgid Executes with privileges of
group owner, not user
Directory's group claims ownership
of all new files
svtxt File is preserved in a high
speed buffer
makes files "sticky only the original
user who created the file can delete

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